Error: Data structure returned is not convertible in the requested format. Try to call this method with the parameters '&format=original&serialize=1'; you will get the original php data structure serialized. The data structure looks like this: $data = array ( 'column' => 'nb_visits', 'reportData' => Piwik\DataTable\Map::__set_state(array( 'array' => array ( '2024-05-05' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 9.0, 'nb_visits_1' => 3.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_3' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_4' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_5' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_6' => 0, 'nb_visits_7' => 0, 'nb_visits_8' => 0, 'nb_visits_9' => 0, 'nb_visits_10' => 0, 'nb_visits_11' => 0, 'nb_visits_12' => 0, 'nb_visits_13' => 0, 'nb_visits_14' => 0, 'nb_visits_15' => 0, 'nb_visits_16' => 0, 'nb_visits_17' => 0, )), ), 'currentId' => 15, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-06 06:34:37', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1714950752, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 17, 'nb_visits' => 17, 'nb_actions' => 31, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 11.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 248, 'bounce_count' => 14, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.8, 'avg_time_on_site' => 15.0, 'bounce_rate' => '82%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 17, 'nb_visits' => 17, 'nb_actions' => 31, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 11.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 248, 'bounce_count' => 14, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.8, 'avg_time_on_site' => 15.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.82, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 6, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), '2024-05-06' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 3.0, 'nb_visits_1' => 3.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 0, 'nb_visits_3' => 0, 'nb_visits_4' => 0, 'nb_visits_5' => 0, 'nb_visits_6' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_7' => 0, 'nb_visits_8' => 0, 'nb_visits_9' => 0, 'nb_visits_10' => 0, 'nb_visits_11' => 0, 'nb_visits_12' => 0, 'nb_visits_13' => 0, 'nb_visits_14' => 0, 'nb_visits_15' => 0, 'nb_visits_16' => 0, 'nb_visits_17' => 0, )), ), 'currentId' => 16, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-07 22:03:17', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1715037152, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 7, 'nb_visits' => 7, 'nb_actions' => 25, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 5.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 340, 'bounce_count' => 2, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 3.6, 'avg_time_on_site' => 49.0, 'bounce_rate' => '29%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 7, 'nb_visits' => 7, 'nb_actions' => 25, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 5.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 340, 'bounce_count' => 2, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 3.6, 'avg_time_on_site' => 49.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.29, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 3, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), '2024-05-07' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 4.0, 'nb_visits_1' => 8.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 0, 'nb_visits_3' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_4' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_5' => 0, 'nb_visits_6' => 4.0, 'nb_visits_7' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_8' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_9' => 0, 'nb_visits_10' => 0, 'nb_visits_11' => 0, 'nb_visits_12' => 0, 'nb_visits_13' => 0, 'nb_visits_14' => 0, 'nb_visits_15' => 0, 'nb_visits_16' => 0, 'nb_visits_17' => 0, )), ), 'currentId' => 17, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-07 22:03:19', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1715123552, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 21, 'nb_visits' => 22, 'nb_actions' => 47, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 10.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 2193, 'bounce_count' => 14, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.1, 'avg_time_on_site' => 100.0, 'bounce_rate' => '64%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 21, 'nb_visits' => 22, 'nb_actions' => 47, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 10.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 2193, 'bounce_count' => 14, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.1, 'avg_time_on_site' => 100.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.64, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 7, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), '2024-05-08' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_1' => 10.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 0, 'nb_visits_3' => 0, 'nb_visits_4' => 0, 'nb_visits_5' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_6' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_7' => 0, 'nb_visits_8' => 0, 'nb_visits_9' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_10' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_11' => 0, 'nb_visits_12' => 0, 'nb_visits_13' => 0, 'nb_visits_14' => 0, 'nb_visits_15' => 0, 'nb_visits_16' => 0, 'nb_visits_17' => 0, )), ), 'currentId' => 18, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-10 01:02:53', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1715209952, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 15, 'nb_visits' => 16, 'nb_actions' => 30, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 4.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 309, 'bounce_count' => 9, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.9, 'avg_time_on_site' => 19.0, 'bounce_rate' => '56%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 15, 'nb_visits' => 16, 'nb_actions' => 30, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 4.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 309, 'bounce_count' => 9, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.9, 'avg_time_on_site' => 19.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.56, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 6, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), '2024-05-09' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 0, 'nb_visits_1' => 4.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 0, 'nb_visits_3' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_4' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_5' => 0, 'nb_visits_6' => 6.0, 'nb_visits_7' => 0, 'nb_visits_8' => 0, 'nb_visits_9' => 0, 'nb_visits_10' => 0, 'nb_visits_11' => 3.0, 'nb_visits_12' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_13' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_14' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_15' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_16' => 0, 'nb_visits_17' => 0, )), ), 'currentId' => 19, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-10 01:02:56', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1715296352, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 17, 'nb_visits' => 19, 'nb_actions' => 39, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 8.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 927, 'bounce_count' => 13, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.1, 'avg_time_on_site' => 49.0, 'bounce_rate' => '68%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 17, 'nb_visits' => 19, 'nb_actions' => 39, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 8.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 927, 'bounce_count' => 13, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 2.1, 'avg_time_on_site' => 49.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.68, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 9, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), '2024-05-10' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 12.0, 'nb_visits_1' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 3.0, 'nb_visits_3' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_4' => 0, 'nb_visits_5' => 0, 'nb_visits_6' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_7' => 0, 'nb_visits_8' => 0, 'nb_visits_9' => 0, 'nb_visits_10' => 0, 'nb_visits_11' => 0, 'nb_visits_12' => 0, 'nb_visits_13' => 0, 'nb_visits_14' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_15' => 0, 'nb_visits_16' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_17' => 0, )), ), 'currentId' => 20, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-11 04:09:14', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1715382752, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 22, 'nb_visits' => 22, 'nb_actions' => 25, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 3.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 17, 'bounce_count' => 20, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.1, 'avg_time_on_site' => 1.0, 'bounce_rate' => '91%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 22, 'nb_visits' => 22, 'nb_actions' => 25, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 3.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 17, 'bounce_count' => 20, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.1, 'avg_time_on_site' => 1.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.91, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 7, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), '2024-05-11' => Piwik\DataTable::__set_state(array( 'rows' => array ( 0 => Piwik\DataTable\Row::__set_state(array( 'nb_visits_0' => 6.0, 'nb_visits_1' => 9.0, 'nb_visits_2' => 3.0, 'nb_visits_3' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_4' => 0, 'nb_visits_5' => 0, 'nb_visits_6' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_7' => 0, 'nb_visits_8' => 0, 'nb_visits_9' => 0, 'nb_visits_10' => 0, 'nb_visits_11' => 1.0, 'nb_visits_12' => 0, 'nb_visits_13' => 0, 'nb_visits_14' => 2.0, 'nb_visits_15' => 0, 'nb_visits_16' => 0, 'nb_visits_17' => 1.0, )), ), 'currentId' => 21, 'depthLevel' => 0, 'indexNotUpToDate' => true, 'rebuildIndexContinuously' => false, 'tableSortedBy' => false, 'queuedFilters' => array ( ), 'disabledFilters' => array ( ), 'rowsCountBeforeLimitFilter' => 0, 'enableRecursiveSort' => false, 'enableRecursiveFilters' => false, 'rowsIndexByLabel' => array ( ), 'summaryRow' => NULL, 'totalsRow' => NULL, 'metadata' => array ( 'ts_archived' => '2024-05-11 21:12:33', 'site' => Piwik\Site::__set_state(array( 'id' => 2, 'site' => array ( 'idsite' => 2, 'name' => 'Piratenpartei Österreichs - Bundesseite', 'main_url' => '', 'ts_created' => '2017-03-19 14:09:42', 'ecommerce' => 0, 'sitesearch' => 1, 'sitesearch_keyword_parameters' => '', 'sitesearch_category_parameters' => '', 'timezone' => 'Europe/Vienna', 'currency' => 'EUR', 'exclude_unknown_urls' => 0, 'excluded_ips' => '', 'excluded_parameters' => '', 'excluded_user_agents' => '', 'excluded_referrers' => '', 'group' => '', 'type' => 'website', 'keep_url_fragment' => 0, 'timezone_name' => 'Austria', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', ), )), 'period' => Piwik\Period\Day::__set_state(array( 'label' => 'day', 'subperiods' => array ( ), 'subperiodsProcessed' => true, 'date' => Piwik\Date::__set_state(array( 'timestamp' => 1715469152, 'timezone' => 'UTC', )), 'translator' => Piwik\Translation\Translator::__set_state(array( 'translations' => array ( 'en' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), ), 'currentLanguage' => 'en', 'fallback' => 'en', 'directories' => array ( 0 => '/var/www/piwik/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/API/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Actions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Annotations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/BulkTracking/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Contents/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreConsole/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreHome/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVisualizations/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CoreVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomDimensions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomJsTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/CustomVariables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DBStats/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Dashboard/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicePlugins/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/DevicesDetection/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Diagnostics/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Ecommerce/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Events/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Feedback/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/GeoIp2/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Goals/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Heartbeat/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ImageGraph/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Insights/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Installation/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Intl/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/IntranetMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Live/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Login/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Marketplace/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileAppMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MobileMessaging/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Monolog/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Morpheus/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/MultiSites/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Overlay/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PagePerformance/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/PrivacyManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ProfessionalServices/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Provider/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Proxy/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Referrers/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Resolution/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/RssWidget/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SEO/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SegmentEditor/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/SitesManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TagManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Tour/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Transitions/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/TwoFactorAuth/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountry/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserCountryMap/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserId/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UserLanguage/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/UsersManager/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitFrequency/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitTime/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitorInterest/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/VisitsSummary/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/WebsiteMeasurable/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/Widgetize/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleCommand/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleSettingsPlugin/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleUI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVisualization/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExamplePluginTemplate/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTracker/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleLogTables/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleReport/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleAPI/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleVue/lang', '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang' => '/var/www/piwik/plugins/ExampleTheme/lang', ), 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\LoaderCache::__set_state(array( 'loader' => Piwik\Translation\Loader\JsonFileLoader::__set_state(array( )), 'cache' => Matomo\Cache\Lazy::__set_state(array( 'backend' => Matomo\Cache\Backend\Chained::__set_state(array( 'backends' => array ( 0 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\ArrayCache::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'eagercache-4160-ui' => array ( 'PluginCoreVueMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreVue_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCorePluginsAdminMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CorePluginsAdmin_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreAdminHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreAdminHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginCoreHomeMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'CoreHome_PluginDescription', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), ), 'PluginWebsiteMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze Websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'WebsiteMeasurable', ), 'PluginIntranetMeasurableMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Analytics for the web: lets you measure and analyze intranet websites.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => array ( 'name' => 'Matomo', 'homepage' => '', ), ), 'license' => 'GPL v3+', 'version' => '4.16.0', 'theme' => false, 'require' => array ( ), 'name' => 'IntranetMeasurable', ), 'PluginDiagnosticsMetadata' => array ( 'description' => 'Performs diagnostics to check that Matomo is installed and runs correctly.', 'homepage' => '', 'authors' => array ( 0 => 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'english_name' => 'Hungarian', ), 26 => array ( 'code' => 'id', 'name' => 'Indonesia', 'english_name' => 'Indonesian', ), 27 => array ( 'code' => 'is', 'name' => 'Íslenska', 'english_name' => 'Icelandic', ), 28 => array ( 'code' => 'it', 'name' => 'Italiano', 'english_name' => 'Italian', ), 29 => array ( 'code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語', 'english_name' => 'Japanese', ), 30 => array ( 'code' => 'ka', 'name' => 'Ქართული', 'english_name' => 'Georgian', ), 31 => array ( 'code' => 'ko', 'name' => '한국어', 'english_name' => 'Korean', ), 32 => array ( 'code' => 'ku', 'name' => 'Kurdî', 'english_name' => 'Kurdish', ), 33 => array ( 'code' => 'lt', 'name' => 'Lietuvių', 'english_name' => 'Lithuanian', ), 34 => array ( 'code' => 'lv', 'name' => 'Latviešu', 'english_name' => 'Latvian', ), 35 => array ( 'code' => 'nb', 'name' => 'Norsk bokmål', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', ), 36 => array ( 'code' => 'nl', 'name' => 'Nederlands', 'english_name' => 'Dutch', ), 37 => array ( 'code' => 'nn', 'name' => 'Norsk nynorsk', 'english_name' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', ), 38 => array ( 'code' => 'pl', 'name' => 'Polski', 'english_name' => 'Polish', ), 39 => array ( 'code' => 'pt-br', 'name' => 'Português (Brasil)', 'english_name' => 'Brazilian Portuguese', ), 40 => array ( 'code' => 'pt', 'name' => 'Português', 'english_name' => 'Portuguese', ), 41 => array ( 'code' => 'ro', 'name' => 'Română', 'english_name' => 'Romanian', ), 42 => array ( 'code' => 'ru', 'name' => 'Русский', 'english_name' => 'Russian', ), 43 => array ( 'code' => 'sk', 'name' => 'Slovenčina', 'english_name' => 'Slovak', ), 44 => array ( 'code' => 'sl', 'name' => 'Slovenščina', 'english_name' => 'Slovenian', ), 45 => array ( 'code' => 'sq', 'name' => 'Shqip', 'english_name' => 'Albanian', ), 46 => array ( 'code' => 'sr', 'name' => 'Српски', 'english_name' => 'Serbian', ), 47 => array ( 'code' => 'sv', 'name' => 'Svenska', 'english_name' => 'Swedish', ), 48 => array ( 'code' => 'ta', 'name' => 'தமிழ்', 'english_name' => 'Tamil', ), 49 => array ( 'code' => 'te', 'name' => 'తెలుగు', 'english_name' => 'Telugu', ), 50 => array ( 'code' => 'th', 'name' => 'ไทย', 'english_name' => 'Thai', ), 51 => array ( 'code' => 'tl', 'name' => 'Tagalog', 'english_name' => 'Tagalog', ), 52 => array ( 'code' => 'tr', 'name' => 'Türkçe', 'english_name' => 'Turkish', ), 53 => array ( 'code' => 'uk', 'name' => 'Українська', 'english_name' => 'Ukrainian', ), 54 => array ( 'code' => 'vi', 'name' => 'Tiếng Việt', 'english_name' => 'Vietnamese', ), 55 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-cn', 'name' => '简体中文', 'english_name' => 'Simplified Chinese', ), 56 => array ( 'code' => 'zh-tw', 'name' => '繁體中文', 'english_name' => 'Traditional Chinese', ), ), ), 'matomocache_Translations-en-60bac54d3aeca85aecc1cd0119cea11c2888b26e' => array ( 'General' => array ( '12HourClock' => '12-hour clock', '24HourClock' => '24-hour clock', 'API' => 'API', 'AbandonedCarts' => 'Abandoned Carts', 'AboutPiwikX' => 'About Matomo %s', 'Action' => 'Action', 'Actions' => 'Actions', 'Add' => 'Add', 'AfterEntry' => 'after entering here', 'All' => 'All', 'AllWebsitesDashboard' => 'All Websites dashboard', 'AllowPiwikArchivingToTriggerBrowser' => 'Archive reports when viewed from the browser', 'And' => 'and', 'Apply' => 'Apply', 'ArchivingInlineHelp' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, it is recommended to disable Matomo archiving to trigger from the browser. Instead, we recommend that you setup a cron job to process Matomo reports every hour.', 'ArchivingTriggerDescription' => 'Recommended for larger Matomo installs, you need to %1$ssetup a cron job%2$s to process the reports automatically.', 'ArchivingTriggerSegment' => 'Using Custom Segments will still trigger processing of archives.', 'AuthenticationMethodSmtp' => 'Authentication method for SMTP', 'AverageOrderValue' => 'Average Order Value', 'AveragePrice' => 'Average Price', 'AverageQuantity' => 'Average Quantity', 'AverageX' => 'Avg. %s', 'BackToPiwik' => 'Back to Matomo', 'Broken' => 'Broken', 'BrokenDownReportDocumentation' => 'It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed in sparklines at the bottom of the page. You can enlarge the graphs by clicking on the report you\'d like to see.', 'Cancel' => 'Cancel', 'CannotUnzipFile' => 'Cannot unzip file %1$s: %2$s', 'ChangeInX' => 'Change in %1$s', 'ChangePassword' => 'Change password', 'ChangeTagCloudView' => 'Please note, that you can view the report in other ways than as a tag cloud. Use the controls at the bottom of the report to do so.', 'ChooseDate' => 'Choose date, currently selected date is: %s', 'ChooseLanguage' => 'Choose language', 'ChoosePeriod' => 'Choose period', 'Clear' => 'Clear', 'ClickHere' => 'Click here for more information.', 'ClickToRemoveComp' => 'Click to remove this comparison.', 'ClickToSearch' => 'Click to search', 'ClickX' => 'Click "%1$s".', 'Close' => 'Close', 'ColumnActionsPerVisit' => 'Actions per Visit', 'ColumnActionsPerVisitDocumentation' => 'The average number of actions (page views, site searches, downloads or outlinks) that were performed during the visits.', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTime' => 'Avg. generation time', 'ColumnAverageGenerationTimeDocumentation' => 'The average time it took to generate the page. This metric includes the time it took the server to generate the web page, plus the time it took for the visitor to download the response from the server. A lower \'Avg. generation time\' means a faster website for your visitors!', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPage' => 'Avg. time on page', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnPageDocumentation' => 'The average amount of time visitors spent on this page (only the page, not the entire website).', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSite' => 'Avg. Time on Website', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnSiteDocumentation' => 'The average duration of a visit.', 'ColumnBounceRate' => 'Bounce Rate', 'ColumnBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that only had a single pageview. This means, that the visitor left the website directly from the entrance page.', 'ColumnBounces' => 'Bounces', 'ColumnBouncesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started and ended on this page. This means that the visitor left the website after viewing only this page.', 'ColumnConversionRate' => 'Conversion Rate', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered a goal conversion.', 'ColumnDestinationPage' => 'Destination Page', 'ColumnEntrances' => 'Entrances', 'ColumnEntrancesDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that started on this page.', 'ColumnExitRate' => 'Exit rate', 'ColumnExitRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after viewing this page.', 'ColumnExits' => 'Exits', 'ColumnExitsDocumentation' => 'Number of visits that ended on this page.', 'ColumnGenerationTime' => 'Generation time', 'ColumnHits' => 'Hits', 'ColumnKeyword' => 'Keyword', 'ColumnLabel' => 'Label', 'ColumnMaxActions' => 'Maximum actions in one visit', 'ColumnNbActions' => 'Actions', 'ColumnNbActionsDocumentation' => 'The number of actions performed by your visitors. Actions can be page views, internal site searches, downloads or outlinks.', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitors' => 'Unique visitors', 'ColumnNbUniqVisitorsDocumentation' => 'The number of unduplicated visitors coming to your website. Every user is only counted once, even if they visit the website multiple times a day.', 'ColumnNbUsers' => 'Users', 'ColumnNbUsersDocumentation' => 'The number of users logged in your website. It is the number of unique active users that have a User ID set (via the Tracking code function \'setUserId\').', 'ColumnNbVisits' => 'Visits', 'ColumnNbVisitsDocumentation' => 'If a visitor comes to your website for the first time or if they visit a page more than 30 minutes after their last page view, this will be recorded as a new visit.', 'ColumnPageBounceRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that started on this page and left the website straight away.', 'ColumnPageGenerationTime' => 'Page Generation time', 'ColumnPageviews' => 'Pageviews', 'ColumnPageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of times this page was visited.', 'ColumnPercentageVisits' => '%% Visits', 'ColumnRevenue' => 'Revenue', 'ColumnSumTimeOnSite' => 'Total Time on Website', 'ColumnSumVisitLength' => 'Total time spent by visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnTotalPageviews' => 'Total Pageviews', 'ColumnUniqueEntrances' => 'Unique entrances', 'ColumnUniqueExits' => 'Unique exits', 'ColumnUniquePageviews' => 'Unique Pageviews', 'ColumnUniquePageviewsDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that included this page. If a page was viewed multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnValuePerVisit' => 'Revenue per Visit', 'ColumnValuePerEntry' => 'Revenue per Entry', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearch' => 'Clicked in search results', 'ColumnViewedAfterSearchDocumentation' => 'The number of times this Page was visited after a visitor did a search on your website, and clicked on this page in the search results.', 'ColumnViewsWithGenerationTime' => 'Pageviews with generation time', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'ColumnVisitsWithConversions' => 'Visits with Conversions', 'CompareDatesParamMustMatchComparePeriods' => '%1$s query parameter length must match %2$s query parameter length.', 'CompareTo' => 'Compare to:', 'ComparisonCardTooltip1' => '\'%1$s\' on %2$s contains %3$s of all visits (%4$s out of %5$s total).', 'ComparisonCardTooltip2' => 'The visit count is different by %1$s compared to %2$s over %3$s.', 'ComparisonRatioTooltip' => 'This is a %1$s change compared to the \'%2$s\' segment on %3$s.', 'Comparisons' => 'Comparisons', 'ComputedMetricAverage' => 'Avg. %1$s per %2$s', 'ComputedMetricAverageDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s" per "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricAverageShortDocumentation' => 'Average value of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricCountDocumentation' => 'The number of %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValue' => 'Entries with %s', 'ComputedMetricCountWithValueDocumentation' => 'The number of entries that have a value set for %s', 'ComputedMetricMax' => 'Max %s', 'ComputedMetricMaxDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricMin' => 'Min %s', 'ComputedMetricMinDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for %s', 'ComputedMetricRate' => '%s Rate', 'ComputedMetricRateDocumentation' => 'The ratio of "%1$s" out of all "%2$s".', 'ComputedMetricRateShortDocumentation' => 'The percentage of "%1$s".', 'ComputedMetricSum' => 'Total %s', 'ComputedMetricSumDocumentation' => 'The total number (sum) of %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCount' => 'Unique %s', 'ComputedMetricUniqueCountDocumentation' => 'The unique number of %s', 'ConfigFileIsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo configuration file %1$s is not writable, some of your changes might not be saved. %2$s Please change permissions of the config file to make it writable.', 'Confirm' => 'Confirm', 'Continue' => 'Continue', 'ContinueToPiwik' => 'Continue to Matomo', 'Copy' => 'Copy', 'CopiedToClipboard' => 'Copied to clipboard', 'CreatedByUser' => 'created by %s', 'CreationDate' => 'Creation date', 'CurrentMonth' => 'Current Month', 'CurrentWeek' => 'Current Week', 'CurrentYear' => 'Current Year', 'CurrentlyUsingUnsecureHttp' => 'You are currently using Matomo over unsecure HTTP. This can make your Matomo vulnerable to security exploits. You may also be in breach of privacy laws, as some features including opt-out cookies will not work. We recommend you set up Matomo to use SSL (HTTPS) for improved security.', 'Custom' => 'Custom', 'Daily' => 'Daily', 'DailyReport' => 'daily', 'DailyReports' => 'Daily reports', 'DailySum' => 'daily sum', 'DashboardForASpecificWebsite' => 'Dashboard for a specific website', 'DataForThisGraphHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this graph is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisTagCloudHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this tag cloud is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'Date' => 'Date', 'DateRange' => 'Date range:', 'DateRangeFrom' => 'From', 'DateRangeFromTo' => 'From %1$s to %2$s', 'DateRangeInPeriodList' => 'date range', 'DateRangeTo' => 'To', 'DaysHours' => '%1$s days %2$s hours', 'DaysSinceFirstVisit' => 'Days since first visit', 'DaysSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Days since last Ecommerce order', 'DaysSinceLastVisit' => 'Days since last visit', 'Default' => 'Default', 'DefaultAppended' => '(default)', 'Delete' => 'Delete', 'Description' => 'Description', 'Desktop' => 'Desktop', 'Details' => 'Details', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Discount' => 'Discount', 'DisplaySimpleTable' => 'Display simple table', 'DisplayTableWithGoalMetrics' => 'Display a table with Goals metrics', 'DisplayTableWithMoreMetrics' => 'Display a table with Visitor engagement metrics', 'Documentation' => 'Documentation', 'Donate' => 'Donate', 'Done' => 'Done', 'DoubleClickToChangePeriod' => 'Double click to apply this period.', 'Download' => 'Download', 'DownloadFail_FileExists' => 'The file %s already exists!', 'DownloadFail_FileExistsContinue' => 'Trying to continue the download for %s, but a fully downloaded file already exists!', 'DownloadFail_HttpRequestFail' => 'Could not download the file! Something might be wrong with the website you\'re downloading from. You could try again later or get the file by yourself.', 'DownloadFullVersion' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the full version! Check out %3$s', 'DownloadPleaseRemoveExisting' => 'If you want it to be replaced, please remove the existing file.', 'Downloads' => 'Downloads', 'EcommerceOrders' => 'Ecommerce Orders', 'EcommerceVisitStatusDesc' => 'Visit Ecommerce status at the end of the visit', 'EcommerceVisitStatusEg' => 'For example, to select all visits that have made an Ecommerce order, the API request would contain %s', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'EncryptedSmtpTransport' => 'Enter the transport layer encryption required by your SMTP server.', 'Error' => 'Error', 'ErrorRequest' => 'Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ErrorRateLimit' => 'Oops… too many requests. This happens when you exceed the number of allowed requests to the API for a certain time period.', 'ErrorRequestFaqLink' => 'See the steps to resolve this issue in the FAQ.', 'Errors' => 'Errors', 'ErrorTryAgain' => 'Error. Please try again later.', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution over the period', 'EvolutionSummaryGeneric' => '%1$s in %2$s compared to %3$s in %4$s. Evolution: %5$s', 'ExceptionCapabilityAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s capability for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionCheckUserHasSuperUserAccessOrIsTheUser' => 'The user has to be either a Super User or the user \'%s\' itself.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileExistsButNotReadable' => 'The config file %s seems to exist but Matomo could not read it.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound' => 'The configuration file {%s} has not been found or could not be read.', 'ExceptionConfigurationFilePleaseCheckReadableByUser' => 'Please check that %1$s is readable by the user \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionContactSupportGeneric' => 'If you still have this issue please %1$scontact your Matomo administrator%2$s for assistance.', 'ExceptionDatabaseAccess' => 'Database access denied', 'ExceptionDatabaseUnavailable' => 'MySQL server has gone away', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersion' => 'Your %1$s version is %2$s but Matomo requires at least %3$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebase' => 'Your Matomo codebase is running the old version %1$s and we have detected that your Matomo Database has already been upgraded to the newer version %2$s.', 'ExceptionDatabaseVersionNewerThanCodebaseWait' => 'Maybe your Matomo administrators are currently finishing the upgrade process. Please try again in a few minutes.', 'ExceptionDirectoryToDelete' => 'Directory to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFileIntegrity' => 'Integrity check failed: %s', 'ExceptionFileToDelete' => 'File to delete: %s', 'ExceptionFilesizeMismatch' => 'File size mismatch: %1$s (expected length: %2$s, found: %3$s)', 'ExceptionIncompatibleClientServerVersions' => 'Your %1$s client version is %2$s which is incompatible with server version %3$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidAggregateReportsFormat' => 'Aggregate reports format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidArchiveTimeToLive' => 'Today archive time to live must be a number of seconds greater than zero', 'ExceptionInvalidDateBeforeFirstWebsite' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is a date before first website was online. Try date that\'s after %2$s (timestamp %3$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidDateFormat' => 'Date format must be: %1$s or any keyword supported by the %2$s function (see %3$s for more information)', 'ExceptionInvalidDateRange' => 'The date \'%1$s\' is not a correct date range. It should have the following format: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidPeriod' => 'The period \'%1$s\' is not supported. Try any of the following instead: %2$s', 'ExceptionInvalidRendererFormat' => 'Renderer format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidReportRendererFormat' => 'Report format \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionInvalidStaticGraphType' => 'Static graph type \'%1$s\' not valid. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'ExceptionSecurityCheckFailed' => 'We\'re sorry, but the action you were trying to perform failed due to a security check. This is a standard measure to ensure the safety and security of your account. Please try again, and if the issue persists, please contact our support team for further assistance.', 'ExceptionLanguageFileNotFound' => 'Language file \'%s\' not found.', 'ExceptionMethodNotFound' => 'The method \'%1$s\' does not exist or is not available in the module \'%2$s\'.', 'ExceptionMissingFile' => 'Missing file: %s', 'ExceptionNonceMismatch' => 'Could not verify the security token on this form.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserText' => 'Due to security issues your browser is not supported. Please upgrade to a newer version.', 'ExceptionNotSupportedBrowserTitle' => 'Your browser is not supported.', 'ExceptionPrivilege' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires a %s access.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAccessWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %1$s access for the website id = %2$d.', 'ExceptionPrivilegeAtLeastOneWebsite' => 'You can\'t access this resource as it requires %s access for at least one website.', 'ExceptionReportNotEnabled' => 'The requested report is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the report is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this report.', 'ExceptionReportNotFound' => 'The requested report does not exist.', 'ExceptionUnableToStartSession' => 'Unable to start session.', 'ExceptionUndeletableFile' => 'Unable to delete %s', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectory' => 'Directories were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedDirectoryPleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these directories to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFile' => 'Files were found in your Matomo, but we didn\'t expect them.', 'ExceptionUnexpectedFilePleaseDelete' => 'Please delete these files to prevent errors.', 'ExceptionUnreadableFileDisabledMethod' => 'The configuration file {%1$s} could not be read. Your host may have disabled %2$s.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotEnabled' => 'The requested widget is not enabled. This means usually either the plugin that defines the widget is deactivated or you do not have enough permission to access this widget.', 'ExceptionWidgetNotFound' => 'The requested widget does not exist.', 'ExpandDataTableFooter' => 'Change the visualization or configure the report', 'Export' => 'Export', 'ExportAsImage' => 'Export as Image', 'ExportThisReport' => 'Export this dataset in other formats', 'Faq' => 'FAQ', 'FileIntegrityWarning' => 'File integrity check failed and reported some errors. You should fix this issue and then refresh this page until it shows no error.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReupload' => 'Errors below may be due to a partial or failed upload of Matomo files.', 'FileIntegrityWarningReuploadBis' => 'Try to reupload all the Matomo files in BINARY mode.', 'First' => 'First', 'Flatten' => 'Flatten', 'ForExampleShort' => 'eg.', 'ForceSSLRecommended' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. To prevent insecure access over http, add %1$s to the %2$s section in your Matomo config/config.ini.php file.', 'ForcedSSL' => 'Forced SSL Connection', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'FromReferrer' => 'from', 'GeneralInformation' => 'General Information', 'GeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'Generic' => 'Generic', 'GetStarted' => 'Get started', 'GiveUsYourFeedback' => 'Give us Feedback!', 'GoTo' => 'Go to %s', 'GoTo2' => 'Go to', 'Goal' => 'Goal', 'GraphHelp' => 'More information about displaying graphs in Matomo.', 'HelloUser' => 'Hello, %s!', 'Help' => 'Help', 'HelpReport' => 'Click to display help info about this report', 'HelpResources' => 'Help resources', 'HelpTranslatePiwik' => 'Maybe you would like to %1$shelp us improve the Matomo translations%2$s?', 'Hide' => 'hide', 'HoursMinutes' => '%1$s hours %2$s min', 'IP' => 'IP', 'Id' => 'Id', 'IfArchivingIsFastYouCanSetupCronRunMoreOften' => 'Assuming archiving is fast for your setup, you can set up the crontab to run more frequently.', 'InfoFor' => 'Info for %s', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'InvalidDateRange' => 'Invalid Date Range, Please Try Again', 'InvalidResponse' => 'The received data is invalid.', 'IncompletePeriod' => 'Incomplete Period', 'JsTrackingTag' => 'JavaScript Tracking Code', 'KpiMetric' => 'KPI Metric', 'Language' => 'Language', 'Languages' => 'Languages', 'LastDays' => 'Last %s days (including today)', 'LastDaysShort' => 'Last %s days', 'LearnMore' => '%1$slearn more%2$s', 'Live' => 'Live', 'Loading' => 'Loading...', 'LoadingData' => 'Loading data...', 'LoadingPopover' => 'Loading %s...', 'LoadingPopoverFor' => 'Loading %s for', 'Locale' => 'en_US.UTF-8', 'Logout' => 'Sign out', 'MainMetrics' => 'Main metrics', 'Matches' => 'Matches', 'MatomoIsACollaborativeProjectYouCanContributeAndDonateNextRelease' => '%1$sMatomo%2$s, formerly known as Piwik, is a collaborative project brought to you by the %7$sMatomo team%8$s members as well as many other contributors around the globe. <br/> If you\'re a fan of Matomo, you can help: find out %3$sHow to participate in Matomo%4$s, or %5$sdonate now%6$s to help fund the next great Matomo release!', 'MaximumNumberOfPeriodsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of periods that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'MaximumNumberOfSegmentsComparedIs' => 'The maximum number of segments that can be compared simultaneously is %s.', 'Measurable' => 'Measurable', 'MeasurableId' => 'Measurable ID', 'Measurables' => 'Measurables', 'MediumToHighTrafficItIsRecommendedTo' => 'For medium to high traffic websites, we recommend to process reports for today at most every half hour (%1$s seconds) or every hour (%2$s seconds).', 'Metadata' => 'Metadata', 'Metric' => 'Metric', 'MetricToPlot' => 'Metric to plot', 'Metrics' => 'Metrics', 'MetricsToPlot' => 'Metrics to plot', 'MinutesSeconds' => '%1$s min %2$ss', 'Mobile' => 'Mobile', 'Monthly' => 'Monthly', 'MonthlyReport' => 'monthly', 'MonthlyReports' => 'Monthly reports', 'More' => 'More', 'MoreDetails' => 'More Details', 'MoreLowerCase' => 'more', 'MultiSitesSummary' => 'All Websites', 'NUniqueVisitors' => '%s unique visitors', 'NUsers' => '%s users', 'NVisits' => '%s visits', 'Name' => 'Name', 'NameShownInTheSenderColumn' => 'The name shown in the sender column', 'NbActions' => 'Number of Actions', 'NbInteractions' => 'Number of Interactions', 'NbSearches' => 'Number of Internal Searches', 'NeedMoreHelp' => 'Need more help?', 'Never' => 'Never', 'New' => 'New', 'NewReportsWillBeProcessedByCron' => 'When Matomo archiving is not triggered by the browser, new reports will be processed by the crontab.', 'NewUpdatePiwikX' => 'New Update: Matomo %s', 'NewVisitor' => 'New Visitor', 'NewVisits' => 'New visits', 'Next' => 'Next', 'No' => 'No', 'NoDataForGraph' => 'No data for this graph.', 'NoDataForTagCloud' => 'No data for this tag cloud.', 'NotDefined' => '%s not defined', 'NotInstalled' => 'Not Installed', 'NotPossibleWithoutHttps' => 'Attention: Doing this without having set up a SSL certificate for using HTTPS will break Matomo.', 'NotRecommended' => 'not recommended', 'NotValid' => '%s is not valid', 'Note' => 'Note', 'NumberOfVisits' => 'Number of visits', 'Ok' => 'Ok', 'OneAction' => '1 action', 'OneVisit' => '1 visit', 'OnlyEnterIfRequired' => 'Only enter a username if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyEnterIfRequiredPassword' => 'Only enter a password if your SMTP server requires it.', 'OnlyUsedIfUserPwdIsSet' => 'Only used if a username/password is set, ask your provider if you are unsure which method to use.', 'OpenSourceWebAnalytics' => 'free/libre analytics platform', 'OperationAtLeast' => 'At least', 'OperationAtMost' => 'At most', 'OperationContains' => 'Contains', 'OperationDoesNotContain' => 'Does not contain', 'OperationEndsWith' => 'Ends with', 'OperationEquals' => 'Equals', 'OperationGreaterThan' => 'Greater than', 'OperationIs' => 'Is', 'OperationIsNot' => 'Is not', 'OperationLessThan' => 'Less than', 'OperationNotEquals' => 'Not Equals', 'OperationStartsWith' => 'Starts with', 'OptionalSmtpPort' => 'Optional. Defaults to 25 for unencrypted and TLS SMTP, and 465 for SSL SMTP.', 'Options' => 'Options', 'Or' => 'or', 'OrCancel' => 'or %1$s Cancel %2$s', 'Others' => 'Others', 'Outlink' => 'Outlink', 'Outlinks' => 'Outlinks', 'OverlayRowActionTooltip' => 'See analytics data directly on your website (opens new tab)', 'OverlayRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Page Overlay', 'Overview' => 'Overview', 'Pages' => 'Pages', 'Pagination' => '%1$s–%2$s of %3$s', 'PaginationWithoutTotal' => '%1$s–%2$s', 'ParameterMustIntegerBetween' => 'Parameter %1$s must be an integer value between %2$s and %3$s.', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Period' => 'Period', 'Piechart' => 'Pie chart', 'PiwikCannotBeUpgradedBecausePhpIsTooOld' => 'Matomo cannot be upgraded to the latest major version because your PHP version is too old.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseNotifyPiwikAdmin' => '%1$s is available. Please notify the %2$sMatomo administrator%3$s.', 'PiwikXIsAvailablePleaseUpdateNow' => 'Matomo %1$s is available. %2$sPlease update now!%3$s (see %4$schanges%5$s).', 'PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator' => 'Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'PleaseSpecifyValue' => 'Please specify a value for \'%s\'.', 'PleaseTryAgain' => 'Please try again', 'PleaseUpdatePiwik' => 'Please update your Matomo', 'PleaseUpgradeYourPhpVersionSoYourPiwikDataStaysSecure' => 'Please upgrade your PHP version to at least PHP %s so your Matomo analytics data stays secure.', 'Plugin' => 'Plugin', 'Plugins' => 'Plugins', 'PoweredBy' => 'Powered by', 'Previous' => 'Previous', 'PreviousDays' => 'Previous %s days (not including today)', 'PreviousDaysShort' => 'Previous %s days', 'PreviousPeriod' => 'Previous Period', 'PreviousYear' => 'Previous Year', 'Price' => 'Price', 'Print' => 'Print', 'ProductConversionRate' => 'Product Conversion Rate', 'ProductRevenue' => 'Product Revenue', 'Profiles' => 'Profiles', 'PurchasedProducts' => 'Purchased Products', 'Quantity' => 'Quantity', 'RangeReports' => 'Custom date ranges', 'ReadThisToLearnMore' => '%1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'RealTime' => 'Real-time', 'RearchiveTimeIntervalOnlyForTodayReports' => 'This affects only reports for today (or any other Date Range including today)', 'Reasons' => 'Reasons', 'Recommended' => 'Recommended', 'RecordsToPlot' => 'Records to plot', 'Refresh' => 'Refresh', 'RefreshPage' => 'Refresh the page', 'RelatedReport' => 'Related report', 'RelatedReports' => 'Related reports', 'Remove' => 'Remove', 'Report' => 'Report', 'ReportGeneratedFrom' => 'This report was generated using data from %s.', 'ReportRatioTooltip' => '\'%1$s\' represents %2$s of %3$s %4$s in segment %5$s with %6$s.', 'Reports' => 'Reports', 'ReportsContainingTodayWillBeProcessedAtMostEvery' => 'Archive reports at most every X seconds', 'ReportsWillBeProcessedAtMostEveryHour' => 'Reports will therefore be processed at most every hour.', 'RequestTimedOut' => 'A data request to %s timed out. Please try again.', 'Required' => '%s required', 'Required2' => 'Required', 'ReturningVisitor' => 'Returning Visitor', 'ReturningVisitorAllVisits' => 'View all visits', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltip' => 'See how the metrics for this row changed over time', 'RowEvolutionRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Row Evolution', 'Rows' => 'Rows', 'RowsToDisplay' => 'Rows to display', 'Save' => 'Save', 'SaveImageOnYourComputer' => 'To save the image on your computer, right click on the image and select "Save Image As..."', 'Search' => 'Search', 'SearchNoResults' => 'No results', 'SecondsSinceFirstVisit' => 'Seconds since first visit', 'SecondsSinceLastEcommerceOrder' => 'Seconds since last Ecommerce order', 'SecondsSinceLastVisit' => 'Seconds since last visit', 'Security' => 'Security', 'SeeAll' => 'see all', 'SeeTheOfficialDocumentationForMoreInformation' => 'See the %1$sofficial documentation%2$s for more information.', 'SeeThisFaq' => 'See %1$sthis faq%2$s.', 'Segment' => 'Segment', 'SelectYesIfYouWantToSendEmailsViaServer' => 'Select "Yes" if you want or have to send e-mail via a named server instead of the local mail function', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Shipping' => 'Shipping', 'Show' => 'show', 'SingleWebsitesDashboard' => 'Single Website dashboard', 'SmallTrafficYouCanLeaveDefault' => 'For small traffic websites, you can leave the default %s seconds, and access all reports in real time.', 'SmtpEncryption' => 'SMTP encryption', 'SmtpFromAddress' => 'SMTP from address', 'SmtpFromEmailHelp' => 'The default value is noreply@{DOMAIN}, where {DOMAIN} will be replaced with your Matomo domain "%1$s".<br>If sending mails doesn\'t work for you, you might need to set this address to match your SMTP username.', 'SmtpFromName' => 'SMTP from name', 'SmtpPassword' => 'SMTP password', 'SmtpPort' => 'SMTP Port', 'SmtpServerAddress' => 'SMTP server address', 'SmtpUsername' => 'SMTP username', 'Source' => 'Source', 'StatisticsAreNotRecorded' => 'Matomo Visitor Tracking is currently disabled! Re-enable tracking by setting record_statistics = 1 in your config/config.ini.php file.', 'Subtotal' => 'Subtotal', 'Summary' => 'Summary', 'SparklineTooltipUsedPeriod' => 'Each data point in the sparkline represents a %s.', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TagCloud' => 'Tag Cloud', 'Tax' => 'Tax', 'ThankYouForUsingMatomo' => 'Thank you for using Matomo', 'TheMatomoTeam' => 'The Matomo Team', 'TimeAgo' => '%s ago', 'TimeFormat' => 'Time format', 'TimeOnPage' => 'Time on page', 'ToDeleteAllDirectoriesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these directories at once, you can run this command:', 'ToDeleteAllFilesRunThisCommand' => 'To delete all these files at once, you can run this command:', 'Total' => 'Total', 'TotalRatioTooltip' => 'This is %1$s of all %2$s %3$s in %4$s.', 'TotalRevenue' => 'Total Revenue', 'TotalVisitsPageviewsActionsRevenue' => '(Total: %1$s visits, %2$s pageviews, %3$s actions, %4$s revenue)', 'Totals' => 'Totals', 'TrackingScopeAction' => 'Action', 'TrackingScopePage' => 'Page', 'TrackingScopeVisit' => 'Visit', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltip' => 'See what visitors did before and after viewing this page', 'TransitionsRowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open Transitions', 'TranslatorName' => '-', 'UniquePurchases' => 'Unique Purchases', 'Unknown' => 'Unknown', 'Upload' => 'Upload', 'UsePlusMinusIconsDocumentation' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'UseSMTPServerForEmail' => 'Use SMTP server for e-mail', 'UseSSLInstall' => 'We recommend using Matomo over secure SSL connections only. Please %1$sclick here continue the installation process over SSL%2$s.', 'UserId' => 'User ID', 'UserIds' => 'User IDs', 'Username' => 'Username', 'VBarGraph' => 'Vertical bar graph', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooLong' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but should contain at most %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorCharacterTooShort' => 'The value contains "%1$s" characters but needs to contain at least %2$s characters.', 'ValidatorErrorEmptyValue' => 'A value needs to be provided.', 'ValidatorErrorInvalidDateTimeFormat' => 'The date "%1$s" does not have the correct format, please use %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNoValidRegex' => 'The value "%s" is not a valid regular expression.', 'ValidatorErrorNotANumber' => 'The value is not a number.', 'ValidatorErrorNotEmailLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a valid email.', 'ValidatorErrorNotUrlLike' => 'The value "%s" does not look like a URL.', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooHigh' => 'The value "%1$s" is too high. The value should be at most %2$s', 'ValidatorErrorNumberTooLow' => 'The value "%1$s" is too low. The value needs to be at least %2$s.', 'ValidatorErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'Value' => 'Value', 'View' => 'View', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'The token_auth used has too much access to be used in a non-API request URL. Please use an app specific password for a user that only has view access.', 'ViewDocumentationFor' => 'View documentation for %1$s', 'Visit' => 'Visit', 'VisitConvertedGoal' => 'Visit converted at least one Goal', 'VisitConvertedGoalId' => 'Visit converted a specific Goal Id', 'VisitConvertedNGoals' => 'Visit converted %s Goals', 'VisitDuration' => 'Avg. Visit Duration (in seconds)', 'VisitId' => 'Visit ID', 'VisitType' => 'Visit type', 'VisitTypeExample' => 'For example, to select all visitors who have returned to the website, including those who have bought something in their previous visits, the API request would contain %s', 'VisitTypes' => 'Visit types', 'Visitor' => 'Visitor', 'VisitorFingerprint' => 'Fingerprint', 'VisitorID' => 'Visitor ID', 'VisitorIP' => 'Visitor IP', 'VisitorIPs' => 'Visitor IPs', 'VisitorSettings' => 'Visitor Settings', 'Visitors' => 'Visitors', 'VisitsWith' => 'Visits with %s', 'VisualizationDoesNotSupportComparison' => 'This visualization does not support segment/period comparison.', 'Warning' => 'Warning', 'WarningDebugOnDemandEnabled' => 'Tracker %1$s mode is enabled. For security reasons this should be enabled only for a short time frame. To disable it set %2$s to %3$s in %4$s', 'WarningDevelopmentModeOnButNotGitInstalled' => 'You are currently using Matomo in development mode, but it was not installed through git. It\'s not recommended to use Matomo in development mode in production environment.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifest' => 'File integrity check could not be performed due to missing', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoManifestDeployingFromGit' => 'If you are deploying Matomo from Git, this message is normal.', 'WarningFileIntegrityNoMd5file' => 'File integrity check could not be completed due to missing md5_file() function.', 'WarningPasswordStored' => '%1$sWarning:%2$s This password will be stored in the config file visible to everybody who can access it.', 'WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld' => 'The PHP version %s you are using has reached its End of Life (EOL). You are strongly urged to upgrade to a current version, as using this version may expose you to security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been fixed in more recent versions of PHP.', 'WarningPiwikWillStopSupportingPHPVersion' => 'Matomo will stop supporting PHP %1$s in the next major version. Upgrade your PHP to at least PHP %2$s, before it\'s too late!', 'Warnings' => 'Warnings', 'Website' => 'Website', 'Weekly' => 'Weekly', 'WeeklyReport' => 'weekly', 'WeeklyReports' => 'Weekly reports', 'WellDone' => 'Well done!', 'Widget' => 'Widget', 'Widgets' => 'Widgets', 'XComparedToY' => '%1$s compared to %2$s', 'XFromY' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'YearlyReport' => 'yearly', 'YearlyReports' => 'Yearly reports', 'YearsDays' => '%1$s years %2$s days', 'Yes' => 'Yes', 'YouAreCurrentlyUsing' => 'You are currently using Matomo %s.', 'YouAreViewingDemoMessage' => 'You are viewing the demo of %1$sMatomo%2$s', 'YouMustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to access this functionality.', 'YouMustUpgradePhpVersionToReceiveLatestPiwik' => 'You must upgrade your PHP version in order to receive the latest Matomo update.', 'YourChangesHaveBeenSaved' => 'Your changes have been saved.', 'YourSessionHasExpired' => 'Your session has expired due to inactivity. Please log in to continue.', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Create' => 'Create', 'CreatePassword' => 'Create Password', 'ConfirmPassword' => 'Confirm Password', ), 'Mobile' => array ( 'AboutPiwikMobile' => 'About Matomo Mobile', 'AccessUrlLabel' => 'Matomo Access Url', 'Account' => 'Account', 'Accounts' => 'Accounts', 'AddAccount' => 'Add account', 'AddPiwikDemo' => 'Add Matomo Demo', 'Advanced' => 'Advanced', 'AnonymousAccess' => 'Anonymous access', 'AnonymousTracking' => 'Anonymous tracking', 'AskForAnonymousTrackingPermission' => 'When enabled, Matomo Mobile will send anonymous usage data to The intent is to use this data to help Matomo Mobile developers better understand how the app is used. Information sent is: menus and settings clicked on, OS name and version, any error displayed in Matomo Mobile. We will NOT track any of your analytics data. This anonymous data will never be made public. You can disable/enable anonymous tracking in Settings at any time.', 'ChooseHttpTimeout' => 'Choose HTTP timeout value', 'ChooseMetric' => 'Choose metric', 'ChooseReport' => 'Choose a report', 'ChooseSegment' => 'Choose segment', 'ConfirmRemoveAccount' => 'Do you want to remove this account?', 'DefaultReportDate' => 'Report date', 'EmailUs' => 'Email us', 'EnableGraphsLabel' => 'Display graphs', 'EnterAuthCode' => 'Enter authentication code', 'EnterAuthCodeExplanation' => 'It looks like you may be using two-factor authentication. Please enter the six-digit code to log in to your account.', 'EnterCorrectAuthCode' => 'Enter correct authentication code', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Historical Graph', 'ExceptionNoViewAccess' => 'Please check your username and password and make sure you have %s access for at least one website.', 'HelpUsToImprovePiwikMobile' => 'Would you like to enable anonymous usage tracking in Matomo Mobile?', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccount' => 'Press long to remove an account.', 'HowtoDeleteAnAccountOniOS' => 'Swipe right to left to delete an account', 'HowtoExitAndroid' => 'Please click BACK again to exit', 'HowtoLoginAnonymous' => 'Leave username and password empty for anonymous login', 'HttpIsNotSecureWarning' => 'Your Matomo authorization token (token_auth) is sent in clear text if you use \'HTTP\'. For this reason we recommend HTTPS for secure transport of data over the internet. Do you want to proceed?', 'HttpTimeout' => 'HTTP Timeout', 'IgnoreSslError' => 'Ignore SSL Error', 'IncompatiblePiwikVersion' => 'The Matomo version you are using is incompatible with Matomo Mobile 2. Update your Matomo installation and try again or install Matomo Mobile 1.', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated: %s', 'LoadingReport' => 'Loading %s', 'LoginCredentials' => 'Credentials', 'LoginToPiwikToChangeSettings' => 'Login to your Matomo server to create and update websites, users or to change General Settings like "Report to load by default".', 'LoginUseHttps' => 'Use https', 'MatomoMarketplace' => 'Matomo Marketplace', 'MatomoMobile' => 'Matomo Mobile App', 'MultiChartLabel' => 'Display sparklines', 'NavigationBack' => 'Back', 'NetworkError' => 'Network Error', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCode' => 'There was an error "%1$s". The request returned the status "%2$s". URL was "%3$s". Please check your entered URL and the error logs on this server for more information about the error and how to resolve it.', 'NetworkErrorWithStatusCodeShort' => 'Network Error %s', 'NetworkNotReachable' => 'Network not reachable', 'NoAccountIsSelected' => 'You have to select an account. Add a new account if you haven\'t configured one.', 'NoDataShort' => 'No Data', 'NoPiwikAccount' => 'No Matomo Account?', 'NoReportsShort' => 'No Reports', 'NoVisitorFound' => 'No visitor found', 'NoVisitorsShort' => 'No Visitors', 'NoWebsiteFound' => 'No website found', 'NoWebsitesShort' => 'No Websites', 'PossibleSslError' => 'Possible SSL certificate error', 'PossibleSslErrorExplanation' => 'An error occurred that could be caused by an invalid or self signed certificate: "%s". Login might work for you when ignoring SSL validation but it is less secure. You can change SSL validation at any time in the settings.', 'PullDownToRefresh' => 'Pull down to refresh...', 'RatingDontRemindMe' => 'Don\'t remind me', 'RatingNotNow' => 'Not now', 'RatingNow' => 'OK, I\'ll rate it now', 'RatingPleaseRateUs' => 'Matomo Mobile App is a Free Software, we would really appreciate if you took 1 minute to rate the app in the %1$s. If you have suggestions of new features or bug reports, please contact %2$s', 'ReleaseToRefresh' => 'Release to refresh...', 'Reloading' => 'Reloading...', 'RequestTimedOutShort' => 'Network Timeout Error', 'RestrictedCompatibility' => 'Restricted compatibility', 'RestrictedCompatibilityExplanation' => 'The Matomo version %s you are using is not fully supported by Matomo Mobile 2. You may experience some bugs. We recommend to either update Matomo to the latest version or to use Matomo Mobile 1.', 'SaveSuccessError' => 'Matomo URL or username and password combination is wrong.', 'SearchWebsite' => 'Search websites', 'ShowAll' => 'Show all', 'ShowLess' => 'Show less', 'StaticGraph' => 'Overview Graph', 'TopVisitedWebsites' => 'Top visited websites', 'TryIt' => 'Try It!', 'UseSearchBarHint' => 'Only the first %s websites are displayed here. Please use the search bar to access your other websites.', 'ValidateSslCertificate' => 'Validate SSL Certificate', 'VerifyAccount' => 'Verifying Account', 'VerifyLoginData' => 'Make sure your username and password combination is correct.', 'YouAreOffline' => 'Sorry, you are currently offline', ), 'RowEvolution' => array ( 'AvailableMetrics' => 'Available metrics', 'CompareDocumentation' => 'Click the link below and open this popup for another row from the same table to compare multiple records.<br />Use shift-click to mark the row for comparison without opening this popup.', 'CompareRows' => 'Compare records', 'ComparingRecords' => 'Comparing %s rows', 'Documentation' => 'Click the metrics to display them in the large evolution graph. Use shift-click to display multiple metrics at once.', 'MetricBetweenText' => 'from %1$s to %2$s', 'MetricChangeText' => '%s change over the period', 'MetricMinMax' => '%1$s ranged between %2$s and %3$s over the period', 'MetricsFor' => 'Metrics for %s', 'MultiRowEvolutionTitle' => 'Evolution of multiple rows', 'PickARow' => 'Pick a row to compare', 'PickAnotherRow' => 'Pick another row to compare', ), 'API' => array ( 'ChangeTokenHint' => 'If you want to change this token, please go to your %1$spersonal settings page%2$s.', 'GenerateVisits' => 'If you don\'t have data for today, you can generate some using the %1$s plugin by going to \'Development → Visitor Generator\' in the administration area of Matomo.', 'KeepTokenSecret' => 'This token_auth is as secret as your login and password, %1$s do not share it%2$s!', 'LoadedAPIs' => 'Loaded %s APIs', 'MoreInformation' => 'More info about the Matomo APIs available in %1$sIntroduction to Matomo API%2$s and the %3$sMatomo API Reference%4$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'All the data in Matomo is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web-service entry point, that you can call to get your web analytics data in XML, JSON, PHP, CSV, etc.', 'ReportingApiReference' => 'Reporting API Reference', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Access your Web Analytics data programmatically through a simple API in JSON, XML, etc.', 'UserAuthentication' => 'User authentication', 'UsingTokenAuth' => 'If you want to %1$srequest data within a script, a crontab, etc.%2$s you need to add the \'%3$s\' URL parameter to the API calls for URLs that require authentication.', 'Glossary' => 'Glossary', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of the most important metrics across all categories and plugins.', 'LearnAboutCommonlyUsedTerms2' => 'Learn about commonly used terms to make the most of Matomo analytics.', 'EvolutionMetricName' => '%s Evolution', ), 'Actions' => array ( 'AvgGenerationTimeTooltip' => 'Average based on %1$s hit(s) %2$s between %3$s and %4$s', 'ColumnClickedURL' => 'Clicked Outlink', 'ColumnClickedURLs' => 'Clicked Outlinks', 'ColumnActionURL' => 'Action URL', 'ColumnClicks' => 'Clicks', 'ColumnClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of times this link was clicked.', 'ColumnDownloadURL' => 'Download URL', 'ColumnDownloadURLs' => 'Download URLs', 'ColumnEntryPageTitle' => 'Entry Page title', 'ColumnEntryPageURL' => 'Entry Page URL', 'ColumnEntryPageURLs' => 'Entry Page URLs', 'ColumnExitPageTitle' => 'Exit Page Title', 'ColumnExitPageURL' => 'Exit Page URL', 'ColumnExitPageURLs' => 'Exit Page URLs', 'ColumnNoResultKeyword' => 'Keyword with No Search Result', 'ColumnPageName' => 'Page Name', 'ColumnPagesPerSearch' => 'Search Results pages', 'ColumnPagesPerSearchDocumentation' => 'Visitors will search on your website, and sometimes click "next" to view more results. This is the average number of search results pages viewed for this keyword.', 'ColumnPageURL' => 'Page URL', 'ColumnSearchCategory' => 'Search Category', 'ColumnSearches' => 'Searches', 'ColumnSearchesDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that searched for this keyword on your website\'s search engine.', 'ColumnSearchExits' => '%% Search Exits', 'ColumnSearchExitsDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that left the website after searching for this Keyword on your Site Search engine.', 'ColumnSearchResultsCount' => 'Search Results Count', 'ColumnSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Unique Keywords', 'ColumnUniqueClicks' => 'Unique Clicks', 'ColumnUniqueClicksDocumentation' => 'The number of visits that involved a click on this link. If a link was clicked multiple times during one visit, it is only counted once.', 'ColumnUniqueDownloads' => 'Unique Downloads', 'ColumnUniqueOutlinks' => 'Unique Outlinks', 'ColumnIdPageview' => 'Pageview ID', 'ColumnInteractionPosition' => 'Interaction Position', 'ColumnPageViewPosition' => 'Pageview Position', 'ActionsInVisit' => 'Actions In Visit', 'DownloadsReportDocumentation' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded. %s What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit. %s The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'EntryPageTitles' => 'Entry page titles', 'EntryPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of entry pages that were used during the specified period.', 'ExitPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit. %s The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPageTitles' => 'Exit page titles', 'ExitPageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of exit pages that occurred during the specified period.', 'MainMetricsReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very basic overview of what actions your visitors take on your website.', 'OneSearch' => '1 search', 'OutlinkDocumentation' => 'An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'OutlinksReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors.', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited. %s The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited. %1$s The page title is the HTML %2$s Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'PageUrls' => 'Page URLs', 'PageViewsByVisitor' => 'Number of times this page was viewed by this visitor across all visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports about the page views and page titles. Lets you measure your internal website\'s search engine. Automatically tracks clicks on external links and file downloads.', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'SiteSearchCategories1' => 'This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategories2' => 'For example, Ecommerce websites typically have a "Category" selector so that visitors can restrict their searches to all products in a specific Category.', 'SiteSearchFollowingPagesDoc' => 'When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website.', 'SiteSearchIntro' => 'Tracking searches that visitors make on your website is a very effective way to learn more about what your audience is looking for, it can help find ideas for new content, new Ecommerce products that potential customers might be searching for, and generally improve the visitors\' experience on your website.', 'SiteSearchCategory' => 'Category (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchCategories' => 'Categories (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeyword' => 'Keyword (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywords' => 'Keywords (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCount' => 'Keyword count (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordCounts' => 'Keyword counts (Site Search)', 'SiteSearchKeywordsDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.', 'SiteSearchKeywordsNoResultDocumentation' => 'This report lists the Search Keywords that did not return any Search result: maybe the search engine algorithm can be improved, or maybe your visitors are looking for content that is not (yet) on your website?', 'SubmenuPagesEntry' => 'Entry pages', 'SubmenuPagesExit' => 'Exit pages', 'SubmenuPageTitles' => 'Page titles', 'SubmenuSitesearch' => 'Site Search', 'WidgetEntryPageTitles' => 'Entry Page Titles', 'WidgetExitPageTitles' => 'Exit Page Titles', 'WidgetPagesEntry' => 'Entry Pages', 'WidgetPagesExit' => 'Exit Pages', 'WidgetPageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'WidgetPageTitlesFollowingSearch' => 'Page Titles Following a Site Search', 'WidgetPageUrlsFollowingSearch' => 'Pages Following a Site Search', 'WidgetSearchCategories' => 'Search Categories', 'WidgetSearchKeywords' => 'Site Search Keywords', 'WidgetSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Search Keywords with No Results', 'ActionType' => 'Action Type', 'ActionTypes' => 'Action Types', 'Behaviour' => 'Behaviour', 'TimeSpentInReferringAction' => 'Time Spent in Referring Action', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the page URLs that have been visited.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The table is organized hierarchically, the URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PagesSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Use the plus and minus icons on the left to navigate.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.', 'EntryPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The entry URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.', 'ExitPagesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The exit URLs are displayed as a folder structure.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about the titles of the pages that have been visited.', 'PageTitlesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'The page title is the HTML &lt;title&gt; Tag that most browsers show in their window title.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Site Search section shows which keywords visitors use when searching your website. It also displays which pages users view after performing a search and which on-site search keywords return no results at all.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp2' => 'These reports can give you ideas about missing content on your site, insight into what your visitors are looking for but can’t find easily, and more.', 'SiteSearchSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the Site Search guide.', 'OutlinksSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report shows a hierarchical list of outlink URLs that were clicked by your visitors. An outlink is a link that leads the visitor away from your website (to another domain).', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this report, you can see which files your visitors have downloaded.', 'DownloadsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'What Matomo counts as a download is the click on a download link. Whether the download was completed or not isn\'t known to Matomo.', ), 'Annotations' => array ( 'AddAnnotationsFor' => 'Add annotations for %s...', 'AnnotationOnDate' => 'Annotation on %1$s: %2$s', 'Annotations' => 'Annotations', 'ClickToDelete' => 'Click to delete this annotation.', 'ClickToEdit' => 'Click to edit this annotation.', 'ClickToEditOrAdd' => 'Click to edit or add a new annotation.', 'ClickToStarOrUnstar' => 'Click to star or unstar this annotation.', 'CreateNewAnnotation' => 'Create a new annotation...', 'EnterAnnotationText' => 'Enter your note...', 'HideAnnotationsFor' => 'Hide annotations for %s...', 'IconDesc' => 'View notes for this date range.', 'IconDescHideNotes' => 'Hide notes for this date range.', 'InlineQuickHelp' => 'You can create annotations to mark special events (like a new blog post, or website redesign), to save your data analyses or to save anything else you think is important.', 'LoginToAnnotate' => 'Login to create an annotation.', 'NoAnnotations' => 'There are no annotations for this date range.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows you to attach notes to different days to mark changes made to your website, save analyses you make regarding your data and share your thoughts with your colleagues. By annotating your data, you will make sure you remember why your data looks the way it does.', 'ViewAndAddAnnotations' => 'View and add annotations for %s...', 'YouCannotModifyThisNote' => 'You cannot modify this annotation, because you did not create it, nor do you have admin access for this site.', ), 'Contents' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Content and banner tracking lets you measure the performance (views, clicks, CTR) of any piece of content on your pages (Banner ad, image, any item).', 'Impressions' => 'Impressions', 'ContentImpression' => 'Content Impression', 'ContentInteraction' => 'Content Interaction', 'ContentInteractions' => 'Content Interactions', 'InteractionRate' => 'Interaction Rate', 'ContentName' => 'Content Name', 'ContentNameReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the names of the content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentNames' => 'Content Names', 'ContentPiece' => 'Content Piece', 'ContentPieceReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the pieces of content your visitors viewed and interacted with.', 'ContentPieces' => 'Content Pieces', 'ContentTarget' => 'Content Target', 'ContentTargets' => 'Content Targets', 'Contents' => 'Contents', 'InteractionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block was interacted with (eg, a \'click\' on a banner or ad).', 'ImpressionsMetricDocumentation' => 'The number of times a content block, such as a banner or an ad, was displayed on a page.', 'InteractionRateMetricDocumentation' => 'The ratio of content impressions to interactions.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Content tracking helps you determine the popularity of specific pieces of content on any page of your website or app. This section reports the number of impressions and interactions the various pieces of content on your site receive.', 'ContentsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in the Content Tracking guide.', ), 'CoreAdminHome' => array ( 'AddNewTrustedHost' => 'Add a new trusted host', 'Administration' => 'Administration', 'ArchivingSettings' => 'Archiving settings', 'BrandingSettings' => 'Branding settings', 'BruteForce' => 'Brute Force', 'CheckToOptIn' => 'Check this box to opt-in.', 'ClickHereToOptIn' => 'Click here to opt in.', 'ClickHereToOptOut' => 'Click here to opt out.', 'ConfirmDeleteAllTrackingFailures' => 'Are you sure you want to delete all tracking failures?', 'ConfirmDeleteThisTrackingFailure' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tracking failure?', 'Cors' => 'Cors', 'CorsDomains' => 'Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) domains', 'CorsDomainsHelp' => 'You can define domains or subdomains like or Or to allow cross domain requests for all domains simply add a *', 'CustomLogoFeedbackInfo' => 'If you customize the Matomo logo, you might also be interested to hide the %1$s link in the top menu. To do so, you can disable the Feedback plugin in the %2$sManage Plugins%3$s page.', 'CustomLogoHelpText' => 'You can customize the Matomo logo which will be displayed in the user interface and email reports.', 'DeleteAllFailures' => 'Delete all failures', 'DevelopmentProcess' => 'While our development process includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Matomo.', 'EmailServerSettings' => 'Email server settings', 'ErrorEmailFromAddressNotValid' => 'The SMTP from address is not valid', 'FaviconUpload' => 'Select a Favicon to upload', 'FileUploadDisabled' => 'Uploading files is not enabled in your PHP configuration. To upload your custom logo please set %s in php.ini and restart your webserver.', 'ForBetaTestersOnly' => 'For beta testers only', 'HttpTrackingApi' => 'HTTP Tracking API', 'HttpTrackingApiDescription' => 'The %1$sHTTP Tracking API%2$s allows you to track anything. This may be useful if you are using a programming language for which no SDK exists yet. It may also be useful when you want to track devices or applications in a special way.', 'SinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'If you are tracking a single-page application (SPA) or progressive web application (PWA), please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDescription' => 'If your website is hosted on Cloudflare, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ImageTracking' => 'Image Tracking', 'ImageTrackingIntro1' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors.', 'ImageTrackingIntro2' => 'Generate the link below and copy-paste the generated HTML in the page. If you\'re using this as a fallback for JavaScript tracking, you can surround it in %1$s tags.', 'ImageTrackingIntro3' => 'For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImageTrackingLink' => 'Image Tracking Link', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import from Google Analytics', 'ImportFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'If you have a Google Analytics property and are switching to Matomo, you can import your existing data using the %1$sGoogleAnalyticsImporter%2$s plugin.', 'ImportingServerLogsDesc' => 'An alternative to tracking visitors through the browser (either via JavaScript or an image link) is to continuously import server logs. Learn more about %1$sServer Log File Analytics%2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsWarning' => 'The following plugins are not compatible with %1$s and could not be loaded: %2$s.', 'InvalidPluginsYouCanUninstall' => 'You can update or uninstall these plugins on the %1$sManage Plugins%2$s page.', 'JSTrackingIntro1' => 'You can track visitors to your website in many different ways. The recommended way to do it is through JavaScript. To use this method you must make sure every webpage of your website has some JavaScript code, which you can generate here.', 'JSTrackingIntro2' => 'Once you have the JavaScript tracking code for your website, copy and paste it to all the pages you want to track with Matomo.', 'JSTrackingIntro3a' => 'In most websites, blogs, CMS, etc. you can use a pre-made plugin to do the technical work for you. (See our %1$slist of plugins used to integrate Matomo%2$s.)', 'JSTrackingIntro3b' => 'If no plugin exists you can edit your website templates and add the JavaScript tracking code to the </head> tag which is often defined in a \'header.php\', \'header.tpl\' or similar template file.', 'JSTrackingIntro4' => 'If you don\'t want to use JavaScript to track visitors, %1$sgenerate an image tracking link below%2$s.', 'JSTrackingIntro5' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s for the list of available functions. Using these functions you can track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders, abandoned carts and more.', 'JSTracking_CampaignKwdParam' => 'Campaign Keyword parameter', 'JSTracking_CampaignNameParam' => 'Campaign Name parameter', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHead' => 'Click on the button to copy the code snippet and paste it immediately before the closing %1$s tag (recommended)', 'JSTracking_CodeNoteBeforeClosingHeadEmail' => 'Make sure this code is embedded within a script element on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing head tag.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your site. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please visit %2$s', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', 'JSTracking_ConsentManagerEmailNote' => 'Or you could directly embed the tracking code in your website instead:', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain' => 'By default, the visitor ID that identifies a unique visitor is stored in the browser\'s first party cookies which can only be accessed by pages on the same domain. Enabling cross domain linking lets you track all the actions and pageviews of a specific visitor into the same visit even when they view pages on several domains. Whenever a user clicks on a link to one of your website\'s alias URLs, it will append a URL parameter pk_vid forwarding the Visitor ID.', 'JSTracking_CrossDomain_NeedsMultipleDomains' => 'Note: To use cross domain linking, you must specify more than one domain name (URLs) for your website.', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParam' => 'Use custom query parameter names for the campaign name and keyword', 'JSTracking_CustomCampaignQueryParamDesc' => 'Note: %1$sMatomo will automatically detect Google Analytics parameters.%2$s', 'JSTracking_DisableCookies' => 'Disable all tracking cookies', 'JSTracking_DisableCookiesDesc' => 'Disables all first party cookies. Existing Matomo cookies for this website will be deleted on the next pageview.', 'JSTracking_EnableCrossDomainLinking' => 'Enable cross domain linking', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack' => 'Enable client side DoNotTrack detection', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrackDesc' => 'So tracking requests will not be sent if visitors do not wish to be tracked.', 'JSTracking_EnableDoNotTrack_AlreadyEnabled' => 'Note: Server side DoNotTrack support has been enabled, so this option will have no effect.', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: You can generate a customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomain' => 'Prepend the site domain to the page title when tracking', 'JSTracking_GroupPageTitlesByDomainDesc1' => 'So if someone visits the \'About\' page on blog.%1$s it will be recorded as \'blog / About\'. This is the easiest way to get an overview of your traffic by sub-domain.', 'JSTracking_MergeAliases' => 'In the "Outlinks" report, hide clicks to known alias URLs of', 'JSTracking_MergeAliasesDesc' => 'So clicks on links to Alias URLs (eg. %s) will not be counted as "Outlink".', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomains' => 'Track visitors across all subdomains of', 'JSTracking_MergeSubdomainsDesc' => 'So if one visitor visits %1$s and %2$s, they will be counted as a unique visitor.', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVars' => 'Track a custom variable for each page view', 'JSTracking_PageCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Category" and value "White Papers".', 'JSTracking_TrackNoScript' => 'Track users with JavaScript disabled', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVars' => 'Track custom variables for this visitor', 'JSTracking_VisitorCustomVarsDesc' => 'For example, with variable name "Type" and value "Customer".', 'JavaScriptTracking' => 'JavaScript Tracking', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail1' => 'A few days ago you added the website \'%s\' to your Matomo Analytics. We just checked and your Matomo doesn\'t seem to have any recorded traffic for this website.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail2' => 'To begin tracking data and getting insights into your users, you\'ll need to set up tracking in your website or mobile app. For websites simply embed the tracking code right before the %s tag.', 'JsTrackingCodeMissingEmail3' => 'To find and customize your tracking code, %1$sclick here%2$s (or have a look at the %3$sJavaScript Tracking Client guide%4$s).', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LogoNotWriteableInstruction' => 'To use your custom logo instead of the default Matomo logo, give write permission to this directory: %1$s Matomo needs write access for your logos stored in the files %2$s.', 'LogoUpload' => 'Select a Logo to upload', 'LogoUploadFailed' => 'The uploaded file couldn\'t be processed. Please check if the file has a valid format.', 'LogoUploadHelp' => 'Please upload a file in %1$s formats with a minimum height of %2$s pixels.', 'LtsReleases' => 'LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug-fixes.', 'MenuDevelopment' => 'Development', 'MenuDiagnostic' => 'Diagnostic', 'MenuGeneralSettings' => 'General settings', 'MenuMeasurables' => 'Measurables', 'MenuSystem' => 'System', 'MissingTrackingCodeEmailSubject' => 'No traffic for %s recorded in Matomo Analytics, get started now', 'NTrackingFailures' => '%s tracking failures', 'NoKnownFailures' => 'There are no known tracking failures.', 'OptOutComplete' => 'Opt-out complete; your visits to this website will not be recorded by the Web Analytics tool.', 'OptOutCompleteBis' => 'Note that if you clear your cookies, delete the opt-out cookie, or if you change computers or Web browsers, you will need to perform the opt-out procedure again.', 'OptOutDntFound' => 'You are not being tracked since your browser is reporting that you do not want to. This is a setting of your browser so you won\'t be able to opt-in until you disable the \'Do Not Track\' feature.', 'OptOutErrorNoCookies' => 'The tracking opt-out feature requires cookies to be enabled.', 'OptOutErrorNotHttps' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because this site was not loaded over HTTPS. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorWindowOpen' => 'The tracking opt-out feature may not work because it looks like the opt out popup was blocked. Please reload the page to check if your opt out status changed.', 'OptOutErrorNoTracker' => 'The tracking opt-out feature was unable to find the Matomo Tracker code on this page', 'OptOutExplanation' => 'Matomo is dedicated to providing privacy on the Internet. To provide your visitors with the choice of opting-out of Matomo Web Analytics, you can add the following HTML code on one of your website page, for example in a Privacy Policy page.', 'OptOutExplanationIntro' => 'This code will display a div containing a link for your visitors to opt-out of Matomo by setting an opt-out cookie in their web browsers. See below (or %1$sclick here%2$s) to view the content that will be displayed by the div.', 'OptOutCustomOptOutLink' => 'You can also create a completely custom opt-out form using HTML and JavaScript, as explained in this developer %1$sguide%2$s.', 'OptOutForYourVisitors' => 'Matomo opt-out for your visitors', 'OptingYouOut' => 'Opting you out, please wait…', 'PersonalPluginSettings' => 'Personal Plugin Settings', 'PiwikIsInstalledAt' => 'Matomo is installed at', 'PluginSettingChangeNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to change the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettingReadNotAllowed' => 'You are not allowed to read the value of the setting "%1$s" in plugin "%2$s"', 'PluginSettings' => 'Plugin Settings', 'PluginSettingsIntro' => 'Here you can change the settings for the following third-party plugins:', 'PluginSettingsSaveFailed' => 'Could not save plugin settings', 'PluginSettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Plugin settings updated.', 'PluginSettingsValueNotAllowed' => 'The value for the "%1$s" field in the "%2$s" plugin is not allowed', 'Problem' => 'Problem', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectly' => 'You are currently viewing Matomo over a secure SSL connection (using HTTPS), but Matomo could only detect a non secure connection on the server.', 'ProtocolNotDetectedCorrectlySolution' => 'To make sure Matomo securely requests and serves your content over HTTPS, you may edit your %1$s file and either configure your proxy settings, or you may add the line %2$s below the %3$s section. %4$sLearn more%5$s', 'ReleaseChannel' => 'Release channel', 'SecurityNotificationAllTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted all of the auth tokens in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationCheckTwoFactor' => 'Please check your two-factor authentication app or device.', 'SecurityNotificationEmailSubject' => 'Security Notification', 'SecurityNotificationIfItWasYou' => 'If it was you, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please reset your password.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesRegeneratedBody' => 'Someone generated new two-factor authentication recovery codes for your account.', 'SecurityNotificationRecoveryCodesShowedBody' => 'Someone viewed the two-factor authentication recovery codes of your account.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByOtherSuperUserBody' => 'Another super user (%1$s) modified the system settings. Affected settings: %2$s. If you know about this activity, carry on. If you don\'t recognize this activity, please contact the other super users.', 'SecurityNotificationSettingsChangedByUserBody' => 'Someone modified the system settings. Affected settings: %s.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthCreatedBody' => 'Someone created an auth token (description: %s) in your account. If it wasn\'t you, delete the token.', 'SecurityNotificationTokenAuthDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted an auth token (description: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthDisabledBody' => 'Someone disabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationTwoFactorAuthEnabledBody' => 'Someone enabled two-factor authentication in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserCreatedBody' => 'Someone created a new user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeletedBody' => 'Someone deleted a user (login: %s) in your account.', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunication' => 'Send an email when a plugin update is available', 'SendPluginUpdateCommunicationHelp' => 'An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.', 'SettingsSaveSuccess' => 'Settings updated.', 'Solution' => 'Solution', 'StableReleases' => 'If Matomo is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please %1$ssee here%2$s.', 'SystemPluginSettings' => 'System Plugin Settings', 'TrackAGoal' => 'Track a goal', 'TrackingCode' => 'Tracking Code', 'TrackingCodeIntro' => 'Matomo offers you various ways to embed the tracking code for your website, mobile app, and even for any device or application.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationProblem' => 'Request was not authenticated but authentication was required.', 'TrackingFailureAuthenticationSolution' => 'Set or correct a "token_auth" in your tracking request.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteProblem' => 'The site does not exist.', 'TrackingFailureInvalidSiteSolution' => 'Update the configured idSite in the tracker.', 'TrackingFailures' => 'Tracking failures', 'TrackingFailuresEmail1' => 'This is just to let you know that %s different kinds of tracking failures have occurred in the last days.', 'TrackingFailuresEmail2' => 'To view all the failed tracking requests %1$sclick here%2$s.', 'TrackingFailuresEmailSubject' => 'Tracking failures in your Matomo Analytics', 'TrackingFailuresIntroduction' => 'This page lists tracking failures that happened during the last %s days. Please note that only the most common kind of tracking failures are recorded and not all of them.', 'TrackingURL' => 'Tracking URL', 'TrustedHostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to change the trusted Matomo hostname?', 'TrustedHostSettings' => 'Trusted Matomo Hostname', 'TwoFactorAuth' => 'Two-factor auth', 'UiDemo' => 'UI Demo', 'UncheckToOptOut' => 'Uncheck this box to opt-out.', 'UpdateSettings' => 'Update settings', 'UseCustomLogo' => 'Use a custom logo', 'ValidPiwikHostname' => 'Valid Matomo Hostname', 'ViewAllTrackingFailures' => 'View all tracking failures', 'WhatIsNew' => 'What\'s New', 'WhatIsNewTooltip' => 'Learn what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewTitle' => 'Here\'s what\'s new in Matomo', 'WhatIsNewNoChangesTitle' => 'No recent changes', 'WhatIsNewNoChanges' => 'There\'s nothing new at the moment', 'WithOptionalRevenue' => 'with optional revenue', 'YouAreNotOptedOut' => 'You are not opted out.', 'YouAreOptedOut' => 'You are currently opted out.', 'YouMayOptOut' => 'You may choose not to have a unique web analytics cookie identification number assigned to your computer to avoid the aggregation and analysis of data collected on this website.', 'YouMayOptOut2' => 'You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here.', 'YouMayOptOut3' => 'Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.', 'YouMayOptOutBis' => 'To make that choice, please click below to receive an opt-out cookie.', 'UserInviteSubject' => '%1$s sent you an invite to join Matomo Analytics for %2$s.', 'AcceptInvite' => 'Accept Invite', 'DeclineInvite' => 'Decline Invite', 'UserInviteContent' => 'You can accept this invitation by clicking the accept button below.', 'UserInviteNotes' => 'If you were not expecting this invitation, you can ignore this email. If %1$s is sending you too many emails, you can block them or report abuse. The invitation automatically expires in %2$s days.', 'SecurityNotificationUserAcceptInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) accepted the invitation.', 'SecurityNotificationUserDeclinedInviteBody' => 'User (login: %s) declined the invitation.', 'NeedHelp' => 'Need help?', 'HowToGetHelp' => 'There are different ways you can get help. There is free support via the Matomo Community and paid support provided by the Matomo team and partners of Matomo. Or maybe do you have a bug to report or want to suggest a new feature?', 'GoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'If your website is using Google Tag Manager, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'WordpressDescription' => 'If your website is using Wordpress, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'VueDescription' => 'If your website is using Vue.js, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'ShowAdvancedOptions' => 'Show advanced options', 'HideAdvancedOptions' => 'Hide advanced options', 'JSTrackingDocumentationHelp' => 'For easy access, the most popular advanced options are available below. For even more options (including how to track goals, custom variables, ecommerce orders and abandoned carts) please check out the %1$sMatomo Javascript Tracking documentation%2$s.', 'ReactDescription' => 'If your website is using React, please see %1$sthis guide%2$s.', ), 'CoreHome' => array ( 'CategoryNoData' => 'No data in this category. Try to "Include all population".', 'ChangeVisualization' => 'Change visualization', 'ChangePeriod' => 'Change period', 'CheckForUpdates' => 'Check for updates', 'CheckPiwikOut' => 'Check Matomo out!', 'ClickToEditX' => 'Click to edit %s', 'ClickToSeeFullInformation' => 'Click to see the full information', 'CloseSearch' => 'Close search', 'CloseWidgetDirections' => 'You can close this widget by clicking on the \'X\' icon at the top of the widget.', 'ChooseX' => 'Choose %1$s', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenPurged' => 'The data for this report is more than %s months old and has been purged.', 'DataForThisReportHasBeenDisabled' => 'Segmentation is currently disabled for this report. Please check %1$sthis FAQ%2$s for more details.', 'DataTableExcludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are shown %s Hide them', 'DataTableIncludeAggregateRows' => 'Aggregate rows are hidden %s Show them', 'DataTableHowToSearch' => 'Press enter or click the search icon to search', 'DataTableShowDimensions' => 'Dimensions are combined %s Show dimensions separately', 'DataTableCombineDimensions' => 'Dimensions are shown separately %s Show dimensions combined', 'DateInvalid' => 'The given date and period combination is invalid. Please choose a valid date in the date selector.', 'Default' => 'default', 'DonateCall1' => 'Matomo will always cost you nothing to use, but that doesn\'t mean it costs us nothing to make.', 'DonateCall2' => 'Matomo needs your continued support to grow and thrive.', 'DonateCall3' => 'If you feel that Matomo has added significant value to your business or endeavour, %1$splease consider donating%2$s or %3$spurchasing a premium feature%4$s. Every penny will help.', 'EndShortcut' => 'End', 'EnterZenMode' => 'Enter Zen mode (hide the menus)', 'ExitZenMode' => 'Exit Zen mode (show the menus)', 'ExceptionNotAllowlistedIP' => 'You cannot use this Matomo as your IP %s is not allowed.', 'ExcludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'All rows are shown %s Exclude low population', 'ExternalHelp' => 'Help (opens in new tab)', 'FlattenDataTable' => 'The report is hierarchical %s Make it flat', 'FormatMetrics' => 'Format metrics', 'ShowExportUrl' => 'Show Export URL', 'HideExportUrl' => 'Hide Export URL', 'HomeShortcut' => 'Home', 'SupportUsOn' => 'Support us on', 'IncludeRowsWithLowPopulation' => 'Rows with low population are hidden %s Show all rows', 'InjectedHostEmailBody' => 'Hello, I tried to access Matomo today and encountered the unknown hostname warning.', 'InjectedHostEmailSubject' => 'Matomo was accessed with an unknown hostname: %s', 'InjectedHostNonSuperUserWarning' => '%1$sClick here to access Matomo safely%2$s and remove this warning. You may also want to contact your Matomo administrator and notify them about this issue (%3$sclick here to email%4$s).', 'InjectedHostSuperUserWarning' => 'Matomo may be misconfigured (for example, if Matomo was recently moved to a new server or URL). You can either %1$sclick here and add %2$s as the valid Matomo hostname (if you trust it)%3$s, or %4$sclick here and go to %5$s to access Matomo safely%6$s.', 'InjectedHostWarningIntro' => 'You are now accessing Matomo from %1$s, but Matomo has been configured to run at this address: %2$s.', 'JavascriptDisabled' => 'JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Matomo in standard view.<br />However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser.<br />To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then %1$stry again%2$s.<br />', 'VisitStatusOrdered' => 'Ordered', 'VisitStatusOrderedThenAbandoned' => 'Ordered then Abandoned Cart', 'VisitTypeReturning' => 'Returning', 'VisitTypeReturningCustomer' => 'Returning Customer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'YourDonationWillHelp' => 'Your donation will directly help fund new features and improvements for this open-source analytics platform. This means the community will always benefit from a tool that protects privacy and lets you stay in control of your data.', 'ThanksFromAllOfUs' => 'Thank you from all of us at Matomo!', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'NoPrivilegesAskPiwikAdmin' => 'You are logged in as \'%1$s\' but it seems you don\'t have any permission set in Matomo. %2$s Ask your Matomo administrator (click to email)%3$s to give you \'view\' access to a website.', 'OnlyForSuperUserAccess' => 'This widget is displayed in the default dashboard only to users having Super User access.', 'PeriodRange' => 'Range', 'ReportGeneratedOn' => 'Report generated on %s', 'ReportGeneratedXAgo' => 'Report generated %s ago', 'SharePiwikLong' => 'Hi! I just found a great piece of free software: Matomo! Matomo will let you track visitors to your website for free. You should definitely check it out!', 'SharePiwikShort' => 'Matomo! Free/libre web analytics. Own your data.', 'ShareThis' => 'Share this', 'ShortcutsAvailable' => 'Available shortcuts', 'ShortcutZenMode' => 'for Zen mode', 'ShortcutSegmentSelector' => 'to open Segment selector', 'ShortcutWebsiteSelector' => 'to open Website selector', 'ShortcutCalendar' => 'to open calendar (d stands for Date)', 'ShortcutSearch' => 'to open the search (f stands for Find)', 'ShortcutRefresh' => 'to refresh the content', 'ShortcutHelp' => 'to show this help', 'ShowJSCode' => 'Show the JavaScript code to insert', 'SkipToContent' => 'Skip to content', 'SubscribeAndBecomePiwikSupporter' => 'Proceed to a secure credit card payment page (Paypal) to become a Matomo Supporter!', 'SupportPiwik' => 'Support Matomo!', 'TableNoData' => 'No data for this table.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReport' => 'There is no data for this report.', 'UnFlattenDataTable' => 'The report is flat %s Make it hierarchical', 'RemoveTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is showing the totals row %s Remove totals row', 'AddTotalsRowDataTable' => 'The report is not showing the totals row %s Show totals row', 'ViewAllPiwikVideoTutorials' => 'View all Matomo Video Tutorials', 'WebAnalyticsReports' => 'Web Analytics Reports', 'YouAreUsingTheLatestVersion' => 'You are using the latest version of Matomo!', 'ClickRowToExpandOrContract' => 'Click this row to expand or contract the subtable.', 'UndoPivotBySubtable' => 'This report has been pivoted %s Undo pivot', 'NoSuchPage' => 'This page does not exist', 'PageUpShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the top of the page', 'PageDownShortcutDescription' => 'to get to the bottom of the page', 'PivotBySubtable' => 'This report is not pivoted %1$s Pivot by %2$s', 'SystemSummaryWidget' => 'System Summary', 'SystemSummaryNWebsites' => '%d websites', 'SystemSummaryNSegments' => '%1$d segments', 'SystemSummaryNSegmentsWithBreakdown' => '%1$d segments (%2$s pre-processed, %3$s processed in real-time)', 'SystemSummaryNActivatedPlugins' => '%d activated plugins', 'SystemSummaryPiwikVersion' => 'Matomo version', 'SystemSummaryMysqlVersion' => 'MySQL version', 'SystemSummaryPhpVersion' => 'PHP version', 'QuickAccessTitle' => 'Search for %s. Use the arrow keys to navigate through search results. Shortcut: Press \'f\' to search.', 'MenuEntries' => 'Menu entries', 'Segments' => 'Segments', 'OneClickUpdateNotPossibleAsMultiServerEnvironment' => 'The one-click update is not available as you are using Matomo with multiple servers. Please download the latest version from %1$s to proceed.', 'CssDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the style of this page.', 'JsDidntLoad' => 'Your browser was unable to load the scripts of this page.', 'AdblockIsMaybeUsed' => 'In case you are using an ad blocker, please disable it for this site to make sure Matomo works without any issues.', 'ChangeCurrentWebsite' => 'Choose a website, currently selected website: %s', 'LeadingAnalyticsPlatformRespectsYourPrivacy' => 'The leading open analytics platform that respects your privacy.', 'MacPageUp' => 'Fn + Left arrow', 'MacPageDown' => 'Fn + Right arrow', 'ReportType' => 'Report type', 'RowLimit' => 'Row limit', 'CustomLimit' => 'Custom limit', 'ExportFormat' => 'Export format', 'ExportTooltip' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in Admin → Security → Token Auths.', 'ExportTooltipWithLink' => 'Note: To use the generated export URL, you will need to specify an app token auth. You can configure these tokens in %1$s[Admin → Security → Auths Tokens]%2$s. Replace %3$s in the Export URL by your Auth token. Warning: Never share the URL with the real token with anyone else.', 'ExpandSubtables' => 'Expand subtables', 'StandardReport' => 'Standard report', 'FlattenReport' => 'Flatten report', 'ReportWithMetadata' => 'Report with metadata', 'ReadMoreOnlineGuide' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', 'SeeAvailableVersions' => 'See Available Versions', 'QuickLinks' => 'Quick Links', 'Profilable' => 'Profilable', 'SearchOnMatomo' => 'Search \'%1$s\' on', 'TechDeprecationWarning' => 'Starting in version Matomo %1$s, Matomo will be ending support for %2$s. For more information %3$ssee our blog post.%4$s', 'ReportingCategoryHelpPrefix' => 'How does the "%1$s → %2$s" reporting page help me?', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp1' => 'The Visitors pages tell you things about who your visitors are. Things like where your visitors came from, what devices and browsers they\'re using and when they generally visit your website. Understand, in the aggregate, who your audience is, and look for outliers to see how your audience could grow.', 'VisitorsCategoryHelp2' => 'In addition to general information about your visitors, you can also use the %1$sVisits Log%2$s to see what occurred in every individual visit.', 'VisitorsOverviewHelp' => 'The Visitors Overview helps you understand the popularity of your site. It does this by providing charts that show how many visits your site is receiving over a selected period and the average level of engagement for key features, such as searches and downloads.', 'DevicesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Devices section helps you understand the technology that your visitors are using to access your site. You will see reports on the type of device and specific models to enable you to optimise your site for the most popular devices.', 'SoftwareSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Software section shows the operating systems, browsers and plugins that your visitors are using to access the site so that you can optimise your site to ensure it is fully compatible with the most popular configurations.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Engagement section provides reports that help to quantify how many new and returning visitors you get. You can also review reports that break down the average time and number of pages per visit, as well as the number of times a visitor has been to your site and the most common number of days between visits.', 'EngagementSubcategoryHelp2' => 'This can help you to optimise for frequency and high-interaction visits in addition to maximising your reach.', 'PeriodHasOnlyRawData' => 'It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what\'s happening now? Check out the %1$sVisits log%2$s or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.', 'StartDate' => 'Start Date', 'EndDate' => 'End Date', ), 'CorePluginsAdmin' => array ( 'ActionUninstall' => 'Uninstall', 'Activate' => 'Activate', 'Activated' => 'Activated', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Activity' => 'Activity', 'AlwaysActivatedPluginsList' => 'The following plugins are always activated and cannot be disabled: %s', 'AuthorHomepage' => 'Author Homepage', 'Changelog' => 'Changelog', 'ChangeSettingsPossible' => 'You can change %1$ssettings%2$s for this plugin.', 'CorePluginTooltip' => 'Core plugins have no version since they are distributed with Matomo.', 'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate', 'DoMoreContactPiwikAdmins' => 'To install a new plugin or a new theme, please get in touch with your Matomo admins.', 'ChangeLookByManageThemes' => 'You can change the appearance of Matomo by %1$sManaging Themes%2$s.', 'History' => 'History', 'Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'InstalledPlugins' => 'Installed plugins', 'InstalledThemes' => 'Installed themes', 'InfoPluginUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your plugins now to benefit from the latest improvements.', 'InfoThemeIsUsedByOtherUsersAsWell' => 'Note: the other %1$s users registered in this Matomo are also using the theme %2$s.', 'InfoThemeUpdateIsRecommended' => 'Update your themes to enjoy the latest version.', 'InstallNewPlugins' => 'Install new plugins', 'InstallNewThemes' => 'Install new themes', 'LicenseHomepage' => 'License Homepage', 'LikeThisPlugin' => 'Like this plugin?', 'ConsiderDonating' => 'Consider donating', 'CommunityContributedPlugin' => 'This is a community contributed plugin, brought to you for free.', 'ConsiderDonatingCreatorOf' => 'Please consider donating to the creator of %s', 'PluginsExtendPiwik' => 'Plugins extend and expand the functionality of Matomo.', 'OncePluginIsInstalledYouMayActivateHere' => 'Once a plugin is installed, you may activate it or deactivate it here.', 'MenuPlatform' => 'Platform', 'MissingRequirementsNotice' => 'Please update %1$s %2$s to a newer version, %1$s %3$s is required.', 'MissingRequirementsPleaseInstallNotice' => 'Please install %1$s %2$s as it is required by %3$s.', 'NoZipFileSelected' => 'Please select a ZIP file.', 'FileExceedsUploadLimit' => 'The selected file exceeds the upload limit of your server.', 'NumUpdatesAvailable' => '%s Update(s) available', 'NoPluginSettings' => 'No plugin settings that can be configured', 'Origin' => 'Origin', 'OriginCore' => 'Core', 'OriginOfficial' => 'Official', 'OriginThirdParty' => 'Third-party', 'PluginHomepage' => 'Plugin Homepage', 'PluginNotCompatibleWith' => '%1$s plugin is not compatible with %2$s.', 'PluginNotFound' => 'Plugin %1$s not found on filesystem.', 'PluginNotFoundAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, try reuploading or reinstalling it from the marketplace. If not, click uninstall to remove it from the list.', 'PluginNotWorkingAlternative' => 'If you\'ve been using this plugin, maybe you can find a more recent version in the Marketplace. If not, you may want to uninstall it.', 'PluginRequirement' => '%1$s requires %2$s.', 'PluginsManagement' => 'Manage Plugins', 'NotDownloadable' => 'Not downloadable', 'PluginNotDownloadable' => 'The plugin is not downloadable.', 'PluginNotDownloadablePaidReason' => 'Possible reasons are an expired or exceeded license.', 'PluginRequiresInternet' => 'This plugin requires a working internet connection. Please check your config value for `enable_internet_features` if you want to use this feature.', 'PluginActivated' => 'Plugin activated', 'Status' => 'Status', 'SuccessfullyActicated' => 'You have successfully activated <strong>%s</strong>.', 'TeaserExtendPiwik' => 'Extend Matomo with Plugins and Themes', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByPlugin' => 'Extend Matomo by %1$sinstalling plugins from the Marketplace%2$s or %3$supload a plugin in .zip format%4$s.', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByTheme' => 'Enjoy another look and feel by %1$sinstalling a new theme%2$s.', 'InstallingNewPluginViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'TagManagerNowAvailableTitle' => 'Matomo Tag Manager is now available', 'TagManagerNowAvailableSubtitle' => 'Manage all your tags easily through one platform to get the insights you want, the opportunities are endless!', 'ActivateTagManagerNow' => 'Activate Tag Manager now', 'TagManagerEmailSuperUserToActivate' => 'Email Super Users to activate this new feature', 'TagManagerTeaserHideSuperUser' => 'Do not show this page to any user', 'TagManagerTeaserHideNonSuperUser' => 'Not interested, do not show this page again', 'TagManagerTeaserEmailSuperUserBody' => 'Hi,%1$sMatomo Tag Manager is now available within Matomo and I would love to use this new feature. As you have Super User access, could you activate this feature through the Tag Manager page in the top menu?%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WhatIsTagManager' => 'What is a Tag Manager?', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails1' => 'Similar to how a Content Management System (CMS) brings you all the flexibility to publish content for your website without having the technical HTML/CSS knowledge, a Tag Management System (TMS) is your go-to for simplifying the process of embedding first and third-party application tracking tags (also known as snippets or pixels) on your website.', 'WhatIsTagManagerDetails2' => 'Say you want to see the results of your conversions/goals, newsletter signups, social widgets, exit popups and remarketing campaigns; what was once a highly technical and time-consuming process is now easily done within the TMS and takes only a few clicks to implement.', 'TagManagerLearnMoreInUserGuide' => 'Learn more in the Tag Manager User Guide', 'WhyUsingATagManager' => 'Why a Tag Manager?', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails1' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier! You no longer need to wait on a developer to modify any first or third-party snippets on your website as the Tag Manager gives you a stress-free experience to make these changes and deploy your website yourself.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails2' => 'It couldn\'t be more convenient and it not only lets you bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'WhyUsingATagManagerDetails3' => 'This keeps the marketing teams, digital teams and the IT guys happy... It’s a win-win for everyone!', 'AreThereAnyRisks' => 'Are there any risks?', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails1' => 'When you activate the Tag Manager, users with admin access will be able to create custom HTML tags, triggers, and variables that may execute JavaScript on your website. These custom templates could be misused to steal, for example, sensitive information from your website visitors (known as %1$sXSS%2$s).', 'AreThereAnyRisksDetails2' => 'You can disable these custom templates under "Administration => General Settings" once you have activated the Tag Manager. Alternatively, you can also restrict the usage of these templates to specific users or super users only.', 'Theme' => 'Theme', 'Themes' => 'Themes', 'ThemesDescription' => 'Themes can change the appearance of Matomo user interface, and provide a completely new visual experience to enjoy your analytics reports.', 'ThemesManagement' => 'Manage Themes', 'UninstallConfirm' => 'You are about to uninstall a plugin %s. The plugin will be completely removed from your platform and it won\'t be recoverable. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Version' => 'Version', 'ViewAllMarketplacePlugins' => 'View all Marketplace plugins', 'WeCouldNotLoadThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies' => 'The plugin %1$s could not be loaded as it has missing dependencies: %2$s', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'UpdateSelected' => 'Update Selected', ), 'CoreUpdater' => array ( 'CheckingForPluginUpdates' => 'Checking for new plugin updates', 'ClickHereToViewSqlQueries' => 'Click here to view and copy the list of SQL queries and console commands that will get executed', 'CriticalErrorDuringTheUpgradeProcess' => 'Critical Error during the update process:', 'DatabaseUpgradeRequired' => 'Database Upgrade Required', 'DisablingIncompatiblePlugins' => 'Disabling incompatible plugins: %s', 'DownloadingUpdateFromX' => 'Downloading update from %s', 'DownloadX' => 'Download %s', 'UpdateLog' => 'Update log', 'EmptyDatabaseError' => 'Database %s is empty. You must edit or remove your Matomo configuration file.', 'ErrorDIYHelp' => 'If you are an advanced user and encounter an error in the database upgrade:', 'ErrorDIYHelp_1' => 'identify and correct the source of the problem (e.g., memory_limit or max_execution_time)', 'ErrorDIYHelp_2' => 'execute the remaining queries in the update that failed', 'ErrorDIYHelp_3' => 'manually update the `option` table in your Matomo database, setting the value of version_core to the version of the failed update', 'ErrorDIYHelp_4' => 're-run the updater (through the browser or command-line) to continue with the remaining updates', 'ErrorDIYHelp_5' => 'report the problem (and solution) so that Matomo can be improved', 'ErrorDuringPluginsUpdates' => 'Error during plugin updates:', 'ExceptionAlreadyLatestVersion' => 'Your Matomo version %s is up to date.', 'ExceptionArchiveEmpty' => 'Empty archive.', 'ExceptionArchiveIncompatible' => 'Incompatible archive: %s', 'ExceptionArchiveIncomplete' => 'Archive is incomplete: some files are missing (eg. %s).', 'ExceptionDirWrongPermission' => 'Some folders are not writable. Please ensure the following folders are writable and try again: %s.', 'FeedbackRequest' => 'Feel free to share your ideas and suggestions with the Matomo Team here:', 'HelpMessageContent' => 'Check the %1$s Matomo FAQ %2$s which explains most common errors during update. %3$s Ask your system administrator - they may be able to help you with the error which is most likely related to your server or MySQL setup.', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenError' => 'The above is the core error message. It should help explain the cause, but if you require further help please:', 'HelpMessageIntroductionWhenWarning' => 'The update completed successfuly, however there were issues during the process. Please read the above descriptions for details. For further help:', 'HighTrafficPiwikServerEnableMaintenance' => 'If you manage a high traffic Matomo server, we recommend to %1$smomentarily disable visitor Tracking and put the Matomo User Interface in maintenance mode%2$s.', 'IncompatbilePluginsWillBeDisabledInfo' => 'Note: some plugins are not compatible with Matomo %s. We will update them if there is an update on the Marketplace, otherwise we will disable them when you upgrade:', 'InstallingTheLatestVersion' => 'Installing the latest version', 'LatestBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta release', 'LatestStableRelease' => 'Latest stable release', 'LatestXStableRelease' => 'Latest stable %s', 'LatestXBetaRelease' => 'Latest beta %s', 'LtsSupportVersion' => 'Long Term Support version', 'ListOfSqlQueriesFYI' => 'FYI: these are the SQL queries and console commands that will be executed to upgrade your database to Matomo %s', 'TheseSqlQueriesWillBeExecuted' => 'These SQL queries will be executed:', 'TheseCommandsWillBeExecuted' => 'These console commands will be run:', 'MajorUpdateWarning1' => 'This is a major update! It will take longer than usual.', 'MajorUpdateWarning2' => 'The following advice is especially important for large installations.', 'NeedHelpUpgrading' => 'Need help upgrading Matomo?', 'NeedHelpUpgradingText' => 'If you need support to upgrade your Matomo, the creators of Matomo are here to help you make the Matomo upgrade a success and provide all instructions, best practises and ongoing support. %1$sContact the Matomo experts to get started upgrading your Matomo safely.%2$s', 'NoteForLargePiwikInstances' => 'Important notes for large Matomo installations', 'NotificationClickToUpdatePlugins' => 'Click here to update your plugins now:', 'NotificationClickToUpdateThemes' => 'Click here to update your themes now:', 'NotificationSubjectAvailableCoreUpdate' => 'New Matomo %s is available', 'NotificationSubjectAvailablePluginUpdate' => 'Updates available for your Matomo plugins', 'PiwikHasBeenSuccessfullyUpgraded' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'PiwikUpdatedSuccessfully' => 'Matomo updated successfully!', 'PiwikWillBeUpgradedFromVersionXToVersionY' => 'Matomo database will be upgraded from version %1$s to the new version %2$s.', 'ReadyToGo' => 'Ready to go?', 'TheFollowingPluginsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following plugins will be updated: %s.', 'TheFollowingDimensionsWillBeUpgradedX' => 'The following dimensions will be updated: %s.', 'ThereIsNewPluginVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'Some plugins you use have been updated on the Marketplace:', 'ThereIsNewVersionAvailableForUpdate' => 'There is a new version of Matomo available for update', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayFailExecuteCommand' => 'If you have a large Matomo database, updates might take too long to run in the browser. In this situation, you can execute the updates from your command line: %s', 'TheUpgradeProcessMayTakeAWhilePleaseBePatient' => 'The database upgrade process may take a while, so please be patient.', 'UnpackingTheUpdate' => 'Unpacking the update', 'UpdateAutomatically' => 'Update Automatically', 'UpdateHasBeenCancelledExplanation' => 'Matomo One Click Update has been cancelled. If you can\'t fix the above error message, it is recommended that you manually update Matomo. %1$s Please check out the %2$sUpdate documentation%3$s to get started!', 'UpdateTitle' => 'Update', 'UpdatingPluginXToVersionY' => 'Updating plugin %1$s to version %2$s', 'UpdateSuccessTitle' => 'Matomo has been successfully updated!', 'UpdateErrorTitle' => 'Update error', 'ThankYouUpdatePiwik' => 'Thank you for using Matomo and keeping it up to date!', 'PostUpdateMessage' => 'Matomo will always be free to download and use, but it needs your continued support to grow and improve.', 'PostUpdateSupport' => 'If you need help using Matomo, you can get support from its creators:', 'ServicesSupport' => 'Services and support', 'CloudHosting' => 'Cloud hosting', 'Updating' => 'Updating', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailed' => 'Downloading the latest Matomo version over secure HTTPS connection did not succeed, because of the following error:', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelp' => 'Why did it fail? Downloading the latest Matomo version (over secure HTTPS connection) can fail for various reasons, for example because of a network error, slow network speed or wrong system configuration. Note that it could also mean that your server is the target of a MITM attack and someone is trying to replace the update with a malicious version of Matomo.', 'UpdateUsingHttpsFailedHelpWhatToDo' => 'It is recommended to retry the download using the secure HTTPS connection as it prevents MITM attacks.', 'UsingHttps' => 'using the secure HTTPS connection (recommended)', 'UsingHttp' => 'using the non-secure HTTP connection', 'UpgradeComplete' => 'Upgrade complete!', 'UpgradePiwik' => 'Upgrade Matomo', 'ConsoleStartingDbUpgrade' => 'Starting the database upgrade process now. This may take a while, so please be patient.', 'DbUpgradeNotExecuted' => 'Database upgrade not executed.', 'ConsoleUpdateUnexpectedUserWarning' => 'It appears you have executed this update with user %1$s, while your Matomo files are owned by %2$s. To ensure that the Matomo files are readable by the correct user, you may need to run the following command (or a similar command depending on your server configuration): $ %3$s', 'ConsoleUpdateFailure' => 'Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information.', 'ConsoleUpdateNoSqlQueries' => 'Note: There are no SQL queries or console commands to execute.', 'AlreadyUpToDate' => 'Everything is already up to date.', 'ExecuteDbUpgrade' => 'A database upgrade is required. Execute update?', 'DryRun' => 'Note: this is a Dry Run', 'DryRunEnd' => 'End of Dry Run', 'ConsoleCommandDescription' => 'Triggers upgrades. Use it after Matomo core or any plugin files have been updated. Append --yes to upgrade without confirmation.', 'ConsoleParameterDescription' => 'Directly execute the update without asking for confirmation', 'VerifyingUnpackedFiles' => 'Verifying the unpacked files', 'WarningMessages' => 'Warning messages:', 'WeAutomaticallyDeactivatedTheFollowingPlugins' => 'We automatically deactivated the following plugins: %s', 'YouCanUpgradeAutomaticallyOrDownloadPackage' => 'You can update to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:', 'YouMustDownloadPackageOrFixPermissions' => 'Matomo is unable to overwrite your current installation. You can either fix the directory/file permissions, or download the package and install version %s manually:', 'YourDatabaseIsOutOfDate' => 'Your Matomo database is out-of-date, and must be upgraded before you can continue.', 'ViewVersionChangelog' => 'View the changelog for this version:', 'ReceiveEmailBecauseIsSuperUser' => 'You receive this email because you are a Super User on the Matomo at: %s', 'ConvertToUtf8mb4' => 'Convert database to UTF8mb4 charset', 'TriggerDatabaseConversion' => 'Trigger database conversion in background', 'Utf8mb4ConversionHelp' => 'Your database is currently not using utf8mb4 charset. This makes it impossible to store 4-byte characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols. Those are currently replaced with %1$s.<br /><br />Your database supports the utf8mb4 charset and it would be possible to convert it.<br /><br />If you are able to run console commands we recommend using this command: %2$s<br /><br />Alternatively you can enable the conversion here. It will then be triggered automatically as a scheduled task in the background.<br /><br />Attention: Converting the database might take up to a couple of hours depending on the database size. As tracking might not work during this process, we do not recommend to use the trigger for bigger instances.<br /><br />You can find more information about this topic in this %3$sFAQ%4$s.', 'SkipCacheClearDesc' => 'Skips clearing of caches before updating. This is only useful if you can ensure that instances running this command have not created a cache at all yet, and if clearing the cache for many Matomo accounts can become a bottleneck.', 'SkipCacheClear' => 'Skipping clearing caches.', ), 'CustomDimensions' => array ( 'CannotBeDeleted' => 'A Custom Dimension cannot be deleted, only deactivated.', 'ColumnAvgTimeOnDimension' => 'Avg. Time On Dimension', 'ColumnUniqueActions' => 'Unique Actions', 'ConfigureDimension' => 'Configure %1$s Custom Dimension %2$s', 'ConfigureNewDimension' => 'Configure a new dimension', 'CustomDimensionId' => 'Custom Dimensions (Id %d)', 'CustomDimensions' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'CustomDimensionsIntro' => 'By creating %1$sCustom Dimensions%2$s you can collect any custom data for \'%3$s\'.', 'CustomDimensionsIntroNext' => 'Matomo will create a report for each Custom Dimension (including the conversion rate for each of your Goals), as well as let you easily segment your users based on these values. Custom Dimensions are similar to %1$sCustom Variables%2$s but there are a few %3$sdifferences between Custom Dimensions and Custom Variables%4$s.', 'DimensionCreated' => 'Custom Dimension created', 'DimensionUpdated' => 'Custom Dimension updated', 'EmptyValue' => 'empty value', 'ExampleCreateCustomDimensions' => 'For example to create %s new Custom Dimensions in scope action execute the following command:', 'ExampleValue' => 'dimensionValue', 'ExceptionDimensionDoesNotExist' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d does not exist.', 'ExceptionDimensionIsNotActive' => 'Dimension %1$d for website %2$d is not active.', 'ExtractValue' => 'Extract value', 'Extractions' => 'Extractions', 'ExtractionsHelp' => 'This is optional. A regex can be used to extract the value for this Custom Dimension from a page URL or page title automatically. This way, the custom dimension value does not have to be set manually via a Tracking client. A value still can be set manually via the Matomo Tracker API. Dimension values set manually in tracking clients always takes precedence over extractions. If multiple extractions are defined, the first extraction that matches is used. You don’t need to escape forward slashes as Matomo does this for you automatically. For example, use /news/ instead of \\/news\\/.', 'HowToCreateCustomDimension' => 'To create a new Custom Dimension execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'HowToManyCreateCustomDimensions' => 'If you want to create multiple new Custom Dimensions at once, simply append the number of dimensions that shall be created. As all database changes will be executed in one statement, it may not take much longer to add multiple Custom Dimensions at once.', 'HowToTrackManuallyTitle' => 'Tracking a value for this dimension manually', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaHttp' => 'To track a value via the HTTP Tracker API use the tracking parameter \'dimension\' followed by the Custom Dimension Id:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJs' => 'To track a value in the JavaScript Tracker call:', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaJsDetails' => 'For more information read the %1$sJavaScript Tracker guide for Custom Dimensions%2$s', 'HowToTrackManuallyViaPhp' => 'To track a value in the PHP Tracker call:', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTakesLong' => 'Creating a new Custom Dimension can take a long time depending on the size of your database as it requires schema changes in your database. Therefore it is only possible to do this via a console command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'IncreaseAvailableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Dimensions', 'NameAllowedCharacters' => 'Allowed characters are any letters, numbers, whitespace, a dash and underline.', 'NameIsRequired' => 'A name is required.', 'NameIsTooLong' => 'Name contains too many characters, use up to %d characters.', 'NoCustomDimensionConfigured' => 'No Custom Dimension configured yet, configure one now.', 'NoValue' => 'no value', 'PageUrlParam' => 'Page URL Parameter', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend Matomo to your needs by defining and tracking Custom Dimensions in scope Action or Visit', 'ScopeTitleAction' => 'Action Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionAction' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Action\' can be sent along any action (page view, download, event, etc.).', 'ScopeDescriptionActionMoreInfo' => 'Extractions may be defined so that the custom dimension value is extracted from the Page URL, Page Title or a Page URL query parameter.', 'ScopeTitleVisit' => 'Visit Dimensions', 'ScopeDescriptionVisit' => 'Custom Dimensions in scope \'Visit\' can be sent along any tracking request and are stored in the visit.', 'ScopeDescriptionVisitMoreInfo' => 'If you set different values for a given dimension during the lifetime of a visit, the last value set will be used.', 'XofYLeft' => '%1$s of %2$s dimensions left', 'UrlQueryStringParameter' => 'url query string parameter', ), 'CustomJsTracker' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Allows any plugin to extend the Matomo JavaScript Tracking file (matomo.js) and add new functionality and website measurement capabilities.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsWritable' => 'Writable JavaScript Tracker (%s)', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsNotWritable' => 'The Matomo JavaScript tracker file %s is not writable which means other plugins cannot extend the JavaScript tracker. In the future even some core features might not work as expected.', 'DiagnosticPiwikJsMakeWritable' => 'We recommend to make %1$s writable by running this command: %2$s', ), 'CustomVariables' => array ( 'ColumnCustomVariableName' => 'Custom Variable name', 'ColumnCustomVariableValue' => 'Custom Variable value', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom Variables', 'CustomVariablesReportDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values. %1$s For more information about Custom Variables in general, read the %2$sCustom Variables documentation on$s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Custom Variables are (name, value) pairs that you can assign using the Javascript API to visitors or any of their action. Matomo will then report how many visits, pages, conversions for each of these custom names and values. View the detailed Custom Variables for each user and action in the Visitor Log. This plugin is required to use Ecommerce Analytics feature!', 'ScopePage' => 'scope page', 'ScopeVisit' => 'scope visit', 'ScopeConversion' => 'scope conversion', 'ManageDescription' => 'This overview shows all custom variable slots and their usages for website \'%s\'. The names within each slot are ordered by how often they were used in total.', 'ScopeX' => 'Scope %s', 'Index' => 'Index', 'Usages' => 'Usages', 'Unused' => 'Unused', 'CreateNewSlot' => 'Increase the number of available Custom Variables slots', 'UsageDetails' => '%1$s visits and %2$s actions since creation of this website.', 'CreatingCustomVariableTakesTime' => 'Creating a new custom variable slot can take a long time depending on the size of your database. Therefore, it is only possible to do this via a command which needs to be executed on the command line.', 'CurrentAvailableCustomVariables' => 'Currently you can use up to %s Custom Variables per site.', 'ToCreateCustomVarExecute' => 'To create a new custom variable slot execute the following command within your Matomo installation:', 'SlotsReportIsGeneratedOverTime' => 'Data for this report will be populated over time. It may take a day or two to see any data and a few weeks until the report is fully accurate.', 'MetricsAreOnlyAvailableForVisitScope' => 'Note: %1$s metrics are available for Custom Variables of scope %2$s only.', 'MetricsNotAvailableForPageScope' => 'For Custom Variables of scope %1$s, the column value for these metrics is %2$s', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This report contains information about your Custom Variables. Click on a variable name to see the distribution of the values.', 'CustomVariablesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Read more about this topic in the online guide.', ), 'DBStats' => array ( 'DatabaseUsage' => 'Database usage', 'DataSize' => 'Data size', 'DBSize' => 'DB size', 'EstimatedSize' => 'Estimated size', 'IndexSize' => 'Index size', 'LearnMore' => 'To learn more about how Matomo processes data and how to make Matomo work well with medium and high traffic websites, see this documentation: %s.', 'MainDescription' => 'Matomo stores all your web analytics data in a MySQL database. Currently, Matomo tables take up %s of space.', 'MetricDataByYear' => 'Metric Tables By Year', 'MetricTables' => 'Metric Tables', 'OtherTables' => 'Other Tables', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides detailed MySQL database usage reports. Available for Super Users under Diagnostics.', 'ReportDataByYear' => 'Report Tables By Year', 'ReportTables' => 'Report Tables', 'RowCount' => 'Row count', 'Table' => 'Table', 'TotalSize' => 'Total size', 'TrackerTables' => 'Tracker Tables', ), 'Dashboard' => array ( 'AddAWidget' => 'Add a widget', 'AddPreviewedWidget' => 'Click to add widget to the dashboard', 'ChangeDashboardLayout' => 'Change dashboard layout', 'CopyDashboardToUser' => 'Copy dashboard to user', 'CreateNewDashboard' => 'Create new dashboard', 'Dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'DashboardCopied' => 'Current dashboard successfully copied to selected user.', 'DashboardEmptyNotification' => 'Your Dashboard does not contain any widgets. Start by adding some widgets or just reset the dashboard to the default widget selection.', 'DashboardName' => 'Dashboard name:', 'DashboardOf' => 'Dashboard of %s', 'DefaultDashboard' => 'Default dashboard - Using default widgets selection and columns layout', 'DeleteWidgetConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this widget from the dashboard?', 'EmptyDashboard' => 'Empty dashboard - Pick your favorite widgets', 'LoadingWidget' => 'Loading widget, please wait...', 'ManageDashboard' => 'Manage dashboard', 'Maximise' => 'Maximise', 'Minimise' => 'Minimise', 'NotUndo' => 'You will not be able to undo this operation.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics Dashboard. Customise your dashboard by adding new widgets, drag and drop them around, and change the dashboard column layout. Each user can manage their own custom dashboard.', 'RemoveDashboard' => 'Remove dashboard', 'RemoveDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the dashboard "%s"?', 'RemoveDefaultDashboardNotPossible' => 'The default dashboard cannot be removed', 'RenameDashboard' => 'Rename dashboard', 'ResetDashboard' => 'Reset dashboard', 'ResetDashboardConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to reset your dashboard layout to the default Widgets selection?', 'SelectDashboardLayout' => 'Please select your new dashboard layout', 'SelectWidget' => 'Select the widget to add in the dashboard', 'SetAsDefaultWidgets' => 'Set as default widgets selection', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to set the current widgets selection and dashboard layout as the default dashboard template?', 'SetAsDefaultWidgetsConfirmHelp' => 'This widgets selection and dashboard columns layout will be used when any user creates a new dashboard, or when "%s" feature is used.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'View Web Analytics reports for %s.', 'WidgetNotFound' => 'Widget not found', 'WidgetPreview' => 'Widget preview', 'DashboardCategoryHelp' => 'This is a dashboard page. Dashboards are a collection of Matomo\'s widgets that you add yourself to suit your specific needs. Mix and match any of Matomo\'s widgets to get the data %1$s*you*%2$s need at a glance.', ), 'DevicePlugins' => array ( 'BrowserWithNoPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with no plugins enabled', 'BrowserWithPluginsEnabled' => '%1$s with plugins %2$s enabled', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the list of plugins that are supported in visitors browsers.', 'PluginDetectionDoesNotWorkInIE' => 'Note: Plugins detection doesn\'t work in Internet Explorer before 11. This report is only based on non-IE browsers and newer versions of IE.', 'WidgetPlugins' => 'Browser Plugins', 'WidgetPluginsDocumentation' => 'This report shows which browser plugins your visitors had enabled. This information might be important for choosing the right way to deliver your content.', ), 'DevicesDetection' => array ( 'BotDetected' => 'This User-Agent is detected as %1$s. Visits with this user agent will not be tracked in Matomo by default.', 'BrowserEngine' => 'Browser engine', 'BrowserEngineDocumentation' => 'This report shows your visitors\' browsers broken down into browser engines. %s The most important information for web developers is what kind of rendering engine their visitors are using. The labels contain the names of the engines followed by the most common browser using that engine in brackets.', 'BrowserEngines' => 'Browser engines', 'BrowserFamily' => 'Browser family', 'Browsers' => 'Browsers', 'BrowserVersion' => 'Browser version', 'BrowserVersions' => 'Browser versions', 'Camera' => 'Camera', 'CarBrowser' => 'Car browser', 'Software' => 'Software', 'ColumnBrowser' => 'Browser', 'BrowserCode' => 'Browser code', 'ColumnOperatingSystem' => 'Operating system', 'ColumnOperatingSystemVersion' => 'Operating system version', 'Console' => 'Console', 'dataTableLabelBrands' => 'Brand', 'dataTableLabelModels' => 'Model', 'dataTableLabelSystemVersion' => 'Operating System version', 'dataTableLabelTypes' => 'Type', 'ClientType' => 'Client type', 'ClientTypes' => 'Client types', 'ClientHints' => 'Client Hints', 'ClientHintsNotSupported' => 'Your Browser does not support client hints.', 'ConsiderClientHints' => 'Consider Client Hints', 'Device' => 'Device', 'DeviceBrand' => 'Device brand', 'DeviceBrands' => 'Device brands', 'DeviceBrandReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.', 'DeviceDetection' => 'Device detection', 'DeviceModel' => 'Device model', 'DeviceModels' => 'Device models', 'DeviceModelReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.', 'DevicesDetection' => 'Visitor Devices', 'DeviceType' => 'Device type', 'DeviceTypes' => 'Device types', 'DeviceTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.', 'FeaturePhone' => 'Feature phone', 'OperatingSystemFamilies' => 'Operating System families', 'OperatingSystemFamily' => 'Operating system family', 'OperatingSystemFamiliesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using grouped by operating system family. An operating system family consists of different versions or distributions.', 'OperatingSystemCode' => 'Operating system code', 'OperatingSystems' => 'Operating systems', 'OperatingSystemVersions' => 'Operating System versions', 'OperatingSystemVersionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides extended information about user devices, such as Brand (manufacturer), Model (device version), device type (tv, consoles, smart phones, desktop, etc) and more.', 'SmartDisplay' => 'Smart display', 'Smartphone' => 'Smartphone', 'SmartSpeaker' => 'Smart speaker', 'PortableMediaPlayer' => 'Portable media player', 'Devices' => 'Devices', 'GenericDevice' => 'Generic %s', 'MobileDevice' => 'Mobile device', 'Tablet' => 'Tablet', 'Peripheral' => 'Peripheral', 'Phablet' => 'Phablet', 'TV' => 'Tv', 'UserAgent' => 'User-Agent', 'Library' => 'Library', 'FeedReader' => 'Feed Reader', 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'Pim' => 'PIM', 'MediaPlayer' => 'Media Player', 'XVisitsFromDevices' => '%1$s visits from %2$s devices', 'Wearable' => 'Wearable', 'WidgetBrowsers' => 'Visitor Browser', 'WidgetBrowsersDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.', 'WidgetBrowserVersionsDocumentation' => 'This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using. Each browser version is listed separately.', ), 'Diagnostics' => array ( 'ConfigFileTitle' => 'Config file', 'MysqlTemporaryTablesWarning' => 'MySQL Permission CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES is required for Matomo to work properly.', 'MysqlTransactionLevel' => 'Changing transaction isolation level not supported. Archiving will still work but it may be slower and it is recommended to change for example the `binlog_format` to `row` if possible.', 'MysqlMaxPacketSize' => 'Max Packet Size', 'MysqlMaxPacketSizeWarning' => 'It is recommended to configure a \'max_allowed_packet\' size in your MySQL database of at least %1$s. Configured is currently %2$s.', 'ConfigFileIntroduction' => 'Here you can view the Matomo configuration. If you are running Matomo in a load balanced environment, the page might be different depending on from which server this page is loaded. Rows with a different background color are changed config values that are specified for example in the %1$s file.', 'EnableRequiredDirectoriesDiagnostic' => 'This check was skipped as this check is disabled in the config. To enable this check set [General] enable_required_directories_diagnostic = 1 in the "config/config.ini.php" file.', 'HideUnchanged' => 'If you want to see only changed values you can %1$shide all unchanged values%2$s.', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledLabel' => 'Browser and Auto-archiving enabled', 'BrowserAndAutoArchivingEnabledComment' => 'It looks like both browser and auto archiving are enabled. Auto archiving last started %3$s ago. If %1$sauto archiving%2$s is enabled, you should disable browser archiving in "General Settings".', 'DatabaseReaderConnection' => 'Database Reader Connection', 'DatabaseUtf8Requirement' => 'This is required to be able to store 4-byte UTF8 characters. Unless utf8mb4 is available special characters, such as emojis, less common characters of asian languages, various historic scripts or mathematical symbols will be replaced with %1$s. You can read more details about this topic in %2$sthis FAQ%3$s.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetRecommended' => 'Your database doesn\'t support utf8mb4 charset yet.', 'DatabaseUtf8mb4CharsetAvailableButNotUsed' => 'Your database supports utf8mb4 charset, but your database tables have not been converted yet. You can do this by executing the command %1$s or activating the automatic conversion in General Settings.', 'CronArchivingLastRunCheck' => 'Last Successful Archiving Completion', 'CronArchivingHasNotRun' => 'Archiving has not yet run successfully.', 'CronArchivingHasNotRunInAWhile' => 'Archiving last ran successfully on %1$s which is %2$s ago.', 'CronArchivingRunDetails' => 'Please check that you have setup a crontab calling the %1$s console command, and that you have configured a %2$s to receive errors by email if archiving fails. You can also try to run the console command to archive your reports manually: %3$s. %4$sLearn more.%5$s', 'CronArchivingRanSuccessfullyXAgo' => 'The archiving process completed successfully %1$s ago.', 'BrowserTriggeredArchivingEnabled' => 'For optimal performance and a speedy Matomo, it is highly recommended to set up a crontab to automatically archive your reports, and to disable browser triggering in the Matomo settings. %1$sLearn more.%2$s', 'NoDataForReportArchivingNotRun' => 'The archiving of your reports hasn\'t been executed recently, %1$slearn more about how to generate your reports.%2$s', 'RecommendedPrivateDirectories' => 'Recommended Private Directories', 'RequiredPrivateDirectories' => 'Required Private Directories', 'PrivateDirectoryManualCheck' => 'Please open the URLs manually in a browser to see if you can access it. If you can, you might need to modify your server configuration as these files/directories should not be accessible via a browser from the Internet or Intranet.', 'PrivateDirectoryInternetDisabled' => 'We couldn\'t check if the following URLs are accessible because internet features are disabled on this Matomo.', 'PrivateDirectoryIsAccessible' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but they should NOT be. Allowing them to be accessed can pose a potential security risk since the contents can provide information about your server and potentially your users. Please restrict access to them.', 'ConfigIniAccessible' => 'We also found that Matomo\'s config directory is publicly accessible. While attackers can\'t read the config now, if your webserver stops executing PHP files for some reason, your MySQL credentials and other information will be available to anyone. Please check your webserver config and deny access to this directory.', 'AllPrivateDirectoriesAreInaccessible' => 'All private directories are inaccessible from the internet.', 'UrlsAccessibleViaBrowser' => 'We found that the above URLs are accessible via the browser, but we recommend they should not be. If possible, please restrict access to them.', 'PHPFPMWarningApache' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM by adding the line %1$s to the %2$s section in your apache virtual host config just above the %3$s line.', 'PHPFPMWarningNginx' => 'PHP FPM will ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to exclude certain directories from being handled by PHP FPM. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', 'PHPFPMWarningGeneric' => 'PHP FPM may ignore .htaccess rules for .php files. To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to exclude the /config directory from being handled by PHP FPM.', 'HtaccessWarningNginx' => 'To ensure that sensitive files cannot be accessed directly it is recommended to configure your web server to restrict access to certain directories. For more information please see the %1$s official nginx server configuration %2$s', ), 'Ecommerce' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Ecommerce lets you track when users add products to carts, and when they convert to an ecommerce sale. Also track products and product categories views and abandoned carts.', 'Sales' => 'Sales', 'Order' => 'Order', 'OrderId' => 'Order ID', 'OrderRevenue' => 'Order Revenue', 'RevenueLeftInCart' => 'Revenue Left In Cart', 'Orders' => 'Orders', 'ViewedProductCategory' => 'Viewed Product Category', 'ViewedProductName' => 'Viewed Product Name', 'ViewedProductPrice' => 'Viewed Product Price', 'ViewedProductSKU' => 'Viewed Product SKU', 'SalesBy' => 'Sales by %s', 'SalesAdjective' => 'Sales %s', 'NumberOfItems' => 'Number of Items in Cart', 'OrderValue' => 'Order value', 'LifeTimeValue' => 'Ecommerce Life Time Value', 'LifeTimeValueDescription' => 'Total Ecommerce revenue attributed to this customer across all visits: the sum of revenue of all Ecommerce orders for Visitor ID %s.', 'VisitorProfileLTV' => 'Generated a Life Time Revenue of %1$s.', 'VisitorProfileItemsAndOrders' => 'Purchased %1$s items in %2$s ecommerce orders.', 'VisitorProfileAbandonedCartSummary' => 'Abandoned %1$s carts including %2$s items worth a total of %3$s.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce Overview section is the best place to get a high-level view of your online store’s performance. At a glance, you can see how many sales you’re making, how much revenue you are generating, and your website’s conversion rate.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'EcommerceOverviewSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in our Ecommerce guide here.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section contains an extensive collection of reports to help you analyse the different conditions that most commonly lead to sales, such as the traffic and campaign sources, user time and location and devices used to access them.', 'SalesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also learn exactly how revenue is associated with each dimension, such as specific traffic types or tracked campaigns.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', ), 'Events' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Track Events and get reports on your visitors activity.', 'AvgEventValue' => 'Average Event value is: %s', 'AvgValue' => 'Average value', 'AvgValueDocumentation' => 'The average of all values for this event', 'Category' => 'Category', 'Event' => 'Event', 'EventAction' => 'Event Action', 'EventActions' => 'Event Actions', 'EventActionsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the number of times each event action occurred. You can view the event categories and names that were tracked along with each event action in the row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategories' => 'Event Categories', 'EventCategoriesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the categories of each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and names that were tracked along with each event category in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventCategory' => 'Event Category', 'EventName' => 'Event Name', 'EventNames' => 'Event Names', 'EventNamesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows you the names associated with each tracked event and how many times they occurred. You can view the event actions and categories that were tracked along with each event name in each row\'s subtable. You can change which is shown by changing the secondary dimension with the link at the bottom of the report.', 'EventUrl' => 'Event URL', 'EventUrls' => 'Event URLs', 'Events' => 'Events', 'EventsWithValue' => 'Events with a value', 'EventsWithValueDocumentation' => 'Number of events where an Event value was set', 'EventValue' => 'Event value', 'EventValueTooltip' => 'Total Event value is the sum of %1$s events values %2$s between minimum of %3$s and maximum of %4$s.', 'MaxValue' => 'Maximum Event value', 'MaxValueDocumentation' => 'The maximum value for this event', 'MinValue' => 'Minimum Event value', 'MinValueDocumentation' => 'The minimum value for this event', 'SecondaryDimension' => 'Secondary dimension is %s.', 'SwitchToSecondaryDimension' => 'Switch to %s', 'TopEvents' => 'Top Events', 'TotalEvents' => 'Total events', 'TotalEventsDocumentation' => 'Total number of events', 'TotalValue' => 'Event value', 'TotalValueDocumentation' => 'The sum of event values', 'ViewEvents' => 'View Events', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Events section offers reports on the custom events associated with your site. Events typically require custom configuration. Once configured you can review reports broken down by category, action and name.', 'EventsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more about event tracking here.', ), 'Feedback' => array ( 'FrequentlyAskedQuestions' => 'Frequently Asked Questions', 'DoYouHaveBugReportOrFeatureRequest' => 'Do you have a bug to report or a feature request?', 'HowToCreateTicket' => 'Please read the recommendations on writing a good %1$sbug report%2$s or %3$sfeature request%4$s. Then register or login on %5$sour issue tracker%6$s and create a %7$snew issue%8$s.', 'IWantTo' => 'I want to:', 'LearnWaysToParticipate' => 'Learn about all the ways you can %1$s participate%2$s', 'ManuallySendEmailTo' => 'Please manually send your message to', 'PluginDescription' => 'Send your Feedback to the Matomo Team. Share your ideas and suggestions to make Matomo the best analytics platform in the world!', 'PrivacyClaim' => 'Matomo respects your %1$sprivacy%2$s and gives you full control over your data.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislike' => 'How can we improve this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeNamedFeature' => 'How can we improve %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how we can do better so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraBugs' => 'We\'re sorry that you encountered issues, please let us know more about what didn\'t work.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraSpeed' => 'Could you provide an indication of how slow this feature is for you? Could you share how many visits per month you would typically record?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraMissing' => 'Which features are you missing?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageDislikeExtraEasier' => 'Was there a particular part of this feature you found difficult to use?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLike' => 'What do you like most about this feature?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeNamedFeature' => 'What do you like most about %1$s?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtra' => 'Please let us know more about how you use this feature so we can improve Matomo further.', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraUseful' => 'Can you let us know a bit about how you use this information and what you find most useful about it?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraEasy' => 'Is there anything else that could make Matomo easier to use or improve your experience?', 'RateFeatureLeaveMessageLikeExtraConfigurable' => 'Are there any configuration options you find particularly useful? Are there any other options you would like to see?', 'RateFeatureSendFeedbackInformation' => 'Your Matomo platform will send us (the Matomo team) an email (including your email address) so we can get in contact with you if you have any question.', 'RateFeatureThankYouTitle' => 'Thank you for rating \'%s\'!', 'RateFeatureTitle' => 'Do you like the \'%s\' feature? Please let us know so we can improve Matomo.', 'RateFeatureUsefulInfo' => 'Useful information', 'RateFeatureEasyToUse' => 'Easy to use', 'RateFeatureConfigurable' => 'Configurable', 'RateFeatureDislikeAddMissingFeatures' => 'Add missing features', 'RateFeatureDislikeMakeEasier' => 'Make it easier to use', 'RateFeatureDislikeSpeedUp' => 'Improve speed', 'RateFeatureDislikeFixBugs' => 'Fix bugs', 'RateFeatureOtherReason' => 'Other reason', 'SendFeedback' => 'Send Feedback', 'ThankYou' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better!', 'ThankYouHeart' => 'Thank you for helping us to make Matomo better! %1$s', 'ThankYouForSpreading' => 'Thank you for spreading the word and creating a safer web', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Tell us what you think, or request Professional Support.', 'ViewAnswersToFAQ' => 'View answers to %1$sFrequently Asked Questions%2$s', 'FAQs' => 'FAQs', 'ViewUserGuides' => 'Learn how to configure Matomo and how to effectively analyze your data with our %1$suser guides%2$s', 'UserGuides' => 'User guides', 'CommunityHelp' => 'Community Help', 'ProfessionalHelp' => 'Professional Help', 'ProfessionalServicesIntro' => 'With a Matomo On-Premise Support Subscription, let our experienced team assist you online in utilising Matomo Analytics to grow your business.', 'ProfessionalServicesOfferIntro' => 'What services can you benefit from?', 'ProfessionalServicesDedicatedSupport' => 'Support from a dedicated Matomo team member every step of the way', 'ProfessionalServicesOnboarding' => 'Onboarding questionnaire and meeting with a Matomo Support member', 'ProfessionalServicesSupport' => '24/7 online request service', 'ProfessionalServicesTraining' => 'Exclusive access to Matomo training videos', 'ProfessionalServicesEmailAlerts' => 'Email alerts for security releases for Matomo', 'ContactUs' => 'Contact us', 'VisitTheForums' => 'Visit the %1$s Forums%2$s and get help from the community of Matomo users', 'Forums' => 'Forums', 'ReviewMatomoTitle' => 'Like Matomo?', 'PleaseLeaveExternalReviewForMatomo' => 'We really appreciate your feedback. If you have a minute, please share your thoughts on one of these sites and inspire others to join our data revolution.', 'RemindMeLater' => 'Remind me later', 'NeverAskMeAgain' => 'Never ask me again', 'HowCanWeHelp' => 'How can we help?', 'NotTrackingVisits' => 'Why isn’t Matomo tracking any visits?', 'TrackMultipleSites' => 'How do I track multiple sites or subdomains?', 'RemoveOtherLabel' => 'I want to see my \'Others\' data', 'PurgeOldData' => 'I want to remove some old data', 'SearchHelpResources' => 'Search help resources', 'ReferMatomo' => 'Refer Matomo', 'ReferBannerTitle' => 'Believe in Matomo?', 'ReferBannerLonger' => 'Please help us spread the word about us so more people get control over their analytics data.', 'ReferBannerEmailShareSubject' => 'Refer them to Matomo Analytics now to take back control!', 'ReferBannerEmailShareBody' => 'I choose Matomo, an ethical alternative to Google Analytics that gives me 100%% data ownership and protects the data of my website visitors. I’m sharing this message in the hope that you too will take back the power from Google and get complete ownership of your own data. Check out Matomo at', 'ReferBannerSocialShareText' => 'If you’re using Google Analytics, stay in control by switching to an ethical alternative like Matomo now!', 'FormNotEnoughFeedbackText' => 'Please don\'t forget to share your feedback below.', 'AppreciateFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback', 'WontShowAgain' => 'We won\'t show this message again.', 'Question0' => 'What are your biggest problems or pain points with Matomo and why?', 'Question1' => 'What is the one thing you’d like to see improved in Matomo and why?', 'Question2' => 'What is the feature you are missing the most in Matomo and why?', 'Question3' => 'What is your main goal for using Matomo?', 'Question4' => 'What is your main concern about Matomo?', 'FeedbackTitle' => 'Please help us improve Matomo', 'FeedbackSubtitle' => 'Here\'s your chance to ask for it! Please describe in as much details as you can. <br/> Your feedback will help us improve Matomo. %1$s', 'ThankYourForFeedback' => 'We really appreciate your feedback! %1$s We will be in touch in case we require more information about your feedback.', 'Policy' => 'Your message and your email address will be sent to us by submitting this form. The information will be only used to improve our products and services. Your data will be processed by us, our hosting provider, and our support ticket provider. For more information have a look at %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy%2$s.', 'MessageBodyValidationError' => 'The message body is too short (minimum is 10 characters).', 'HowToMigrateFromGA' => 'How do I migrate from Google Analytics?', 'HowToDefineAndTrackGoals' => 'How do I define and track Goal conversions?', 'HowToGetStartedWithMtm' => 'How do I get started with Matomo Tag Manager?', 'HowToMigrateFromGtm' => 'How do I migrate from Google Tag Manager?', 'HowToTrackEcommerce' => 'How do I track Ecommerce orders?', 'MatomoHelpCentre' => 'Matomo Help Centre', 'KnowledgeBase' => 'Knowledge Base', 'KnowledgeBaseDescription' => 'FAQs, comprehensive guides, how-to’s and troubleshooting documents.', 'CommunityForum' => 'Community Forum', 'CommunityForumDescription' => 'Ask questions, browse solutions or share your knowledge with the Matomo Community.', 'GlossaryDescription' => 'Learn the definitions of terminology used in Matomo and web analytics.', 'MatomoVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Video Training', 'MatomoVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Learn the fundamentals of web analytics and how to use Matomo.', 'MtmVideoTraining' => 'Matomo Tag Manager Video Training', 'MtmVideoTrainingDescription' => 'Get started or uncover more ways to master the power of Matomo Tag Manager.', ), 'GeoIp2' => array ( 'AssumingNonApache' => 'Cannot find apache_get_modules function, assuming non-Apache webserver.', 'AutomaticSetup' => 'Automatically configure geolocation using a dbip database', 'AutomaticSetupDescription' => 'For a proper geolocation Matomo requires an external database. Using this option, Matomo will automatically be configured to download and use the latest dbip city level database. [%1$sView licensing terms%2$s]', 'CannotFindGeoIPDatabaseInArchive' => 'No valid DBIP / GeoIP database could be found in tar archive %1$s!', 'CannotFindGeoIPServerVar' => 'The %s variable is not set. Your server may not be configured correctly.', 'CannotListContent' => 'Couldn\'t list content for %1$s: %2$s', 'CannotSetupGeoIPAutoUpdating' => 'It seems like you\'re storing your geolocation databases outside of Matomo (we can tell since there are no databases in the misc subdirectory, but your GeoIP is working). Matomo cannot automatically update your geolocation databases if they are located outside of the misc directory.', 'CannotUnzipGeoIPFile' => 'Could not unzip GeoIP file in %1$s: %2$s', 'DownloadingDb' => 'Downloading %s', 'DownloadNewDatabasesEvery' => 'Update databases every', 'FatalErrorDuringDownload' => 'A fatal error occurred while downloading this file. There might be something wrong with your internet connection, with the geolocation database you downloaded or Matomo. Try downloading and installing it manually.', 'FoundApacheModules' => 'Matomo found the following Apache modules', 'GeoIPImplHasAccessTo' => 'This GeoIP implementation has access to the following types of databases', 'GeoIPDatabases' => 'GeoIP Databases', 'GeoIPLocationProviderDesc_ServerBasedAnonWarn' => 'Note: IP anonymization has no effect on the locations reported by this provider. Before using it with IP anonymization, make sure this does not violate any privacy laws you may be subject to.', 'GeoIPLocationProviderNotRecommended' => 'Geolocation works, but you are not using one of the recommended providers.', 'GeoIPNoDatabaseFound' => 'This GeoIP implementation was not able to find any database.', 'GeoIPNoServerVars' => 'Matomo cannot find any GeoIP %s variables.', 'GeoIPServerVarsFound' => 'Matomo detects the following GeoIP %s variables', 'GeoIPUpdaterInstructions' => 'Enter the download links for your databases below. If you\'ve purchased databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s, you can find these links in your dbip or MaxMind account. Please contact your geolocation database provider if you have trouble accessing them.', 'GeoIPUpdaterIntro' => 'Matomo is currently managing updates for the following databases', 'GeoIPVariablesConfigurationHere' => 'You can configure used server variables %1$shere%2$s.', 'GeoLiteCityLink' => 'If you\'re using the dbip city lite database, use this link: %1$s%2$s%3$s', 'HowToSetupGeoIP' => 'How to setup accurate geolocation with dbip', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step1' => '%1$sDownload%2$s the DBIP City Lite database from %3$sdbip%4$s.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step2' => 'Extract this file and copy the result, %1$s into the %2$smisc%3$s Matomo subdirectory and rename it to %4$s (you can do this either by FTP or SSH).', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step3' => 'Reload this screen. The %1$sDBIP / GeoIP (PHP)%2$s provider will now be %3$sInstalled%4$s. Select it.', 'HowToSetupGeoIP_Step4' => 'And you\'re done! You\'ve just setup Matomo to use DBIP which means you\'ll be able to see the regions and cities of your visitors along with very accurate country information.', 'HowToSetupGeoIPIntro' => 'You do not appear to have accurate Geolocation setup. This is a useful feature and without it you will not see accurate and complete location information for your visitors. Here\'s how you can quickly start using it:', 'HowToInstallApacheModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Apache?', 'HowToInstallNginxModule' => 'How do I install the GeoIP module for Nginx?', 'HttpServerModule' => 'HTTP Server Module', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdatePeriod' => 'Invalid period for the GeoIP updater: %1$s. Valid values are %2$s.', 'IPurchasedGeoIPDBs' => 'I purchased more accurate databases from %3$sdbip%4$s or %1$sMaxMind%2$s and want to setup automatic updates.', 'ISPDatabase' => 'ISP Database', 'ISPRequiresProviderPlugin' => 'Tracking Internet service providers requires the Provider plugin to be installed and activated.', 'IWantToDownloadFreeGeoIP' => 'I want to download the free DBIP database...', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides DBIP / GeoIP2 location providers.', 'LocationDatabase' => 'Location Database', 'LocationDatabaseHint' => 'A location database is either a country, region or city database.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php' => 'This location provider is the simplest to install as it does not require server configuration (ideal for shared hosting!). It uses a DBIP or GeoIP 2 database and MaxMind\'s PHP API to accurately determine the location of your visitors.', 'LocationProviderDesc_Php_WithExtension' => 'This location provider is speeded up by the installed %1$smaxminddb%2$s extension.', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule' => 'This location provider uses the GeoIP 2 module that has been installed in your HTTP server. This provider is fast and accurate, but %1$scan only be used with normal browser tracking.%2$s', 'LocationProviderDesc_ServerModule2' => 'If you have to import log files or do something else that requires setting IP addresses, use the %3$sPHP GeoIP 2 implementation%4$s and install %1$smaxminddb extension%2$s.', 'MalFormedUpdateUrl' => 'The url %1$s seems invalid. Please ensure to input a valid url starting with http:// or https://', 'InvalidGeoIPUpdateHost' => 'The host of the GeoIP update url %1$s is not trusted. To allow downloading GeoIP updates from hosts other than %2$s please adjust the setting for %3$s in config.', 'NotManagingGeoIPDBs' => 'Matomo is currently not managing any DBIP or MaxMind databases.', 'UnsupportedArchiveType' => 'Encountered unsupported archive type %1$s.', 'UpdaterHasNotBeenRun' => 'The updater has never been run.', 'UpdaterIsNotScheduledToRun' => 'It is not scheduled to run in the future.', 'UpdaterScheduledForNextRun' => 'It is scheduled to run during the next cron core:archive command execution.', 'UpdaterWasLastRun' => 'The updater was last run on %s.', 'UpdaterWillRunNext' => 'It is next scheduled to run on %s.', 'ShowCustomServerVariablesConfig' => 'I use the Geoip2 server module (Nginx, Apache...) and want to configure server variables', 'ServerBasedVariablesConfiguration' => 'Configuration for server variables used by GeoIP 2 server modules', 'ServerVariableFor' => 'Server variable for %s', 'SetupAutomaticUpdatesOfGeoIP' => 'Setup automatic updates of geolocation databases', 'ThisUrlIsNotAValidGeoIPDB' => 'The downloaded file is not a valid geolocation database. Please re-check the URL or download the file manually.', ), 'Goals' => array ( 'AbandonedCart' => 'Abandoned Cart', 'AddGoal' => 'Add Goal', 'AddNewGoal' => 'Add a new Goal', 'AddNewGoalOrEditExistingGoal' => '%1$sAdd a new Goal%2$s or %3$sEdit%4$s existing Goals', 'AllowGoalConvertedMoreThanOncePerVisit' => 'Allow Goal to be converted more than once per visit', 'AllowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => 'Allow multiple conversions per visit', 'BestCountries' => 'Your best converting countries are:', 'BestKeywords' => 'Your top converting keywords are:', 'BestReferrers' => 'Your best converting websites referrers are:', 'BestEntryPage' => 'Your best converting entry page is:', 'CaseSensitive' => 'Case sensitive match', 'CancelAndReturnToGoals' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of goals%2$s', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visitors' => 'User location', 'CategoryTextReferrers_Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'CategoryTextVisitsSummary_VisitsSummary' => 'User attribute', 'CategoryTextDevicesDetection_DevicesDetection' => 'Devices', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Actions' => 'Pages', 'CategoryTextGeneral_Visit' => 'engagement', 'ClickOutlink' => 'Click on a Link to an external website', 'SendEvent' => 'Send an event', 'ColumnAverageOrderRevenueDocumentation' => 'Average Order Value (AOV) is the total revenue from all Ecommerce Orders divided by the number of orders.', 'ColumnAveragePriceDocumentation' => 'The average revenue for this %s.', 'ColumnAverageQuantityDocumentation' => 'The average quantity of this %s sold in Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnConversionRateDocumentation' => 'The percentage of visits that triggered the goal %s.', 'ColumnConversionRatePageViewedBeforeDocumentation' => 'The percentage of all conversions for goal %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionRateProductDocumentation' => 'The %s conversion rate is the number of orders containing this product divided by number of visits on the product page.', 'ColumnConversions' => 'Conversions', 'Conversion' => 'Conversion', 'ColumnConversionsDocumentation' => 'The number of conversions for %s.', 'ColumnOrdersDocumentation' => 'The total number of Ecommerce orders which contained this %s at least once.', 'ColumnPurchasedProductsDocumentation' => 'The number of purchased products is the sum of Product quantities sold in all Ecommerce orders.', 'ColumnQuantityDocumentation' => 'Quantity is the total number of products sold for each %s.', 'ColumnRevenueDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s.', 'ColumnRevenuePerVisitDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of visits.', 'ColumnRevenuePerEntryDocumentation' => 'The total revenue generated by %s divided by the number of entrances.', 'ColumnVisits' => 'The total number of visits, regardless of whether a goal was triggered or not.', 'ColumnVisitsProductDocumentation' => 'The number of visits on the Product/Category page. This is also used to process the %s conversion rate. This metric is in the report if Ecommerce view tracking was setup on Product/Category pages.', 'Contains' => 'contains %s', 'ConversionByTypeReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides detailed information about the goal performance (conversions, conversion rates and revenue per visit) for each of the categories available in the left panel. %1$s Please click on one of the categories to view the report. %2$s For more information, read the %3$sTracking Goals documentation%4$s', 'ConversionRate' => '%s conversion rate', 'ConversionRatePageViewedBefore' => 'Viewed before %s rate', 'Conversions' => '%s conversions', 'ConversionsDescription' => 'conversions', 'ConversionsOverview' => 'Conversions Overview', 'ConversionsOverviewBy' => 'Conversions overview by type of visit', 'DaysToConv' => 'Days to Conversion', 'DaysToConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how many days pass before your visitors convert a goal.', 'Details' => 'Goal details', 'DefaultGoalConvertedOncePerVisit' => '(default) Goal can only be converted once per visit', 'DefaultRevenueLabel' => 'Goal default revenue', 'DefaultRevenueHelp' => 'For example, a Contact Form submitted by a visitor may be worth $10 on average. Matomo will help you understand how well your visitors segments are performing.', 'DeleteGoalConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the Goal %s?', 'DocumentationRevenueGeneratedByProductSales' => 'Product sales. Excludes tax, shipping and discount', 'Download' => 'Download a file', 'Ecommerce' => 'Ecommerce', 'EcommerceAndGoalsMenu' => 'Ecommerce & Goals', 'EcommerceLog' => 'Ecommerce Log', 'EcommerceOrder' => 'Ecommerce order', 'EcommerceOverview' => 'Ecommerce Overview', 'EcommerceReports' => 'Ecommerce Reports', 'EntryPagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each entry page contributed to goal conversions.', 'EntryPages' => 'Entry Pages', 'EntryPagesTitles' => 'Entry Pages Titles', 'ExceptionInvalidMatchingString' => 'If you choose \'exact match\', the matching string must be a URL starting with %1$s. For example, \'%2$s\'.', 'ExternalWebsiteUrl' => 'external website URL', 'Filename' => 'filename', 'GoalConversion' => 'Goal conversion', 'GoalConversions' => 'Goal conversions', 'GoalConversionsBy' => 'Goal %s conversions by type of visit', 'GoalIsTriggered' => 'Goal is triggered', 'GoalIsTriggeredWhen' => 'Goal is triggered when', 'GoalName' => 'Goal Name', 'Goals' => 'Goals', 'NGoals' => '%s goals', 'NRevenue' => '%s revenue', 'NItems' => '%s items', 'ManageGoals' => 'Manage Goals', 'GoalsOverview' => 'Goals Overview', 'GoalsOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of your goal conversions. Initially, the graph shows the sum of all conversions. %s Below the graph, you can see conversion reports for each of your goals. The sparklines can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'GoalX' => 'Goal %s', 'HelpOneConversionPerVisit' => 'If a Page matching this Goal is refreshed or viewed more than once in a Visit, the Goal will only be tracked the first time the page was loaded during this visit.', 'IsExactly' => 'is exactly %s', 'LearnMoreAboutGoalTrackingDocumentation' => 'Learn more about %1$s Tracking Goals in Matomo%2$s in the user documentation.', 'LeftInCart' => '%s left in cart', 'Manually' => 'manually', 'ManuallyTriggeredUsingJavascriptFunction' => 'Goal is manually triggered using the JavaScript API trackGoal()', 'MatchesExpression' => 'matches the expression %s', 'NewGoalIntro' => 'Goal Conversion tracking is one of the most efficient ways to measure and improve your business objectives.', 'NewVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'New visitors conversion rate is %s', 'NoGoalsNeedAccess2' => 'Only a Write user, an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website. Please ask your Matomo administrator to set up a Goal for your website. <br>Tracking Goals is a great way to help understand and maximize your website performance!', 'NoConversionsNoReportsMessage' => 'Reports are not displayed because there is no conversion data for the selected goal and period.', 'NeedAccess' => 'Only an Administrator or a user with Super User access can manage Goals for a given website.', 'Optional' => '(optional)', 'OverallConversionRate' => 'overall conversion rate (visits with a completed goal)', 'ColumnOverallRevenue' => 'Overall revenue', 'OverallRevenue' => 'overall revenue', 'PagesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page URL contributed to goal conversions.', 'PageTitle' => 'Page Title', 'PageTitles' => 'Page Titles', 'PagesTitlesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows how each page title contributed to goal conversions.', 'Pattern' => 'Pattern', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create Goals and see detailed reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referrer, per keyword, and more.', 'ProductCategory' => 'Product Category', 'ProductName' => 'Product Name', 'ProductNames' => 'Product Names', 'ProductPrice' => 'Product Price', 'ProductQuantity' => 'Product Quantity', 'Products' => 'Products', 'ProductSKU' => 'Product SKU', 'ProductSKUs' => 'Product SKUs', 'ReturningVisitorsConversionRateIs' => 'Returning visitors conversion rate is %s', 'SingleGoalOverviewDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the conversions for a single goal. %s The sparklines below the graph can be enlarged by clicking on them.', 'ThereIsNoGoalToManage' => 'There is no goal to manage for website %s', 'UpdateGoal' => 'Update Goal', 'URL' => 'URL', 'ViewAndEditGoals' => 'View and Edit Goals', 'GoalsBy' => 'Goals by %s', 'GoalsAdjective' => 'Goals %s', 'VisitPageTitle' => 'Visit a given Page Title', 'VisitsUntilConv' => 'Visits to Conversion', 'VisitsUntilConvReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows the number of visits made before a visitor converts a goal.', 'VisitUrl' => 'Visit a given URL (page or group of pages)', 'VisitDurationMatchAttr' => 'Stay for a certain amount of time', 'VisitDuration' => 'visit duration is', 'WhenVisitors' => 'when visitors', 'WhereThe' => 'where the', 'WhereVisitedPageManuallyCallsJavascriptTrackerLearnMore' => 'The visited page needs to contain a call to the JavaScript \'trackGoal\' method (%1$slearn more%2$s)', 'YouCanEnableEcommerceReports' => 'You can enable %1$s for this website in the %2$s page.', 'UseEventValueAsRevenue' => 'Use the event value (if it exists) as the goal conversion revenue.', 'GoalRevenue' => 'Goal Revenue', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp' => 'If the event you are matching has a revenue, and that revenue is tracked as the event value, you can enable this option to record the event value as the goal conversion\'s revenue. If your goal revenue will not vary per conversion, you can ignore this option and just set a default revenue above.', 'EventValueAsRevenueHelp2' => 'Note: If both a default goal revenue and event value are defined, the event value will be used. If this option is enabled and no event value is sent in a request, the default revenue will be used (if defined).', 'AtLeastMinutes' => 'at least %1$s minutes. Use decimals to match seconds, for example, %2$s to match 30 seconds.', 'TimeInMinutes' => 'Time in Minutes', 'ClickToViewThisGoal' => 'Click to view this goal.', 'OverviewReportDocumentation' => 'This report gives an overview of how well your visitors convert a specific goal.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Goals Overview reports on the performance of the goals defined for your website. You can access your goal’s conversion percentages, amount of revenue generated and full reports for each.', 'GoalsOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Click on an individual metric within the sparkline chart to focus on it within the full-sized evolution graph.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section allows you to create and edit Goals for specific actions which visitors take on your site, such as visiting a certain page or submitting a specific form. Goal reports vary but can help you track your website performance against business objectives such as lead generation, online sales and increased brand exposure.', 'ManageGoalsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Learn more in our Goals guide here.', 'ColumnRevenueAttributedDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was viewed before conversion.', 'ColumnConversionsEntryDocumentation' => 'The total number of goal conversions where this page was the entry page.', 'ColumnConversionEntryRateDocumentation' => 'The percent of entrances that were converted for %s.', 'ColumnRevenueEntryDocumentation' => 'The share of all revenue for %s where this page was the entry page.', ), 'ImageGraph' => array ( 'ColumnOrdinateMissing' => 'Could not find a "%1$s" column in this report. Try any of %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Generate beautiful static PNG graph images for any of your data reports.', ), 'Insights' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides Insights about your traffic. Insights are available as dashboard widgets as well as a new icon in reports, letting you see most important trends in your data.', 'ControlComparedToDescription' => 'Growth compared to the', 'ControlFilterByDescription' => 'Show all, only movers, only new or only disappeared', 'DatePeriodCombinationNotSupported' => 'It is not possible to generate insights for this date and period combination.', 'DayComparedToPreviousDay' => 'previous day', 'DayComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'same day in the previous week', 'DayComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same day in the previous year', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FilterIncreaserAndDecreaser' => 'Increaser & decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDecreaser' => 'Only decreaser', 'FilterOnlyDisappeared' => 'Only disappeared', 'FilterOnlyIncreaser' => 'Only increaser', 'FilterOnlyMovers' => 'Only movers', 'FilterOnlyNew' => 'Only new', 'IgnoredChanges' => 'Changes affecting less than %s visits were ignored.', 'MonthComparedToPreviousMonth' => 'previous month', 'MonthComparedToPreviousYear' => 'same month in the previous year', 'MoversAndShakersWidgetTitle' => 'Movers and Shakers', 'NoResultMatchesCriteria' => 'No rows match the criteria', 'OverviewWidgetTitle' => 'Insights Overview', 'TitleConsideredInsightsChanges' => 'The rows increased or decreased by at least %1$s visits (%2$s%% of %3$s total visits).', 'TitleConsideredInsightsGrowth' => 'The following rows have a growth of at least %1$s%% compared to %2$s.', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersChanges' => 'Considered movers only if they grew by more than %1$s%% visits or shrank by less than %2$s%% visits, new entries only if they increased by more than %3$s%% visits (%4$s), and disappeared rows if they shrank by less than %5$s%% visits (%6$s).', 'TitleConsideredMoversAndShakersGrowth' => '%1$s changed from %2$s to %3$s compared to %4$s. Based on this an evolution of each row of %5$s%% is expected.', 'TitleRowChangeDetails' => '\'%1$s\' changed from %2$s (%3$s) to %4$s (%5$s) %6$s.', 'TitleRowDisappearedDetails' => '\'%1$s\' decreased by %2$s and disappeared in %3$s compared to %4$s.', 'TitleRowMoverAndShaker' => 'This row had a higher impact than the average.', 'TitleRowNewDetails' => '\'%1$s\' increased by %2$s and is new compared to %3$s.', 'WeekComparedToPreviousWeek' => 'previous week', 'WidgetCategory' => 'Insights', 'YearComparedToPreviousYear' => 'previous year', ), 'Installation' => array ( 'CollaborativeProject' => 'Matomo is a collaborative project built with love.', 'ConfigurationHelp' => 'Correct your Matomo configuration file by either removing config/config.ini.php and resuming installation, or by correcting the settings for the database connection.', 'ConfirmDeleteExistingTables' => 'Delete the %s tables from your database? WARNING: DATA FROM THESE TABLES CANNOT BE RECOVERED!', 'Congratulations' => 'Congratulations', 'CongratulationsHelp' => '<p>Congratulations! Your Matomo installation is complete.</p><p>Ensure your tracking code is entered on your pages, and wait for your first visitors.</p>', 'DatabaseAbilities' => 'Database abilities', 'DatabaseCreation' => 'Database creation', 'DatabaseErrorConnect' => 'Could not connect to the database server', 'DatabaseServerVersion' => 'Database-server version', 'DatabaseSetup' => 'Database Setup', 'DatabaseSetupAdapter' => 'Adapter', 'DatabaseSetupDatabaseName' => 'Database Name', 'DatabaseSetupLogin' => 'Login', 'DatabaseSetupServer' => 'Database Server', 'DatabaseSetupTablePrefix' => 'Table Prefix', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Extension' => 'extension', 'Filesystem' => 'Filesystem', 'GetInvolved' => 'If you like what you see, you can %1$sget involved%2$s.', 'GoBackAndDefinePrefix' => 'Go back and define a prefix for the Matomo tables', 'HappyAnalysing' => 'Happy analysing!', 'Installation' => 'Installation', 'InformationalResults' => 'Informational results', 'CopyBelowInfoForSupport' => 'Copy or download the info below, in case our support team asks you for this info.', 'CopySystemCheck' => 'Copy system check', 'DownloadSystemCheck' => 'Download system check', 'InstallationStatus' => 'Installation status', 'InsufficientPrivilegesHelp' => 'These privileges can be added in phpMyAdmin, or by executing the right SQL queries. If you don\'t know how, please ask your sysadmin to do so.', 'InsufficientPrivilegesMain' => 'Either the database does not exist (and could not be created), or the specified user has insufficient privileges. The database user must have the following privileges: %s', 'InvalidStateError' => 'Error: Matomo is already installed. %1$s Go back %2$s to Matomo%3$s.', 'JsTagArchivingHelp1' => 'For medium and high-traffic websites, certain optimizations help Matomo run faster (such as %1$ssetting up auto-archiving%2$s).', 'JSTracking_EndNote' => 'Note: After installation, you can generate customized tracking code in the %1$sTracking Code%2$s admin section.', 'JSTracking_Intro' => 'To track your web traffic with Matomo you need to make sure some extra code is added to each of your webpages.', 'LargePiwikInstances' => 'Help for users with high-traffic websites', 'Legend' => 'Legend', 'LoadDataInfileRecommended' => 'You should fix this problem if your Matomo server tracks high-traffic websites (e.g. over 100,000 pages per month).', 'LoadDataInfileUnavailableHelp' => 'Hint: Using %1$s by updating your PHP and MySQL software and ensuring your database user has the %2$s privilege speeds up Matomo\'s archiving process a lot.', 'NfsFilesystemWarning' => 'Your server is using an NFS filesystem.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixAdmin' => 'This means Matomo will be extremely slow when using file-based sessions.', 'NfsFilesystemWarningSuffixInstall' => 'Using file-based sessions on NFS is extremely slow, so Matomo will use database sessions. If you have many concurrent dashboard users, you may need to increase the maximum number of client connections to the database server.', 'NoConfigFileFound' => 'Could not find the Matomo configuration file, and you are trying to access a Matomo page.', 'YouMayInstallPiwikNow' => 'You may %1$sinstall Matomo now%2$s', 'IfPiwikInstalledBeforeTablesCanBeKept' => 'If you installed Matomo before and have some tables in your database, don\'t worry, you can reuse the same tables and keep your existing data.', 'Optional' => 'Optional', 'Password' => 'Password', 'PasswordDoNotMatch' => 'mismatching passwords', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PercentDone' => '%s %% done', 'ProfessionalServicesAdTitle' => 'Advanced Analytics and Services', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalServicesAdText' => 'Our network of experts can help your organization use Matomo analytics to its full potential.', 'ProfessionalServicesfessionalDiscoverHow' => 'Learn about %1$sadditional products and services%2$s for Matomo and how to increase your conversions and revenue.', 'PleaseFixTheFollowingErrors' => 'Please fix the following errors', 'DefaultSettings' => 'Default Matomo settings', 'DefaultSettingsHelp' => 'Matomo comes with default settings. You can customize them now or do so later in the admin screen.', 'Requirements' => 'Matomo Requirements', 'RestartWebServer' => 'After making this change, restart your web server.', 'ReusingTables' => 'Reusing the Tables', 'PiwikOrgNewsletter' => 'subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo.', 'ProfessionalServicesNewsletter' => 'send me info on %1$sProfessional services and products%2$s for Matomo', 'SeeBelowForMoreInfo' => 'More info below.', 'SetupWebsite' => 'Set up a Website', 'SetupWebsiteError' => 'Could not add the website', 'SetupWebSiteName' => 'Website name', 'SetupWebsiteSetupSuccess' => '%s website created', 'SetupWebSiteURL' => 'Website URL', 'SiteSetup' => 'Please set up the first website you would like to track and analyse with Matomo:', 'SiteSetupFootnote' => 'Note: Once Matomo is fully installed, you can add more websites to track.', 'SuperUser' => 'Superuser', 'SuperUserLogin' => 'Superuser login', 'SuperUserSetupError' => 'Could not add the superuser', 'SuperUserSetupSuccess' => 'Superuser created.', 'SystemCheck' => 'System Check', 'SystemCheckAutoUpdateHelp' => 'Note: Matomo\'s one-click update requires write-permission to the Matomo folder and its contents.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseExtensions' => 'MySQL extensions', 'SystemCheckDatabaseHelp' => 'Matomo requires either the MySQLi extension or both the PDO and pdo_mysql extensions.', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSL' => 'Database SSL Connection', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLCipher' => 'SSL cipher being used', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLDisabled' => 'SSL support is turned off on your database server', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNo' => 'The database server is not compiled with SSL support', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLNotWorking' => '%s is set to \'1\', but the SSL connection is not working', 'SystemCheckDatabaseSSLOn' => 'Your database is not using SSL-connections, but supports it. Check the SSL settings of your database in the Matomo config file', 'SystemCheckDebugBacktraceHelp' => 'View::factory won\'t be able to create views for the calling module.', 'SystemCheckError' => 'An error occured and must be fixed before proceeding', 'SystemCheckEvalHelp' => 'Required by HTML QuickForm and the Twig templating system.', 'SystemCheckExtensions' => 'Other required extensions', 'SystemCheckFileIntegrity' => 'File integrity', 'SystemCheckFilterHelp' => 'You need to configure and rebuild PHP with "filter" support (don\'t use --disable-filter).', 'SystemCheckFunctions' => 'Required functions', 'SystemCheckShellExecHelp' => 'It is recommended to turn on this PHP built-in function. %1$sRead this to learn more.%2$s', 'SystemCheckGDFreeType' => 'GD > 2.x + FreeType (graphics)', 'SystemCheckGDHelp' => 'The sparklines (small graphs) and image graphs (in the Matomo mobile app and email reports) will not work.', 'SystemCheckGlobHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate the function, but may encounter further security restrictions. Functionality may be impacted.', 'SystemCheckGzcompressHelp' => 'You need to turn on the zlib extension and gzcompress function.', 'SystemCheckGzuncompressHelp' => 'You need to to turn on the zlib extension and gzuncompress function.', 'SystemCheckHashHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with required hash() support by excluding the option --disable-hash.', 'SystemCheckJsonHelp' => 'The required php-json extension is needed by Matomo to read and write JSON data.', 'SystemCheckMailHelp' => 'Feedback and \'Lost password\' messages will not be sent without \'mail()\'.', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimit' => 'Memory limit', 'SystemCheckMemoryLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, the archiving process may require more memory than currently allowed. If necessary, change the memory_limit directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckMemoryNoMemoryLimitSet' => 'There is no memory limit set', 'SystemCheckNoErrorsOrWarnings' => 'No errors or warnings', 'SystemCheckViewFullSystemCheck' => 'View the full system-check report', 'SystemCheckOpenURL' => 'Open URL', 'SystemCheckOpenURLHelp' => 'Newsletter subscriptions, update notifications, and one-click updates requires the "cURL" extension, allow_url_fopen=On, or fsockopen() enabled.', 'SystemCheckOtherExtensions' => 'Other extensions', 'SystemCheckOtherFunctions' => 'Other functions', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedDisabled' => 'PageSpeed is turned off', 'SystemCheckPageSpeedWarning' => 'It is recommended to turn off the PageSpeed module on your %s web server: PageSpeed causes several issues with Matomo, such as: broken pages reports, broken row evolution, etc. Please turn off mod_pagespeed on this server.', 'SystemCheckPackHelp' => 'The \'pack()\' function is required to track visitors in Matomo.', 'SystemCheckParseIniFileHelp' => 'This built-in function has been turned off on your host. Matomo will attempt to emulate it, but may encounter further security restrictions. Tracker performance will be impacted.', 'SystemCheckPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a GNU/Linux server you can compile PHP with the following options: %1$s In your php.ini, add the following lines: %2$s', 'SystemCheckPhp' => 'PHP version', 'SystemCheckPhpPdoAndMysqli' => 'More info: %1$sPHP PDO%2$s and %3$sMYSQLI%4$s.', 'SystemCheckSessionHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "session" support (don\'t use --disable-session).', 'SystemCheckSettings' => 'Required PHP configuration (php.ini)', 'SystemCheckSummaryNoProblems' => 'There are no problems with your Matomo setup. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereErrors' => 'Your Matomo setup has some %1$scritical issues%2$s. %3$sFix them immediately.%4$s', 'SystemCheckSummaryThereWereWarnings' => 'There are some issues with your system. Matomo will run, but you might experience minor problems.', 'SystemCheckTimeLimitHelp' => 'On a high-traffic website, executing the archiving process may take longer than currently allowed. If necessary, change the \'max_execution_time\' directive in your php.ini file.', 'SystemCheckTracker' => 'Tracker status', 'SystemCheckTrackerHelp' => 'Could not perform GET request to matomo.php. Try whitelisting this URL from HTTP authentication and disable \'mod_security\' (you may have to ask your webhost). There is more info about the error in the respective log file on your server.', 'SystemCheckWarnDomHelp' => 'You should turn on the "dom" extension (e.g., install the "php-dom" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWarning' => 'Matomo will work normally, but some features may be missing.', 'SystemCheckWarnJsonHelp' => 'You should turn on the "JSON" extension (e.g., install the "php-json" package).', 'SystemCheckWarnLibXmlHelp' => 'You should enable the "libxml" extension (e.g., "install the php-libxml" package) as it is required by other core PHP extensions.', 'SystemCheckWarnOpensslHelp' => 'You should enable the "OpenSSL" extension to allow secure updates.', 'SystemCheckWarnSimpleXMLHelp' => 'You should enable the "SimpleXML" extension (e.g., install the "php-simplexml" and/or "php-xml" package).', 'SystemCheckWinPdoAndMysqliHelp' => 'On a Windows server you can add the following lines to your php.ini: %s', 'SystemCheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access', 'SystemCheckWriteDirsHelp' => 'To fix this error on your GNU/Linux system, try typing in the following command(s)', 'SystemCheckZlibHelp' => 'Configure and rebuild PHP with the required "zlib" support, --with-zlib.', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcess' => 'Set up Cron', 'FasterReportLoading' => 'faster report-loading', 'SystemCheckCronArchiveProcessCLI' => 'Managing processes via CLI', 'SystemCheckPhpSetting' => 'Set up your php.ini file like this to prevent critical errors: %s', 'SystemCheckUpdateHttps' => 'Update over HTTPS', 'PhpBinaryCheck' => '64-bit PHP Binary', 'PhpBinaryCheckHelp' => '32-bit <p>Upgrade to a 64-bit PHP binary by January 2026 to prevent bugs.</p>', 'NotSupported' => 'not supported', 'Tables' => 'Creating the Tables', 'TablesCreatedSuccess' => 'Tables created', 'TablesDelete' => 'Delete the detected tables', 'TablesDeletedSuccess' => 'Existing Matomo tables deleted', 'TablesFound' => 'Found these tables in the database', 'TablesReuse' => 'Reuse the existing tables', 'TablesUpdatedSuccess' => 'Database updated from %1$s to %2$s!', 'TablesWarningHelp' => 'Either choose to reuse the existing database tables, or select a clean install to erase all existing database data.', 'TablesWithSameNamesFound' => 'Some %1$s tables in your \'%2$s\' database have the same names as the tables Matomo is trying to create', 'Timezone' => 'Website timezone', 'WeHopeYouWillEnjoyPiwik' => 'Enjoy using Matomo as much as we enjoy making it.', 'Welcome' => 'Welcome', 'WelcomeHelp' => '<p>Matomo is libre software used to analyze traffic from your visitors.</p><p>This process has %s steps and takes around 5 minutes.</p>', 'WelcomeToCommunity' => 'Welcome to the Matomo community.', 'CannotConnectToDb' => 'Could not connect to the database', 'CannotConnectToDbResolvingExplanation' => 'This may be a temporary issue, try %1$srefreshing the page%2$s. Please contact your Matomo administrator if the problem persists.', 'EmailPrivacyNotice' => 'Your email address will only be used to send you the newsletter. It is shared with Mad Mimi to do so, but the third-party provider may change. We will not share your email with anyone else or use your it for any other purpose. Unsubscribe at any time. The %1$sprivacy policy%2$s has more info.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc1' => 'Your Matomo is set up and ready to track and report on your website\'s traffic. Set up %1$sCLI archiving%2$s if you find it to be slow. This generates reports in the background, rather than on demand.', 'PerformanceSettingsDesc2' => 'This requires adding a Matomo command to Cron which can\'t be done automatically by the installer. %1$sRead our FAQ to learn to set it up yourself.%2$s', 'MatomoHttpRequestConfigInfo' => 'The option force_matomo_http_request in the general config is turned on, we highly recommend switching it off for security reasons. For more details please read our %1$sFAQ%2$s', ), 'Intl' => array ( 'Continent_afr' => 'Africa', 'Continent_amc' => 'Central America', 'Continent_amn' => 'North America', 'Continent_ams' => 'South America', 'Continent_ant' => 'Antarctica', 'Continent_asi' => 'Asia', 'Continent_eur' => 'Europe', 'Continent_oce' => 'Oceania', 'Country_AD' => 'Andorra', 'Country_AE' => 'United Arab Emirates', 'Country_AF' => 'Afghanistan', 'Country_AG' => 'Antigua & Barbuda', 'Country_AI' => 'Anguilla', 'Country_AL' => 'Albania', 'Country_AM' => 'Armenia', 'Country_AO' => 'Angola', 'Country_AQ' => 'Antarctica', 'Country_AR' => 'Argentina', 'Country_AS' => 'American Samoa', 'Country_AT' => 'Austria', 'Country_AU' => 'Australia', 'Country_AW' => 'Aruba', 'Country_AX' => 'Åland Islands', 'Country_AZ' => 'Azerbaijan', 'Country_BA' => 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Country_BB' => 'Barbados', 'Country_BD' => 'Bangladesh', 'Country_BE' => 'Belgium', 'Country_BF' => 'Burkina Faso', 'Country_BG' => 'Bulgaria', 'Country_BH' => 'Bahrain', 'Country_BI' => 'Burundi', 'Country_BJ' => 'Benin', 'Country_BL' => 'St. Barthélemy', 'Country_BM' => 'Bermuda', 'Country_BN' => 'Brunei', 'Country_BO' => 'Bolivia', 'Country_BQ' => 'Caribbean Netherlands', 'Country_BR' => 'Brazil', 'Country_BS' => 'Bahamas', 'Country_BT' => 'Bhutan', 'Country_BV' => 'Bouvet Island', 'Country_BW' => 'Botswana', 'Country_BY' => 'Belarus', 'Country_BZ' => 'Belize', 'Country_CA' => 'Canada', 'Country_CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Country_CD' => 'Congo - Kinshasa', 'Country_CF' => 'Central African Republic', 'Country_CG' => 'Congo - Brazzaville', 'Country_CH' => 'Switzerland', 'Country_CI' => 'Côte d’Ivoire', 'Country_CK' => 'Cook Islands', 'Country_CL' => 'Chile', 'Country_CM' => 'Cameroon', 'Country_CN' => 'China', 'Country_CO' => 'Colombia', 'Country_CR' => 'Costa Rica', 'Country_CU' => 'Cuba', 'Country_CV' => 'Cape Verde', 'Country_CW' => 'Curaçao', 'Country_CX' => 'Christmas Island', 'Country_CY' => 'Cyprus', 'Country_CZ' => 'Czechia', 'Country_DE' => 'Germany', 'Country_DJ' => 'Djibouti', 'Country_DK' => 'Denmark', 'Country_DM' => 'Dominica', 'Country_DO' => 'Dominican Republic', 'Country_DZ' => 'Algeria', 'Country_EC' => 'Ecuador', 'Country_EE' => 'Estonia', 'Country_EG' => 'Egypt', 'Country_EH' => 'Western Sahara', 'Country_ER' => 'Eritrea', 'Country_ES' => 'Spain', 'Country_ET' => 'Ethiopia', 'Country_FI' => 'Finland', 'Country_FJ' => 'Fiji', 'Country_FK' => 'Falkland Islands', 'Country_FM' => 'Micronesia', 'Country_FO' => 'Faroe Islands', 'Country_FR' => 'France', 'Country_GA' => 'Gabon', 'Country_GB' => 'United Kingdom', 'Country_GD' => 'Grenada', 'Country_GE' => 'Georgia', 'Country_GF' => 'French Guiana', 'Country_GG' => 'Guernsey', 'Country_GH' => 'Ghana', 'Country_GI' => 'Gibraltar', 'Country_GL' => 'Greenland', 'Country_GM' => 'Gambia', 'Country_GN' => 'Guinea', 'Country_GP' => 'Guadeloupe', 'Country_GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Country_GR' => 'Greece', 'Country_GS' => 'South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands', 'Country_GT' => 'Guatemala', 'Country_GU' => 'Guam', 'Country_GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Country_GY' => 'Guyana', 'Country_HK' => 'Hong Kong SAR China', 'Country_HM' => 'Heard & McDonald Islands', 'Country_HN' => 'Honduras', 'Country_HR' => 'Croatia', 'Country_HT' => 'Haiti', 'Country_HU' => 'Hungary', 'Country_ID' => 'Indonesia', 'Country_IE' => 'Ireland', 'Country_IL' => 'Israel', 'Country_IM' => 'Isle of Man', 'Country_IN' => 'India', 'Country_IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'Country_IQ' => 'Iraq', 'Country_IR' => 'Iran', 'Country_IS' => 'Iceland', 'Country_IT' => 'Italy', 'Country_JE' => 'Jersey', 'Country_JM' => 'Jamaica', 'Country_JO' => 'Jordan', 'Country_JP' => 'Japan', 'Country_KE' => 'Kenya', 'Country_KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Country_KH' => 'Cambodia', 'Country_KI' => 'Kiribati', 'Country_KM' => 'Comoros', 'Country_KN' => 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'Country_KP' => 'North Korea', 'Country_KR' => 'South Korea', 'Country_KW' => 'Kuwait', 'Country_KY' => 'Cayman Islands', 'Country_KZ' => 'Kazakhstan', 'Country_LA' => 'Laos', 'Country_LB' => 'Lebanon', 'Country_LC' => 'St. Lucia', 'Country_LI' => 'Liechtenstein', 'Country_LK' => 'Sri Lanka', 'Country_LR' => 'Liberia', 'Country_LS' => 'Lesotho', 'Country_LT' => 'Lithuania', 'Country_LU' => 'Luxembourg', 'Country_LV' => 'Latvia', 'Country_LY' => 'Libya', 'Country_MA' => 'Morocco', 'Country_MC' => 'Monaco', 'Country_MD' => 'Moldova', 'Country_ME' => 'Montenegro', 'Country_MF' => 'St. Martin', 'Country_MG' => 'Madagascar', 'Country_MH' => 'Marshall Islands', 'Country_MK' => 'North Macedonia', 'Country_ML' => 'Mali', 'Country_MM' => 'Myanmar (Burma)', 'Country_MN' => 'Mongolia', 'Country_MO' => 'Macao SAR China', 'Country_MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Country_MQ' => 'Martinique', 'Country_MR' => 'Mauritania', 'Country_MS' => 'Montserrat', 'Country_MT' => 'Malta', 'Country_MU' => 'Mauritius', 'Country_MV' => 'Maldives', 'Country_MW' => 'Malawi', 'Country_MX' => 'Mexico', 'Country_MY' => 'Malaysia', 'Country_MZ' => 'Mozambique', 'Country_NA' => 'Namibia', 'Country_NC' => 'New Caledonia', 'Country_NE' => 'Niger', 'Country_NF' => 'Norfolk Island', 'Country_NG' => 'Nigeria', 'Country_NI' => 'Nicaragua', 'Country_NL' => 'Netherlands', 'Country_NO' => 'Norway', 'Country_NP' => 'Nepal', 'Country_NR' => 'Nauru', 'Country_NU' => 'Niue', 'Country_NZ' => 'New Zealand', 'Country_OM' => 'Oman', 'Country_PA' => 'Panama', 'Country_PE' => 'Peru', 'Country_PF' => 'French Polynesia', 'Country_PG' => 'Papua New Guinea', 'Country_PH' => 'Philippines', 'Country_PK' => 'Pakistan', 'Country_PL' => 'Poland', 'Country_PM' => 'St. Pierre & Miquelon', 'Country_PN' => 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Country_PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'Country_PS' => 'Palestinian Territories', 'Country_PT' => 'Portugal', 'Country_PW' => 'Palau', 'Country_PY' => 'Paraguay', 'Country_QA' => 'Qatar', 'Country_RE' => 'Réunion', 'Country_RO' => 'Romania', 'Country_RS' => 'Serbia', 'Country_RU' => 'Russia', 'Country_RW' => 'Rwanda', 'Country_SA' => 'Saudi Arabia', 'Country_SB' => 'Solomon Islands', 'Country_SC' => 'Seychelles', 'Country_SD' => 'Sudan', 'Country_SE' => 'Sweden', 'Country_SG' => 'Singapore', 'Country_SH' => 'St. Helena', 'Country_SI' => 'Slovenia', 'Country_SJ' => 'Svalbard & Jan Mayen', 'Country_SK' => 'Slovakia', 'Country_SL' => 'Sierra Leone', 'Country_SM' => 'San Marino', 'Country_SN' => 'Senegal', 'Country_SO' => 'Somalia', 'Country_SR' => 'Suriname', 'Country_SS' => 'South Sudan', 'Country_ST' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe', 'Country_SV' => 'El Salvador', 'Country_SX' => 'Sint Maarten', 'Country_SY' => 'Syria', 'Country_SZ' => 'Eswatini', 'Country_TC' => 'Turks & Caicos Islands', 'Country_TD' => 'Chad', 'Country_TF' => 'French Southern Territories', 'Country_TG' => 'Togo', 'Country_TH' => 'Thailand', 'Country_TJ' => 'Tajikistan', 'Country_TK' => 'Tokelau', 'Country_TL' => 'Timor-Leste', 'Country_TM' => 'Turkmenistan', 'Country_TN' => 'Tunisia', 'Country_TO' => 'Tonga', 'Country_TR' => 'Turkey', 'Country_TT' => 'Trinidad & Tobago', 'Country_TV' => 'Tuvalu', 'Country_TW' => 'Taiwan', 'Country_TZ' => 'Tanzania', 'Country_UA' => 'Ukraine', 'Country_UG' => 'Uganda', 'Country_UM' => 'U.S. Outlying Islands', 'Country_US' => 'United States', 'Country_UY' => 'Uruguay', 'Country_UZ' => 'Uzbekistan', 'Country_VA' => 'Vatican City', 'Country_VC' => 'St. Vincent & Grenadines', 'Country_VE' => 'Venezuela', 'Country_VG' => 'British Virgin Islands', 'Country_VI' => 'U.S. Virgin Islands', 'Country_VN' => 'Vietnam', 'Country_VU' => 'Vanuatu', 'Country_WF' => 'Wallis & Futuna', 'Country_WS' => 'Samoa', 'Country_YE' => 'Yemen', 'Country_YT' => 'Mayotte', 'Country_ZA' => 'South Africa', 'Country_ZM' => 'Zambia', 'Country_ZW' => 'Zimbabwe', 'CurrencySymbol_AED' => 'AED', 'CurrencySymbol_AFN' => 'AFN', 'CurrencySymbol_ALL' => 'ALL', 'CurrencySymbol_AMD' => 'AMD', 'CurrencySymbol_ANG' => 'ANG', 'CurrencySymbol_AOA' => 'AOA', 'CurrencySymbol_ARS' => 'ARS', 'CurrencySymbol_AUD' => 'A$', 'CurrencySymbol_AWG' => 'AWG', 'CurrencySymbol_AZN' => 'AZN', 'CurrencySymbol_BAM' => 'BAM', 'CurrencySymbol_BBD' => 'BBD', 'CurrencySymbol_BDT' => 'BDT', 'CurrencySymbol_BGN' => 'BGN', 'CurrencySymbol_BHD' => 'BHD', 'CurrencySymbol_BIF' => 'BIF', 'CurrencySymbol_BMD' => 'BMD', 'CurrencySymbol_BND' => 'BND', 'CurrencySymbol_BOB' => 'BOB', 'CurrencySymbol_BRL' => 'R$', 'CurrencySymbol_BSD' => 'BSD', 'CurrencySymbol_BTC' => 'BTC', 'CurrencySymbol_BTN' => 'BTN', 'CurrencySymbol_BWP' => 'BWP', 'CurrencySymbol_BYN' => 'BYN', 'CurrencySymbol_BZD' => 'BZD', 'CurrencySymbol_CAD' => 'CA$', 'CurrencySymbol_CDF' => 'CDF', 'CurrencySymbol_CHF' => 'CHF', 'CurrencySymbol_CLP' => 'CLP', 'CurrencySymbol_CNY' => 'CN¥', 'CurrencySymbol_COP' => 'COP', 'CurrencySymbol_CRC' => 'CRC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUC' => 'CUC', 'CurrencySymbol_CUP' => 'CUP', 'CurrencySymbol_CVE' => 'CVE', 'CurrencySymbol_CZK' => 'CZK', 'CurrencySymbol_DJF' => 'DJF', 'CurrencySymbol_DKK' => 'DKK', 'CurrencySymbol_DOP' => 'DOP', 'CurrencySymbol_DZD' => 'DZD', 'CurrencySymbol_EGP' => 'EGP', 'CurrencySymbol_ERN' => 'ERN', 'CurrencySymbol_ETB' => 'ETB', 'CurrencySymbol_EUR' => '€', 'CurrencySymbol_FJD' => 'FJD', 'CurrencySymbol_FKP' => 'FKP', 'CurrencySymbol_GBP' => '£', 'CurrencySymbol_GEL' => 'GEL', 'CurrencySymbol_GHS' => 'GHS', 'CurrencySymbol_GIP' => 'GIP', 'CurrencySymbol_GMD' => 'GMD', 'CurrencySymbol_GNF' => 'GNF', 'CurrencySymbol_GTQ' => 'GTQ', 'CurrencySymbol_GYD' => 'GYD', 'CurrencySymbol_HKD' => 'HK$', 'CurrencySymbol_HNL' => 'HNL', 'CurrencySymbol_HRK' => 'HRK', 'CurrencySymbol_HTG' => 'HTG', 'CurrencySymbol_HUF' => 'HUF', 'CurrencySymbol_IDR' => 'IDR', 'CurrencySymbol_ILS' => '₪', 'CurrencySymbol_INR' => '₹', 'CurrencySymbol_IQD' => 'IQD', 'CurrencySymbol_IRR' => 'IRR', 'CurrencySymbol_ISK' => 'ISK', 'CurrencySymbol_JMD' => 'JMD', 'CurrencySymbol_JOD' => 'JOD', 'CurrencySymbol_JPY' => '¥', 'CurrencySymbol_KES' => 'KES', 'CurrencySymbol_KGS' => 'KGS', 'CurrencySymbol_KHR' => 'KHR', 'CurrencySymbol_KMF' => 'KMF', 'CurrencySymbol_KPW' => 'KPW', 'CurrencySymbol_KRW' => '₩', 'CurrencySymbol_KWD' => 'KWD', 'CurrencySymbol_KYD' => 'KYD', 'CurrencySymbol_KZT' => 'KZT', 'CurrencySymbol_LAK' => 'LAK', 'CurrencySymbol_LBP' => 'LBP', 'CurrencySymbol_LKR' => 'LKR', 'CurrencySymbol_LRD' => 'LRD', 'CurrencySymbol_LSL' => 'LSL', 'CurrencySymbol_LYD' => 'LYD', 'CurrencySymbol_MAD' => 'MAD', 'CurrencySymbol_MDL' => 'MDL', 'CurrencySymbol_MGA' => 'MGA', 'CurrencySymbol_MKD' => 'MKD', 'CurrencySymbol_MMK' => 'MMK', 'CurrencySymbol_MNT' => 'MNT', 'CurrencySymbol_MOP' => 'MOP', 'CurrencySymbol_MRU' => 'MRU', 'CurrencySymbol_MUR' => 'MUR', 'CurrencySymbol_MVR' => 'MVR', 'CurrencySymbol_MWK' => 'MWK', 'CurrencySymbol_MXN' => 'MX$', 'CurrencySymbol_MYR' => 'MYR', 'CurrencySymbol_MZN' => 'MZN', 'CurrencySymbol_NAD' => 'NAD', 'CurrencySymbol_NGN' => 'NGN', 'CurrencySymbol_NIO' => 'NIO', 'CurrencySymbol_NOK' => 'NOK', 'CurrencySymbol_NPR' => 'NPR', 'CurrencySymbol_NZD' => 'NZ$', 'CurrencySymbol_OMR' => 'OMR', 'CurrencySymbol_PAB' => 'PAB', 'CurrencySymbol_PEN' => 'PEN', 'CurrencySymbol_PGK' => 'PGK', 'CurrencySymbol_PHP' => '₱', 'CurrencySymbol_PKR' => 'PKR', 'CurrencySymbol_PLN' => 'PLN', 'CurrencySymbol_PYG' => 'PYG', 'CurrencySymbol_QAR' => 'QAR', 'CurrencySymbol_RON' => 'RON', 'CurrencySymbol_RSD' => 'RSD', 'CurrencySymbol_RUB' => 'RUB', 'CurrencySymbol_RWF' => 'RWF', 'CurrencySymbol_SAR' => 'SAR', 'CurrencySymbol_SBD' => 'SBD', 'CurrencySymbol_SCR' => 'SCR', 'CurrencySymbol_SDG' => 'SDG', 'CurrencySymbol_SEK' => 'SEK', 'CurrencySymbol_SGD' => 'SGD', 'CurrencySymbol_SHP' => 'SHP', 'CurrencySymbol_SLL' => 'SLL', 'CurrencySymbol_SOS' => 'SOS', 'CurrencySymbol_SRD' => 'SRD', 'CurrencySymbol_SSP' => 'SSP', 'CurrencySymbol_STN' => 'STN', 'CurrencySymbol_SYP' => 'SYP', 'CurrencySymbol_SZL' => 'SZL', 'CurrencySymbol_THB' => 'THB', 'CurrencySymbol_TJS' => 'TJS', 'CurrencySymbol_TMT' => 'TMT', 'CurrencySymbol_TND' => 'TND', 'CurrencySymbol_TOP' => 'TOP', 'CurrencySymbol_TRY' => 'TRY', 'CurrencySymbol_TTD' => 'TTD', 'CurrencySymbol_TWD' => 'NT$', 'CurrencySymbol_TZS' => 'TZS', 'CurrencySymbol_UAH' => 'UAH', 'CurrencySymbol_UGX' => 'UGX', 'CurrencySymbol_USD' => '$', 'CurrencySymbol_UYU' => 'UYU', 'CurrencySymbol_UZS' => 'UZS', 'CurrencySymbol_VES' => 'VES', 'CurrencySymbol_VND' => '₫', 'CurrencySymbol_VUV' => 'VUV', 'CurrencySymbol_WST' => 'WST', 'CurrencySymbol_XAF' => 'FCFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XCD' => 'EC$', 'CurrencySymbol_XOF' => 'F CFA', 'CurrencySymbol_XPF' => 'CFPF', 'CurrencySymbol_YER' => 'YER', 'CurrencySymbol_ZAR' => 'ZAR', 'CurrencySymbol_ZMW' => 'ZMW', 'Currency_AED' => 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', 'Currency_AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', 'Currency_ALL' => 'Albanian Lek', 'Currency_AMD' => 'Armenian Dram', 'Currency_ANG' => 'Netherlands Antillean Guilder', 'Currency_AOA' => 'Angolan Kwanza', 'Currency_ARS' => 'Argentine Peso', 'Currency_AUD' => 'Australian Dollar', 'Currency_AWG' => 'Aruban Florin', 'Currency_AZN' => 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'Currency_BAM' => 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', 'Currency_BBD' => 'Barbadian Dollar', 'Currency_BDT' => 'Bangladeshi Taka', 'Currency_BGN' => 'Bulgarian Lev', 'Currency_BHD' => 'Bahraini Dinar', 'Currency_BIF' => 'Burundian Franc', 'Currency_BMD' => 'Bermudan Dollar', 'Currency_BND' => 'Brunei Dollar', 'Currency_BOB' => 'Bolivian Boliviano', 'Currency_BRL' => 'Brazilian Real', 'Currency_BSD' => 'Bahamian Dollar', 'Currency_BTC' => 'Bitcoin', 'Currency_BTN' => 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', 'Currency_BWP' => 'Botswanan Pula', 'Currency_BYN' => 'Belarusian Ruble', 'Currency_BZD' => 'Belize Dollar', 'Currency_CAD' => 'Canadian Dollar', 'Currency_CDF' => 'Congolese Franc', 'Currency_CHF' => 'Swiss Franc', 'Currency_CLP' => 'Chilean Peso', 'Currency_CNY' => 'Chinese Yuan', 'Currency_COP' => 'Colombian Peso', 'Currency_CRC' => 'Costa Rican Colón', 'Currency_CUC' => 'Cuban Convertible Peso', 'Currency_CUP' => 'Cuban Peso', 'Currency_CVE' => 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'Currency_CZK' => 'Czech Koruna', 'Currency_DJF' => 'Djiboutian Franc', 'Currency_DKK' => 'Danish Krone', 'Currency_DOP' => 'Dominican Peso', 'Currency_DZD' => 'Algerian Dinar', 'Currency_EGP' => 'Egyptian Pound', 'Currency_ERN' => 'Eritrean Nakfa', 'Currency_ETB' => 'Ethiopian Birr', 'Currency_EUR' => 'Euro', 'Currency_FJD' => 'Fijian Dollar', 'Currency_FKP' => 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'Currency_GBP' => 'British Pound', 'Currency_GEL' => 'Georgian Lari', 'Currency_GHS' => 'Ghanaian Cedi', 'Currency_GIP' => 'Gibraltar Pound', 'Currency_GMD' => 'Gambian Dalasi', 'Currency_GNF' => 'Guinean Franc', 'Currency_GTQ' => 'Guatemalan Quetzal', 'Currency_GYD' => 'Guyanaese Dollar', 'Currency_HKD' => 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'Currency_HNL' => 'Honduran Lempira', 'Currency_HRK' => 'Croatian Kuna', 'Currency_HTG' => 'Haitian Gourde', 'Currency_HUF' => 'Hungarian Forint', 'Currency_IDR' => 'Indonesian Rupiah', 'Currency_ILS' => 'Israeli New Shekel', 'Currency_INR' => 'Indian Rupee', 'Currency_IQD' => 'Iraqi Dinar', 'Currency_IRR' => 'Iranian Rial', 'Currency_ISK' => 'Icelandic Króna', 'Currency_JMD' => 'Jamaican Dollar', 'Currency_JOD' => 'Jordanian Dinar', 'Currency_JPY' => 'Japanese Yen', 'Currency_KES' => 'Kenyan Shilling', 'Currency_KGS' => 'Kyrgystani Som', 'Currency_KHR' => 'Cambodian Riel', 'Currency_KMF' => 'Comorian Franc', 'Currency_KPW' => 'North Korean Won', 'Currency_KRW' => 'South Korean Won', 'Currency_KWD' => 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'Currency_KYD' => 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'Currency_KZT' => 'Kazakhstani Tenge', 'Currency_LAK' => 'Laotian Kip', 'Currency_LBP' => 'Lebanese Pound', 'Currency_LKR' => 'Sri Lankan Rupee', 'Currency_LRD' => 'Liberian Dollar', 'Currency_LSL' => 'Lesotho Loti', 'Currency_LYD' => 'Libyan Dinar', 'Currency_MAD' => 'Moroccan Dirham', 'Currency_MDL' => 'Moldovan Leu', 'Currency_MGA' => 'Malagasy Ariary', 'Currency_MKD' => 'Macedonian Denar', 'Currency_MMK' => 'Myanmar Kyat', 'Currency_MNT' => 'Mongolian Tugrik', 'Currency_MOP' => 'Macanese Pataca', 'Currency_MRU' => 'Mauritanian Ouguiya', 'Currency_MUR' => 'Mauritian Rupee', 'Currency_MVR' => 'Maldivian Rufiyaa', 'Currency_MWK' => 'Malawian Kwacha', 'Currency_MXN' => 'Mexican Peso', 'Currency_MYR' => 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'Currency_MZN' => 'Mozambican Metical', 'Currency_NAD' => 'Namibian Dollar', 'Currency_NGN' => 'Nigerian Naira', 'Currency_NIO' => 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', 'Currency_NOK' => 'Norwegian Krone', 'Currency_NPR' => 'Nepalese Rupee', 'Currency_NZD' => 'New Zealand Dollar', 'Currency_OMR' => 'Omani Rial', 'Currency_PAB' => 'Panamanian Balboa', 'Currency_PEN' => 'Peruvian Sol', 'Currency_PGK' => 'Papua New Guinean Kina', 'Currency_PHP' => 'Philippine Peso', 'Currency_PKR' => 'Pakistani Rupee', 'Currency_PLN' => 'Polish Zloty', 'Currency_PYG' => 'Paraguayan Guarani', 'Currency_QAR' => 'Qatari Riyal', 'Currency_RON' => 'Romanian Leu', 'Currency_RSD' => 'Serbian Dinar', 'Currency_RUB' => 'Russian Ruble', 'Currency_RWF' => 'Rwandan Franc', 'Currency_SAR' => 'Saudi Riyal', 'Currency_SBD' => 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'Currency_SCR' => 'Seychellois Rupee', 'Currency_SDG' => 'Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_SEK' => 'Swedish Krona', 'Currency_SGD' => 'Singapore Dollar', 'Currency_SHP' => 'St. Helena Pound', 'Currency_SLL' => 'Sierra Leonean Leone (1964—2022)', 'Currency_SOS' => 'Somali Shilling', 'Currency_SRD' => 'Surinamese Dollar', 'Currency_SSP' => 'South Sudanese Pound', 'Currency_STN' => 'São Tomé & Príncipe Dobra', 'Currency_SYP' => 'Syrian Pound', 'Currency_SZL' => 'Swazi Lilangeni', 'Currency_THB' => 'Thai Baht', 'Currency_TJS' => 'Tajikistani Somoni', 'Currency_TMT' => 'Turkmenistani Manat', 'Currency_TND' => 'Tunisian Dinar', 'Currency_TOP' => 'Tongan Paʻanga', 'Currency_TRY' => 'Turkish Lira', 'Currency_TTD' => 'Trinidad & Tobago Dollar', 'Currency_TWD' => 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'Currency_TZS' => 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'Currency_UAH' => 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', 'Currency_UGX' => 'Ugandan Shilling', 'Currency_USD' => 'US Dollar', 'Currency_UYU' => 'Uruguayan Peso', 'Currency_UZS' => 'Uzbekistani Som', 'Currency_VES' => 'Venezuelan Bolívar', 'Currency_VND' => 'Vietnamese Dong', 'Currency_VUV' => 'Vanuatu Vatu', 'Currency_WST' => 'Samoan Tala', 'Currency_XAF' => 'Central African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XCD' => 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'Currency_XOF' => 'West African CFA Franc', 'Currency_XPF' => 'CFP Franc', 'Currency_YER' => 'Yemeni Rial', 'Currency_ZAR' => 'South African Rand', 'Currency_ZMW' => 'Zambian Kwacha', 'Day_Long_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'Monday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'Tuesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'Wednesday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'Thursday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'Friday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'Saturday', 'Day_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'Sunday', 'Day_Min_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_1' => 'Mo', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_2' => 'Tu', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_3' => 'We', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_4' => 'Th', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_5' => 'Fr', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_6' => 'Sa', 'Day_Min_StandAlone_7' => 'Su', 'Day_Short_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_7' => 'Sun', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Mon', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Tue', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Wed', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Thu', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'Fri', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Sat', 'Day_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Sun', 'EnglishLanguageName' => 'English', 'Format_DateTime_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y {time}', 'Format_DateTime_Short' => 'MMM d, y {time}', 'Format_Date_Day_Month' => 'E, MMM d', 'Format_Date_Long' => 'EEEE, MMMM d, y', 'Format_Date_Short' => 'MMM d, y', 'Format_Hour_12' => 'h a', 'Format_Hour_24' => 'HH', 'Format_Interval_Long_D' => 'MMMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_M' => 'MMMM d – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Long_Y' => 'MMMM d, y – MMMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_D' => 'MMM d – d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_M' => 'MMM d – MMM d, y', 'Format_Interval_Short_Y' => 'MMM d, y – MMM d, y', 'Format_Month_Long' => 'MMMM y', 'Format_Month_Short' => 'MMM y', 'Format_Time' => '{time}', 'Format_Time_12' => 'h:mm:ss a', 'Format_Time_24' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'Format_Year' => 'y', 'Hours' => 'hours', 'Language_aa' => 'Afar', 'Language_ab' => 'Abkhazian', 'Language_ae' => 'Avestan', 'Language_af' => 'Afrikaans', 'Language_ak' => 'Akan', 'Language_am' => 'Amharic', 'Language_an' => 'Aragonese', 'Language_ar' => 'Arabic', 'Language_as' => 'Assamese', 'Language_av' => 'Avaric', 'Language_ay' => 'Aymara', 'Language_az' => 'Azerbaijani', 'Language_ba' => 'Bashkir', 'Language_be' => 'Belarusian', 'Language_bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'Language_bi' => 'Bislama', 'Language_bm' => 'Bambara', 'Language_bn' => 'Bangla', 'Language_bo' => 'Tibetan', 'Language_br' => 'Breton', 'Language_bs' => 'Bosnian', 'Language_ca' => 'Catalan', 'Language_ce' => 'Chechen', 'Language_ch' => 'Chamorro', 'Language_co' => 'Corsican', 'Language_cr' => 'Cree', 'Language_cs' => 'Czech', 'Language_cu' => 'Church Slavic', 'Language_cv' => 'Chuvash', 'Language_cy' => 'Welsh', 'Language_da' => 'Danish', 'Language_de' => 'German', 'Language_dv' => 'Divehi', 'Language_dz' => 'Dzongkha', 'Language_ee' => 'Ewe', 'Language_el' => 'Greek', 'Language_en' => 'English', 'Language_eo' => 'Esperanto', 'Language_es' => 'Spanish', 'Language_et' => 'Estonian', 'Language_eu' => 'Basque', 'Language_fa' => 'Persian', 'Language_ff' => 'Fula', 'Language_fi' => 'Finnish', 'Language_fj' => 'Fijian', 'Language_fo' => 'Faroese', 'Language_fr' => 'French', 'Language_fy' => 'Western Frisian', 'Language_ga' => 'Irish', 'Language_gd' => 'Scottish Gaelic', 'Language_gl' => 'Galician', 'Language_gn' => 'Guarani', 'Language_gu' => 'Gujarati', 'Language_gv' => 'Manx', 'Language_ha' => 'Hausa', 'Language_he' => 'Hebrew', 'Language_hi' => 'Hindi', 'Language_ho' => 'Hiri Motu', 'Language_hr' => 'Croatian', 'Language_ht' => 'Haitian Creole', 'Language_hu' => 'Hungarian', 'Language_hy' => 'Armenian', 'Language_hz' => 'Herero', 'Language_ia' => 'Interlingua', 'Language_id' => 'Indonesian', 'Language_ie' => 'Interlingue', 'Language_ig' => 'Igbo', 'Language_ii' => 'Sichuan Yi', 'Language_ik' => 'Inupiaq', 'Language_io' => 'Ido', 'Language_is' => 'Icelandic', 'Language_it' => 'Italian', 'Language_iu' => 'Inuktitut', 'Language_ja' => 'Japanese', 'Language_jv' => 'Javanese', 'Language_ka' => 'Georgian', 'Language_kg' => 'Kongo', 'Language_ki' => 'Kikuyu', 'Language_kj' => 'Kuanyama', 'Language_kk' => 'Kazakh', 'Language_kl' => 'Kalaallisut', 'Language_km' => 'Khmer', 'Language_kn' => 'Kannada', 'Language_ko' => 'Korean', 'Language_kr' => 'Kanuri', 'Language_ks' => 'Kashmiri', 'Language_ku' => 'Kurdish', 'Language_kv' => 'Komi', 'Language_kw' => 'Cornish', 'Language_ky' => 'Kyrgyz', 'Language_la' => 'Latin', 'Language_lb' => 'Luxembourgish', 'Language_lg' => 'Ganda', 'Language_li' => 'Limburgish', 'Language_ln' => 'Lingala', 'Language_lo' => 'Lao', 'Language_lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'Language_lu' => 'Luba-Katanga', 'Language_lv' => 'Latvian', 'Language_mg' => 'Malagasy', 'Language_mh' => 'Marshallese', 'Language_mi' => 'Māori', 'Language_mk' => 'Macedonian', 'Language_ml' => 'Malayalam', 'Language_mn' => 'Mongolian', 'Language_mr' => 'Marathi', 'Language_ms' => 'Malay', 'Language_mt' => 'Maltese', 'Language_my' => 'Burmese', 'Language_na' => 'Nauru', 'Language_nb' => 'Norwegian Bokmål', 'Language_nd' => 'North Ndebele', 'Language_ne' => 'Nepali', 'Language_ng' => 'Ndonga', 'Language_nl' => 'Dutch', 'Language_nn' => 'Norwegian Nynorsk', 'Language_no' => 'Norwegian', 'Language_nr' => 'South Ndebele', 'Language_nv' => 'Navajo', 'Language_ny' => 'Nyanja', 'Language_oc' => 'Occitan', 'Language_oj' => 'Ojibwa', 'Language_om' => 'Oromo', 'Language_or' => 'Odia', 'Language_os' => 'Ossetic', 'Language_pa' => 'Punjabi', 'Language_pi' => 'Pali', 'Language_pl' => 'Polish', 'Language_ps' => 'Pashto', 'Language_pt' => 'Portuguese', 'Language_qu' => 'Quechua', 'Language_rm' => 'Romansh', 'Language_rn' => 'Rundi', 'Language_ro' => 'Romanian', 'Language_ru' => 'Russian', 'Language_rw' => 'Kinyarwanda', 'Language_sa' => 'Sanskrit', 'Language_sc' => 'Sardinian', 'Language_sd' => 'Sindhi', 'Language_se' => 'Northern Sami', 'Language_sg' => 'Sango', 'Language_si' => 'Sinhala', 'Language_sk' => 'Slovak', 'Language_sl' => 'Slovenian', 'Language_sm' => 'Samoan', 'Language_sn' => 'Shona', 'Language_so' => 'Somali', 'Language_sq' => 'Albanian', 'Language_sr' => 'Serbian', 'Language_ss' => 'Swati', 'Language_st' => 'Southern Sotho', 'Language_su' => 'Sundanese', 'Language_sv' => 'Swedish', 'Language_sw' => 'Swahili', 'Language_ta' => 'Tamil', 'Language_te' => 'Telugu', 'Language_tg' => 'Tajik', 'Language_th' => 'Thai', 'Language_ti' => 'Tigrinya', 'Language_tk' => 'Turkmen', 'Language_tl' => 'Tagalog', 'Language_tn' => 'Tswana', 'Language_to' => 'Tongan', 'Language_tr' => 'Turkish', 'Language_ts' => 'Tsonga', 'Language_tt' => 'Tatar', 'Language_tw' => 'Twi', 'Language_ty' => 'Tahitian', 'Language_ug' => 'Uyghur', 'Language_uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'Language_ur' => 'Urdu', 'Language_uz' => 'Uzbek', 'Language_ve' => 'Venda', 'Language_vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'Language_vo' => 'Volapük', 'Language_wa' => 'Walloon', 'Language_wo' => 'Wolof', 'Language_xh' => 'Xhosa', 'Language_yi' => 'Yiddish', 'Language_yo' => 'Yoruba', 'Language_za' => 'Zhuang', 'Language_zh' => 'Chinese', 'Language_zu' => 'Zulu', 'LayoutDirection' => 'ltr', 'Minutes' => 'minutes', 'Month_Long_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_9' => 'September', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_1' => 'January', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_10' => 'October', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_11' => 'November', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_12' => 'December', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_2' => 'February', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_3' => 'March', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_4' => 'April', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_6' => 'June', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_7' => 'July', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_8' => 'August', 'Month_Long_StandAlone_9' => 'September', 'Month_Short_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_9' => 'Sep', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_1' => 'Jan', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_10' => 'Oct', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_11' => 'Nov', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_12' => 'Dec', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_2' => 'Feb', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_3' => 'Mar', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_4' => 'Apr', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_5' => 'May', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_6' => 'Jun', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_7' => 'Jul', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_8' => 'Aug', 'Month_Short_StandAlone_9' => 'Sep', 'NDays' => '%s days', 'NHoursShort' => '%sh', 'NMinutes' => '%s minutes', 'NMinutesShort' => '%s min', 'NSeconds' => '%s seconds', 'NSecondsShort' => '%ss', 'NumberFormatCurrency' => '¤#,##0.00', 'NumberFormatNumber' => '#,##0.###', 'NumberFormatPercent' => '#,##0%', 'NumberSymbolDecimal' => '.', 'NumberSymbolGroup' => ',', 'NumberSymbolMinus' => '-', 'NumberSymbolPercent' => '%', 'NumberSymbolPlus' => '+', 'OneDay' => '1 day', 'OneMinute' => '1 minute', 'OneMinuteShort' => '1 min', 'OriginalLanguageName' => 'English', 'PeriodDay' => 'day', 'PeriodDays' => 'days', 'PeriodMonth' => 'month', 'PeriodMonths' => 'months', 'PeriodWeek' => 'week', 'PeriodWeeks' => 'weeks', 'PeriodYear' => 'year', 'PeriodYears' => 'years', 'Seconds' => 'seconds', 'Time_AM' => 'AM', 'Time_PM' => 'PM', 'Timezone_Africa_Asmera' => 'Asmara', 'Timezone_Africa_Ceuta' => 'Ceuta', 'Timezone_Africa_Kinshasa' => 'Kinshasa', 'Timezone_Africa_Lubumbashi' => 'Lubumbashi', 'Timezone_America_Adak' => 'Adak', 'Timezone_America_Anchorage' => 'Anchorage', 'Timezone_America_Araguaina' => 'Araguaina', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_LaRioja' => 'La Rioja', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_RioGallegos' => 'Rio Gallegos', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Salta' => 'Salta', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanJuan' => 'San Juan', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_SanLuis' => 'San Luis', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Tucuman' => 'Tucuman', 'Timezone_America_Argentina_Ushuaia' => 'Ushuaia', 'Timezone_America_Bahia' => 'Bahia', 'Timezone_America_BahiaBanderas' => 'Bahia Banderas', 'Timezone_America_Belem' => 'Belem', 'Timezone_America_Blanc-Sablon' => 'Blanc-Sablon', 'Timezone_America_BoaVista' => 'Boa Vista', 'Timezone_America_Boise' => 'Boise', 'Timezone_America_BuenosAires' => 'Buenos Aires', 'Timezone_America_CambridgeBay' => 'Cambridge Bay', 'Timezone_America_CampoGrande' => 'Campo Grande', 'Timezone_America_Cancun' => 'Cancun', 'Timezone_America_Catamarca' => 'Catamarca', 'Timezone_America_Chicago' => 'Chicago', 'Timezone_America_Chihuahua' => 'Chihuahua', 'Timezone_America_CoralHarbour' => 'Atikokan', 'Timezone_America_Cordoba' => 'Cordoba', 'Timezone_America_Creston' => 'Creston', 'Timezone_America_Cuiaba' => 'Cuiaba', 'Timezone_America_Danmarkshavn' => 'Danmarkshavn', 'Timezone_America_Dawson' => 'Dawson', 'Timezone_America_DawsonCreek' => 'Dawson Creek', 'Timezone_America_Denver' => 'Denver', 'Timezone_America_Detroit' => 'Detroit', 'Timezone_America_Edmonton' => 'Edmonton', 'Timezone_America_Eirunepe' => 'Eirunepe', 'Timezone_America_FortNelson' => 'Fort Nelson', 'Timezone_America_Fortaleza' => 'Fortaleza', 'Timezone_America_GlaceBay' => 'Glace Bay', 'Timezone_America_Godthab' => 'Nuuk', 'Timezone_America_GooseBay' => 'Goose Bay', 'Timezone_America_Guayaquil' => 'Guayaquil', 'Timezone_America_Halifax' => 'Halifax', 'Timezone_America_Hermosillo' => 'Hermosillo', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Knox' => 'Knox, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Marengo' => 'Marengo, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Petersburg' => 'Petersburg, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_TellCity' => 'Tell City, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vevay' => 'Vevay, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Vincennes' => 'Vincennes, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indiana_Winamac' => 'Winamac, Indiana', 'Timezone_America_Indianapolis' => 'Indianapolis', 'Timezone_America_Inuvik' => 'Inuvik', 'Timezone_America_Iqaluit' => 'Iqaluit', 'Timezone_America_Jujuy' => 'Jujuy', 'Timezone_America_Juneau' => 'Juneau', 'Timezone_America_Kentucky_Monticello' => 'Monticello, Kentucky', 'Timezone_America_LosAngeles' => 'Los Angeles', 'Timezone_America_Louisville' => 'Louisville', 'Timezone_America_Maceio' => 'Maceio', 'Timezone_America_Manaus' => 'Manaus', 'Timezone_America_Matamoros' => 'Matamoros', 'Timezone_America_Mazatlan' => 'Mazatlan', 'Timezone_America_Mendoza' => 'Mendoza', 'Timezone_America_Menominee' => 'Menominee', 'Timezone_America_Merida' => 'Merida', 'Timezone_America_Metlakatla' => 'Metlakatla', 'Timezone_America_MexicoCity' => 'Mexico City', 'Timezone_America_Moncton' => 'Moncton', 'Timezone_America_Monterrey' => 'Monterrey', 'Timezone_America_NewYork' => 'New York', 'Timezone_America_Nipigon' => 'Nipigon', 'Timezone_America_Nome' => 'Nome', 'Timezone_America_Noronha' => 'Noronha', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Beulah' => 'Beulah, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_Center' => 'Center, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_NorthDakota_NewSalem' => 'New Salem, North Dakota', 'Timezone_America_Ojinaga' => 'Ojinaga', 'Timezone_America_Pangnirtung' => 'Pangnirtung', 'Timezone_America_Phoenix' => 'Phoenix', 'Timezone_America_PortoVelho' => 'Porto Velho', 'Timezone_America_PuntaArenas' => 'Punta Arenas', 'Timezone_America_RainyRiver' => 'Rainy River', 'Timezone_America_RankinInlet' => 'Rankin Inlet', 'Timezone_America_Recife' => 'Recife', 'Timezone_America_Regina' => 'Regina', 'Timezone_America_Resolute' => 'Resolute', 'Timezone_America_RioBranco' => 'Rio Branco', 'Timezone_America_Santarem' => 'Santarem', 'Timezone_America_Santiago' => 'Santiago', 'Timezone_America_SaoPaulo' => 'Sao Paulo', 'Timezone_America_Scoresbysund' => 'Ittoqqortoormiit', 'Timezone_America_Sitka' => 'Sitka', 'Timezone_America_StJohns' => 'St. John’s', 'Timezone_America_SwiftCurrent' => 'Swift Current', 'Timezone_America_Thule' => 'Thule', 'Timezone_America_ThunderBay' => 'Thunder Bay', 'Timezone_America_Tijuana' => 'Tijuana', 'Timezone_America_Toronto' => 'Toronto', 'Timezone_America_Vancouver' => 'Vancouver', 'Timezone_America_Whitehorse' => 'Whitehorse', 'Timezone_America_Winnipeg' => 'Winnipeg', 'Timezone_America_Yakutat' => 'Yakutat', 'Timezone_America_Yellowknife' => 'Yellowknife', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Casey' => 'Casey', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Davis' => 'Davis', 'Timezone_Antarctica_DumontDUrville' => 'Dumont d’Urville', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Macquarie' => 'Macquarie', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Mawson' => 'Mawson', 'Timezone_Antarctica_McMurdo' => 'McMurdo', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Palmer' => 'Palmer', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Rothera' => 'Rothera', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Syowa' => 'Syowa', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Troll' => 'Troll', 'Timezone_Antarctica_Vostok' => 'Vostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Almaty' => 'Almaty', 'Timezone_Asia_Anadyr' => 'Anadyr', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtau' => 'Aqtau', 'Timezone_Asia_Aqtobe' => 'Aqtobe', 'Timezone_Asia_Atyrau' => 'Atyrau', 'Timezone_Asia_Barnaul' => 'Barnaul', 'Timezone_Asia_Calcutta' => 'Kolkata', 'Timezone_Asia_Chita' => 'Chita', 'Timezone_Asia_Choibalsan' => 'Choibalsan', 'Timezone_Asia_Famagusta' => 'Famagusta', 'Timezone_Asia_Gaza' => 'Gaza', 'Timezone_Asia_Hebron' => 'Hebron', 'Timezone_Asia_Hovd' => 'Hovd', 'Timezone_Asia_Irkutsk' => 'Irkutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Jakarta' => 'Jakarta', 'Timezone_Asia_Jayapura' => 'Jayapura', 'Timezone_Asia_Kamchatka' => 'Kamchatka', 'Timezone_Asia_Katmandu' => 'Kathmandu', 'Timezone_Asia_Khandyga' => 'Khandyga', 'Timezone_Asia_Krasnoyarsk' => 'Krasnoyarsk', 'Timezone_Asia_KualaLumpur' => 'Kuala Lumpur', 'Timezone_Asia_Kuching' => 'Kuching', 'Timezone_Asia_Magadan' => 'Magadan', 'Timezone_Asia_Makassar' => 'Makassar', 'Timezone_Asia_Nicosia' => 'Nicosia', 'Timezone_Asia_Novokuznetsk' => 'Novokuznetsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Novosibirsk' => 'Novosibirsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Omsk' => 'Omsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Oral' => 'Oral', 'Timezone_Asia_Pontianak' => 'Pontianak', 'Timezone_Asia_Qostanay' => 'Kostanay', 'Timezone_Asia_Qyzylorda' => 'Qyzylorda', 'Timezone_Asia_Rangoon' => 'Yangon', 'Timezone_Asia_Saigon' => 'Ho Chi Minh City', 'Timezone_Asia_Sakhalin' => 'Sakhalin', 'Timezone_Asia_Samarkand' => 'Samarkand', 'Timezone_Asia_Shanghai' => 'Shanghai', 'Timezone_Asia_Srednekolymsk' => 'Srednekolymsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Tashkent' => 'Tashkent', 'Timezone_Asia_Tomsk' => 'Tomsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Ulaanbaatar' => 'Ulaanbaatar', 'Timezone_Asia_Urumqi' => 'Urumqi', 'Timezone_Asia_Ust-Nera' => 'Ust-Nera', 'Timezone_Asia_Vladivostok' => 'Vladivostok', 'Timezone_Asia_Yakutsk' => 'Yakutsk', 'Timezone_Asia_Yekaterinburg' => 'Yekaterinburg', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Azores' => 'Azores', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Canary' => 'Canary', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Faeroe' => 'Faroe', 'Timezone_Atlantic_Madeira' => 'Madeira', 'Timezone_Australia_Adelaide' => 'Adelaide', 'Timezone_Australia_Brisbane' => 'Brisbane', 'Timezone_Australia_BrokenHill' => 'Broken Hill', 'Timezone_Australia_Darwin' => 'Darwin', 'Timezone_Australia_Eucla' => 'Eucla', 'Timezone_Australia_Hobart' => 'Hobart', 'Timezone_Australia_Lindeman' => 'Lindeman', 'Timezone_Australia_LordHowe' => 'Lord Howe', 'Timezone_Australia_Melbourne' => 'Melbourne', 'Timezone_Australia_Perth' => 'Perth', 'Timezone_Australia_Sydney' => 'Sydney', 'Timezone_Europe_Astrakhan' => 'Astrakhan', 'Timezone_Europe_Berlin' => 'Berlin', 'Timezone_Europe_Busingen' => 'Busingen', 'Timezone_Europe_Kaliningrad' => 'Kaliningrad', 'Timezone_Europe_Kiev' => 'Kyiv', 'Timezone_Europe_Kirov' => 'Kirov', 'Timezone_Europe_Lisbon' => 'Lisbon', 'Timezone_Europe_Madrid' => 'Madrid', 'Timezone_Europe_Moscow' => 'Moscow', 'Timezone_Europe_Samara' => 'Samara', 'Timezone_Europe_Saratov' => 'Saratov', 'Timezone_Europe_Simferopol' => 'Simferopol', 'Timezone_Europe_Ulyanovsk' => 'Ulyanovsk', 'Timezone_Europe_Uzhgorod' => 'Uzhhorod', 'Timezone_Europe_Volgograd' => 'Volgograd', 'Timezone_Europe_Zaporozhye' => 'Zaporozhye', 'Timezone_Pacific_Auckland' => 'Auckland', 'Timezone_Pacific_Bougainville' => 'Bougainville', 'Timezone_Pacific_Chatham' => 'Chatham', 'Timezone_Pacific_Easter' => 'Easter', 'Timezone_Pacific_Galapagos' => 'Galapagos', 'Timezone_Pacific_Gambier' => 'Gambier', 'Timezone_Pacific_Johnston' => 'Johnston', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kanton' => 'Kanton', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kiritimati' => 'Kiritimati', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kosrae' => 'Kosrae', 'Timezone_Pacific_Kwajalein' => 'Kwajalein', 'Timezone_Pacific_Majuro' => 'Majuro', 'Timezone_Pacific_Marquesas' => 'Marquesas', 'Timezone_Pacific_Midway' => 'Midway', 'Timezone_Pacific_Ponape' => 'Pohnpei', 'Timezone_Pacific_PortMoresby' => 'Port Moresby', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tahiti' => 'Tahiti', 'Timezone_Pacific_Tarawa' => 'Tarawa', 'Timezone_Pacific_Truk' => 'Chuuk', 'Timezone_Pacific_Wake' => 'Wake', 'Today' => 'Today', 'Year_Short' => 'yr', 'Yesterday' => 'Yesterday', ), 'IntranetMeasurable' => array ( 'Intranet' => 'Intranet Website', 'Intranets' => 'Intranet Websites', 'IntranetDescription' => 'An intranet measurable is just like a website but hosted on an internal network.', ), 'LanguagesManager' => array ( 'AboutPiwikTranslations' => 'About Matomo translations', 'TranslationSearch' => 'Translation Search', ), 'Live' => array ( 'AveragePageGenerationTime' => 'Each page took %1$s to load for this visitor on average.', 'CalculatedOverNPageViews' => 'Calculated using this visitor\'s last %1$s page views.', 'ClickToViewMoreAboutVisit' => 'Click for more info about this visit', 'ClickToViewAllActions' => 'Click for all actions of this group in detail', 'ConvertedNGoals' => 'Converted %s goals', 'FirstVisit' => 'First visit', 'GoalType' => 'Type', 'HideMap' => 'hide map', 'KeywordRankedOnSearchResultForThisVisitor' => 'The keyword "%1$s" was ranked %2$s on the %3$s search result page for this visitor', 'LastHours' => 'Last %s hours', 'LastMinutes' => 'Last %s minutes', 'LastVisit' => 'Last visit', 'LinkVisitorLog' => 'View detailed visits log', 'LoadMoreVisits' => 'Load more', 'LimitedSummary' => 'The info in this profile summarizes the last %1$s visits. This user had more visits in total.', 'LimitedVisitsShown' => 'Only the last %1$s visits are shown. This user had more visits in total.', 'MorePagesNotDisplayed' => 'more pages by this visitor are not displayed', 'NbVisitor' => '1 visitor', 'NbVisitors' => '%s visitors', 'NextVisitor' => 'Next visitor', 'NoMoreVisits' => 'These are all the visits for this visitor.', 'PageRefreshed' => 'Number of times this page was viewed / refreshed in a row.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the live visits log and lets you watch your visitors live in the real-time dashboard widget. A visitor profile can be browsed for any given user.', 'PreviousVisitor' => 'Previous visitor', 'RealTimeVisitors' => 'Real-time Visits', 'RealTimeVisitorCount' => 'Real-time visitor count', 'Referrer_URL' => 'Referrer URL', 'ShowMap' => 'show map', 'ActionsAndDuration' => '%1$s actions in %2$s', 'SimpleRealTimeWidget_Message' => '%1$s and %2$s in the last %3$s', 'ViewVisitorProfile' => 'View visitor profile', 'DisableVisitorProfile' => 'Turn off visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitorProfileDescription' => 'All visits-log related features always function.', 'VisitedPages' => 'Visited pages', 'RevisitedPages' => 'Pages viewed more than once', 'ToggleActions' => 'Toggle visibility of all actions', 'TopVisitedPages' => 'Most visited pages', 'VisitsLog' => 'Visits Log', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfile' => 'Turn off visits log and visitor profiles', 'DisableVisitsLogAndProfileDescription' => 'Also removes features that depend on these, like the e-commerce log, the segmented visits-log, the real-time map or the real-time widget. May be required to comply with local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceeded' => 'Could not run the query in time.', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonDateRange' => 'Maybe the selected date range is too wide?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonSegment' => 'Maybe the selected segment didn\'t match any visits?', 'QueryMaxExecutionTimeExceededReasonUnknown' => 'Please try again. Get in touch with your administrator or support if the problem persists.', 'VisitorLog' => 'Visits Log', 'VisitorLogDocumentation' => 'This table shows the latest visits within the selected date range. Hover over the date of a vist to find out when the most recent one occured. %1$s If the date range includes today, you can see your visitors in real-time. %2$s The data displayed here is always live, regardless of whether and how often you make use of the archiving cron-job.', 'VisitorLogNoDataMessagePurged' => 'The data has likely been purged because the regular deletion of old raw data is on, and the date for this report is more than %s days old. A superuser can change this setting by going to Administration → Privacy.', 'VisitorProfile' => 'Visitor profile', 'VisitorsInRealTime' => 'Visits in real-time', 'VisitorsLastVisit' => 'Also visited %s days earlier.', 'VisitsFrom' => '%1$s%2$s visits%3$s from', 'VisitSummary' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and viewed %4$s pages%5$s in %6$s visits%7$s.', 'VisitSummaryWithActionDetails' => 'Spent a total of %1$s%2$s on the website%3$s, and performed %4$s actions%5$s (%6$s) in %7$s visits%8$s.', 'RowActionTooltipDefault' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this row', 'RowActionTooltipWithDimension' => 'Show the visits log segmented by this %s', 'RowActionTooltipTitle' => 'Open the segmented visits log', 'SegmentedVisitorLogTitle' => 'Visits log showing visits where %1$s is "%2$s"', 'OnClickPause' => '%s is running… Click to pause it.', 'OnClickStart' => '%s is stopped. Click to start it.', 'ClickToSeeAllContents' => 'Click to see each content interaction/impression', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The visits log shows you every visit your website receives in detail. Find out which actions each visitor has performed, how they got to your site, a bit about who they are, and more (while still complying with your local privacy regulations).', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'While other reports in Matomo show how your visitors behave at an aggregate level, the visits log provides granular detail. You can also use segments to narrow it down to specific types of visits to understand your visitors better.', 'VisitorLogSubcategoryHelp3' => 'Learn more in the visit-log guide.', 'RealTimeHelp1' => 'The visits in the real-time report show the real-time flow of visits to your website. It includes a real-time counter of your visits and page views in the last 24 hours and the previous 30 minutes.', 'RealTimeHelp2' => 'This report refreshes every 5 seconds and displays new visits (or existing visitors that view a new page) at the top of the list with a fade-in effect.', ), 'Login' => array ( 'BruteForceLog' => 'Brute Force Log', 'ConfirmationLinkSent' => 'Open the confirmation link sent to your e-mail inbox to confirm changing your password.', 'ContactAdmin' => 'Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function. <br />Please contact your Matomo administrator.', 'ExceptionInvalidSuperUserAccessAuthenticationMethod' => 'A user with superuser access cannot be authenticated using the \'%s\' mechanism.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'The password parameter is expected to be a MD5 hash of the password.', 'InvalidNonceToken' => 'The form security failed because of a token mismatch. Please reload the form and check that your cookies are on.', 'InvalidNonceReferrer' => 'The form security failed because of an invalid "Referer" header. If you are using a proxy server, you must %1$sconfigure Matomo to accept the proxy header%2$s that forwards the host header. Also, check that your "Referer" header is sent correctly. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceUnexpectedReferrer' => 'The form security failed because the "Referer" header is different from what was expected. Check that it is sent correctly.', 'InvalidNonceOrigin' => 'The form security failed because of invalid origin. If you previously connected using HTTPS, please ensure you are connecting over a secure (SSL/TLS) connection and try again.', 'InvalidNonceSSLMisconfigured' => 'Also, you may %1$sforce Matomo to use a secure connection%2$s: in your config file%3$s set %4$s below section %5$s', 'InvalidOrExpiredToken' => 'The token is invalid or has expired.', 'InvalidOrExpiredTokenV2' => 'The password has already been set or the link has expired.', 'InvalidUsernameEmail' => 'Invalid username or e-mail address.', 'LogIn' => 'Sign in', 'LoginOrEmail' => 'Username or e-mail', 'HelpIpRange' => 'Enter one IP address or one IP range per line. You can use CIDR notation e.g: %1$s or you can use wildcards, e.g: %2$s or %3$s', 'SettingBruteForceEnable' => 'Enable Brute-force Detection', 'SettingBruteForceEnableHelp' => 'Logs out users making too many password guesses within a timeframe for a while. This prevents anyone from testing all combinations. Getting a shared IP blocked also locks out its other users.', 'SettingBruteForceWhitelistIp' => 'Never block these IPs from logging in', 'SettingBruteForceBlacklistIp' => 'Always block these IPs from logging in', 'NotAllowListTakesPrecendence' => 'If an IP is on both the list of IPs to block and never block, it is blocked.', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLogins' => 'Number of allowed login retries within a given time frame', 'SettingBruteForceMaxFailedLoginsHelp' => 'Blocks the IP if more than this number of failed logins are recorded within the time frame set below.', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRange' => 'Count login retries within this time range in minutes', 'SettingBruteForceTimeRangeHelp' => 'Enter a number of minutes.', 'ConfirmPasswordReset' => 'Reset password', 'ConfirmPasswordResetIntro' => 'Please type your new password to confirm you really requested having your password changed.', 'ConfirmPasswordResetWrongPassword' => 'The entered password does not match your newly made one. Reset your password again if you don\'t remember it. Don\'t do anything to keep your password if you didn\'t request changing it.', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseBlocked' => 'Too many failed logins. Please wait and try logging in again later.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPs' => 'Blocked IPs', 'IPsAlwaysBlocked' => 'These IPs are always blocked', 'UnblockAllIPs' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockInfo' => 'You can unblock IPs blocked by mistake to allow them to log in again.', 'CurrentlyBlockedIPsUnblockConfirm' => 'Unblock all blocked IPs?', 'LoginPasswordNotCorrect' => 'Wrong username and/or password.', 'LostYourPassword' => 'Lost your password?', 'ChangeYourPassword' => 'Change your password', 'MailPasswordChangeBody2' => 'Hi %1$s, A request to reset the password was received from %2$s. Copy and paste the following link in your web browser within 24 hours to log in with your new username and password: %3$s Thank you for using Matomo.', 'MailTopicPasswordChange' => 'Confirm changing the password', 'NewPassword' => 'New password', 'NewPasswordRepeat' => 'New password (repeat)', 'PasswordChanged' => 'You can now use your new password to log in.', 'PasswordRepeat' => 'Password (repeat)', 'PasswordsDoNotMatch' => 'Mismatching passwords.', 'PasswordResetAlreadySent' => 'You requested too many password resets recently. A new request can be made in one hour. Your administrator can help you if that doesn\'t work.', 'WrongPasswordEntered' => 'Please enter your password.', 'ConfirmPasswordToContinue' => 'Confirm your password to continue', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides username and password login as well as password reset functionality. The login method can be changed by using another login plugin such as LoginLdap available on the marketplace.', 'RememberMe' => 'Remember Me', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmailSubject' => 'Some suspicious login attempts were made using your username…', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail1' => 'A suspiciously high number of login attempts was made on your Matomo account the last hour. Specifically %1$s login attempts from %2$s distinct IP addresses. Someone may be trying to break into your account.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail2' => 'Do the following:', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail3' => 'Ensure your password is a secure, random password of at least 30 characters.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail4' => 'Set up two-factor authentication so attackers need more than just your password to log in.', 'SuspiciousLoginAttemptsInLastHourEmail5' => 'Set up a list of IP addresses to never block if your Matomo has a limited set of users or IPs users access it from. %1$sRead the docs for more info.%2$s', 'LoginNotAllowedBecauseUserLoginBlocked' => 'Logging in has been turned off since a suspicious amount of failed attempts were made during the last hour.', 'InvitationTitle' => 'Accept invitation', 'InvitationDeclineTitle' => 'Decline invitation', 'InvitationDeclineBody' => 'Decline this invitation?', 'InvitationHints' => '(you can leave the page to cancel this action)', 'Accept' => 'Accept', 'PasswordRequired' => 'Please enter your password to continue', 'DeclineInvitationInfo' => 'Your invitation was declined.', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicy' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s', 'BySigningUpTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sterms & conditions%2$s', 'BySigningUpPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'By signing up, I accept the %1$sprivacy policy%2$s and the %3$sterms & conditions%4$s', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicy' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy.', 'AcceptTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the terms & conditions.', 'AcceptPrivacyPolicyAndTermsAndCondition' => 'You need to accept the privacy policy and the terms & conditions.', 'CreatePasswordDescription' => 'Make sure you remember this password and keep it in a safe place.', ), 'Marketplace' => array ( 'ActivateLicenseKey' => 'Activate', 'ActionActivatePlugin' => 'Activate plugin', 'ActionActivateTheme' => 'Activate theme', 'ActionInstall' => 'Install', 'AddToCart' => 'Add to cart', 'AllowedUploadFormats' => 'You may upload a plugin or theme in .zip format via this page.', 'Authors' => 'Authors', 'Browse' => 'Browse', 'TryFreeTrialTitle' => 'Try 30 days for free, then', 'FreeTrialLabel' => 'Free Trial', 'SpecialOffer' => 'Special Offer', 'TrialHints' => 'All premium features come with a %1$sfree 30-day trial%2$s. It is risk-free and there are no strings attached.', 'SupportMatomoThankYou' => 'Any purchase will help fund the future of the Matomo open-source project. Thank you for your support!', 'LatestMarketplaceUpdates' => 'Latest Marketplace Updates', 'BackToMarketplace' => 'Back to Marketplace', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse Marketplace', 'ByXDevelopers' => 'by %s developers', 'CannotInstall' => 'Cannot install', 'CannotUpdate' => 'Cannot update', 'ClickToCompletePurchase' => 'Click to complete purchase.', 'CurrentNumPiwikUsers' => 'Your Matomo currently has %1$s registered users.', 'ConfirmRemoveLicense' => 'Are you sure you want to remove your license key? You will no longer receive any updates for any of your purchased plugins.', 'Developer' => 'Developer', 'DevelopersLearnHowToDevelopPlugins' => 'Developers: Learn how you can extend and customize Matomo by %1$sdeveloping plugins or themes%2$s.', 'NoticeRemoveMarketplaceFromReportingMenu' => 'You can remove the Marketplace from the reporting menu by installing the %1$sWhite Label%2$s plugin.', 'Marketplace' => 'Marketplace', 'PaidPlugins' => 'Premium Features', 'FeaturedPlugin' => 'Featured plugin', 'InstallingNewPluginsViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install plugins from the Marketplace or %1$supload a plugin%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingNewThemesViaMarketplaceOrUpload' => 'You may automatically install themes from the Marketplace or %1$supload a theme%2$s in .zip format.', 'InstallingPlugin' => 'Installing %s', 'InstallPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install purchased plugins', 'LastCommitTime' => '(last commit %s)', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last Updated', 'License' => 'License', 'LicenseKey' => 'License key', 'LicenseKeyActivatedSuccess' => 'License key successfully activated!', 'LicenseKeyDeletedSuccess' => 'License key successfully deleted.', 'Exceeded' => 'Exceeded', 'LicenseMissing' => 'License missing', 'LicenseMissingDeactivatedDescription' => 'The following plugins have been deactivated because you are using them without a license: %1$s. %2$sTo resolve this issue either update your license key, %3$sget a subscription now%4$s or deactivate the plugin.', 'PluginLicenseMissingDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin because there is no license for this plugin. To resolve this issue either update your license key, get a subscription or uninstall the plugin.', 'LicenseExceeded' => 'License exceeded', 'LicenseExceededDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded: %1$s. %2$sYou will not be able to download updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either delete some users or %3$supgrade the subscription now%4$s.', 'PluginLicenseExceededDescription' => 'You are not allowed to download this plugin. The license for this plugin is no longer valid as the number of authorized users for the license is exceeded. To resolve this issue either delete some users or upgrade your subscription now.', 'LicenseExpired' => 'License expired', 'LicenseExpiredDescription' => 'The licenses for the following plugins are expired: %1$s. %2$sYou will no longer receive any updates for these plugins. To resolve this issue either %3$srenew your subscription now%4$s, or deactivate the plugin if you no longer use it.', 'LicenseRenewsNextPaymentDate' => 'Renews at next payment date', 'UpgradeSubscription' => 'Upgrade Subscription', 'ViewSubscriptionsSummary' => '%1$sView your plugin subscriptions.%2$s', 'ViewSubscriptions' => 'View subscriptions', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsExpired' => 'This license key is expired.', 'ExceptionLinceseKeyIsNotValid' => 'This license key is not valid.', 'LicenseKeyIsValidShort' => 'License key is valid!', 'RemoveLicenseKey' => 'Remove license key', 'InstallAllPurchasedPlugins' => 'Install all purchased plugins at once', 'InstallAllPurchasedPluginsAction' => 'Install and activate %d purchased plugins', 'InstallThesePlugins' => 'This will install and activate the following plugins:', 'AllPaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'All paid plugins were successfully installed and activated.', 'OnlySomePaidPluginsInstalledAndActivated' => 'Some paid plugins were not installed successfully.', 'NewVersion' => 'new version', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplacePlugins' => 'You can browse the list of plugins that can be installed to customize or extend your Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator if you need any of these installed.', 'NotAllowedToBrowseMarketplaceThemes' => 'You can browse the list of themes that can be installed to customize the appearance of the Matomo platform. Please contact your administrator to get any of these installed for you.', 'NoPluginsFound' => 'No plugins found', 'NoThemesFound' => 'No themes found', 'NoSubscriptionsFound' => 'No subscriptions found', 'NumDownloadsLatestVersion' => 'Latest version: %s Downloads', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptions' => 'Overview of your plugin subscriptions', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingLicense' => 'You do not have a license key set. If you have purchased a plugin subscription, go to the %1$sMarketplace%2$s and enter your license key.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsAllDetails' => 'To see all details, or to change a subscription, log into your account.', 'OverviewPluginSubscriptionsMissingInfo' => 'It may be possible that a subscription is missing, for example if a payment is not through yet. In such a case try again in a few hours, or contact the Matomo team.', 'NoValidSubscriptionNoUpdates' => 'Once a subscription is expired you will no longer receive any updates for this plugin.', 'PluginSubscriptionsList' => 'This is a list of subscriptions associated with your license key.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntro' => 'If you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s, please insert the received licence key below.', 'PaidPluginsWithLicenseKeyIntro' => 'A valid license key has been set up. For security reasons we do not show the license key here. If you have lost your license key, please contact the Matomo team.', 'PaidPluginsNoLicenseKeyIntroNoSuperUserAccess' => 'In case you have purchased a %1$spremium paid plugin%2$s on the Marketplace please ask a user with Super User access to add the license key.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Extend and expand the functionality of Matomo via the Marketplace by downloading plugins and themes.', 'PluginKeywords' => 'Keywords', 'PluginUpdateAvailable' => 'You are using version %1$s and a new version %2$s is available.', 'PluginVersionInfo' => '%1$s from %2$s', 'PluginWebsite' => 'Plugin Website', 'PriceExclTax' => '%1$s %2$s excl. tax.', 'PriceFromPerPeriod' => 'From %1$s / %2$s', 'Reviews' => 'Reviews', 'RichMenuIntro' => 'Explore and purchase essential plugins for your dashboard.', 'ShownPriceIsExclTax' => 'Shown price is excl. tax.', 'Screenshots' => 'Screenshots', 'SortByNewest' => 'Newest', 'SortByAlpha' => 'Alphabetically', 'SortByLastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'SortByPopular' => 'Popular', 'StepDownloadingPluginFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading plugin from Marketplace', 'StepDownloadingThemeFromMarketplace' => 'Downloading theme from Marketplace', 'StepUnzippingPlugin' => 'Unzipping plugin', 'StepUnzippingTheme' => 'Unzipping theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyInstalled' => 'You have successfully installed the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepPluginSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the plugin %1$s %2$s.', 'StepReplaceExistingPlugin' => 'Replacing existing plugin', 'StepReplaceExistingTheme' => 'Replacing existing theme', 'StepThemeSuccessfullyUpdated' => 'You have successfully updated the theme %1$s %2$s.', 'SubscriptionType' => 'Type', 'SubscriptionStartDate' => 'Start date', 'SubscriptionEndDate' => 'End date', 'SubscriptionNextPaymentDate' => 'Next payment date', 'SubscriptionInvalid' => 'This subscription is invalid or expired', 'SubscriptionExpiresSoon' => 'This subscription expires soon', 'Support' => 'Support', 'TeaserExtendPiwikByUpload' => 'Extend Matomo by uploading a ZIP file', 'LicenseExceededPossibleCause' => 'The license is exceeded. There are possibly more users on this Matomo installation than the subscription authorizes.', 'Updated' => 'Updated', 'UpdatingPlugin' => 'Updating %1$s', 'UploadZipFile' => 'Upload ZIP file', 'PluginUploadDisabled' => 'Plugin upload is disabled in config file. In order to enable this feature please update your configuration or contact your administrator', 'LicenseKeyExpiresSoon' => 'Your license key expires soon, please contact %1$s.', 'LicenseKeyIsExpired' => 'Your license key is expired, please contact %1$s.', 'MultiServerEnvironmentWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as you are using Matomo on multiple servers. The plugin would be only installed on one server. Instead, download the plugin and deploy it manually to all your servers.', 'AutoUpdateDisabledWarning' => 'You cannot install or update the plugin directly as automatic updates are disabled in the config. To enable automatic updates set %1$s in %2$s.', 'ViewRepositoryChangelog' => 'View the changes', 'Show' => 'Show', 'Sort' => 'Sort', ), 'MobileAppMeasurable' => array ( 'MobileApp' => 'Mobile App', 'MobileApps' => 'Mobile Apps', 'MobileAppDescription' => 'A native mobile app for iOS, Android or any other mobile operating system.', ), 'MobileMessaging' => array ( 'Exception_UnknownProvider' => 'Provider name \'%1$s\' unknown. Try any of the following instead: %2$s.', 'MobileReport_AdditionalPhoneNumbers' => 'You can add more phone numbers by accessing', 'MobileReport_MobileMessagingSettingsLink' => 'the Mobile Messaging settings page', 'MobileReport_NoPhoneNumbers' => 'Please activate at least one phone number by accessing', 'MultiSites_Must_Be_Activated' => 'To generate SMS texts of your website stats, please enable the MultiSites plugin in Matomo.', 'PhoneNumbers' => 'Phone Numbers', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create and download custom SMS reports and have them sent to your mobile on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.', 'Settings_APIKey' => 'API Key', 'Settings_CountryCode' => 'Country Code', 'Settings_SelectCountry' => 'Select country', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvided' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please connect Matomo to your SMS Account above.', 'Settings_CredentialNotProvidedByAdmin' => 'Before you can create and manage phone numbers, please ask your administrator to connect Matomo to an SMS Account.', 'Settings_CredentialProvided' => 'Your %s SMS API account is correctly configured!', 'Settings_CredentialInvalid' => 'Your %1$s SMS API account is configured, but an error occurred while trying to receive the available credits.', 'Settings_DeleteAccountConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this SMS account?', 'Settings_DelegatedSmsProviderOnlyAppliesToYou' => 'The configured SMS provider will be only used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_DelegatedPhoneNumbersOnlyUsedByYou' => 'The configured phone numbers can be only seen and used by you and not by any other users.', 'Settings_EnterActivationCode' => 'Enter activation code', 'Settings_InvalidActivationCode' => 'Code entered was not valid, please try again.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential' => 'Allow users to manage their own SMS provider', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_No_Help' => 'All users are able to receive SMS Reports and will use your account\'s credits.', 'Settings_LetUsersManageAPICredential_Yes_Help' => 'Each user will be able to set up their own SMS API Account and will not use your credit.', 'Settings_ManagePhoneNumbers' => 'Manage Phone Numbers', 'Settings_PhoneActivated' => 'Phone number validated! You can now receive SMS with your stats.', 'Settings_PhoneNumber' => 'Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Add' => 'Add a new Phone Number', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_CountryCode_Help' => 'If you do not know the phone country code, look for your country here.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_Help' => 'Before receiving SMS (text messages) reports on a phone, the phone number must be entered below.', 'Settings_PhoneNumbers_HelpAdd' => 'When you click "Add", an SMS containing a code will be sent to the phone. The user receiving the code should then login to Matomo, click on Settings, then click on Mobile Messaging. After entering the code, the user will be able to receive text reports on their phone.', 'Settings_PleaseSignUp' => 'To create SMS reports and receive short text messages with your websites\' stats on your mobile phone, please sign up with the SMS API and enter your information below.', 'Settings_SMSAPIAccount' => 'Manage SMS API Account', 'Settings_SMSProvider' => 'SMS Provider', 'Settings_SuperAdmin' => 'Super User Settings', 'Settings_SuspiciousPhoneNumber' => 'If you don\'t receive the text message, you may try without the leading zero. ie. %s', 'Settings_UpdateOrDeleteAccount' => 'You can also %1$supdate%2$s or %3$sdelete%4$s this account.', 'Settings_ValidatePhoneNumber' => 'Validate', 'Settings_VerificationCodeJustSent' => 'We just sent an SMS to this number with a code: please enter this code above and click "Validate".', 'SettingsMenu' => 'Mobile Messaging', 'SMS_Content_Too_Long' => '[too long]', 'Available_Credits' => 'Available credits: %1$s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Get Web Analytics Reports delivered to your email inbox or your mobile phone.', 'TopMenu' => 'Email & SMS Reports', 'UserKey' => 'Userkey', 'VerificationText' => 'Code is %1$s. To validate your phone number and receive Matomo SMS reports please copy this code in the form accessible via Matomo → %2$s → %3$s.', ), 'MultiSites' => array ( 'Evolution' => 'Evolution', 'LoadingWebsites' => 'Loading websites', 'PluginDescription' => 'View and compare all your websites and apps in this useful \'All Websites\' dashboard.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Compare Web Analytics stats for all of your Websites.', 'SingleWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for a specific website, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'AllWebsitesDashboardDocumentation' => 'This report gives you an informational overview for each of your websites, containing the most general metrics about your visitors.', 'EvolutionComparisonIncomplete' => 'The currently selected time period is %1$s complete.', 'EvolutionComparisonProportional' => 'When the previous period was also %1$s complete, there would have been an estimated %2$s %3$s (out of a total of %4$s %3$s in the previous period).', 'EvolutionComparisonDay' => '%1$s %2$s this day compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonWeek' => '%1$s %2$s this week compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonMonth' => '%1$s %2$s this month compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', 'EvolutionComparisonYear' => '%1$s %2$s this year compared to %3$s %2$s in the previous partial period (%4$s) Evolution: %5$s', ), 'Overlay' => array ( 'Clicks' => '%s clicks', 'ClicksFromXLinks' => '%1$s clicks from one of %2$s links', 'Domain' => 'Domain', 'ErrorNotLoading' => 'The Page Overlay session couldn\'t be launched yet.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetails' => 'Maybe the page loaded on the right doesn\'t have the Matomo tracker code. In this case, try launching Overlay for a different page from the pages report.', 'ErrorNotLoadingDetailsSSL' => 'Since you\'re using Matomo over https, the most likely cause is that your website doesn\'t support SSL. Try using Matomo over http.', 'ErrorNotLoadingLink' => 'Click here to get more tips for troubleshooting', 'Link' => 'Link', 'Location' => 'Location', 'NoData' => 'There is no data for this page during the selected period.', 'OneClick' => '1 click', 'OpenFullScreen' => 'Go full screen (no sidebar)', 'Overlay' => 'Page Overlay', 'PluginDescription' => 'See your analytics data as an Overlay on your actual website. View how many times your users have clicked on each link. Note: Requires the Transitions plugin enabled.', 'RedirectUrlError' => 'You are attempting to open Page Overlay for the URL "%1$s". %2$s None of the domains from the Matomo settings matches the link.', 'RedirectUrlErrorAdmin' => 'You can add the domain as an additional URL %1$sin the settings%2$s.', 'RedirectUrlErrorUser' => 'Ask your administrator to add the domain as an additional URL.', 'ErrorNoSiteUrls' => 'WARNING: This website has no Site URLs defined in Matomo. This might cause Overlay and other features to break or behave strangely. To fix this, add a URL in the settings for this website in the Matomo Administration section.', ), 'PagePerformance' => array ( 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTime' => 'Avg. page load time', 'ColumnAveragePageLoadTimeDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes from requesting a page until the page is fully rendered within the browser', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetwork' => 'Avg. network time', 'ColumnAverageTimeNetworkDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes to connect to the server. This includes the time needed to lookup DNS and establish a TCP connection. This value might be 0 after the first request to a domain as the browser might cache the connection.', 'ColumnAverageTimeServer' => 'Avg. server time', 'ColumnAverageTimeServerDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the server to generate the page. This is the time between the server receiving the request and starting to serve the response.', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransfer' => 'Avg. transfer time', 'ColumnAverageTimeTransferDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to download the response from the server. This is the time from receiving the first byte till the response is complete.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessing' => 'Avg. DOM processing time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomProcessingDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) the browser spends loading the webpage after the response was fully received and before the user can start interacting with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletion' => 'Avg. DOM completion time', 'ColumnAverageTimeDomCompletionDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes for the browser to load media and execute any Javascript code listening for the DOMContentLoaded event after the webpage was loaded and the user can already interact with it.', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoad' => 'Avg. on load time', 'ColumnAverageTimeOnLoadDocumentation' => 'Average time (in seconds) it takes the browser to execute Javascript code waiting for the window.load event. This event is triggered once the DOM has completely rendered.', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeNetwork' => 'Pageviews with network time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeServer' => 'Pageviews with server time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeTransfer' => 'Pageviews with transfer time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomProcessing' => 'Pageviews with DOM processing time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeDomCompletion' => 'Pageviews with DOM completion time', 'ColumnViewsWithTimeOnLoad' => 'Pageviews with on load time', 'ColumnTimeNetwork' => 'Network time', 'ColumnTimeServer' => 'Server time', 'ColumnTimeTransfer' => 'Transfer time', 'ColumnTimeDomProcessing' => 'DOM processing time', 'ColumnTimeDomCompletion' => 'DOM completion time', 'ColumnTimeOnLoad' => 'On load time', 'PageLoadTime' => 'Page load time', 'EvolutionOverPeriod' => 'Evolution of page performance metrics', 'PluginDescription' => 'Adds some page performance reports', 'PerformanceTable' => 'Table with performance metrics', 'Overview' => 'Performance overview', 'OverviewDocumentation' => 'This report provides an overview of how fast your webpages become visible to your visitors. This includes both how long it takes for browsers to download your webpages and how long it takes for browsers to display them.', 'Performance' => 'Performance', 'HelpNote' => 'Some of those metrics might not always be available. You can find more information in our %1$sonline guide%2$s.', 'RowActionTitle' => 'Open page performance report', 'RowActionDescription' => 'Show page performance report for this row', 'PagePerformanceTitle' => 'Page performance for page with %1$s "%2$s"', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Performance section can help you analyse how fast your website or app is performing on the whole and help discover whether you have specific pages that significantly deviate from your averages.', 'PerformanceSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also find reports showing exactly how long each page of your website takes to load and what is contributing to their loading time.', ), 'PrivacyManager' => array ( 'AnonymizeData' => 'Anonymize data', 'AnonymizeIpDescription' => 'Select "Yes" if you want Matomo not to track fully qualified IP-Addresses.', 'AnonymizeIpInlineHelp' => 'Anonymize the last byte(s) of visitors IP addresses to comply with your local privacy laws/guidelines.', 'AnonymizeIpExtendedHelp' => 'When users visit your website, Matomo will not use the full IP address (such as %1$s) but instead Matomo will anonymize it first (to %2$s). IP address anonymisation is one of the requirements set by the privacy laws in some countries such as Germany.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLengtDescription' => 'Select how many bytes of the visitors\' IPs should be masked.', 'AnonymizeIpMaskLength' => '%1$s byte(s) - e.g. %2$s', 'AnonymizeIpMaskFully' => 'Fully mask IP address', 'AnonymizeReferrer' => 'Anonymize Referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerNote' => 'Matomo stores from which URL (referrer) a user comes to your site. In some cases such a URL may contain information that can be considered personal information. If you want to prevent such information to be tracked you can restrict the amount of referrer data that Matomo will store when a visitor enters your website. The more information is removed from the referrer information, the less likely personal information will be recorded. The more information you remove from the referrer, the less clear it will be how a visitor came to your website.', 'AskingForConsent' => 'Asking for consent', 'ConsentExplanation' => 'Consent means offering individuals choice and control about how their personal data is processed.', 'ClickHereSettings' => 'Click here to access the %s settings.', 'WhenDoINeedConsent' => 'When do I need to ask for user consent?', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded1' => 'In the context of the %1$sGDPR privacy regulations%2$s, when you are processing personal data, in some cases you will need to ask for your users\' consent. To identify whether you need to ask for consent, you need to determine whether your lawful basis for processing personal data is "Consent" or "Legitimate interest", or whether you can avoid collecting personal data altogether. We recommend to learn more about the %3$slawful basis under the GDPR for Matomo%4$s.', 'WhenConsentIsNeeded2' => 'Note that when you require to have your users\' consents and if you cannot prove that you got the "Consent" of your users in the past, then we recommend to %1$sanonymise your previously tracked users\' raw data%2$s.', 'HowDoIAskForConsent' => 'How do I ask users for consent?', 'HowDoIAskForConsentIntroduction' => 'Learn everything about %1$sasking for cookie or tracking consent in our integration guide.%2$s', 'AnonymizeSites' => 'Anonymize the data of this site(s)', 'AnonymizeRowDataFrom' => 'Anonymize all raw data starting from:', 'AnonymizeRowDataTo' => 'Anonymize all raw data up to:', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeNone' => 'Don\'t anonymize the referrer', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeQuery' => 'Remove query parameters from referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludePath' => 'Keep only the domain of a referrer URL', 'AnonymizeReferrerExcludeAll' => 'Don\'t record the referrer URL but still detect the type of referrer', 'AnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize IP', 'AnonymizeIpHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. If enabled, for all visits during this duration the IP will be anonymized by at least 2 bytes, for example \'\'. If you have currently configured to anonymize by 3 bytes, then this setting will be respected and all IPs will be anonymized by 3 bytes.', 'AnonymizeLocation' => 'Anonymize Location', 'AnonymizeLocationHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. Re-evaluates the location based on the anonymized IP (at least 2 bytes of the IP will be anonymized).', 'AnonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'AnonymizeUserIdHelp' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.<br/><br/><em>Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).</em>', 'AnonymizeProcessInfo' => 'This action may take a long time and will therefore not be executed right away. You will be able to follow the current state of the process below. The anonymization should typically start within one hour.', 'AnonymizeDataNow' => 'Anonymize past data for the selected site and time', 'AnonymizeDataConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to anonymize the data for the selected website(s) and time range? This action cannot be undone, data may be deleted as requested, and this process may take a long time.', 'UnsetVisitColumns' => 'Unset visit columns', 'UnsetVisitColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope visit that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value. Please note that if the same column exists in scope \'conversion\', then this column will be deleted as well', 'UnsetActionColumns' => 'Unset action columns', 'UnsetActionColumnsHelp' => 'This action cannot be undone. A list of database columns in scope action that you want to unset. Each value for that column will be set to its default value.', 'AwarenessDocumentation' => 'Awareness & documentation', 'AwarenessDocumentationIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc1' => 'Inform your visitors through a clear privacy notice whenever you’re collecting personal data.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc2' => 'Inform your users in your privacy policy about what data you collect and how the data is used.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc3' => 'Make your team aware that you are using Matomo Analytics and %1$swhat data is being collected by your analytics platform%2$s.', 'AwarenessDocumentationDesc4' => 'Document your use of Matomo within your %1$sinformation asset register%2$s.', 'CurrentDBSize' => 'Current database size', 'DataRetention' => 'Data retention', 'DataRetentionInMatomo' => 'Data retention for data stored in Matomo:', 'DataRetentionOverall' => 'The overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the raw data retention rate. Please note that aggregated reports may contain personal data as well. If you are using features like User ID, Custom Variables, Custom Dimension, or track personal data in other ways such as events, page URLs or page titles, etc, then the overall data retention rate for your privacy policy is the higher of the two.', 'RawDataRemovedAfter' => 'all visits and actions raw data are deleted after %1$s.', 'RawDataNeverRemoved' => 'visits and actions raw data are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'ReportsRemovedAfter' => 'all aggregated reports are deleted after %1$s.', 'ReportsNeverRemoved' => 'aggregated reports are <strong>never</strong> deleted.', 'DBPurged' => 'DB purged.', 'DeleteBothConfirm' => 'You are about to enable both raw data deletion and report data deletion. This will permanently remove your ability to view old analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteDataDescription' => 'You can configure Matomo to regularly delete old raw data and/or aggregated reports to keep your database small or to meet privacy regulations such as GDPR.', 'DeleteDataInterval' => 'Delete old data every', 'DeleteOldVisitorLogs' => 'Delete old visitor logs', 'DeleteOldRawData' => 'Regularly delete old raw data', 'DeleteOldAggregatedReports' => 'Delete old aggregated report data', 'DeleteLogDescription2' => 'When you enable automatic log deletion, you must ensure that all previous daily reports have been processed, so that no data is lost.', 'DeleteRawDataInfo' => 'The raw data contains all details about each individual visit and each action your visitors took. When you delete raw data, the deleted information won\'t be available anymore in the visitor log. Also if you later decide to create a segment, the segmented reports won\'t become available for the time frame that has been deleted since all aggregated reports are generated from this raw data.', 'DeleteLogsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable raw data deletion. If old raw data is removed, and reports haven\'t already been created, you will not be able to see historical past analytics data. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteLogsOlderThan' => 'Delete logs older than', 'DeleteMaxRows' => 'Maximum number of rows to delete in one run:', 'DeleteMaxRowsNoLimit' => 'no limit', 'DeleteReportsConfirm' => 'You are about to enable report data deletion. If old reports are removed, you will have to re-process them in order view them. Are you sure you want to do this?', 'DeleteAggregateReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, all aggregated reports will be deleted. Aggregated reports are generated from the raw data and represent aggregated data from several individual visits. For example, the "Country" report lists aggregated numbers to see how many visits you have gotten from each country.', 'KeepBasicMetricsReportsDetailedInfo' => 'When you enable this setting, some numeric key performance indicators won\'t be deleted.', 'InfoSomeReferrerInfoMayBeAnonymized' => 'Some referrer information may be missing because referrer anonymisation is enabled as following: %s', 'DeleteReportsInfo2' => 'If you delete old reports, they may be re-processed again from your RAW data when you request them.', 'DeleteReportsInfo3' => 'If you have also enabled "%s", then the reports data you\'re deleting will be permanently lost.', 'DeleteReportsOlderThan' => 'Delete reports older than', 'DeleteSchedulingSettings' => 'Schedule old data deletion', 'DeleteDataSettings' => 'Delete old visitor logs and reports', 'DoNotTrack_Description' => 'Do Not Track is a technology and policy proposal that enables users to opt out of tracking by websites they do visit, including analytics services, advertising networks, and social platforms.', 'DoNotTrack_Disable' => 'Disable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Disabled' => 'Matomo is currently tracking all visitors, even when they specified "I do not want to be tracked" in their web browsers.', 'DoNotTrack_DisabledMoreInfo' => 'We recommend enabling DoNotTrack support to respect your visitors\' privacy', 'DoNotTrack_Enable' => 'Enable Do Not Track support', 'DoNotTrack_Enabled' => 'You are currently respecting your users Privacy, Bravo!', 'DoNotTrack_EnabledMoreInfo' => 'When users have set their web browser to "I do not want to be tracked" (DoNotTrack is enabled) then Matomo will not track these visits.', 'DoNotTrack_SupportDNTPreference' => 'Support Do Not Track preference', 'EstimatedDBSizeAfterPurge' => 'Estimated database size after purge', 'EstimatedSpaceSaved' => 'Estimated space saved', 'ForceCookielessTracking' => 'Force tracking without cookies', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription' => 'Enabling this option will automatically update %1$s, so it contains some additional code to ensure all trackers won\'t use cookies. Additionally Matomo will ignore all tracking cookies on server side.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescription2' => 'Cookies will be disabled even when using the consent methods in Matomo tracker and calling for example the cookie consent methods won\'t enable cookies.', 'ForceCookielessTrackingDescriptionNotWritable' => 'The JS tracker file "%1$s" is not writable which is required for this feature to fully work. When the JS tracker file is not writable, then the cookies will be only ignored on the server side but cookies might be still set in the browser. To solve this issue you or a system administrator need to change the file permissions so your webserver can change this file.', 'GeolocationAnonymizeIpNote' => 'Note: Geolocation will have approximately the same results with 1 byte anonymized. With 2 bytes or more, Geolocation will be inaccurate.', 'GDPR' => 'GDPR', 'GdprManager' => 'GDPR Manager', 'GdprChecklists' => 'GDPR checklists', 'GdprChecklistDesc1' => 'If you are processing personal data of European citizens through Matomo, even if your company is located outside Europe, you need to fulfill GDPR obligations and this guide will help you.', 'GdprChecklistDesc2' => 'Find below our tools that let you exercise your users’ rights easily, and the list of actions to take in order to make your use of Matomo compliant with the GDPR and safeguard your data. Visit our %1$sGDPR User guide%2$s to learn even more.', 'GdprOverview' => 'GDPR Overview', 'GdprOverviewIntro1' => 'The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation which strengthens and unifies data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).', 'GdprOverviewIntro2' => 'If you take steps to ensure no personal data is collected in Matomo, then you may not be concerned by the GDPR for Matomo (if you track no IP addresses, no user IDs, no geolocation data, etc.).', 'GdprTools' => 'GDPR Tools', 'GetPurgeEstimate' => 'Get purge estimate', 'IndividualsRights' => 'Individuals\' rights', 'IndividualsRightsIntro' => 'Exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'IndividualsRightsInform' => 'The right to be informed: inform your users with a clear privacy notice.', 'IndividualsRightsAccess' => 'The right of access: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsErasure' => 'The right to erasure: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsRectification' => 'The right to rectification: you can %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and delete some or all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsPortability' => 'The right to data portability: %1$ssearch for a data subject%2$s and export all of their data.', 'IndividualsRightsObject' => 'The right to object: %1$slet your users easily opt-out%2$s on your privacy policy page.', 'IndividualsRightsChildren' => 'If you offer online services to children and rely on consent to collect information about them, then you may need a parent or guardian’s consent in order to process the children’s personal data lawfully.', 'KeepBasicMetrics' => 'Keep basic metrics (visits, page views, bounce rate, goal conversions, ecommerce conversions, etc.)', 'KeepDataFor' => 'Keep all data for', 'KeepReportSegments' => 'For kept data above, also keep segmented reports', 'LastDelete' => 'Last deletion was on', 'LeastDaysInput' => 'Please specify a number of days greater than %s.', 'LeastMonthsInput' => 'Please specify a number of months greater than %s.', 'MenuPrivacySettings' => 'Privacy', 'NextDelete' => 'Next scheduled deletion in', 'PluginDescription' => 'Increase Privacy for your users and make your Matomo instance privacy compliant with your local legislation.', 'PurgeNow' => 'Purge DB Now', 'PurgeNowConfirm' => 'You are about to permanently delete data from your database. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'PurgingData' => 'Purging data...', 'RecommendedForPrivacy' => 'Recommended for privacy', 'ReportsDataSavedEstimate' => 'Database size', 'SearchForDataSubject' => 'Search for a data subject', 'FindDataSubjectsBy' => 'Find data subjects by', 'NoDataSubjectsFound' => 'No data subjects found', 'DeleteVisitsConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected visits? This action cannot be undone.', 'ResultTruncated' => 'More than %1$s results were found and the result was truncated to the first %1$s visits.', 'AddVisitorIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorID to the search', 'AddVisitorIPToSearch' => 'Click to add this visitorIP to the search', 'AddUserIdToSearch' => 'Click to add this userID to the search', 'ExportSelectedVisits' => 'Export selected visits', 'DeleteSelectedVisits' => 'Delete selected visits', 'SelectWebsite' => 'Select a website', 'MatchingDataSubjects' => 'Matching data subjects', 'VisitsMatchedCriteria' => 'These visits match the selected criteria.', 'ExportingNote' => 'In case you are exporting the data to exercise the right of access, please make sure the selected visits are actually performed by the data subject you want to export the data for.', 'DeletionFromMatomoOnly' => 'Please also note that any data will be only deleted from the Matomo database but not from your webserver logs. Also note that if you re-import any historical data, for example from logs, that any previously deleted data may be imported again.', 'ResultIncludesAllVisits' => 'The found results include all visits without any time restriction and include today.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro1' => 'This page has been designed in order for you to exercise data subject rights.', 'GdprToolsPageIntro2' => 'Here you can exercise the rights of your users with our GDPR-friendly procedures:', 'GdprToolsPageIntroAccessRight' => 'the right of access to all of their data (and the right to data portability),', 'GdprToolsPageIntroEraseRight' => 'the right to erase some or all of their data (and the right to rectification).', 'GdprToolsOverviewHint' => 'In case you do not know what GDPR is, please refer to the %1$sGDPR overview%2$s.', 'SaveSettingsBeforePurge' => 'You have changed the data deletion settings. Please save them before starting a purge.', 'SeeAlsoOurOfficialGuidePrivacy' => 'See also our official guide: %1$sWeb Analytics Privacy%2$s', 'SecurityProcedures' => 'Security procedures', 'SecurityProceduresIntro' => 'Inform your users clearly and transparently, and make your colleagues aware of the data being collected and how it is used:', 'SecurityProceduresDesc1' => 'Apply our %1$ssecurity recommendations%2$s in order to keep your Matomo data safe.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc2' => 'Check that you have a written contract with the company providing you the Matomo server or hosting which ensures %1$sappropriate safeguards are provided%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc3' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata breach procedure%2$s.', 'SecurityProceduresDesc4' => 'Include Matomo in your %1$sdata privacy impact assessment (DPIA)%2$s, if applicable.', 'TeaserHeader' => 'On this page, you can customize Matomo to make it privacy compliant with existing legislations, by: %1$s anonymizing the visitor IP%2$s, %3$s automatically remove old visitor logs from the database%4$s, and %5$s anonymize previously tracked raw users\' data%6$s.', 'TeaserHeadline' => 'Privacy Settings', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment' => 'Also use the Anonymized IP addresses when enriching visits.', 'UseAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichmentNote' => 'Plugins such as Geo Location via IP and Provider improve visitor\'s metadata. By default, these plugins use the anonymized IP addresses. If you select \'No\', then the non-anonymized full IP address will be used instead, resulting in less privacy but better data accuracy.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote' => 'When you enable this option, the User ID will be replaced by a pseudonym to avoid directly storing and displaying personally identifiable information such as an email address. In technical terms: given your User ID, Matomo will process the User ID pseudonym using a salted hash function.', 'PseudonymizeUserIdNote2' => 'Note: replacing with a pseudonym is not the same as anonymisation. In GDPR terms: the User ID pseudonym still counts as personal data. The original User ID could still be identified if certain additional information is available (which only Matomo and your data processor has access to).', 'AnonymizeOrderIdNote' => 'Because an Order ID can be cross-referenced with another system, typically an ecommerce shop, the Order ID may count as personal information under the GDPR. When you enable this option, an Order ID will be automatically anonymized so no personal information will be tracked.', 'UseAnonymizeIp' => 'Anonymize Visitors\' IP addresses', 'UseAnonymizeTrackingData' => 'Anonymize Tracking Data', 'UseAnonymizeUserId' => 'Anonymize User ID', 'PseudonymizeUserId' => 'Replace User ID with a pseudonym', 'OptOutAppearance' => 'Customize the opt-out appearance', 'OptOutCustomize' => 'Customize the opt-out iframe', 'OptOutHtmlCode' => 'HTML code to embed on your website', 'OptOutPreview' => 'Preview of the Opt-out as it will appear on your website', 'OptOutCodeTypeExplanation' => 'The opt-out can either be set by using the Matomo tracker code which means less code to add to your website pages and less likely to need updating in the future, or using standalone code which is more likely to work for visitors with script blockers but will need to be updated on each webpage if you change any settings.', 'OptOutUseTracker' => 'Use the Matomo tracker code to set the opt out', 'OptOutUseStandalone' => 'Use self-contained code to set the opt out', 'OptOutRememberToTest' => 'Remember to test your opt-out!', 'OptOutRememberToTestBody' => 'To ensure that your opt-out is working properly with your website it is recommended to perform the following quick test after adding the opt out code.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep1' => 'Browse to your main website page.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep2' => 'Once the page has loaded you should see the opt-out box.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep3' => 'Unchecking the checkbox to opt-out should show the opted-out message.', 'OptOutRememberToTestStep4' => 'Checking the checkbox to opt-in should show the opted-in message.', 'FontColor' => 'Font Color', 'FontSize' => 'Font Size', 'FontFamily' => 'Font Family', 'BackgroundColor' => 'Background Color', 'ShowIntro' => 'Show introduction text', 'ApplyStyling' => 'Apply a custom style', 'BuildYourOwn' => 'Build Your Own', 'TrackingOptOut' => 'Let users opt-out of tracking', 'UseAnonymizeOrderId' => 'Anonymize Order ID', 'UseDeleteLog' => 'Regularly delete old raw data from the database', 'UseDeleteReports' => 'Regularly delete old reports from the database', 'UsersOptOut' => 'Users opt-out', 'ImprintUrl' => 'Imprint URL', 'ImprintUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Imprint page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrl' => 'Privacy Policy URL', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Privacy Policy page.', 'TermsAndConditionUrl' => 'Terms & Conditions URL', 'TermsAndConditionUrlDescription' => 'A link to your Terms & Conditions page.', 'PrivacyPolicyUrlDescriptionSuffix' => 'If you set this, it will be displayed at the bottom of the login page and on pages that the \'%1$s\' user can access.', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgets' => 'Show in embedded widgets', 'ShowInEmbeddedWidgetsDescription' => 'If checked, a link to your Privacy Policy and your Terms & Conditions will be displayed at the bottom of embedded widgets.', 'Imprint' => 'Imprint', 'PrivacyPolicy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'TermsAndConditions' => 'Terms & Conditions', 'VisitsSuccessfullyExported' => 'Visits were successfully exported', 'VisitsSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Visits were successfully deleted', 'LastAction' => 'Last action', 'FindMatchingDataSubjects' => 'Find matching data subjects', 'ConsentManager' => 'Consent Manager', 'ConsentManagerDetected' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website. To learn about configuring Matomo to work with %1$s please read %2$sthis guide%3$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => '%1$s appears to already be configured to work with Matomo.', ), 'ProfessionalServices' => array ( 'WidgetPremiumServicesForPiwik' => 'Premium Features & Services for Matomo', 'PromoOverview' => 'Overview', 'PromoManage' => 'Manage', 'PromoFunnels' => 'Funnels', 'PromoFormAnalytics' => 'Forms', 'PromoMediaAnalytics' => 'Media', 'PromoAbTesting' => 'A/B Tests', 'PromoHeatmaps' => 'Heatmaps', 'PromoSessionRecording' => 'Session Recordings', 'PromoCustomReports' => 'Custom Reports', 'PromoCrashAnalytics' => 'Crashes', 'PromoUnlockPowerOf' => 'Unlock the Power of %1$s', 'DismissPromoWidget' => 'If this feature is not relevant to your goals, you can %1$shide this section%2$s.', 'DismissedNotification' => 'The %1$s menu will no longer be shown, unless the plugin is installed on your Matomo instance.', 'AltTextPreviewImageFor' => 'Preview image for %1$s', 'CTAStartFreeTrial' => 'Start free trial', 'CTALearnMore' => 'Learn more about %1$s', 'AbTestingFeature01' => 'Stop guessing, start using data, and compare webpage versions to increase conversions.', 'AbTestingFeature02' => 'Compare various elements, including layout, design, copy, and more, while monitoring performance in real-time.', 'AbTestingFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, so you can increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Automatically track website crashes (e.g. broken carts, unresponsive forms, etc.) for swift bug resolution, so you can ensure a seamless and bug-free visitor experience.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Resolve crashes efficiently with detailed insights into bug locations, visitors’ interactions and visitors’ device information.', 'CrashAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Elevate your websiteʼs performance with real-time crash alerts and scheduled reports to stay informed and ready to resolve bugs quickly.', 'CustomReportsFeature01' => 'Create analytics reports customised to your specific business goals and KPIs, ensuring they focus on the most relevant data.', 'CustomReportsFeature02' => 'Drill down into specific data for deeper insights into visitor behaviour and engagement.', 'CustomReportsFeature03' => 'Save time and resources by automating report generation, enabling real-time monitoring, and providing cost-effective analytics solutions without the need for third-party tools.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Understand how visitors engage with your forms to find areas of improvement.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Identify common visitor errors and validation issues within your forms, to enhance visitor satisfaction and conversion rates.', 'FormAnalyticsFeature03' => 'Gain deeper insights into how different visitor groups interact with your forms and tailor your strategies accordingly.', 'FunnelsFeature01' => 'Identify and address drop-off points to improve conversion rates.', 'FunnelsFeature02' => 'Analyse visitor behaviour based on various criteria, and get valuable insights into how different visitor groups interact with your site.', 'FunnelsFeature03' => 'Make informed decisions by identifying optimisation opportunities, enhancing visitor engagement, and driving revenue growth through a deeper understanding of visitor journeys.', 'HeatmapsFeature01' => 'Get visual representations of visitor interactions on your website, making it easy to understand how visitors engage with your content.', 'HeatmapsFeature02' => 'Get actionable data to optimise your website\'s layout, content placement, and visitor experience.', 'HeatmapsFeature03' => 'Identify and address visitor behaviour patterns, to increase conversion rates and achieve better results from your digital efforts.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature01' => 'Get detailed insights into visitor engagement with audio and video content, to help you understand what resonates with your audience.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature02' => 'Start fine-tuning your content strategy right away, no complex configurations required.', 'MediaAnalyticsFeature03' => 'See who, how much, and which parts of your media visitors have consumed and which content contributes the most value to your business.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature01' => 'See how visitors interact with your site in real-time and uncover valuable insights to improve visitor experience.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature02' => 'Identify barriers and successful visitor journeys, leading to higher conversion rates.', 'SessionRecordingsFeature03' => 'Gain in-depth insights into how visitors engage with specific content, forms, or elements, to tailor your content and design to better meet visitor preferences.', ), 'Provider' => array ( 'ColumnProvider' => 'Provider', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Internet Service Provider of the visitors.', 'ProviderReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which Internet Service Providers your visitors used to access the website. You can click on a provider name for more details. %s If Matomo can\'t determine a visitor\'s provider, it is listed as IP.', 'WidgetProviders' => 'Providers', 'ProviderReportFooter' => 'Unknown provider means the IP address could not be looked up.', ), 'Referrers' => array ( 'Acquisition' => 'Acquisition', 'AllReferrersReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows all your Referrers in one unified report, listing all Websites, Search keywords and Campaigns used by your visitors to find your website.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory1' => 'This section shows you the number of visits that arrive from different channel types and referrers. Click on the plus or minus buttons to view the referrers within each type.', 'AllReferrersSubcategory2' => 'You can also analyse the number of actions performed by each of your traffic sources by enabling the table with Visitor engagement metrics view.', 'CampaignContent' => 'Campaign content', 'CampaignContentHelp' => 'This parameter is often used when you are testing multiple ads, and would include the name of each ad to see which was most effective for driving traffic.', 'CampaignGroup' => 'Campaign Group', 'CampaignGroupHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign Group to identify a group or audience. Campaign groups are helpful for tracking the overall performance of multiple campaigns with similar goals.', 'CampaignId' => 'Campaign ID', 'CampaignIdHelp' => 'This parameter is used to track a Campaign ID: a unique identifier for the campaign consisting of at most 100 numbers, letters or symbols.', 'CampaignKeywordHelp' => 'If you have multiple campaigns with the same name, you can distinguish these campaigns by specifying a keyword or a sub-category.', 'CampaignMedium' => 'Campaign Medium', 'CampaignMediumHelp' => 'Used to describe the marketing activity, for example \'PPC\' for a pay-per-click campaign, or \'SEM\' for a paid search ads, or \'review\' to track a product review on an affiliate site.', 'CampaignNameHelp' => 'Choose a name that describes what the campaign is created for and that distinguishes your campaign from your other campaigns. For example \'Email-SummerDeals\' or \'PaidAds-SummerDeals\'.', 'CampaignPageUrlHelp' => 'The URL of the page that this campaign goes to, for example \'\'.', 'CampaignPlacement' => 'Campaign Placement', 'CampaignPlacementHelp' => 'Used to describe the advertising placement or position, for example an entire website, specific pages from a website, an individual ad unit positioned on a single page, a video, a mobile phone app, and more.', 'CampaignSource' => 'Campaign Source', 'CampaignSourceHelp' => 'Used to track the source of the campaign such as \'newsletter\' for your email marketing, \'affiliate\', or the name of the website displaying your ads.', 'Campaigns' => 'Campaigns', 'CampaignsDocumentation' => 'Visitors that came to your website as the result of a campaign. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'CampaignsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which campaigns led visitors to your website.', 'CampaignsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Campaign Tracking section allows you to analyse the visits associated with the various tracking values that have been linked to your digital campaigns. It can reveal things like, how much traffic your campaigns are bringing in, which creatives are performing best, how engaged campaign visitors are, and whether the campaign is resulting in sales or not.', 'ColumnCampaign' => 'Campaign', 'ColumnSearchEngine' => 'Search Engine', 'ColumnSocial' => 'Social network', 'ColumnWebsite' => 'Website', 'ColumnWebsitePage' => 'Website Page', 'DirectEntry' => 'Direct Entry', 'DirectEntryDocumentation' => 'A visitor has entered the URL in their browser and started browsing on your website - they entered the website directly.', 'Distinct' => 'Distinct Referrers by Channel Type', 'DistinctCampaigns' => 'distinct campaigns', 'DistinctKeywords' => 'distinct keywords', 'DistinctSearchEngines' => 'distinct search engines', 'DistinctSocialNetworks' => 'distinct social networks', 'DistinctWebsiteUrls' => 'distinct website URLs', 'DistinctWebsites' => 'distinct websites', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Ecommerce log provides granular session-level data so you can look at the full session for each user that either made a purchase or abandoned their cart. This can help you understand what users do before and after purchasing to reveal optimisation opportunities.', 'EcommerceLogSubcategoryHelp2' => 'Data on this page is updated in real-time.', 'EvolutionDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the referrers that led visitors to your website.', 'EvolutionDocumentationMoreInfo' => 'For more information about the different channel types, see the documentation of the %s table.', 'GenerateUrl' => 'Generate URL', 'Keywords' => 'Keywords', 'KeywordsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which keywords users were searching for before they were referred to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see the distribution of search engines that were queried for the keyword.', 'KeywordsReportDocumentationNote' => 'Note: This report lists most keywords as not defined, because most search engines do not send the exact keyword used on the search engine.', 'PercentOfX' => 'Percent of %s', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the Referrers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaigns, Social media, Direct entry.', 'ProductSubcategoryHelp' => 'The Products view can help you identify products and categories that are over-performing or under-performing to reveal trends and opportunities related to your product selection and store pages.', 'Referrer' => 'Referrer', 'ReferrerName' => 'Referrer Name', 'ReferrerNames' => 'Referrer Names', 'ReferrerTypes' => 'Channel Types', 'ReferrerURLs' => 'Referrer URLs', 'Referrers' => 'Referrers', 'ReferrersOverview' => 'Referrers Overview', 'ReferrersOverviewDocumentation' => 'This report shows what acquisition channels your visitors used to get to your website, and the number of visits each channel type is responsible for.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp1' => 'The Acquisition Overview shows you the percentage of your traffic from all sources over a selected date range.', 'ReferrersOverviewSubcategoryHelp2' => 'You can also click on a specific channel type to display it within the evolution graph. This can help you discover which channels contribute the most traffic to your site as well as any potential patterns over time. For example, a certain channel may perform better on weekends.', 'SearchEngines' => 'Search Engines', 'SearchEnginesDocumentation' => 'A visitor was referred to your website by a search engine. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'SearchEnginesReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which search engines referred users to your website. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see what users were searching for using a specific search engine.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'This section helps you analyse your search engine optimisation and performance. You can analyse your most popular keywords with the combined keyword reports or see which keywords perform well on specific search engines for more targeted analysis and optimisation.', 'SearchEnginesSubcategoryHelp2' => '%1$sMatomo Cloud%2$s and %3$sSearch Engine Keywords Performance%4$s plugin users will receive the best results from this report.', 'Socials' => 'Social Networks', 'SocialsReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows which social networks led visitors to your website.<br />By clicking on a row in the table, you can see from which social network pages visitors came to your website.', 'SocialsSubcategoryHelp' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'SubmenuSearchEngines' => 'Search Engines & Keywords', 'SubmenuWebsitesOnly' => 'Websites', 'Type' => 'Channel Type', 'TypeCampaigns' => '%s from campaigns', 'TypeDirectEntries' => '%s direct entries', 'TypeReportDocumentation' => 'This table contains information about the distribution of the channel types.', 'TypeSearchEngines' => '%s from search engines', 'TypeSocialNetworks' => '%s from social networks', 'TypeWebsites' => '%s from websites', 'URLCampaignBuilder' => 'Campaign URL Builder', 'URLCampaignBuilderIntro' => 'The %1$sURL Builder tool%2$s lets you generate URLs ready to use for Tracking Campaigns in Matomo. See the documentation about %3$sCampaign Tracking%4$s for more information.', 'URLCampaignBuilderResult' => 'Generated URL that you can copy and paste in your Campaigns, Email newsletter, Facebook Ads or tweets:', 'UsingNDistinctUrls' => '(using %s distinct urls)', 'ViewAllReferrers' => 'View all Referrers', 'ViewReferrersBy' => 'View Referrers by %s', 'VisitorsFromCampaigns' => 'Visitors from Campaigns', 'VisitorsFromDirectEntry' => 'Visitors from Direct Entry', 'VisitorsFromSearchEngines' => 'Visitors from Search Engines', 'VisitorsFromSocialNetworks' => 'Visitors from Social Networks', 'VisitorsFromWebsites' => 'Visitors from Websites', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsitesDocumentation' => 'The visitor followed a link on another website that led to your site. %1$s See the %2$s report for more details.', 'WebsitesReportDocumentation' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site. %s By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp1' => 'In this table, you can see which websites referred visitors to your site.', 'WebsitesSubcategoryHelp2' => 'By clicking on a row in the table, you can see which URLs the links to your website were on.', 'WidgetExternalWebsites' => 'Referrer Websites', 'WidgetGetAll' => 'All Channels', 'WidgetSocials' => 'List of social networks', 'WidgetTopKeywordsForPages' => 'Top Keywords for Page URL', 'XPercentOfVisits' => '%s of visits', ), 'Resolution' => array ( 'ColumnConfiguration' => 'Configuration', 'ColumnResolution' => 'Resolution', 'Configurations' => 'Configurations', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the screen resolutions of your visitors.', 'Resolutions' => 'Resolutions', 'WidgetGlobalVisitors' => 'Visitor Configuration', 'WidgetGlobalVisitorsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.', 'WidgetResolutions' => 'Screen Resolution', 'WidgetResolutionsDocumentation' => 'This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'This Plugin extracts and displays SEO metrics: Google Pagerank, number of Indexed pages and backlinks of the currently selected website.', 'Bing_IndexedPages' => 'Bing indexed pages', 'DomainAge' => 'Domain Age', 'Google_IndexedPages' => 'Google indexed pages', 'Rank' => 'Rank', 'SeoRankings' => 'SEO Rankings', 'SEORankingsFor' => 'SEO Rankings for %s', ), 'ScheduledReports' => array ( 'AggregateReportsFormat' => 'Display options', 'AggregateReportsFormat_GraphsOnly' => 'Display Graphs only (no report tables)', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesAndGraphs' => 'Display Report tables and Graphs for all reports', 'AggregateReportsFormat_TablesOnly' => '(default) Display Report tables (Graphs only for key metrics)', 'AlsoSendReportToTheseEmails' => 'Also send the report to these emails (one email per line):', 'AreYouSureDeleteReport' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this report and its schedule?', 'CancelAndReturnToReports' => 'Cancel and %1$sreturn to the list of reports%2$s', 'CreateAndScheduleReport' => 'Create and Schedule a report', 'CreateReport' => 'Create Report', 'CustomVisitorSegment' => 'Custom Visitor Segment:', 'DescriptionOnFirstPage' => 'The report description will be displayed on the first page of the report.', 'DisplayFormat_TablesOnly' => 'Display Tables only (no graphs)', 'EmailHello' => 'Hello,', 'EmailReports' => 'Email Reports', 'EmailSchedule' => 'Email Schedule', 'EvolutionGraph' => 'Show Historical Graphs for the top %s values', 'FrontPage' => 'Front Page', 'PersonalEmailReports' => 'Personal Email Reports', 'MonthlyScheduleHelp' => 'Monthly schedule: report will be sent the first day of each month.', 'MustBeLoggedIn' => 'You must be logged in to create and schedule custom reports.', 'NoRecipients' => 'This report has no recipients', 'Pagination' => 'Page %1$s of %2$s', 'PiwikReports' => 'Matomo Reports', 'PleaseFindAttachedFile' => 'Please find your %1$s report for %2$s in the attached file.', 'SentFromX' => 'Sent from %s.', 'PleaseFindBelow' => 'Please find below your %1$s report for %2$s.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Create custom reports and schedule them to be emailed daily, weekly or monthly to one or several people. Several report formats are supported (html, pdf, csv, images).', 'ReportFormat' => 'Report Format', 'ReportHour' => 'Send report at %s o\'clock', 'ReportHourWithUTC' => '%s o\'clock UTC', 'ReportIncludeNWebsites' => 'The report will include main metrics for all websites that have at least one visit (from the %s websites currently available).', 'ReportSent' => 'Report sent', 'ReportsIncluded' => 'Statistics included', 'ReportType' => 'Send report via', 'ReportUpdated' => 'Report updated', 'Segment_Deletion_Error' => 'This segment cannot be deleted or made invisible to other users because it is used to generate email report(s) %s. Please retry after removing this segment from this report(s).', 'Segment_Help' => 'You can select an existing custom segment to apply to data in this email report. You may create and edit custom segments in your dashboard %1$s(click here to open)%2$s, then click on the "%3$s" box, then "%4$s".', 'SegmentAppliedToReports' => 'The segment \'%s\' is applied to the reports.', 'SegmentDeleted' => 'Segment deleted', 'SendReportNow' => 'Send Report now', 'SendReportTo' => 'Send report to', 'SentToMe' => 'Send to me', 'TableOfContent' => 'Report list', 'ThereIsNoReportToManage' => 'There is no report to manage for website %s', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Create Email Reports to get Matomo stats delivered to your email or your customers\' address automatically!', 'TopOfReport' => 'Back to top', 'UpdateReport' => 'Update Report', 'WeeklyScheduleHelp' => 'Weekly schedule: report will be sent on Monday of each week.', 'Unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'ReportUnsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe a report', 'UnsubscribeReportConfirmation' => 'Are you sure you would like to unsubscribe from the report %1$s?', 'SuccessfullyUnsubscribed' => 'You have been successfully unsubscribed from the report %1$s.', 'UnsubscribeFooter' => 'To unsubscribe from this report please follow this link: %1$s', 'NoTokenProvided' => 'No token was provided in the URL', 'NoSubscriptionFound' => 'No subscription found. Maybe the report was already unsubscribed or removed.', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForEachInPeriod' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution for %1$seach day%2$s in the last %3$s', 'EvolutionGraphsShowForPreviousN' => 'Evolution graphs show the evolution over the previous N %s', 'ReportPeriod' => 'Report Period', 'ReportPeriodHelp' => 'The period of data covered by this report. By default this is the same as the email schedule, so if the report is sent weekly, it will contain information regarding the last week.', 'ReportPeriodHelp2' => 'You can change this, however, if you want to see different information and still retain the email schedule. For example, if the email schedule is weekly, and the report period is \'day\', you will get information for the last day, every week.', ), 'SegmentEditor' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'A segment is a set of criteria used to select only a part of the entire set of visits. Using segments you can inject arbitrary context back into your reports.', 'AddANDorORCondition' => 'Add %s condition', 'AddNewSegment' => 'Add new segment', 'AreYouSureDeleteSegment' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this segment?', 'AutoArchivePreProcessed' => 'segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)', 'AutoArchiveRealTime' => 'segmented reports are processed in real time', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationNotProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment won\'t be available until the reports are re-processed. It may take a few hours for reports data to show for this segment. Proceed anyway?', 'ChangingSegmentDefinitionConfirmationProcessedOnRequest' => 'You\'re about to change the segment definition. Your analytics reports for this new segment will be re-processed on demand the next time you request them. Your reports may take a few minutes to appear. Proceed anyway?', 'ChooseASegment' => 'Choose a segment', 'CurrentlySelectedSegment' => 'Currently selected segment: %s', 'DataAvailableAtLaterDate' => 'Your segmented analytics reports will be available later. We apologize for the inconvenience.', 'DefaultAllVisits' => 'All visits', 'DragDropCondition' => 'Drag & Drop condition', 'HideMessageInFuture' => 'Hide this message in the future', 'LoadingSegmentedDataMayTakeSomeTime' => 'Processing segmented visitor data may take a few minutes...', 'OperatorAND' => 'AND', 'OperatorOR' => 'OR', 'SaveAndApply' => 'Save & Apply', 'SegmentDisplayedAllWebsites' => 'all websites', 'SegmentDisplayedThisWebsiteOnly' => 'this website only', 'SegmentIsDisplayedForWebsite' => 'and processed for', 'SegmentNotApplied' => 'Segment \'%s\' not applied', 'SegmentNotAppliedMessage' => 'You are requesting data for the Custom Segment \'%s\', this Matomo\'s configuration currently prevents real time processing of reports for performance reasons.', 'SelectSegmentOfVisits' => 'Select a segment of visits:', 'ThisSegmentIsVisibleTo' => 'This segment is visible to:', 'VisibleToAllUsers' => 'all users', 'VisibleToMe' => 'me', 'YouMayChangeSetting' => 'Alternatively you may change the setting in the config file (%1$s), or edit this Segment and choose \'%2$s\'.', 'VisibleToSuperUser' => 'Visible to you because you have Super User access', 'SharedWithYou' => 'Shared with you', 'YouMustBeLoggedInToCreateSegments' => 'You must be logged in to create and edit custom visitor segments.', 'YouDontHaveAccessToCreateSegments' => 'You don\'t have the required access level to create and edit segments.', 'AddingSegmentForAllWebsitesDisabled' => 'Adding segments for all websites has been disabled.', 'SegmentXIsAUnionOf' => '%s is a union of these segments:', 'CustomSegment' => 'Custom Segment', 'SegmentOperatorIsNullOrEmpty' => 'is null or empty', 'SegmentOperatorIsNotNullNorEmpty' => 'is not null nor empty', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData1' => 'These reports have no data, because the Segment you requested %1$s has not yet been processed by the system.', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData2' => 'Data for this Segment should become available in a few hours when processing completes. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'UnprocessedSegmentNoData3' => 'Matomo is unable to display data for the segment %1$s, as the configuration prevents a rearchiving for this period. Please contact your administrator or check %2$sthis FAQ%3$s how to solve this problem.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog1' => '%1$sMeanwhile you can use the Visitor Log%2$s to test whether your segment will match your users correctly by applying it there.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog2' => 'When applied, you can see immediately which visits and actions were matched by your segment.', 'UnprocessedSegmentInVisitorLog3' => 'This can help you confirm your Segment matches the users and actions you expect it to.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment \'%1$s\' is set to \'%2$s\' but Matomo is not currently configured to process segmented reports in API requests.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this report in the future, you will need to edit your segment and choose the option labeled \'%s\'.', 'UnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => 'Then after a few hours your segment data should become available through the API. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError1' => 'The Segment you requested has not yet been created in the Segment Editor and so the report data has not been pre-processed.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError2' => 'To see data for this segment, you must go to Matomo and create this segment manually in the Segment Editor.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError3' => '(Alternatively, you can create a new segment programmatically using the SegmentEditor.add API method).', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError4' => 'Once created the segment in the editor (or via API), this error message will disappear and within a few hours you will see your segmented report data, after the segment data has been pre-processed. (If it does not, there may be a problem.)', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError5' => 'Please note that you can test whether your segment will work without having to wait for it to be processed by using the Live.getLastVisitsDetails API.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentApiError6' => 'When using this API method, you will see which users and actions were matched by your &segment= parameter.', 'CustomUnprocessedSegmentNoData' => 'To see data for this segment, you must create this segment manually in the Segment Editor, then wait a couple hours for preprocessing to complete.', 'AddThisToMatomo' => 'Add this segment to Matomo', 'ThisSegmentIsCompared' => 'This segment is currently compared.', 'ThisSegmentIsSelectedAndCannotBeCompared' => 'This segment is currently selected so cannot be selected to compare.', 'CompareThisSegment' => 'Compare this segment with the selected segment and period.', 'Test' => 'Test', ), 'SitesManager' => array ( 'AddSite' => 'Add a new website', 'AddMeasurable' => 'Add a new measurable', 'AdvancedTimezoneSupportNotFound' => 'Advanced timezones support was not found in your PHP (supported in PHP>=5.2). You can still choose a manual UTC offset.', 'AliasUrlHelp' => 'It is recommended, but not required, to specify the various URLs, one per line, that your visitors use to access this website. Alias URLs for a website will not appear in the Referrers → Websites report. Note that it is not necessary to specify the URLs with and without \'www\' as Matomo automatically considers both.', 'ChangingYourTimezoneWillOnlyAffectDataForward' => 'Changing your time zone will only affect data going forward, and will not be applied retroactively.', 'Currency' => 'Currency', 'CurrencySymbolWillBeUsedForGoals' => 'The Currency symbol will be displayed next to Goals revenues.', 'CustomizeJavaScriptTracker' => 'Customize JavaScript tracking', 'DefaultCurrencyForNewWebsites' => 'Default Currency for new websites', 'DefaultTimezoneForNewWebsites' => 'Default Time zone for new websites', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the website %s?', 'DisableSiteSearch' => 'Do not track Site Search', 'EcommerceHelp' => 'When enabled, the "Goals" report will have a new "Ecommerce" section.', 'EnableEcommerce' => 'Ecommerce enabled', 'EnableSiteSearch' => 'Site Search tracking enabled', 'ExceptionDeleteSite' => 'It is not possible to delete this website as it is the only registered website. Add a new website first, then delete this one.', 'ExceptionEmptyName' => 'The website name can\'t be empty.', 'ExceptionInvalidCurrency' => 'The currency "%1$s" is not valid. Please enter a valid currency symbol (eg. %2$s)', 'ExceptionInvalidIPFormat' => 'The IP to exclude "%1$s" does not have a valid IP format (eg. %2$s).', 'ExceptionInvalidTimezone' => 'The timezone "%s" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.', 'ExceptionInvalidUrl' => 'The url \'%s\' is not a valid URL.', 'ExceptionNoUrl' => 'You must specify at least one URL for the website.', 'ExcludedIps' => 'Excluded IPs', 'ExcludedParameters' => 'Excluded Parameters', 'ExcludedUserAgents' => 'Excluded User Agents', 'ExcludedReferrers' => 'Excluded referrers', 'ExcludedReferrersHelp' => 'Enter the list of hostnames and URLs, one per line, you want to exclude from referrer detection.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpDetails' => 'Each entry needs to contain the hostname and may contain a path. If a path is provided a referrer will only be excluded if the path matches as well. URLs with and without \'www\' are treated the same. Provided protocols will be ignored.', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpExamples' => 'e.g. "%1$s" would match "%2$s" and "%3$s" but not "%4$s"', 'ExcludedReferrersHelpSubDomains' => 'To also exclude all subdomains of a certain hostname, prefix it with a dot. e.g. "%1$s" would exclude "%2$s", but also all its subdomains like "%3$s".', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrers' => 'Global list of excluded referrers', 'GlobalListExcludedReferrersDesc' => 'The hostnames and URLs below will be excluded from referrer detection.', 'Format_Utc' => 'UTC%s', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp1' => 'Enter the list of user agents to exclude from being tracked by Matomo.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp2' => 'You can use this to exclude some bots from being tracked.', 'GlobalExcludedUserAgentHelp3' => 'Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'GlobalListExcludedIps' => 'Global list of Excluded IPs', 'GlobalListExcludedQueryParameters' => 'Global list of Query URL parameters to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents' => 'Global list of user agents to exclude', 'GlobalListExcludedUserAgents_Desc' => 'If the visitor\'s user agent string contains any of the strings you specify, the visitor will be excluded from Matomo.', 'GlobalSettings' => 'Global settings', 'GlobalWebsitesSettings' => 'Global websites settings', 'InstallationGuides' => 'Installation Guides', 'InstallationGuidesIntro' => 'We provide step by step guides explaining how to embed the tracking code for some popular CMS and website builders:', 'ExtraInformationNeeded' => 'To setup Matomo on your system, you may need the following information:', 'Integrations' => 'Integrations', 'HelpExcludedIpAddresses' => 'Enter the list of IPs, one per line, that you wish to exclude from being tracked by Matomo. You can use CIDR notation eg. %1$s or you can use wildcards, eg. %2$s or %3$s', 'JsTrackingTagHelp' => 'Here is the JavaScript Tracking code to include on all your pages', 'KeepURLFragments' => 'Page URL fragments tracking', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp' => 'If the checkbox below is unchecked, Page URL fragments (everything after the %1$s) will be removed when tracking: %2$s will be tracked as %3$s', 'KeepURLFragmentsHelp2' => 'You can also override this setting for individual websites above.', 'KeepURLFragmentsLong' => 'Keep Page URL fragments when tracking Page URLs', 'ListOfIpsToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The IPs below will be excluded from being tracked on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToBeExcludedOnAllWebsites' => 'The Query URLs parameters below will be excluded from URLs on all websites.', 'ListOfQueryParametersToExclude' => 'Enter the list of URL Query Parameters, one per line, to exclude from the Page URLs reports. Regular expressions such as %s are supported.', 'LogAnalytics' => 'Log Analytics', 'LogAnalyticsDescription' => 'If the Javascript tracking method isn’t feasible, you can %1$suse server log analytics%2$s as an alternative method for tracking your website’s users.', 'MainDescription' => 'Your Web Analytics reports need Websites! Add, update, delete Websites, and show the JavaScript to insert in your pages.', 'MenuManage' => 'Manage', 'MobileAppsAndSDKs' => 'Mobile Apps and SDKs', 'MobileAppsAndSDKsDescription' => 'Not tracking a website? You can alternatively track a mobile app or any other type of application using one of the %1$savailable SDKs%2$s.', 'NotAnEcommerceSite' => 'Not an Ecommerce site', 'NotFound' => 'No websites found for', 'NoWebsites' => 'You don\'t have any website to administrate.', 'OnlyOneSiteAtTime' => 'You can only edit one website at a time. Please Save or Cancel your current modifications to the website %s.', 'PiwikOffersEcommerceAnalytics' => 'Matomo allows for advanced Ecommerce Analytics tracking and reporting. Learn more about %1$s Ecommerce Analytics%2$s.', 'PiwikWillAutomaticallyExcludeCommonSessionParameters' => 'Matomo will automatically exclude the common session parameters (%s).', 'PluginDescription' => 'Websites management lets you add a new website and edit existing websites.', 'SearchCategoryDesc' => 'Matomo can also track the Search category for each internal site search keyword.', 'SearchCategoryLabel' => 'Category parameter', 'SearchCategoryParametersDesc' => 'You may enter a comma-separated list of query parameters specifying the search category.', 'SearchKeywordLabel' => 'Query parameter', 'SearchKeywordParametersDesc' => 'Enter a comma separated list of all query parameter names containing the site search keyword.', 'SearchParametersNote' => 'Note: the Query parameters and Category parameters will be used only for websites which have Site Search enabled but left these parameters empty.', 'SearchParametersNote2' => 'To disable Site Search for new websites, leave these two fields empty.', 'SearchUseDefault' => 'Use %1$sdefault%2$s Site Search parameters', 'SelectACity' => 'Select a city', 'SelectDefaultCurrency' => 'You can select the currency to set by default for new websites.', 'SelectDefaultTimezone' => 'You can select the time zone to select by default for new websites.', 'ShowTrackingTag' => 'View Tracking code', 'Sites' => 'Websites', 'SiteSearchUse' => 'You can use Matomo to track and report what visitors are searching in your website\'s internal search engine.', 'SiteWithoutDataTitle' => 'Only one last step to track your traffic with Matomo and gain valuable insights', 'SiteWithoutDataDescription' => 'You need to add some extra code to your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already. Check your option below or %1$ssend all the instructions to a team mate%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSetupTracking' => 'Please set up the %1$stracking code%2$s below into your website or mobile app if you haven\'t already.', 'SiteWithoutDataMessageDisappears' => 'This message will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website.', 'SiteWithoutDataChoosePreferredWay' => 'Choose your preferred way of getting set up', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo App in Cloudflare to track data, follow the instructions from %1$sthis guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareIntro' => 'If you use Cloudflare, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the Matomo App available in Cloudflare.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep01' => '%1$sLogin%2$s to your Cloudflare dashboard.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep02' => 'Click "Websites" on the left menu, and select the site on which you want to enable the Matomo tracking code.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep03' => 'Click "Apps" on the left menu.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep04' => 'Search for "Matomo Analytics" under the "Search Apps" input box.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep05' => 'Click on the "Matomo Analytics" app.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep06' => 'Click on "Preview on your site" button.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep07' => 'Configure the app by specifying the Matomo URL and Site ID for which you want to enable tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep08' => 'Click "Install on all pages".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep09' => 'Review permissions and allow Cloudflare to share your email address with Matomo by clicking "Continue".', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStep10' => 'Wait for the app to install, and you will see the Matomo Analytics app installed under "Your Installed Apps" section.', 'SiteWithoutDataCloudflareFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics app on Cloudflare. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherWays' => 'Other ways', 'SiteWithoutDataOtherIntegrations' => 'Other integrations', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManager' => 'Google Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplication' => 'Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App', 'SiteWithoutDataMatomoTagManagerNotActive' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sTag Manager guide%2$s. If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the Tag Manager may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerDescription' => 'You can use Matomo with Google Tag Manager. To setup Matomo Tracking in Google Tag Manager, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataSinglePageApplicationDescription' => 'For Single-Page Application or Progressive Web App Tracking. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSite' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a %1$s site. Simply follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress' => 'We\'ve detected you\'re using a Wordpress site. Simply %1$sfollow the instructions from this guide%2$s to install the %3$sWP-Matomo plugin%4$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedSiteWordpress2' => 'Set up the WordPress plugin already and not seeing any data? Please check %1$sthis FAQ for help%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataDetectedGtm' => 'We\'ve also detected you\'re using a Google Tag Manager. If you prefer to set up Matomo using GTM please follow this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'SuperUserAccessCan' => 'A user with Super User access can also %1$s specify global settings%2$s for new websites.', 'Timezone' => 'Time zone', 'TrackingSiteSearch' => 'Tracking Internal Site Search', 'TrackingTags' => 'Tracking code for %s', 'Urls' => 'URLs', 'Type' => 'Type', 'UTCTimeIs' => 'UTC time is %s.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowed' => 'Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelp' => 'When enabled, Matomo will only track internal actions when the Page URL is one of the known URLs for your website. This prevents people from spamming your analytics with URLs for other websites.', 'OnlyMatchedUrlsAllowedHelpExamples' => 'The domain and the path have to be an exact match and each valid subdomain has to be specified separately. For example when the known URLs are \'\' and \'\', tracking requests for \'\' or \'\' are ignored.', 'WebsitesManagement' => 'Websites Management', 'WebsiteUpdated' => 'Website updated', 'WebsiteCreated' => 'Website created', 'XManagement' => 'Manage %s', 'ChooseMeasurableTypeHeadline' => 'What would you like to measure?', 'YouCurrentlyHaveAccessToNWebsites' => 'You currently have access to %s websites.', 'YourCurrentIpAddressIs' => 'Your current IP address is %s', 'DeleteSiteExplanation' => 'Deleting a website will delete all log data that has been collected for it. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.', 'EmailInstructionsButton' => 'Email these instructions', 'EmailInstructionsSubject' => 'Matomo Analytics Tracking Code', 'EmailInstructionsDocsPlainText' => 'If you want to do more than track page views, please check out the Matomo documentation at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsGenerateTrackingCode' => 'You can also generate a customized tracking code at %1$s.', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetailsHeading' => 'Your Site Details', 'EmailInstructionsSiteDetails' => 'You will need these details to use the API or SDKs to track Matomo visits.', 'EmailInstructionsYourSiteId' => 'Your site ID: %1$s', 'EmailInstructionsYourTrackingUrl' => 'Your tracking URL: %1$s', 'DetectingYourSite' => 'Detecting your site', 'GADetected' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? %3$s%4$s%5$sLearn more in this guide%6$s', 'GADetectedEmail' => '%1$s was detected on your website. Did you know you can easily migrate your historical analytics data and settings from %2$s to Matomo? Learn more here: %3$s', 'GTMDetected' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'GTMDetectedEmail' => 'Google Tag Manager was detected on your website. Did you know you can migrate your existing tags, triggers and variables from Google Tag Manager to Matomo Tag Manager? Learn more here: %1$s', 'CloudflareDetected' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? %1$sLearn more in this guide%2$s.', 'CloudflareDetectedEmail' => 'Cloudflare was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the Matomo app in your Cloudflare setup to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerIntro' => 'If you use Google Tag Manager, you can start tracking data in Matomo seamlessly using the "Custom HTML Tag" available in Google Tag Manager. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepsIntro' => 'Follow these steps to set it up:', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep1' => '%1$sLogin%2$s into your Google Tag Manager account.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep2' => 'Select the container that you want to add Matomo to.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep3' => 'Click "Tags" and then "New".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep4' => 'At the top of the window, provide a name for your tag.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep5' => 'Click "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep6' => 'Copy the Matomo JavaScript Tracking code as provided below.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep7' => 'Paste this JavaScript tracking code in the Tag Configuration HTML field.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep8' => 'Scroll down and click on "Triggering".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep9' => 'Select "All Pages" to fire the "Matomo tracking tag" on all of your pages.', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep10' => 'Click "Save".', 'SiteWithoutDataGTMFollowStep11' => 'Publish your changes by clicking the "Submit" button and then the "Publish" button at the top right.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleTagManagerFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via Google Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressDescription' => 'You can use the Matomo easy WordPress plugin to track data, follow the instructions from this %1$sguide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps1' => 'Log in to your WordPress site as the administrator.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps2' => 'In the left menu, click on "Plugins" > "Add new" (if you can’t see the "Plugins" menu, then you can instead %1$sfollow these steps to insert the Matomo tracking code manually in your WordPress Theme files%2$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps3' => 'Search for "Connect Matomo" in the Keyword field on the "Add Plugins" page.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps4' => 'Click on "Install Now" next to the "WP-Matomo Integration (WP-Piwik)" plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps5' => 'Now that the plugin is successfully installed, click on "Activate".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps6' => 'In the left menu, click "Settings" -> "WP-Matomo ".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps7' => 'In the "Matomo Mode" dropdown, select the option "Self hosted (HTTP API, default)".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps8' => 'In the "Matomo URL" text field, enter your Matomo URL.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps9' => '%1$sClick here%2$s to create a Matomo Auth token (%3$slearn more%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps10' => 'Copy the generated Auth token.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps11' => 'Paste the Auth token in the “Auth token” field of the WordPress plugin.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps12' => 'Confirm the "Auto config" checkbox is selected.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps13' => 'Click on "Save Changes".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps14' => 'You should see "WP-Matomo is successfully connected to Matomo" message. If you do not see the message, make sure the values you provided in the steps above are correct, and then try again.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps15' => 'Click on "Enable Tracking" tab.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps16' => 'In the "Add tracking code" dropdown, select "Default tracking".', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowSteps17' => 'Click on "Save Changes" and a success message will appear.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your WordPress site! Happy Analytics.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepNote' => 'Once you\'ve completed the steps above, visit your website and generate a test visit. If you encounter this message, make sure you have the "%1$s" plugin installed.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine1' => 'It’s easy to add Matomo tracking to your WordPress site with our simple plugin, you can follow the steps below or %1$sfollow this guide%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressIntroductionLine2' => 'If you can’t (or choose not to) use a plugin, you can %1$sinstall the JavaScript code%2$s or %3$sinstall an image beacon%4$s to start tracking.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirementHeader' => 'Plugin requirements:', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement1' => 'Administrator account in WordPress.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressRequirement2' => ' site with a Business, Commerce or Enterprise plan, or a Self-hosted WordPress site.', 'SiteWithoutDataWordpressFollowStepsIntro' => 'Steps to start tracking in Matomo', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataHeader' => 'Start tracking data', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine1' => 'Choose your preferred tracking method below. If you need help, you can share these %1$sinstructions via email%2$s or %3$sinvite another user%4$s for assistance.', 'SiteWithoutDataStartTrackingDataDescriptionLine2' => 'Note: This screen will disappear as soon as some data is tracked for this website. Alternatively, you can %1$sclick here to hide this page for one hour%2$s.', 'EmailInstructionsButtonText' => 'Email instructions', 'SiteWithoutDataIgnorePage' => 'Don\'t show this page for an hour', 'SiteWithoutDataVueDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %2$sguide%3$s.', 'VueDetected' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to integrate Matomo into your site? %2$sLearn more in this guide%3$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueIntro' => 'Tracking your Vue.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep1' => 'Install the "%1$s" npm package.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2' => 'Initialize %1$s in %2$s with your Matomo Instance details (example code below).', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCode' => 'Example code for %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentTrackPageView' => 'To track a page view', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStep2ExampleCodeCommentConfigureMatomo' => 'Configure your Matomo server and site by providing:', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the "%3$s" npm package. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote1' => ' Now you can access Matomo in your components through %1$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataVueFollowStepNote2' => 'If you followed these steps and have no data coming into Matomo, you can try the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s instead (use this link for %3$sSingle Page Applications%4$s).', 'VueDetectedEmail' => 'Vue.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$s" npm package to track the website data? Learn more here: %2$s', 'MergedNotificationLine1' => '%1$s were detected on your website.', 'MergedNotificationLine2' => 'Learn more about configuring Matomo to work with these by following these guides: %1$s', 'ConsentManagerConnected' => 'We’ve detected that %1$s is correctly configured to work with Matomo on your site.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactDescription' => 'You can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo to track data, follow the instructions from this %3$sguide%4$s.', 'ReactDetected' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "%1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s" to integrate Matomo into your site? %3$sLearn more in this guide%4$s.', 'ReactDetectedEmail' => 'React.js was detected on your website. Did you know you can use the "Matomo Tag Manager" to track the website data? Learn more here: %1$s', 'SiteWithoutDataSPADescription' => 'It is easy to start tracking your Single Page Application (SPA) or Progressive Web App (PWA) using Matomo Analytics. The easiest way to do this is using the Matomo Tag Manager (%1$slearn more%2$s) using the steps below, alternatively you can use the JavaScript Tracking code (%3$sfollowing this guide%4$s).', 'SiteWithoutDataSPAFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your SPA / PWA and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SiteWithoutDataGoogleAnalyticsImport' => 'Google Analytics Import', 'OtherWaysTabDescription' => 'Even if the solutions provided in the other tabs were not right for you, you can easily setup Matomo with one of the methods below. You may need the following information:', 'ImageTrackingDescription' => 'When a visitor has disabled JavaScript, or when JavaScript cannot be used, you can use an image tracking link to track visitors. For the whole list of options you can use with an image tracking link, see the %1$sTracking API Documentation%2$s.', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalytics' => 'Import Data from Google Analytics', 'ImportDataFromGoogleAnalyticsDescription' => 'Import your Google Analytics properties and reporting data to create a backup and analyse them using Matomo’s powerful analytics tools. Check out our %1$sguide%2$s.', ), 'TagManager' => array ( 'AddThisTagDescription' => 'Add the AddThis social media buttons and more to your website.', 'AddThisTagPubIdTitle' => 'AddThis PubId', 'AddThisTagPubIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'AddThisParentSelectorTitle' => 'Inline Tools Parent Selector', 'AddThisParentSelectorDescription' => 'Optionally enter a CSS selector to the element where the Inline Tools should be added.', 'BingUETTagIdTitle' => 'ID', 'BingUETTagIdDescription' => 'You can find the Bing Ad ID when creating a new tracking code in the Bing Ad Campaign Manager.', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyTitle' => 'API key', 'BugsnagTagApiKeyDescription' => 'You can find your API key in your project settings from your Bugsnag dashboard.', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpTitle' => 'collect user IP', 'BugsnagTagCollectUserIpDescription' => 'This should be disable if you don\'t want to track personal information about your users.', 'CustomHtmlTagTitle' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomHtmlTagDescriptionText' => 'This tag is ideal when you need to add for example custom styles or custom JavaScript or when you are looking for a specific tag which is not yet supported. With this tag you can append any HTML to the bottom of your page, add styles, or execute JavaScript. Note: You can replace content within the HTML with variables by putting a variable name in curly brackets like this {{PageUrl}}.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelpText' => '%1$sLearn more%2$s', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionTitle' => 'Position', 'CustomHtmlHtmlPositionDescription' => 'Define the position of where the HTML should be inserted into your website.', 'CustomImageTagSrcTitle' => 'Image URL', 'CustomImageTagSrcDescription' => 'You can define any image URL. We recommend to define a URL that starts with "//" so it will work on HTTP and HTTPS pages. If your website only supports HTTPS, it should start with "https://".', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledTitle' => 'Enable Cache Buster', 'CustomImageTagCacheBusterEnabledDescription' => 'Makes sure the image will be fetched again every time it is added to the page by adding a URL parameter to the image URL with a random value, for example "?mtmcb=12345"..', 'DriftTagDriftIdTitle' => 'Drift ID', 'DriftTagDriftIdDescription' => 'The Drift ID is the text between brackets without quotes at the end of the JS snippet: drift.load(\'mdp4r5w7rh3y\');', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdTitle' => 'Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagMerchantIdDescription' => 'Your Emarsys Merchant ID', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryTitle' => 'category', 'EmarsysTagCommandCategoryDescription' => 'Report the category currently browsed by the visitor.', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewTitle' => 'view', 'EmarsysTagCommandViewDescription' => 'Report a product view.', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagTitle' => 'tag', 'EmarsysTagCommandTagDescription' => 'Add an arbitrary tag to the current event. The tag is collected and can be accessed later from other Emarsys products.', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoTitle' => 'go', 'EmarsysTagCommandGoDescription' => 'Execute commands in the queue, that is, send them to the recommender service for processing.', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'EtrackerTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'EtrackerTagConfigTitle' => 'etracker Configuration', 'EtrackerTagConfigDescription' => 'Assign a etracker configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper pagename (et_pagename)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperPageNameDescription' => 'The wrappers\'s pagename', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper area (et_area)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperAreaDescription' => 'The area should be separated by Slash', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTargetTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper target (et_target)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTvalTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper total order value (et_tval)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTonrTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order number (et_tonr)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTsaleTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper order status (et_tsale)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTcustTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper customer status (et_cust)', 'EtrackerTagWrapperTBasketTitle' => 'etracker Wrapper basket (et_basket)', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryTitle' => 'etracker Category', 'EtrackerTagEventCategoryDescription' => 'The event\'s category, for example Navigation, Outbound Links, 404 Error...', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectTitle' => 'etracker Object', 'EtrackerTagEventObjectDescription' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular navigation element, a clicked element, form name,...', 'EtrackerTagEventActionTitle' => 'etracker Action', 'EtrackerTagEventActionDescription' => 'The event\'s action, for example, click, open, close, play, pause...', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeTitle' => 'etracker Type', 'EtrackerTagEventTypeDescription' => 'The event\'s type Name, for example an value of a send form...', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeTitle' => 'etracker Order Status', 'EtrackerTagTransactionTypeDescription' => 'Sale / Lead / Partial Cancellation / Cancellation', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDTitle' => 'etracker Order number', 'EtrackerTagTransactionIDDescription' => 'Order ID, transaction id or similar - max 50 chars', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueTitle' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionValueDescription' => 'Order Value', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyTitle' => 'Currency', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCurrencyDescription' => 'Currency of the order according to ISO 4217 e.g.: EUR or USD', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketTitle' => 'Basket', 'EtrackerTagTransactionBasketDescription' => 'dataLayer object of basket - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupTitle' => 'Customer Group', 'EtrackerTagTransactionCustomerGroupDescription' => 'optional, e.g. new customer, existing customer, big buyer, VIP', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsTitle' => 'Delivery Conditions', 'EtrackerTagTransactionDeliveryConditionsDescription' => 'optional, e.g. Delivery to the kerb, Setup on site, Delivery to the pick-up station/parcel shop/branch', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductTitle' => 'Product object', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartProductDescription' => 'dataLayer object of the product - according to etracker reference', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberTitle' => 'Number', 'EtrackerTagAddToCartNumberDescription' => 'Number of products added to the cart', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeTitle' => 'etracker Form Type', 'EtrackerTagFormTypeDescription' => 'Conversion / Form View / Field View / Field Interaction / Field Error', 'EtrackerTagFormNameTitle' => 'Form Name', 'EtrackerTagFormNameDescription' => 'Form Name titles the report of the form which is tracked', 'EtrackerTagFormDataTitle' => 'Form Data', 'EtrackerTagFormDataDescription' => 'eg. form section information. If used, a string is required', 'FacebookPixelTagPixelIdTitle' => 'Pixel ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdTitle' => 'Property ID', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagPropertyIdDescription' => 'For example "UA-XXXXX-Y"', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeTitle' => 'Tracking Type', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagTrackingTypeDescription' => 'Only the tracking type "Pageview" is currently supported.', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Honeybadger apiKey', 'HoneybadgerTagApiKeyDescription' => 'The apiKey of your honeybadger project', 'HoneybadgerTagEnvironmentDescription' => 'The environment where the container is included (production, dev, etc.). Leave empty to default to the environment of this container.', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionTitle' => 'Code Revision', 'HoneybadgerTagRevisionDescription' => '(optional) the version of your project', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdTitle' => 'LinkedIn Partner ID', 'LinkedinInsightTagPartnerIdDescription' => 'You can find the partner ID by logging into your LinkedIn Campaign Manager, and clicking on "Account Assets" followed by "Insight Tag". If "Insight Tag" is not available, please set up the Insight Tag by clicking on "Conversion Tracking". There you can enter a domain and continue the set up. You will find the partner ID in the line `_linkedin_partner_id = "123456"`. In this example the ID would be "123456".', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdTitle' => 'Livezilla ID', 'LivezillaDynamicTagIdDescription' => 'Insert the Livezilla ID from your Dynamic Code section.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainTitle' => 'Livezilla Domain', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDomainDescription' => 'Enter the Domain where Livezilla is installed. Example:', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferTitle' => 'Livezilla Script "defer"?', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDynamicDeferDescription' => 'In most cases you should let it activated.', 'PingdomRUMTagIdTitle' => 'Pingdom RUM Site ID', 'PingdomRUMTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Pingdom, going to "Monitoring" and clicking on "Real User Monitoring". Every added site will get its own Site ID.', 'RaygunTagApiKeyTitle' => 'Raygun apiKey', 'RaygunTagApiKeyDescription' => 'When you create a new application in your Raygun dashboard, your app API key is displayed at the top of the instructions page. You can also find the API key by clicking the "Application Settings" button in the side bar of the Raygun dashboard.', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseTitle' => 'Enable Pulse (Real User Monitoring)', 'RaygunTagEnablePulseDescription' => 'Automatically identify front end performance issues causing slow page load speeds. See what your users see in the browser and discover why users had poor quality experiences.', 'SentryRavenTagDSNTitle' => ' DSN', 'SentryRavenTagDSNDescription' => 'The DSN (Data Source Name) of your project. It should look like \'https://<key><project>\'', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppTitle' => 'Shareaholic In-Page App', 'ShareaholicTagInPageAppDescription' => 'Here you can optionally add an In-Page App to your website.', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdTitle' => 'Shareaholic Site ID', 'ShareaholicTagSiteIdDescription' => 'Create a new site in Shareaholic and paste the site ID here', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdTitle' => 'In-Page App ID', 'ShareaholicTagAppIdDescription' => 'If you want to add an In-Page App enter the App ID here. It is about eight digits long. The App ID is not required for the Total Share Counter.', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorTitle' => 'In-Page App Parent Selector', 'ShareaholicTagParentSelectorDescription' => 'Enter a CSS selector to the element where the In-Page App should be added.', 'TawkToTagIdTitle' => ' Site ID', 'TawkToTagIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Property Settings". The Site ID has typically about 25 characters, for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdTitle' => ' Widget ID', 'TawkToTagWidgetIdDescription' => 'You can get the Widget ID by logging into, going to "Administration" and clicking on "Chat Widget" and selecting an appropriate widget. The widget ID can be retrieved from "Direct Chat Link" as{SITE_ID}/{WIDGET_ID}.', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorTitle' => 'Theme Color', 'ThemeColorTagThemeColorDescription' => 'Please enter a color as a hexadecimal string (e.g. \'#11ee33\')', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdTitle' => 'Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagAccountIdDescription' => 'Your Visual Website Optimizer Account ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdTitle' => 'Zendesk Chat ID', 'ZendeskChatTagChatIdDescription' => 'You can get the Site ID by logging into Zendesk Chat, going to "Settings" and clicking on "Widget". The Site ID has typically about 32 characters and is the text coming directly after "", for example "123451c27295ad739e46b6b1".', 'AllElementsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any element is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllElementsClickTriggerName' => 'All Elements Click', 'AllLinksClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered on any click on any element. To listen to clicks on specific elements or specific click button, please add conditions based on a "Click" variable or on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllLinksClickTriggerName' => 'All Links Click', 'AutoGenerated' => 'Auto generated', 'AutoGeneratedContainerDescription' => 'This container was auto generated when the website was created.', 'BackupVersionName' => 'Backup version name', 'BackupVersionNameHelp' => 'If you define a version name, a new version with this name will be created to backup the current draft version.', 'BingUETTagName' => 'Bing Ads UET Tag', 'BingUETTagDescription' => 'Adds the Bing Ads Universal Event Tracking Tag to your website so you can apply conversion tracking to your Bing ad campaigns.', 'BingUETTagHelp' => 'The tag tracks what your customers are doing after they click on your Bing ad.', 'BlockTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will not be executed as soon as any of these triggers has been triggered. This way you can for example make sure to not execute this tag on certain pages, or when a user has reached a certain scroll position.', 'BlockTriggerTitle' => 'Don\'t execute this tag when any of these triggers have been triggered.', 'BrowserLanguageVariableDescription' => 'Gets the preferred language of the user which is usually the language of the browser UI. For example "en" or "en-US".', 'BrowserLanguageVariableName' => 'Browser Language', 'BugsnagTagDescription' => 'Add error monitoring to your applications with Bugsnag.', 'BugsnagTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the default bugsnag javascript integration to your website.', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplates' => 'Use Custom Templates', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainer' => 'Publish Live Container', 'CategoryAds' => 'Ads', 'CategoryAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'CategoryAnalytics' => 'Analytics', 'CategoryClick' => 'Click', 'CategoryClicks' => 'Clicks', 'CategoryContainerInfo' => 'Container Info', 'CategoryCustom' => 'Custom', 'CategoryDate' => 'Date', 'CategoryDevelopers' => 'Developers', 'CategoryDevice' => 'Device', 'CategoryEmail' => 'Email', 'CategoryErrors' => 'Errors', 'CategoryForms' => 'Forms', 'CategoryHistory' => 'History', 'CategoryPageVariables' => 'Page Variables', 'CategoryPageview' => 'Pageview', 'CategoryPerformance' => 'Performance', 'CategoryRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'CategorySEO' => 'SEO', 'CategoryScrolls' => 'Scrolls', 'CategorySocial' => 'Social', 'CategoryUserEngagement' => 'User Engagement', 'CategoryUtilities' => 'Utilities', 'CategoryVisibility' => 'Visibility', 'CheckWriteDirs' => 'Directories with write access for %1$s', 'ChooseContainer' => 'Choose a container', 'ChooseTagToContinue' => 'Choose a type of tag to continue', 'ChooseTriggerToContinue' => 'Choose a type of trigger to continue', 'ChooseVariable' => 'Choose a variable', 'ChooseVariableToContinue' => 'Choose a type of variable to continue', 'ClickClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickButtonVariableDescription' => 'Clicked button(left/middle/right)', 'ClickButtonVariableName' => 'Click Button', 'ClickClassesVariableName' => 'Click Classes', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickDestinationUrlVariableName' => 'Click Destination URL', 'ClickIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickIdVariableName' => 'Click ID', 'ClickElementVariableName' => 'Click Element', 'ClickElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was clicked.', 'ClickNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The name of an element when a click trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV"', 'ClickNodeNameVariableName' => 'Click Node Name', 'ClickTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element when a click trigger was triggered.', 'ClickTextVariableName' => 'Click Text', 'ComparisonContains' => 'contains', 'ComparisonEndsWith' => 'ends with', 'ComparisonEquals' => 'equals', 'ComparisonEqualsExactly' => 'equals exactly', 'ComparisonGreaterThan' => 'is greater than', 'ComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual' => 'is greater than or equals', 'ComparisonIgnoreCase' => 'ignore case', 'ComparisonLowerThan' => 'is lower than', 'ComparisonLowerThanOrEqual' => 'is lower than or equals', 'ComparisonMatchesRegexp' => 'matches the regular expression', 'ComparisonMatchesCssSelector' => 'matches the CSS selector', 'ComparisonNotX' => 'not %s', 'ComparisonStartsWith' => 'starts with', 'Condition' => 'Condition', 'Conditions' => 'Conditions', 'ConfigureEnvironmentsSuperUser' => 'Please note that a user with Super User access can configure the available environments by going to "Administration => General Settings".', 'ConfigureThisTrigger' => 'Configure this trigger', 'ConfigureThisVariable' => 'Configure this variable', 'ConfigureWhatTagDoes' => 'Configure what this tag should do', 'ConfigureWhenTagDoes' => 'Configure when the tag should do this', 'ConfigureX' => 'Configure %s', 'ConfirmImportContainerVersion' => 'Are you sure you want to import this data? The current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version.', 'ConstantVariableDescription' => 'The variable is set to a fixed value.', 'ConstantVariableName' => 'Constant', 'Container' => 'Container', 'ContainerContextHelp' => 'Defines in which context the container will be deployed. Currently, only "Web" containers are supported.', 'ContainerDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe the purpose of this container. This is especially useful if you have multiple containers per site.', 'ContainerIdVariableDescription' => 'Returns the ID of this container, for example "ab2Dk432".', 'ContainerIdVariableName' => 'Container ID', 'ContainerMetaInformation' => 'ID "%1$s" in context "%2$s" created on %3$s.', 'ContainerNameHelp' => 'The container name lets you define a unique name for this container. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'ContainerRevisionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the revision of this container, for example "5".', 'ContainerRevisionVariableName' => 'Container Revision', 'ContainerUsageBenefits' => 'Each container holds a set of tags that will be added to your site. Once you have created a container, you will receive an HTML snippet that you can embed into your website. Typically, you would have only one container per site. However, you can configure several containers per site for example if one site in Matomo represents multiple sites or if different teams are responsible for different parts of a site.', 'ContainerVersionVariableDescription' => 'Returns the version of this container.', 'ContainerVersionVariableName' => 'Container Version Name', 'ContainerX' => 'Container "%s"', 'Containers' => 'Containers', 'Context' => 'Context', 'ContextWeb' => 'Web', 'ContextWebInstallInstructions' => 'To install this container, copy / paste the following code as high as possible into the %1$s part of every page of your site.', 'CookieVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a cookie', 'CookieVariableName' => 'First-Party Cookie', 'CapabilityUseCustomTemplateDescription' => 'Grants the ability to write HTML/JavaScript that will be executed on the website. Grant this capability only to users you trust as custom templates can be misused to steal for example sensitive information.', 'CapabilityPublishLiveContainerDescription' => 'Grants the ability to publish a container to the live environment.', 'CapabilityWriteDescription' => 'Grants the ability to use the Tag Manager. For example create, delete, and manage containers, tags, triggers, and variables, versions, etc.', 'CreateNewContainer' => 'Create new container', 'CreateNewContainerNow' => 'Create a new container now', 'CreateNewTag' => 'Create new tag', 'CreateNewTagNow' => 'Create a new tag now', 'CreateNewTrigger' => 'Create new trigger', 'CreateNewTriggerNow' => 'Create a new trigger now', 'CreateNewVariable' => 'Create new variable', 'CreateNewVariableNow' => 'Create a new variable now', 'CreateNewVersion' => 'Create new version', 'CreateNewVersionNow' => 'Create a new version now', 'CreateNewX' => 'Create new %s', 'CreateVersionAndPublishRelease' => 'Create new version and publish release', 'CreateVersionWithoutPublishing' => 'Create new version (without publishing)', 'Created' => 'Created', 'CreatedDate' => 'Creation date', 'CreatedOnX' => 'Created on "%s"', 'CreatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully created.', 'CurrentTimeInLocalTimezone' => 'Your current local time is %1$s%2$s%3$s.', 'CustomEventTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a custom event is pushed to the Data-Layer.', 'CustomEventTriggerHelp' => 'Allows developers to define manually when this trigger should be triggered by pushing an event to the Data-Layer. This way you can for example execute certain actions when a product is added to the cart, or when a user logs in.', 'CustomEventTriggerName' => 'Custom Event', 'CustomHtmlTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any custom HTML, for example JavaScript or CSS Styles.', 'CustomHtmlTagHelp' => 'The Custom HTML tag allows you to embed any tag which is not supported yet. The possibilities with this tag are pretty much unlimited.', 'CustomHtmlTagName' => 'Custom HTML', 'CustomTitle' => 'Custom Title', 'CustomTitleHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom document title which should be tracked instead of the default document title.', 'CustomUrl' => 'Custom URL', 'CustomUrlHelp' => 'Optionally, specify a custom URL which should be tracked instead of the current location.', 'LinkedinInsightTagName' => 'LinkedIn Insight Tag', 'LinkedinInsightTagDescription' => 'Adds the LinkedIn Insight Tag so you can apply conversion tracking to your LinkedIn ad campaigns.', 'LinkedinInsightTagHelp' => 'The tag will enable detailed campaign reporting and information about your website visitors in LinkedIn. It allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and gain additional insights about LinkedIn members that interact with your LinkedIn ads.', 'CustomImageTagDescription' => 'Allows you to embed any image, for example a tracking pixel.', 'CustomImageTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add for example a transparent tracking pixel into your website.', 'CustomImageTagName' => 'Custom Image', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableDescription' => 'Executes a custom JavaScript function to retrieve the value.', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableName' => 'Custom JavaScript', 'CustomVariables' => 'Custom variables', 'CustomizeTracking' => 'Customize Tracking', 'CustomizeTrackingTeaser' => 'Want to configure the Matomo tracking for this container? Here is a list of existing Matomo configurations in this container:', 'DashboardHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Dashboard" page help me?', 'DashboardHelp2' => 'The Tag Manager Dashboard provides an instant overview of both the names and quantity of tags, triggers, variables and versions of container configurations that have been created in your Matomo Tag Manager.', 'DashboardHelp3' => 'Within the Tag Manager Dashboard, you also can edit or create new tags, triggers, variables and versions.', 'DashboardHelp4' => 'Learn more about this in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTagsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of tags created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Tags panel, you also can edit or create new tags. Learn more about %1$stags%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTagsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific tag, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of triggers created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Triggers panel, you also can edit or create new triggers. Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific trigger, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of variables created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Variables panel, you also can edit or create new variables. Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific variable, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp1' => 'This panel contains both the names and quantity of container configuration versions created in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Versions panel, you also can edit or create new versions. Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s and watch our video guide.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp2' => 'To get more information about a specific version, simply hover over the name to find out when the entity was created, last edited and what type it is.', 'DashboardVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about the Dashboard in the %1$sTag Manager Dashboard Guide%2$s.', 'DataLayerVariableDescription' => 'Reads a custom value from the Data-Layer.', 'DataLayerVariableHelp' => 'Using this variable you can access any value that is stored within the dataLayer. You can also push values to the dataLayer yourself and access them this way afterwards.', 'DataLayerVariableName' => 'Data-Layer', 'DefaultContainer' => 'Default Container', 'DefaultValue' => 'Default value', 'DefaultValueHelp' => 'You can configure a default value which will be used if the variable does not return a value. Please note an empty string (\'\') is considered to be a value and will not fall back to the default value, configure a lookup value for this case if needed. Also note that the default value will be applied before the lookup table is evaluated.', 'DeleteContainerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this container? You cannot undo the deletion. Please also make sure to remove all embedded code snippets for this container from your website as the container files will no longer be available after you have deleted this container.', 'DeleteTagConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this tag? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteTriggerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this trigger? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVariableConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this variable? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteVersionConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this version? You cannot undo the deletion.', 'DeleteX' => 'Delete %s', 'DiffAdded' => 'Added', 'DiffModified' => 'Modified', 'DiffDeleted' => 'Deleted', 'DisablePreview' => 'Disable Preview', 'DisablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Disabling preview mode, please wait...', 'UpdatingDebugSiteUrlPleaseWait' => 'Updating debug site URL, please wait...', 'DebugUrlNoUrlErrorMessage' => 'Please Enter a URL to start debugging.', 'DebugUrlSameUrlErrorMessage' => 'Already debugging the same site, please visit the %1$ssite%2$s or enter new url to debug.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to look up the DNS in milliseconds.', 'DnsLookupTimeVariableName' => 'DNS Lookup Time', 'DomElementVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value from a DOM element.', 'DomElementVariableName' => 'DOM Element', 'DomReadyTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as all the HTML has been received and parsed.', 'DomReadyTriggerHelp' => 'At this stage of loading a web page only the HTML is loaded but not yet all images, StyleSheets, and JavaScript files. If you want to make sure the website is fully loaded, please consider the "Window Loaded" trigger.', 'DomReadyTriggerName' => 'DOM Ready', 'DriftTagName' => 'Drift', 'DriftTagDescription' => 'Discover more efficient placement of your bots with Drift JavaScript tags.', 'DriftDescription' => 'Drift allows you to connect with your customers.', 'DriftHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Drift contact form to your website.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a link is clicked which links to a downloadable file. It will be triggered on left, middle and right click.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when a user clicks on an "A" or "AREA" element and the link points to a file with a downloadable file extension. To enable tracking on specific click button, please add conditions based on a "ClickButton" variable in the advanced settings.', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerName' => 'All Downloads Click', 'Draft' => 'Draft', 'EditContainer' => 'Edit container', 'EditTag' => 'Edit tag', 'EditTags' => 'Edit tags', 'EditTrigger' => 'Edit trigger', 'EditTriggers' => 'Edit triggers', 'EditVariable' => 'Edit variable', 'EditVariables' => 'Edit variables', 'EditVersion' => 'Edit version', 'EditVersions' => 'Edit versions', 'EditX' => 'Edit %s', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a specific element becomes visible.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerName' => 'Element Visibility', 'EmarsysTagDescription' => 'Emarsys is the largest independent marketing platform in the world.', 'EmarsysTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous Emarsys Code to your website.', 'EmarsysTagName' => 'Emarsys', 'EnablePreviewDebug' => 'Preview / Debug', 'EnablingPreviewPleaseWait' => 'Enabling preview mode, please wait...', 'EndDate' => 'End date', 'EntityDateTypeMetaInformation' => 'Created on "%1$s", last updated on "%2$s", type: "%3$s"', 'Entry' => 'Entry', 'Environment' => 'Environment', 'EnvironmentVariableDescription' => 'Returns the current environment.', 'EnvironmentVariableName' => 'Environment Name', 'Environments' => 'Environments', 'ErrorArrayMissingKey' => 'Missing array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorArrayMissingValue' => 'Missing value for array key "%1$s" in "%2$s" at position "%3$s".', 'ErrorComparisonNotSupported' => 'The comparison "%s" is not supported.', 'ErrorContainerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerIdDuplicate' => 'The Container ID is already in use', 'ErrorContainerReleaseDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container release does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerTriggerDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container trigger does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionDoesNotExist' => 'The requested container version does not exist.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportIncomplete' => 'Cannot import container. The specified container version is incomplete. Make sure it includes context, tags, triggers, and variables information.', 'ErrorContainerVersionImportWrongContext' => 'The context of the current container is "%1$s" but the imported content is of context "%2$s". Cannot import this version.', 'ErrorEndDateBeforeStartDate' => 'The start date needs to be earlier than the end date.', 'ErrorEnvironmentDoesNotExist' => 'The environment "%s" does not exist.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidLength' => 'The environment "%1$s" does not have a valid length. Please use between %2$s and %3$s characters.', 'ErrorEnvironmentInvalidName' => 'The environment "%s" is not a valid name. Please use only letters, numbers, and underscores.', 'ErrorInnerIsNotAnArray' => 'Each "%1$s" within "%2$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorInvalidContainerImportFormat' => 'Invalid format for exportedContainerVersion. Value needs to be a valid JSON.', 'ErrorLineVariableDescription' => 'Returns the line of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorLineVariableName' => 'Error Line', 'ErrorMessageVariableDescription' => 'Returns the message of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorMessageVariableName' => 'Error Message', 'ErrorNameDuplicate' => 'This name is already in use.', 'ErrorNotAnArray' => '"%1$s" has to be an array.', 'ErrorPreviewReservedEnvironment' => 'The preview environment cannot be configured as it is a reserved environment', 'ErrorTriggerAtPositionXDoesNotExist' => 'The trigger "%1$s" at position "%2$s" does not exist.', 'ErrorTriggerNotRemovableAsInUse' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted as it is used in a tag. To remove this trigger, update any referenced tag first.', 'ErrorUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the URL of an error, when an error was triggered previously.', 'ErrorUrlVariableName' => 'Error Url', 'ErrorVariableInConditionAtPositionNotFound' => 'The variable "%1$s" in the condition at position "%2$s" cannot be found.', 'ErrorVariableInvalidDefaultValue' => 'The default value needs to be empty, a string, or a number.', 'ErrorVariableNameInUseByPreconfiguredVariable' => 'This variable name cannot be used as a preconfigured variable already uses this name.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeleted' => 'The "%1$s" version of a container cannot be deleted.', 'ErrorVersionCannotBeDeletedAsPublished' => 'This version cannot be deleted as it is published to at least one environment.', 'ErrorXNotProvided' => 'Please provide a value for "%1$s".', 'ErrorXNotWhitelisted' => 'The value for "%1$s" is not allowed, use one of: %2$s.', 'ErrorXTooLong' => '"%1$s" is too long, max %2$s characters are allowed.', 'EtrackerTagName' => 'etracker web analysis', 'EtrackerTagDescription' => 'etracker is a web analytics system, you can choose to send a pageview or an event.', 'EtrackerTagHelp' => '', 'EventActionHelp' => 'The event\'s action, for example Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...', 'EventCategoryHelp' => 'The event\'s category, for example Videos, Music, Games...', 'EventNameHelp' => 'The event\'s object Name, for example a particular Movie name, or Song name, or File name...', 'EventValue' => 'Event Value', 'EventValueHelp' => 'The event\'s value, for example "50" as in user has stayed on the website for 50 seconds.', 'EventValueException' => 'The event value can only include numeric values and variables.', 'Except' => 'Except', 'ExportDraft' => 'Export draft', 'ExportX' => 'Export %s', 'FacebookPixelTagDescription' => 'The Facebook Pixel is a web analytics and advertising service offered by Facebook.', 'FacebookPixelTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews in your Facebook Ads account. To obtain the Pixel ID please log in to your Facebook Ads account.', 'FacebookPixelTagName' => 'Facebook Pixel', 'Filter' => 'Filter', 'FireDelay' => 'Fire delay', 'FireDelayHelp' => 'Lets you delay the execution of this tag. This can be useful for example if you want to allow some time for a blocking trigger to stop the tag from being executed. The value is expected in milliseconds where 1000ms are equal to one second.', 'FireLimit' => 'Fire limit', 'FireLimitHelp' => 'The fire limit defines how often this tag will be executed. When set to \'%1$s\', then the tag will be executed each time any of the assigned fire triggers is triggered. When set to \'%2$s\', then the tag will be executed max during a single page view. \'%3$s\' means the tag will not be executed again within the next 24 hours. Opening a new tab or window may cause a new session as well. \'%4$s\' means the tag will be only executed once. Please note for this to work some information will be stored in the browser based on the name of this tag. This means if you choose \'%4$s\' and you change the name of this tag, the tag may be executed again for everyone.', 'FireTriggerHelp' => 'This tag will be executed every time any of these triggers are triggered. Not all of them have to be triggered in order for the tag to be executed. Want to execute the trigger only once per page view or session? You can limit how often the tag should be executed in the advanced settings by changing the "%1$s".', 'FireTriggerTitle' => 'Execute this tag when any of these triggers are triggered.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableDescription' => 'Returns the first directory of the current page URL.', 'FirstDirectoryVariableName' => 'First URL Directory', 'FormElementVariableName' => 'Form Element', 'FormElementVariableDescription' => 'An instance of the element that was submitted.', 'FormClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of a submitted form.', 'FormClassesVariableName' => 'Form Classes', 'FormDestinationVariableDescription' => 'The value of the form action URL of a submitted form.', 'FormDestinationVariableName' => 'Form Destination URL', 'FormIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormIdVariableName' => 'Form ID', 'FormNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of the name attribute of a submitted form.', 'FormNameVariableName' => 'Form Name', 'FormSubmitTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when any form is submitted.', 'FormSubmitTriggerHelp' => 'Triggered when any form on the current page is submitted. To listen only to specific forms, please add conditions based on a "form" variable in the advanced settings.', 'FormSubmitTriggerName' => 'Form Submit', 'FullscreenTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the window goes into or leaves full screen.', 'FullscreenTriggerName' => 'Full screen', 'GettingStarted' => 'Getting Started', 'GettingStartedNotice' => 'Want to learn more about what a Tag Manager is? Click on \'Getting Started\' in the left menu.', 'GettingStartedWhatIsIntro' => 'Matomo Tag Manager lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags. Tags are also known as snippets or pixels. Such tags are typically JavaScript code or HTML and let you integrate various features into your site in just a few clicks, for example:', 'GettingStartedAnalyticsTracking' => 'Tracking analytics data', 'GettingStartedConversionTracking' => 'Conversion tracking', 'GettingStartedNewsletterSignups' => 'Newsletter signups', 'GettingStartedExitActions' => 'Exit popups and surveys', 'GettingStartedRemarketing' => 'Remarketing', 'GettingStartedSocialWidgets' => 'Social widgets', 'GettingStartedAffiliates' => 'Affiliates', 'GettingStartedAds' => 'Ads', 'GettingStartedAndMore' => 'and more', 'GettingStartedMainComponents' => 'This can be achieved using these main components:', 'GettingStartedTagComponent' => 'Tags - A snippet of code (usually JavaScript or HTML) which will be added to your site.', 'GettingStartedTriggerComponent' => 'Triggers - Defines when a tag should be fired.', 'GettingStartedVariableComponent' => 'Variables - Lets you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers.', 'GettingStartedWhyDoINeed' => 'Why or when do I need a Tag Manager?', 'GettingStartedWhyMakesLifeEasier' => 'A Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these snippets on your website as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. Instead of waiting for someone to make these changes and to deploy your website, you can now easily make the needed changes yourself. This lets you not only bring changes to the market faster, but also reduces cost.', 'GettingStartedWhyThirdPartySnippets' => 'It also comes in handy if you embed many third-party snippets into your website and want to bring in some order to oversee all the snippets that are embedded and have a convenient way to manage them.', 'GettingStartedWhyAccuracyPerformance' => 'The Tag Manager also makes sure all that all snippets are implemented correctly and loaded in the right way for faster performance.', 'GettingStartedHowDoI' => 'How do I get started?', 'GettingStartedHowCreateContainer' => 'If you haven\'t created a container yet, %1$screate a container now%2$s.', 'GettingStartedHowCopyCode' => 'Next you need to copy/paste the code for the container into your website, this is a simple HTML snippet. From this point, this code will load all other snippets and you usually won\'t need to make any changes to your website anymore.', 'GettingStartedHowAddTagsToContainer' => 'Now you can add one or multiple tags to your container. If you have embedded a tag manually into your site in the past, you should at the same time also remove all previously added snippets from your website as they will be then loaded through the tag manager.', 'GettingStartedWhatIfUnsupported' => 'What if a tag, trigger, or variable I need is not supported yet?', 'GettingStartedCustomTags' => 'There are custom tags, triggers, and variables available to let you implement pretty much any use case you need.', 'GettingStartedContributeTags' => 'If you use features regularly which are not available yet, or you have a product you want to integrate into the Tag Manager, please check out our %1$sdeveloper documentation%2$s on how to add your own tags, triggers, and variables. It is really easy.', 'GoalId' => 'Goal ID', 'GoalIdHelp' => 'The ID of the goal you want to track manually.', 'GoalRevenueHelp' => 'The estimated revenue value to track when the goal is triggered manually. As this value will be used in a calculation, it must either be a numeric value or it must reference a variable that contains a numeric value. If this field is empty or references a variable that doesn\'t contain a valid numeric value, the value will default to the revenue configured as part of the goal being triggered. A valid numeric value is something like 2430 or 2430.00 (note the absence of commas).', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagDescription' => 'Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track website pageviews into your Google Analytics. To obtain the Property-ID please log in to your Google Analytics account.', 'GoogleAnalyticsUniversalTagName' => 'Google Analytics (Universal)', 'HideAdvancedSettings' => 'Hide advanced settings', 'HistoryChangeTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the current URL changes.', 'HistoryChangeTriggerName' => 'History Change', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewPathVariableName' => 'History New Path', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewSearchVariableName' => 'History New Search', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewUrlVariableName' => 'History New URL', 'HistoryHashNewVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashNewVariableName' => 'History New Hash', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldPathVariableName' => 'History Old Path', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldSearchVariableName' => 'History Old Search', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldUrlVariableName' => 'History Old URL', 'HistoryHashOldVariableDescription' => '', 'HistoryHashOldVariableName' => 'History Old Hash', 'HistorySourceVariableDescription' => 'For example "popstate", "historychange", "pushState", or "replaceState"', 'HistorySourceVariableName' => 'History Source', 'HoneybadgerTagDescription' => 'Exception and Uptime Monitoring for Application Developers', 'HoneybadgerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official Honeybadger Javascript SDK to your website.', 'Import' => 'Import', 'ImportVersion' => 'Import a version', 'InitializeTrackerOnly' => 'Initialise tracker only. Don\'t track anything.', 'InstallCode' => 'Install Code', 'InstallCodeDataLayerNote' => 'In addition to the container, one can add a %1$sdatalayer%2$s in order to make data available for the tag manager to collect even more data.', 'InstallCodePublishEnvironmentNote' => 'Please note that in order for a container to be functional for a specific environment, you have to publish a version to that environment. You can find below a list of all environments that have a version published currently. When a "%s" is enabled, the preview will be loaded automatically through any of the environments when you access the page.', 'IsoDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date and time in ISO format, for example "2018-03-19T14:00:00.587Z".', 'IsoDateVariableName' => 'ISO Date', 'InvalidDebugUrl' => 'The debug URL is invalid.', 'InvalidDebugUrlError' => 'Error', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when a JavaScript error happens.', 'JavaScriptErrorTriggerName' => 'JavaScript Error', 'JavaScriptVariableDescription' => 'Reads the value of a global JavaScript variable.', 'JavaScriptVariableName' => 'JavaScript Variable', 'LastUpdated' => 'Last updated', 'LastVersions' => 'Last versions', 'LearnMore' => 'Learn more', 'LivezillaDynamicTagName' => 'Livezilla Chat / Monitoring', 'LivezillaDynamicTagDescription' => 'Livezilla lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'LivezillaDynamicTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Dynamic Code integration from Livezilla to Chat with you Customers or just Monitor your website.', 'LocalDateVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local date, for example "Mon Mar 19 2018".', 'LocalDateVariableName' => 'Local Date', 'LocalHourVariableDescription' => 'The current hour of the local time, for example "8" or "11".', 'LocalHourVariableName' => 'Local Hour', 'LocalTimeVariableDescription' => 'The current user\'s local time, for example "14:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)".', 'LocalTimeVariableName' => 'Local Time', 'LookupTable' => 'Lookup Table', 'LookupTableMatchValue' => 'this value', 'LookupTableOutValue' => 'then convert to this value', 'LookupTableTitle' => 'Convert the value of a variable automatically to another value when the value of this variable ...', 'ManageX' => 'Manage %s', 'Change' => 'Change', 'DetectingChanges' => 'Detecting changes...', 'ChangesSinceLastVersion' => 'Changes since the last version', 'ManageTagsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Tags" page help me?', 'ManageTagsHelp2' => 'The Manage Tags page makes managing tags easy by providing an instant overview of the tags in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Tags page, you also can edit or delete a tag (under Actions).', 'ManageTagsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$stags%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageTriggersHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Triggers" page help me?', 'ManageTriggersHelp2' => 'The Manage Triggers page makes managing triggers easy by providing an instant overview of the triggers in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Triggers page, you also can edit or delete a trigger (under Actions).', 'ManageTriggersHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$striggers%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVariablesHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Variables" page help me?', 'ManageVariablesHelp2' => 'The Manage Variables page makes managing variables easy by providing an instant overview of the variables in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Variables page, you also can edit or delete a variable (under Actions).', 'ManageVariablesHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$svariables%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'ManageVersionsHelp1' => 'How does the "Tag Manager > Manage Versions" page help me?', 'ManageVersionsHelp2' => 'The Manage Versions page makes managing versions easy by providing an instant overview of the versions in your Matomo Tag Manager. Within the Manage Versions page, you can also publish, preview/debug, export, edit or delete a version (under Actions).', 'ManageVersionsHelp3' => 'Learn more about %1$sversions%2$s or %3$sMatomo Tag Manager%4$s, and watch the %5$straining video series%6$s.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionTitle' => 'Disable Browser Feature Detection', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionDescription' => 'By default, Matomo accesses some information from the visitor’s browser like the browser resolution. Some privacy regulations may allow access of such information from the visitor’s device only after having a consent. If this applies to you, you can disable this feature.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableBrowserFeatureDetectionInLineHelp' => '%1$sTo learn more, check this %2$sFAQ%3$s.%4$s', 'MatomoConfigurationFieldHelp' => 'Assign a Matomo configuration in order to track data into a specific site.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableDescription' => 'Defines a configuration for Matomo Analytics.', 'MatomoConfigurationVariableName' => 'Matomo Configuration', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlTitle' => 'Matomo URL', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUrlDescription' => 'The URL of your Matomo instance. It should not include "/index.php" or "piwik.php". The URL of your current Matomo URL instance is preconfigured.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteTitle' => 'Matomo idSite', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteDescription' => 'The idSite you want to track data into. The idSite of the current website is preconfigured. You may also find the idSite of any other website under "Administration => Manage Measurables/Websites".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoIDSiteException' => 'The idSite can only include idSites and variables.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingTitle' => 'Enable Link Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableLinkTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the automatic download and outlink tracking.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingTitle' => 'Enable Cross Domain Linking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableCrossDomainLinkingDescription' => 'Enable this to accurately measure the same visitor across multiple domain names.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackTitle' => 'Enable Do Not Track', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackDescription' => 'Enable this feature to not track users who opt out of tracking using Mozilla\'s (proposed) Do Not Track setting', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableDoNotTrackInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When enabled it sets _paq.push(["setDoNotTrack", true]); which will not send any tracking request when a visitor has DNT enabled unlike the "DNT Matomo Setting" which drops the request on the server when a visitor has DNT enabled.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingTitle' => 'Enable JavaScript Error Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableJSErrorTrackingDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of uncaught JavaScript errors as an event.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerTitle' => 'Enable HeartBeat Timer', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableHeartBeatTimerDescription' => 'Install a Heart beat timer that will regularly send requests to Matomo in order to better measure the time spent on the page.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Form Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of forms.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableFormAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.FormAnalytics.disableFormAnalytics(); which will disable form tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsTitle' => 'Enable Media Tracking', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsDescription' => 'Enables the tracking of media players.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoEnableMediaAnalyticsInlineHelp' => '%1$sNote: When disabled it will execute Matomo.MediaAnalytics.disableMediaAnalytics(); which will disable media tracking requests.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track All Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackAllContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks and tracks all impressions once the page has loaded.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsTitle' => 'Track Visible Content Impressions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackVisibleContentImpressionsDescription' => 'Enables the content tracking feature by scanning the entire DOM for all content blocks but only tracks content impressions once the user scrolls to the content and the content is actually visible.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesTitle' => 'Disable cookies', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDisableCookiesDescription' => 'Disables all first party cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentTitle' => 'Require tracking consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireConsentDescription' => 'Track only when user gave tracking consent. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableTitle' => 'Enable custom visitor Cookie timeout', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutEnableDescription' => 'Allows you to set a custom time in full days for the _pk_id cookie.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutTitle' => 'The pk_id expire time in full days', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomCookieTimeOutDescription' => 'Timeout in full days. By default, the Matomo tracking cookie expires in 13 months (365 + 28 days) = 393 days.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentTitle' => 'Require cookie consent', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRequireCookieConsentDescription' => 'Use cookies only if the user gave cookie consent, otherwise track the user without cookies. In a consent screen you need to call "window._paq=window._paq||[];window._paq.push([\'rememberCookieConsentGiven\']);" when the user gives consent for cookies.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieTitle' => 'Enable Secure Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoSetSecureCookieDescription' => 'Enable the Secure cookie flag on all first party cookies. This should be used when your website is only available under HTTPS so that all tracking cookies are always sent over secure connection.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainTitle' => 'Cookie Domain', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieDomainInlineHelp' => 'The default is the current document domain. If your website can be visited for example at both and, you would use: "" or "*". %1$sNote: The variable is only evaluated at the time when tracker is being created, make sure you have the variable defined before that.%2$s', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathTitle' => 'Cookie Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookiePathDescription' => 'When tracking many subdirectories in separate websites, the cookie path prevents the number of cookies to quickly increase and prevent browser from deleting some of the cookies. This ensures optimal data accuracy and improves performance for your users (fewer cookies are sent with each request).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteTitle' => 'Same Site Cookie', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCookieSameSiteDescription' => 'Set the SameSite attribute for cookies to a custom value. You might want to use this if your site is running in an iframe since then it will only be able to access the cookies if SameSite is set to "None". Choosing "None" will only work on HTTPS and will automatically also set the secure cookie. If your site is available under http and https, using "None" might lead to duplicate or incomplete visits.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsTitle' => 'Domains', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsDescription' => 'Used to detect outlinks. Add hostnames or domains to be treated as local. For wildcard subdomains, you can use: "" or "*". You can also specify a path along a domain: "*".', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoDomainsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconTitle' => 'Always use sendBeacon', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoAlwaysUseSendBeaconDescription' => 'Enables sendBeacon usage instead of a regular ajax request. This means when a user clicks for example on an outlink, the navigation to this page will happen much faster.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdTitle' => 'User ID', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoUserIdDescription' => 'Sets a User ID to this user (such as an email address or a username).', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoCustomDimensionsException' => 'Value needs to be an array', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerTitle' => 'Bundle Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoBundleTrackerDescription' => 'By bundling the Matomo JavaScript tracker directly into the container it may improve the performance of your website as it reduces the number of needed requests. It is recommended to bundle the Matomo tracker because in most cases the tracker would otherwise be loaded in a separate request on page view anyway. Note: If you use two different Matomo configurations in one container, the setting of the first configuration used in the first Matomo Tag will be applied to all Matomo tags within one container.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerTitle' => 'Register As Default Tracker', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoRegisterAsDefaultTrackerDescription' => 'When enabled, the tracker will be registered as the default one for the website, and will receive all commands that get pushed into the global _paq variable. Useful if you want to use the tracker config from the container with your own _paq.push() JavaScript code.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointTitle' => 'Tracker Javascript Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoJsEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the source path of the Matomo Tracker JavaScript, if you are not using the "Bundle Tracker" option.', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointTitle' => 'Tracking Request Target Path', 'MatomoConfigurationMatomoTrackingEndpointDescription' => 'Here you can configure the target path for tracking requests.', 'MatomoTagDescription' => 'Matomo is the leading open source analytics platform.', 'MatomoTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you track pageviews and events into your Matomo. You can customize the tracking to your needs.', 'MatomoTagName' => 'Matomo Analytics', 'MetaContentVariableDescription' => 'Reads a value from a "meta" HTML element.', 'MetaContentVariableName' => 'Page Meta Content', 'NameOfLatestVersion' => 'The name of the previous version is %s.', 'Names' => 'Names', 'NoContainersFound' => 'No container found.', 'NoMatomoConfigFoundForContainer' => 'No Matomo configuration found in this container.', 'NoReleasesFound' => 'No release found.', 'NoReleasesFoundForContainer' => 'No release has been found for this container.', 'NoTagsFound' => 'No tag found.', 'NoTriggersFound' => 'No trigger found', 'NoVariablesFound' => 'No variable found.', 'NoVersionsFound' => 'No version found.', 'Once24Hours' => 'Once per 24 hours', 'OnceLifetime' => 'Once in lifetime', 'OncePage' => 'Once per pageview', 'OnlyTriggerWhen' => 'Only trigger when', 'OrCreateAndPublishVersion' => 'or create version and publish this version', 'PageHashVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hash part of the current URL without the leading hash.', 'PageHashVariableName' => 'Page Hash', 'PageHostnameVariableDescription' => 'Returns the hostname of the current URL.', 'PageHostnameVariableName' => 'Page Hostname', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableDescription' => 'The total amount of time it took to load the page.', 'PageLoadTimeTotalVariableName' => 'Page Load Time Total', 'PageOriginVariableDescription' => 'Returns a domain of the current URL with protocol.', 'PageOriginVariableName' => 'Page Origin', 'PagePathVariableDescription' => 'Returns the path of the current page URL', 'PagePathVariableName' => 'Page Path', 'PageRenderTimeVariableDescription' => 'The time it took to render the page in the browser in milliseconds.', 'PageRenderTimeVariableName' => 'Page Render Time', 'PageTitleVariableDescription' => 'Returns the title of the current page.', 'PageTitleVariableName' => 'Page Title', 'PageUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of a page', 'PageUrlVariableName' => 'Page URL', 'PageViewTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the Tag Manager is executed within the page.', 'PageViewTriggerName' => 'Pageview', 'PingdomRUMTagDescription' => 'Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) lets you collect performance data from actual visitors to your site.', 'PingdomRUMTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Pingdom Real User Monitoring (RUM) to your site.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Manage and unify all your tracking and marketing snippets in one place.', 'PreConfiguredInfoTitle' => 'Pre-configured variables are variables that are ready-to-use and cannot be created, edited, or configured. They work out of the box and you can use them in tags, triggers, and variables if needed.', 'PreconfiguredVariables' => 'Pre-configured variables', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine1' => 'Preview mode is enabled%1$s. Access your website or enter a URL to debug the container now. ', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine2' => 'If you want to %1$sshare the preview%2$s with someone else, please append %3$s or %4$s to the URL of your website.%5$sWhile this mode is enabled, the preview container will be automatically updated when you make a change.', 'PreviewDebugEnabledNotificationLine3' => 'Debug not working? Please check this %1$sFAQ%2$s.', 'PreviewDebugUrlButtonText' => 'Debug', 'PreviewModeVariableDescription' => 'Returns either "1" or "0" depending on whether the preview mode is currently enabled.', 'PreviewModeVariableName' => 'Preview Mode', 'Priority' => 'Priority', 'PriorityHelp' => 'The lower the priority is, the earlier this tag may be fired when several tags would be otherwise triggered at the same time.', 'Publish' => 'Publish', 'PublishRelease' => 'Publish release', 'PublishVersion' => 'Publish version "%s" to...', 'PublishVersionToEnvironmentToViewEmbedCode' => 'Please publish a version to an environment in order to view the tracking code here.', 'PublishLiveEnvironmentCapabilityRequired' => 'Please note that only an "Admin" user, or a user with the "%1$s" capability can publish to the "Live" environment.', 'RaygunTagDescription' => 'Error, crash and performance monitoring software.', 'RaygunTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the official raygun4js SDK to your website.', 'RandomNumberVariableDescription' => 'Returns a random number each time the value of the variable is retrieved.', 'RandomNumberVariableName' => 'Random Number', 'ReferrerUrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the Referrer URL.', 'ReferrerUrlVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReferrerVariableDescription' => 'Returns the full URL of the referrer.', 'ReferrerVariableName' => 'Referrer URL', 'ReleaseInfo' => 'Released by %1$s on %2$s.', 'ReleaseVersionInfo' => 'Version name %s.', 'Released' => 'Released', 'ReleasedBy' => 'Released by', 'ReleasedOn' => 'Released on', 'ReleasesOverview' => 'Releases overview', 'Revision' => 'Revision', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen height that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenHeightAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Height Available', 'ScreenHeightVariableDescription' => 'The full screen height of the current device.', 'ScreenHeightVariableName' => 'Screen Height', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableDescription' => 'The screen width that is available within the browser window (viewport).', 'ScreenWidthAvailableVariableName' => 'Screen Width Available', 'ScreenWidthVariableDescription' => 'The full screen width of the current device.', 'ScreenWidthVariableName' => 'Screen Width', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollHorizontalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Horizontal Percentage', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled horizontally in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollLeftPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Left Pixel', 'ScrollReachTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered as soon as the user scrolls to a certain position.', 'ScrollReachTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when a user either scrolls or resizes the current browser window. The trigger is not triggered when the user scrolls within a certain element. It won\'t trigger every time a certain scroll position has been reached but only the very first time the configured position has been reached.', 'ScrollReachTriggerName' => 'Scroll Reach', 'ScrollSourceVariableDescription' => 'Whether the scroll position was originated from a user scroll or a browser resize. Value is either "scroll" or "resize".', 'ScrollSourceVariableName' => 'Scroll Source', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically in pixels, for example "592".', 'ScrollTopPixelVariableName' => 'Scroll Top Pixel', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableDescription' => 'How far the user has currently scrolled vertically, for example "75.59" for "75.59%%".', 'ScrollVerticalPercentageVariableName' => 'Scroll Vertical Percentage', 'SentryRavenTagDescription' => ' is an Open-Source error tracking tool that allows you to detect errors that happen on your website.', 'SentryRavenTagHelp' => 'This tag adds Raven.js, the official Javascript SDK. Get started by signing up on or setting up your own tracking instance.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableDescription' => 'Returns the canonical URL if any is set.', 'SeoCanonicalUrlVariableName' => 'Canonical URL', 'SeoNumH1VariableDescription' => 'The number of H1 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH1VariableName' => 'Number of H1 Elements', 'SeoNumH2VariableDescription' => 'The number of H2 elements that are present on the current page. Useful for example for SEO Monitoring.', 'SeoNumH2VariableName' => 'Number of H2 Elements', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDescription' => 'This setting defines who can use custom templates or whether they should be completely disabled. Changing this setting can improve the security on your website. When you configure a trigger, tag, or a variable, some of them may allow a Matomo user to enter HTML or JavaScript which will be executed on your website. Entering custom code cannot only break the container in case there is an error, but also allows them to execute any JavaScript code on your website. This can be misused to steal for example sensitive information on your website. If you do not want to allow your team members to enter any JavaScript code, you may want to disable this setting.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesTitle' => 'Restrict usage of custom templates', 'SettingEnvironmentDescription' => 'Define one or multiple additional environments. Please note that if you remove any environment, generated container files that exist for a specific environment will be removed and will be no longer available.', 'SettingCustomTemplatesDisabled' => 'Disabled, nobody can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesAdmin' => 'Users with at least admin permission can use them', 'SettingCustomTemplatesSuperUser' => 'Only Super Users can use them', 'ShareaholicTagDescription' => 'Content Marketing Platform & Website Traffic Tools', 'ShareaholicTagHelp' => 'This tag lets you add Shareaholic social media buttons and more to your website.', 'ShowAdvancedSettings' => 'Show advanced settings', 'StartDate' => 'Start date', 'Tag' => 'Tag', 'TagDescriptionHelp' => 'The tag description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the tag is for.', 'TagEndDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only up to this end date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagFireTriggerRequirement' => 'You need to choose at least one fire trigger.', 'TagManager' => 'Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManager' => 'Matomo Tag Manager', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine1' => 'If you are embedding multiple resources from 3rd party websites into your website, then tracking your website using the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager%2$s may be a better choice for you compared to using the regular JavaScript tracking.', 'MatomoTagManagerTrackingInfoLine2' => 'Don\'t know what a Tag Manager is? Check out our %1$sGetting Started%2$s guide.', 'TagsActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a tag.', 'TagsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the tag.', 'TagsLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the tag’s last modified date.', 'TagsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined tag label for identifying and differentiating tags.', 'TagNameHelp' => 'The tag name lets you define a unique name for this tag to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the tag when you preview/debug this container.', 'TagStartDateHelp' => 'If set, this tag will be fired only after this start date. The specified date will be assumed to be in %1$syour local timezone%2$s.', 'TagsTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined title given to the templated tag by the third-party provider (unless the tag is custom).', 'TagsTriggersDescription' => 'The specified event that executes the tag.', 'TagUsageBenefits' => 'A tag is a snippet of code which can be executed on your site. Most of the times a tag may be used to either send data to a third-party (for example tracking data) or to embed content from a third-party into your website (for example social widgets or surveys). You can add as many tags as you like and a tag will be executed as soon as the condition of a connected trigger is met.', 'Tags' => 'Tags', 'TawkToTagDescription' => ' lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website.', 'TawkToTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the contact form to your website.', 'ThemeColorTagDescription' => 'Style the UI of supported browsers.', 'ThemeColorTagHelp' => 'This tag supports Chrome on Android and other browser that understand \'theme-color\'.', 'ThemeColorTagName' => 'Theme Color', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableDescription' => 'Calculates the time that has passed since the page was loaded.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableName' => 'Time since page load', 'TimerTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered in a specific interval, for example every 3 seconds.', 'TimerTriggerHelp' => 'Use this trigger to perform an action periodically.', 'TimerTriggerName' => 'Timer', 'TrackingType' => 'Tracking Type', 'TrackingTypeHelp' => 'Choose which action should be executed when this tag is fired.', 'Trigger' => 'Trigger', 'TriggerBeingUsedBy' => 'The trigger is currently being used in the following places:', 'TriggerBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this trigger, please remove the trigger from the referenced places and then try again.', 'TriggerCannotBeDeleted' => 'This trigger cannot be deleted', 'TriggerConditionNode' => 'Note: Some variables may not work as you expect. For example using a click variable in combination with a form variable might only work if you have also added a click trigger to your container. This applies typically to variables within the categories Clicks, Forms, History, Errors, Scrolls, and Visibility which should are typically used in their respecting trigger only.', 'TriggerConditionsHelp' => 'You can further restrict when this trigger should be triggered by specifying one or multiple conditions. Only when ALL of these conditions are met, the trigger will be actually triggered (not when only one of them is met). Only trigger when all of these conditions are met:', 'TriggerDescriptionHelp' => 'The trigger description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the trigger is for.', 'TriggerNameHelp' => 'The trigger name lets you define a unique name for this trigger to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the trigger when you preview/debug this container.', 'TriggerUsageBenefits' => 'Triggers let you define on which event a certain tag should be fired or blocked. For example when a specific element was clicked, or when a visitor reached a certain scroll position. Additionally, you can specify a filter to further restrict when a certain trigger should be triggered or not.', 'Triggers' => 'Triggers', 'TriggersNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined trigger label for identifying and differentiating triggers.', 'TriggersDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the trigger.', 'TriggersTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the trigger.', 'TriggersFilterDescription' => 'The optional condition(s) to restrict when the trigger is fired.', 'TriggersLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the trigger’s last modified date.', 'TriggersActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a trigger.', 'Type' => 'Type', 'Types' => 'Types', 'Unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'UpdatePreview' => 'Update Preview', 'UpdatedX' => 'Fantastic! The %s has been successfully updated.', 'UpdatingData' => 'Updating data...', 'UrlParameterVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of a specific URL parameter.', 'UrlParameterVariableName' => 'URL Parameter', 'UrlVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the current page URL.', 'UrlVariableName' => 'URL Variable', 'UseCustomTemplateCapabilityRequired' => 'This is a Custom Template which can only be created or edited by an "Admin" or a user with the "%1$s" capability', 'UserAgentVariableDescription' => 'Gets the value of the user agent which includes the operating system and browser information about the current visitors\' device.', 'UserAgentVariableName' => 'User Agent', 'UtcDateVariableDescription' => 'The current date in UTC, for example "Mon, 19 Mar 2018 14:00:00 GMT".', 'UtcDateVariableName' => 'UTC Date', 'ValidatorErrorNotNumericOrVariable' => 'The value is not a number or variable.', 'Variable' => 'Variable', 'VariableBeingUsedBy' => 'The variable is currently being used in the following places:', 'VariableBeingUsedNeedsRemove' => 'To delete this variable, please remove the variable from the referenced places and then try again.', 'VariableCannotBeDeleted' => 'This variable cannot be deleted', 'VariableDescriptionHelp' => 'The variable description lets you provide a brief explanation of what the variable is for.', 'VariableNameHelp' => 'The variable name lets you define a unique name for this variable to quickly identify it. Please note that this name will be publicly visible in the source code of the variable when you preview/debug this container.', 'VariableUsageBenefits' => 'Variables let you retrieve data which can be used by tags and triggers. Matomo Tag Manager comes with a set of predefined variables which can be used right away, and some other variables which can be configured to your needs.', 'Variables' => 'Variables', 'VariablesNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined variable label for identifying and differentiating variables.', 'VariablesDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the variable.', 'VariablesTypeDescription' => 'The pre-defined classification of the variable.', 'VariablesLookupTableDescription' => 'A user-defined variable which changes according to some condition(s).', 'VariablesLastUpdatedDescription' => 'The timestamp of the variable’s last modified date.', 'VariablesActionDescription' => 'Options to edit or delete a variable.', 'Version' => 'Version', 'VersionX' => 'version %s', 'VersionAlreadyPublishedToAllEnvironments' => 'This version cannot be published to any further environment', 'VersionDescription' => 'Version description', 'VersionDescriptionHelp' => 'Optionally, you can describe this new version in more detail. We recommend to mention what you changed in this version. For example whether you fixed a particular issue or added a new tag. This helps you to better understand each version for example if you have to rollback to a certain version.', 'VersionEnvironmentHelp' => 'In order to embed the current version into your site you need to publish it to an environment, typically the "Live" environment. If you have a specific review process, or testing environments you may want to first publish a version to a "staging" or "test" environment before deploying it on to your live production system to make sure everything works as you expect it to. You can also later at any time publish this version to any environment.', 'VersionImportContentTitle' => 'Paste the JSON formatted data that you exported previously', 'VersionImportInfo' => 'When you import a container version, the current working draft will be overwritten with this imported version. To export a container version, click on the export next to a version or export the current version draft in the "Versions" screen.', 'VersionImportOverwriteContent' => 'Overwrite current draft with this version', 'VersionImportSuccess' => 'Version successfully imported', 'VersionName' => 'Version name', 'VersionNameHelp' => 'Give this version a name that lets you easily identify this particular version. You can use any naming scheme you want. We recommend using a scheme like "1.0" where you increase the last number when you make small changes to it such as fixing a configuration, and the first number when you add for example a new tag. This way you can easily keep track of all your versions. Please note that this name will be also available as a variable and therefore publicly visible in the source code of the tag.', 'VersionPublishSuccess' => 'The version has been successfully published', 'VersionRevision' => 'Version revision', 'VersionUsageBenefits' => 'Versions let you save a copy of the current configuration of a container so you can go back to a previous version of a container if you need to. This makes it easier to recover from mistakes, and lets you easily find all previously deployed tags, triggers, and variables. Once you are happy with your current configuration, you can publish it to a specific environment. For example, you may want to deploy your tag first to a "test" or "staging" environment to make sure the current configuration works before making it available to everyone using the live environment.', 'Versions' => 'Versions', 'VersionsRevisionDescription' => 'The number of times a new version has been created.', 'VersionsNameDescription' => 'The unique user-defined label for identifying and differentiating versions.', 'VersionsDescriptionDescription' => 'The optional user-defined label that includes more detail about the version.', 'VersionsEnvironmentsDescription' => 'The testing environment the version will be published in (e.g., Dev, Staging or Live).', 'VersionsCreatedDescription' => 'The date the version was developed.', 'VersionsActionDescription' => 'Options to publish, preview/debug, export, edit, or delete a version.', 'ViewContainerDashboard' => 'View Container Dashboard', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableDescription' => 'The value of all CSS class names of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementClassesVariableName' => 'Visible Element Classes', 'VisibleElementIdVariableDescription' => 'The value of the ID attribute of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementIdVariableName' => 'Visible Element ID', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableDescription' => 'The value of element name that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered. For example "P" or "DIV".', 'VisibleElementNodeNameVariableName' => 'Visible Element Node Name', 'VisibleElementTextVariableDescription' => 'The value of the text content of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementTextVariableName' => 'Visible Element Text', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableDescription' => 'The value of the link URL (href) of an element that was matched when the visible element trigger was triggered.', 'VisibleElementUrlVariableName' => 'Visible Element Destination URL', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagDescription' => 'Visual Website Optimizer is an all-in-one A/B testing and Conversion Optimization Platform.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagHelp' => 'This tag adds the asynchronous VWO Smart Code to your website.', 'VisualWebsiteOptimizerTagName' => 'Visual Website Optimizer', 'WantToDeployThisChangeCreateVersion' => 'Do you want to deploy this change? %1$sPublish a new version now%2$s.', 'WeekdayVariableDescription' => 'Returns the local day of the week eg monday, tuesday, wednesday, ...', 'WeekdayVariableName' => 'Weekday', 'WindowLeaveTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the user is about to leave the current page by moving the mouse outside the window.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user is possibly about to leave the website and moves their mouse outside of the current web page, for example towards the browser URL address line or any other buttons. This can be useful to keep your visitor engaged and not lose the visitor, for example by showing an exit popup. You may be also interested in the "Window Unload" trigger which is triggered as soon as the user has actually left the current page.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerName' => 'Window Leave', 'WindowLoadedTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when the page is fully loaded including all images etc.', 'WindowLoadedTriggerHelp' => 'This stage of loading a web page, is when the page is fully loaded according to the browser. In most cases this means that also all images are loaded, and all styles are applied etc. This trigger is always triggered at some point after the "DOM Ready".', 'WindowLoadedTriggerName' => 'Window Loaded', 'WindowUnloadTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered just before the browser window is closed or when the user navigates to a different page.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger identifies the event when a user is actually closing the current page compared to the "Window Leave" trigger which triggers when the user is about to leave your page. Either by navigating to another page within the current browser tab, or by completely closing the tab.', 'WindowUnloadTriggerName' => 'Window Unload', 'ZendeskChatTagDescription' => 'Reach your customers, instantly via web, mobile, and messaging.', 'ZendeskChatTagHelp' => 'This tag allows you to add the Zendesk Chat form to your website.', 'ZendeskChatTagName' => 'Zendesk Chat (formerly Zopim)', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesTitle' => 'Observe DOM Changes', 'SettingElementVisibilityObserveDomChangesDescription' => 'Enable if you want to track dynamic DOM elements. %1$sNote: This might slow down the website if there are lot of DOM changes%2$s', 'EntityRecursionExceptionForVariable' => 'It seems an entity references itself or a recursion is caused in some other way. It may be related due to this entry: "%1$s"', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsTitle' => 'Download Extensions', 'AllDownloadsClickTriggerDownloadExtensionsDescription' => 'Comma separated list of file extensions which will be considered as a download.', 'CustomEventTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'The name of the event that is pushed to the Data-Layer. For example you can push an event by adding this to your website: _mtm.push({"event": "my-custom-event"});', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodTitle' => 'Selection Method', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify an element you want to select.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorTitle' => 'CSS Selector', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDTitle' => 'Element ID', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerElementIDDescription' => 'The id attribute specifies a unique id for an HTML element. Insert here the value of an ID attribute of any element within your website.', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerFireTriggerWhenTitle' => 'Fire this trigger', 'ElementVisibilityTriggerMinPercentVisibleTitle' => 'Minimum Percent Visible', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerActionTitle' => 'Fire this trigger when action is', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'FullscreenTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to trigger it each time the event occurs', 'ScrollReachTriggerScrollTypeTitle' => 'Scroll Match Type', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsTitle' => 'Pixels', 'ScrollReachTriggerPixelsDescription' => 'The amount in pixels that needs to be visible of this element depending on the selected scroll match type.', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageTitle' => 'Percentage', 'ScrollReachTriggerPercentageDescription' => 'You can specify any number between 1 and 100. If you specify 50, then it means the element needs to be at least 50%% visible depending on the scroll match type.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerIntervalTitle' => 'Trigger interval', 'TimerTriggerEventNameDescription' => 'You can optionally change the name of this event. This can be useful if you have for example multiple timers on the page and want to perform different logic based on the name of the timer.', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'TimerTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit the trigger.', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitTitle' => 'Trigger limit', 'WindowLeaveTriggerTriggerLimitDescription' => 'Enter "0" to not limit how often the trigger should be triggered', 'CookieVariableCookieNameTitle' => 'Cookie Name', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeTitle' => 'URI-decode Cookie', 'CookieVariableUrlDecodeDescription' => 'If enabled, the value will be decoded', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionTitle' => 'JavaScript Function', 'CustomJsFunctionVariableJsFunctionDescription' => 'The value should start with "function() { " and end with "return yourValue; }". You have to define a function and return a value. We highly recommend to test the pasted JavaScript function to avoid JavaScript errors on your website.', 'DataLayerVariableNameTitle' => 'Data Layer Variable Name', 'DataLayerVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is stored within the dataLayer. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "object1.myPropertyOfObject1".', 'DomElementVariableSelectionMethodDescription' => 'Select the way you want to identify the element you want to read the value from.', 'DomElementVariableCssSelectorDescription' => 'A CSS selector allows you to select an element by id, className, element names, etc. If multiple elements match this selector, the first matching element will be used to get the value from. Examples for valid selectors are ".classname", "#id" or "li a".', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameTitle' => 'Attribute Name', 'DomElementVariableAttributeNameInlineHelp' => 'If a value is entered, the value of the attribute will be returned instead of the text content of the element.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdTitle' => 'etracker ID', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableIdDescription' => 'The etracker ID you want to track data into. The ID is required. You may find the ID of your website under "Administration => Setup/Tracking Code" in etracker.', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBlockCookiesTitle' => 'Block cookies by default', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableDNTTitle' => 'Respect Do Not Track in etracker', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameTitle' => 'Variable et_pagename', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariablePageNameDescription' => 'Set variable if you want to overwrite the default value', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableAreaTitle' => 'Variable et_areas', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTargetTitle' => 'Variable et_target', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTValTitle' => 'Variable et_tval', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTonrTitle' => 'Variable et_tonr', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableTSaleTitle' => 'Variable et_tsale', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableBasketTitle' => 'Variable et_basket', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustTitle' => 'Variable et_cust', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsTitle' => 'Custom Dimensions', 'EtrackerConfigurationVariableCustomDimensionsDescription' => 'Optionally set one or multiple custom dimensions.', 'JavaScriptVariableNameTitle' => 'JavaScript Variable Name', 'JavaScriptVariableNameDescription' => 'The name of any variable that is available within the global scope. In case you want to access the value of a nested object, you can access the value of an object by separating each property by a dot, for example "document.referrer".', 'MetaContentVariableNameTitle' => 'Meta Name', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartTitle' => 'URL Part', 'ReferrerUrlVariableUrlPartDescription' => 'Select the part of the URL you want to retrieve.', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitTitle' => 'Unit', 'TimeSinceLoadVariableUnitDescription' => 'Select in which unit you want to retrieve the time.', 'UrlParameterVariableNameTitle' => 'URL Parameter Name', 'UrlParameterVariableNameDescription' => 'For example when your page has URL parameters such as "?lang=NZ" and you want to get the value "NZ", then you need to enter "lang".', 'UserInteractionTriggerName' => 'User Interaction', 'UserInteractionTriggerDescription' => 'Triggered when user interacts with the site, i. e. touch, move, scroll or mouse click event is executed by the user on site.', 'UserInteractionTriggerHelp' => 'This trigger is triggered when the user interacts with the page (touch, mousemove, scroll, mouse click). Loading and processing JS on a website usually blocks page rendering and impacts performance. Defering JS via this trigger until after the page was rendered and user interacts with the page can be useful to avoid negative impacts on Page Speed and Core Web Vitals scores. Note: User interaction is triggered only once when the user interacts with the page for the first time after page load.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactIntro' => 'Tracking your React.js website or app is easy with Matomo, even for Single Page Applications.', 'SiteWithoutDataReactFollowStepCompleted' => '%1$sCongratulations!%2$s You have successfully installed the Matomo Analytics tracking code via the Matomo Tag Manager. To verify that hits are being tracked, visit your website and check that this data is visible in your Matomo instance.', 'SPAFollowStep1' => 'Select the right container for your website.%1$sNote:%2$s Matomo automatically pre-configures a container when you add a site. By default, this container is selected in the fields below. If you are planning to use a single container for multiple websites, make sure to select that specific container. You can %3$smanage your containers here%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep2' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Triggers%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep3' => 'Check that a trigger of the type %1$s already exists. If you don\'t see the %2$s trigger, follow %3$sthis guide%4$s.', 'SPAFollowStep5' => 'Click %1$s in the %2$s section.', 'SPAFollowStep7' => 'Navigate to %1$scontainer\'s Tags%2$s.', 'SPAFollowStep8' => 'For the %1$s tag with the type %2$s, click on the Edit tag icon. If you don\'t see the %3$s tag, follow %4$sthis guide%5$s.', 'SPAFollowStep9' => 'In the section "%1$s", set the "%2$s" field to the following value: %3$s{{PageTitle}}%4$s', 'SPAFollowStep10' => 'Set the "%1$s" field as follows:', 'SPAFollowStep10a' => 'If your SPA or PWA has a %1$s#%2$s in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%3$s" field to this value: %1$s{{PageOrigin}}/{{PageHash}}%2$s', 'SPAFollowStep10b' => 'If your SPA or PWA doesn\'t use a # in the URL to navigate to different pages, set the "%1$s" field to this value: %2$s{{PageUrl}}%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep11' => 'In the section "%1$s", under "%2$s", add the "%3$s" trigger directly under the pre-selected "%4$s" trigger.', 'SPAFollowStep13' => 'In the left menu, click "%1$s".', 'SPAFollowStep14' => 'In the field "%1$s", set the version to, for example, %2$s1.0%3$s', 'SPAFollowStep15' => 'Click the green "%1$s" button. Now that you have completed the configuration in the Tag Manager, follow the last step below to finish the setup within your app.', 'SPAFollowStep16' => 'Copy the code below and paste it in the header of your SPA / PWA. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', 'ReactFollowStep16' => 'Inject the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into your %3$s (or other relevant files), we recommend doing this using the "%4$s" method. The example below shows how to add the %1$sMatomo Tag Manager JS%2$s code into a "%5$s" app in %6$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmIntro' => 'The Matomo Tag Manager may be a better choice than tracking via the regular JavaScript code. It lets you manage and unify all your tracking and marketing tags (also known as "pixels" or "custom HTML/JS tags") in one place. Using the Matomo Tag Manager makes your life easier when you want to modify any of these tags, as you will no longer need a developer to make the needed changes for you. %1$sLearn more%2$s.', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep2' => 'If you would like to customize this container, visit the ', 'SiteWithoutDataMtmStep3' => 'Copy the code below and paste it on every page of your website. We recommend pasting it immediately before the closing %1$s tag. %2$sLearn more%3$s.', ), 'Tour' => array ( 'PluginDescription' => 'Become an expert by completing challenges to get to know Matomo.', 'Tour' => 'Tour', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'UploadLogo' => 'Upload your logo', 'AddUser' => 'Add a user', 'AddWebsite' => 'Add a website', 'AddReport' => 'Add a scheduled report', 'AddSegment' => 'Add a segment', 'AddAnnotation' => 'Add an annotation', 'BrowseMarketplace' => 'Browse the marketplace', 'PreviousChallenges' => 'Previous challenges', 'NextChallenges' => 'Next challenges', 'RowEvolution' => 'Row evolution', 'ViewX' => 'View %s', 'SetupX' => 'Setup %s', 'SelectDateRange' => 'Select a date range', 'SelectDateRangeDescription' => 'Select a time span in the calendar.', 'ChangeVisualisation' => 'Change a visualisation', 'ChangeVisualisationDescription' => 'Browse a report and select the visualisation icon at the bottom of a report to change its visualisation.', 'FlattenActions' => 'Flatten a page report', 'FlattenActionsDescription' => 'Go to Behaviour → Pages and click the cog icon in the bottom of the report to flatten it. This changes the hierarchy from a grouped report to a list.', 'ViewRowEvolutionDescription' => 'Shows the current and past metric data for any row in any report.', 'ViewVisitsLogDescription' => 'Shows all the individual visits and actions each visitor made on your website.', 'ViewVisitorProfileDescription' => 'Understand your visitors’ individual behavior by summarizing and listing your visitors’ visits.', 'ShareAllChallengesCompleted' => '%1$s achievement unlocked by completing all Matomo challenges.', 'ChallengeCompleted' => 'Congratulations, the challenge is complete.', 'BecomeMatomoExpert' => 'Become a Matomo expert', 'YouCanCallYourselfExpert' => 'You can now call yourself a true %1$sMatomo expert%2$s.', 'StatusLevel' => 'You are currently a %1$s. Complete %2$s more challenges and become a %3$s.', 'ConfigureGeolocationDescription' => 'Ensure the location of your visitors is correctly detected.', 'DisableBrowserArchiving' => 'Turn off web-browser archiving for better performance', 'SkipThisChallenge' => 'Skip this challenge', 'ShareYourAchievementOn' => 'Share your achievement on %1$s.', 'MatomoBeginner' => 'Matomo beginner', 'MatomoIntermediate' => 'Matomo intermediate', 'MatomoTalent' => 'Matomo Talent', 'MatomoProfessional' => 'Matomo professional', 'MatomoExpert' => 'Matomo expert', 'ConfigureGeolocation' => 'Set up geolocation', 'CustomiseDashboard' => 'Set up your dashboard', 'CustomiseDashboardDescription' => 'Add widgets to your dashboard to ensure it reports all your most important metrics.', 'DefineGoal' => 'Add a goal', 'DefineGoalDescription' => 'Conversion tracking is a great way to identify whether you are meeting your current objectives, to identify new ones, view and analyse performance. You can also learn to increase your conversions, conversion rates, and revenue per visit.', 'EmbedTrackingCode' => 'Embed a tracking code', 'CompletionTitle' => 'Well done.', 'CompletionMessage' => 'You have completed all challenges. Give yourself a pat on the back.', 'Part1Title' => 'Welcome to Matomo %1$s. This widget helps you become a Matomo expert.', 'Part2Title' => 'Keep it up %1$s. You’re well on your way to becoming a Matomo expert.', 'Part3Title' => 'You are on the right track %1$s. Continue, and become a Matomo expert.', 'Part4Title' => 'Great progress %1$s. Only a few more challenges to complete.', 'OnlyVisibleToSuperUser' => 'Only you as a %1$ssuperuser%2$s can see this widget.', 'ConnectConsentManager' => 'Connect %1$s consent manager', 'ConnectConsentManagerIntro' => '%1$s consent manager was detected on your website, learn how to connect %1$s and Matomo so they can work together.', ), 'Transitions' => array ( 'BouncesInline' => '%s bounces', 'DirectEntries' => 'Direct entries', 'Transitions' => 'Transitions', 'ErrorBack' => 'Go back to the previous action', 'ExitsInline' => '%s exits', 'NumPageviews' => '%s pageviews', 'NumDownloads' => '%s downloads', 'NumOutlinks' => '%s outlinks', 'TopX' => 'Top %s labels', 'FeatureDescription' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'AvailableInOtherReports' => 'Did you know? Transitions are also available as a row action in the following reports:', 'AvailableInOtherReports2' => 'Launch transitions by clicking their icon (%s) after hovering a row in any of these reports.', 'FromCampaigns' => 'From campaigns', 'FromPreviousPages' => 'From internal pages', 'FromPreviousPagesInline' => '%s from internal pages', 'FromPreviousSiteSearches' => 'From internal search', 'FromPreviousSiteSearchesInline' => '%s from internal searches', 'FromSearchEngines' => 'From search engines', 'FromSocialNetworks' => 'From social networks', 'FromWebsites' => 'From websites', 'IncomingTraffic' => 'Incoming traffic', 'LoopsInline' => '%s page reloads', 'NoDataForAction' => 'No data for %s', 'NoDataForActionDetails' => 'Either the action had no pageviews during the period, or it is invalid.', 'PeriodNotAllowed' => 'Select a valid time period', 'PeriodNotAllowedDetails' => 'Try selecting a period with fewer days for this feature.', 'OutgoingTraffic' => 'Outgoing traffic', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports previous and following actions for each page URL in a new "Transitions" report, available in the "Actions" reports via a new icon.', 'ShareOfAllPageviews' => 'This page had %1$s pageviews (%2$s of all pageviews)', 'ToFollowingPages' => 'To internal pages', 'ToFollowingPagesInline' => '%s to internal pages', 'ToFollowingSiteSearches' => 'Internal searches', 'ToFollowingSiteSearchesInline' => '%s internal searches', 'XOfAllPageviews' => '%s of all views of this page', 'XOutOfYVisits' => '%1$s (out of %2$s)', 'PageURLTransitions' => 'Page URL transitions', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp1' => 'Transitions is a report showing the things your visitors did directly before and after viewing a given page. This page explains how to access, understand, and use the powerful "Transitions" report.', 'TransitionsSubcategoryHelp2' => 'More details', ), 'TwoFactorAuth' => array ( 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'TwoFAShort' => '2FA', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIntro' => '%1$sTwo-factor authentication%2$s increases account security by also asking you for a code generated on a mobile device, or one of the remaining recovery codes (in addition to your password) to log in.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsEnabled' => 'Two-factor authentication on.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationIsDisabled' => 'Two-factor authentication off.', 'TwoFactorAuthenticationRequired' => 'Two-factor authentication is required for everyone, you cannot turn it off.', 'ConfigureDifferentDevice' => 'Set up a new device', 'SetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Set up two-factor authentication (2FA)', 'RequiredToSetUpTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication before logging in.', 'AuthenticationCode' => 'Authentication code', 'Verify' => 'Verify', 'StepX' => 'Step %s', 'MissingAuthCodeAPI' => 'Please specify a two-factor authentication code.', 'InvalidAuthCode' => 'Incorrect two-factor authentication code.', 'RequiredAuthCodeNotConfiguredAPI' => 'You must set up two-factor authentication. Please log in to do so.', 'VerifyIdentifyExplanation' => 'Verify yourself by opening the two-factor authentication app on your device to get your authentication code.', 'DontHaveYourMobileDevice' => 'Don\'t have your mobile device?', 'EnterRecoveryCodeInstead' => 'Enter one of your recovery codes', 'AskSuperUserResetAuthenticationCode' => 'Ask a superuser to reset your authentication code', 'SetupIntroFollowSteps' => 'Please follow these steps to set up two-factor authentication:', 'SetupFinishedTitle' => 'Your account is now more secure.', 'SetupFinishedSubtitle' => 'You have now set up two-factor authentication. From now on you need to enter an authentication code to log in. Make sure you have your mobile device or your backup codes with you.', 'WarningChangingConfiguredDevice' => 'You are about to change the configured two-factor authentication device, invalidating the one you had before.', 'ShowRecoveryCodes' => 'Show recovery codes', 'ConfirmSetup' => 'Confirm setup', 'NotPossibleToLogIn' => 'Cannot log in to Matomo Analytics', 'LostAuthenticationDevice' => 'Hi,%1$sI have two-factor authentication and lost my authentication device. Could you please reset the two-factor authentication for my username "%5$s"? Instructions here: %6$s.%2$sThe Matomo URL is %3$s.%4$sThanks', 'WrongAuthCodeTryAgain' => 'Wrong authentication code. Please try again.', 'DisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication', 'EnableTwoFA' => 'Turn on two-factor authentication', 'ConfirmDisableTwoFA' => 'Turn off two-factor authentication for your account? This will lower your account security.', 'VerifyAuthCodeIntro' => 'Please enter the six-digit code from your OTP app below to confirm you have set up on your device.', 'VerifyAuthCodeHelp' => 'Please enter the six-digit code generated on your mobile device after scanning the barcode.', 'Your2FaAuthSecret' => 'Your two-factor authentication secret', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDevice' => 'Set up an OTP app on your device', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep1' => 'Install an OTP app, for example:', 'SetupAuthenticatorOnDeviceStep2' => 'Next, open the app and scan the barcode below with the OTP app on your mobile device. %1$sEnter this code%2$s if you can\'t scan the barcode.', 'SetupBackupRecoveryCodes' => 'Please save your recovery codes securely using one of the methods above before continuing.', 'RecoveryCodes' => 'Recovery codes', 'RecoveryCodesExplanation' => 'You can use recovery codes to access your account when you cannot receive two-factor authentication codes (for example when you don\'t have your mobile device with you).', 'RecoveryCodesSecurity' => 'Please protect your recovery codes like a password.', 'RecoveryCodesAllUsed' => 'All recovery codes have been used. You must generate new ones.', 'RecoveryCodesRegenerated' => 'Recovery codes generated. Make sure to download or print out the newly generated codes.', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodes' => 'Generate new recovery codes', 'GenerateNewRecoveryCodesInfo' => 'Generating new recovery codes means your old ones won\'t work anymore. Download or print out your new codes.', 'RequireTwoFAForAll' => 'Require two-factor authentication for everyone', 'RequireTwoFAForAllInformation' => 'Requires other users also log in with 2FA by using an OTP app on their mobile device. (As a prerequisite, you must use 2FA yourself.)', ), 'UserCountry' => array ( 'CannotLocalizeLocalIP' => 'The IP address "%s" is local, so it cannot be geolocated.', 'City' => 'City', 'CityAndCountry' => '%1$s, %2$s', 'Continent' => 'Continent', 'Continents' => 'Continents', 'Country' => 'Country', 'CountryCode' => 'Country code', 'country_a1' => 'Anonymous proxy', 'country_a2' => 'Satellite provider', 'country_cat' => 'Catalan-speaking communities', 'country_o1' => 'Other country', 'VisitLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'CurrentLocationIntro' => 'This provider determines your current location to be', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc1' => 'The default location provider determines the country visitors connect from based on their selected language.', 'DefaultLocationProviderDesc2' => 'This is not very accurate, so %1$sinstall and use a %2$sgeolocation database%3$s%4$s.', 'DefaultLocationProviderExplanation' => 'You are using the default location provider, so the country visitors connect from is determined from their selected language. %1$sLearn how to set up more accurate geolocation%2$s.', 'DisabledLocationProvider' => 'Turns off geolocation.', 'DistinctCountries' => '%s distinct countries', 'FromDifferentCities' => 'different cities', 'GeoIPDocumentationSuffix' => 'Set up GeoIP in the Geolocation admin tab to provide data for this report. The commercial %1$sMaxMind%2$s GeoIP databases are more accurate than the gratis ones. %3$sClick here%4$s to see how accurate they are.', 'Geolocation' => 'Geolocation', 'GeolocationPageDesc' => 'Here you can change how Matomo determines visitor locations.', 'GeolocationProviderBroken' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is broken. Please fix the provider, or set up another one.', 'GeolocationProviderUnavailable' => 'Your geolocation provider (%1$s) is no longer available. Please set up another one.', 'getCityDocumentation' => 'Shows the cities your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getContinentDocumentation' => 'Shows which continent your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getCountryDocumentation' => 'Shows which country your visitors connected from when accessing your website.', 'getRegionDocumentation' => 'Shows which region your visitors connected from when accessing website.', 'HowToInstallGeoIPDatabases' => 'How do I get geolocation databases?', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'Latitudes' => 'Latitudes', 'Location' => 'Location', 'LocationProvider' => 'Location provider', 'Longitude' => 'Longitude', 'Longitudes' => 'Longitudes', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport1' => 'No data for this report, as there is either no location data available, or visitor IP addresses cannot be geolocated.', 'NoDataForGeoIPReport2' => '%1$sChange these settings%2$s, and use a %3$scity-level database%4$s to get accurate geolocation.', 'NoProviders' => 'No additional geolocation providers available. %1$sDB-IP%2$s is recommended, but requires the GeoIp2 plugin. (You can also install a third-party geolocation plugin from the marketplace.)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the location of your visitors: country, region, city and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).', 'Region' => 'Region', 'SubmenuLocations' => 'Locations', 'TestIPLocatorFailed' => 'Couldn\'t find the location of the IP address "%1$s". Maybe this provider is not set up correctly, the geolocation database is incorrectly named, or in the wrong folder?', 'ToGeolocateOldVisits' => 'Use %1$sthis script%2$s to get location data for your old visits.', 'WidgetLocation' => 'Visitor location', 'GeoIpDbIpAccuracyNote' => 'The DB-IP geolocation databases are gratis and can be auto-downloaded. MaxMind is more accurate for cities, but requires %1$smaking an account%2$s.', 'MaxMindLinkExplanation' => '%1$sClick here to learn how to generate your download URL%2$s if you are using MaxMind\'s geolocation.', 'LocationsSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Locations" section is the best way to find out what countries, continents, regions, and cities your website visitors come from — in table and map form. It also says what language their browser is set to, helping identify international visitors in alternative locations.', ), 'UserCountryMap' => array ( 'AndNOthers' => 'and %s others', 'Cities' => 'Cities', 'Countries' => 'Countries', 'DaysAgo' => '%s days ago', 'GoalConversions' => '%s goal conversions', 'HoursAgo' => '%s hours ago', 'MinutesAgo' => '%s minutes ago', 'NoVisit' => 'No visit', 'NoVisitsInfo' => 'No visits displayed, as no visits for this period has correct (latitude and longitude) geolocation info.', 'NoVisitsInfo2' => 'Resolve this issue by using a GeoIP geolocation provider with a GeoIP city database. (Though unlikely) IP addresses could still be impossible to geolocate.', 'None' => 'None', 'PluginDescription' => 'Provides the "Visitor Map" and "Real-time Map" widgets. Requires the "UserCountry" plugin.', 'RealTimeMap' => 'Real-time Map', 'RealTimeMapHelp' => 'Shows the location of website visitors the last 30 minutes, and flashes for new ones. Recent visits are shown as large orange bubbles, and older ones as smaller gray ones. It refreshes every five seconds.', 'Regions' => 'Regions', 'Searches' => '%s searches', 'SecondsAgo' => '%s seconds ago', 'ShowingVisits' => 'Geolocated visits of the last', 'Unlocated' => '<b>%1$s</b> %2$s of the visits from %3$s couldn\'t be geolocated.', 'VisitorMap' => 'Visitor Map', 'WithUnknownCity' => '%s from unknown cities', 'WithUnknownRegion' => '%s from unknown regions', 'WorldWide' => 'Worldwide', 'map' => 'map', ), 'UserId' => array ( 'UserId' => 'UserId', 'UserReportTitle' => 'User IDs', 'UserReportDocumentation' => 'Shows visits and other general metrics for every individual User ID.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Shows user reports', 'VisitorsUserSubcategoryHelp' => 'The user ID report shows visits associated with all your registered and logged in users. Understand website usage by its specific users and find out who your most and least active users are.', 'ThereIsNoDataForThisReportHelp' => '%1$sRead the user guide to learn how to generate data for this report.%2$s', ), 'UserLanguage' => array ( 'BrowserLanguage' => 'Web-browser language', 'LanguageCode' => 'Language code', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the primary web-browser language used by your visitors.', 'getLanguageDocumentation' => 'Shows which language the visitor\'s browsers are using. (e.g. "French")', 'getLanguageCodeDocumentation' => 'Shows which exact language code the visitor\'s browsers is set to. (e.g. "German — Austria (de-at)")', ), 'UsersManager' => array ( '2FA' => '2FA', 'UsesTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Uses two-factor authentication', 'TwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthentication' => 'Reset two-factor authentication', 'ResetTwoFactorAuthenticationInfo' => 'If the user can no longer log in due to lost recovery codes or a lost authentication device, you can reset two-factor authentication for the user, so they can log in again.', 'AddExistingUser' => 'Add an existing user', 'InviteNewUser' => 'Invite a new user', 'EditUser' => 'Edit user', 'InviteUser' => 'Invite user', 'SaveBasicInfo' => 'Save Basic Info', 'AllWebsites' => 'All websites', 'LastUsed' => 'Last used', 'ExpireDate' => 'Expire date', 'AuthTokens' => 'Auth tokens', 'AuthTokenPurpose' => 'What are you using this token for?', 'NoTokenCreatedYetCreateNow' => 'No token created yet, %1$screate a new token now%2$s.', 'TokenSuccessfullyGenerated' => 'Token successfully generated', 'ConfirmTokenCopied' => 'I confirm I copied the token and understand I should not share this token with anyone else.', 'GoBackSecurityPage' => 'Go back to security page.', 'PleaseStoreToken' => 'Please store your token securely as you will not be able to access or see the token again.', 'DoNotStoreToken' => 'Do not share this token with anyone else as it is as secret as your login and password.', 'CreateNewToken' => 'Create new token', 'AnonymousAccessConfirmation' => 'You are about to grant the anonymous user the \'view\' access to this website. This means your analytics reports and your visitors information will be publicly viewable by anyone even without a login. Are you sure you want to proceed?', 'AnonymousUser' => 'Anonymous user', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess' => 'Note: the %1$s user has %2$s access to this website.', 'AnonymousUserHasViewAccess2' => 'Your analytics reports and your visitors information are publicly viewable.', 'ApplyToAllWebsites' => 'Apply to all websites', 'ChangeAllConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give \'%s\' access to all the websites?', 'ClickHereToDeleteTheCookie' => 'Click here to delete the cookie and have Matomo track your visits', 'ClickHereToSetTheCookieOnDomain' => 'Click here to set a cookie that will exclude your visits on websites tracked by Matomo on %s', 'ConfirmGrantSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to grant \'%s\' Super User access? Warning: the user will have access to all websites and will be able to perform administrative tasks.', 'ConfirmProhibitMySuperUserAccess' => '%s, do you really want to remove your own Super User access? You will lose all permissions and access to all websites and will be logged out from Matomo.', 'ConfirmProhibitOtherUsersSuperUserAccess' => 'Do you really want to remove Super User access from \'%s\'? The user will lose all permissions and access to all websites. Make sure to give access to needed websites afterwards if necessary.', 'DeleteConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the user %s?', 'DeleteSuccess' => 'The selected users have been removed.', 'DeleteNotSuccessful' => 'An error occurred while removing the selected users. Some users might not have been removed.', 'Email' => 'Email', 'EmailYourAdministrator' => '%1$sE-mail your administrator about this problem%2$s.', 'EnterUsernameOrEmail' => 'Enter a username or email address', 'ExceptionAccessValues' => 'The parameter access must have one of the following values: [ %1$s ], \'%2$s\' given.', 'ExceptionNoRoleSet' => 'No role is set but one of these needs to be set: %s', 'ExceptionMultipleRoleSet' => 'Only one role can be set but multiple have been set. Use only one of: %s', 'ExceptionAnonymousNoCapabilities' => 'You cannot grant any capability to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionAnonymousAccessNotPossible' => 'You can only set access %1$s or %2$s access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionDeleteDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist therefore it can\'t be deleted.', 'ExceptionDeleteOnlyUserWithSuperUserAccess' => 'Deleting user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionEditAnonymous' => 'The anonymous user cannot be edited or deleted. It is used by Matomo to define a user that has not logged in yet. For example, you can make your statistics public by granting the \'view\' access to the \'anonymous\' user.', 'ExceptionEmailExists' => 'User with email \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionEmailExistsAsLogin' => 'Email \'%s\' already used as a username.', 'ExceptionLoginExistsAsEmail' => 'Username \'%s\' already used as an email.', 'ExceptionInvalidEmail' => 'The email doesn\'t have a valid format.', 'ExceptionInvalidLoginFormat' => 'The username must be between %1$s and %2$s characters long and contain only letters, numbers, or the characters \'_\' or \'-\' or \'.\' or \'@\' or \'+\'', 'ExceptionInvalidPassword' => 'The password length must be greater than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionInvalidPasswordTooLong' => 'The password length must be less than %1$s characters.', 'ExceptionLoginExists' => 'Username \'%s\' already exists.', 'ExceptionPasswordMD5HashExpected' => 'UsersManager.getTokenAuth is expecting a MD5-hashed password (32 chars long string). Please call the md5() function on the password before calling this method.', 'ExceptionRemoveSuperUserAccessOnlySuperUser' => 'Removing the Super User access from user \'%s\' is not possible.', 'ExceptionSuperUserAccess' => 'This user has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserHasSuperUserAccess' => 'The user \'%s\' has Super User access and has already permission to access and modify all websites in Matomo. You may remove the Super User access from this user and try again.', 'ExceptionUserDoesNotExist' => 'User \'%s\' doesn\'t exist.', 'ExceptionYouMustGrantSuperUserAccessFirst' => 'There has to be at least one user with Super User access. Please grant Super User access to another user first.', 'ExceptionUserHasViewAccessAlready' => 'This user has access to this website already.', 'ExceptionNoValueForUsernameOrEmail' => 'Please enter a username or email address.', 'ExceptionNoCapabilitiesWithoutRole' => 'Unable to grant any capabilities to user %1$s for idSite %2$s. The user needs at least view access.', 'ExcludeVisitsViaCookie' => 'Exclude your visits using a cookie', 'ForAnonymousUsersReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'For anonymous users, report date to load by default', 'GiveUserAccess' => 'Give \'%1$s\' %2$s access for %3$s.', 'GiveViewAccess' => 'Give view access for %1$s', 'GiveViewAccessTitle' => 'Give an existing user access to view reports for %s', 'GiveViewAccessInstructions' => 'To give an existing user view access for %s enter the username or email address of an existing user', 'IfYouWouldLikeToChangeThePasswordTypeANewOne' => 'If you would like to change the password type a new one. Otherwise, leave this blank.', 'YourCurrentPassword' => 'Your current password', 'CurrentPasswordNotCorrect' => 'The current password you entered is not correct.', 'ConfirmWithPassword' => 'Please enter your password to confirm this change.', 'InjectedHostCannotChangePwd' => 'You are currently visiting with an unknown host (%1$s). You cannot change your password until this problem is fixed.', 'LastSeen' => 'Last seen', 'MainDescription' => 'Decide which users have access to your websites. You can also give access to all the websites at once by choosing "Apply to all websites" in the website selector.', 'ManageAccess' => 'Manage access', 'MenuAnonymousUserSettings' => 'Anonymous user settings', 'MenuUsers' => 'Users', 'MenuUserSettings' => 'User settings', 'MenuPersonal' => 'Personal', 'PersonalSettings' => 'Personal settings', 'NoteNoAnonymousUserAccessSettingsWontBeUsed2' => 'Note: You cannot change the settings in this section, because you do not have any website that can be accessed by the anonymous user.', 'NoUsersExist' => 'There are no users yet.', 'PluginDescription' => 'Users Management lets you add new users, edit existing users and give them access to view or administrate websites.', 'PrivAdmin' => 'Admin', 'PrivAdminDescription' => 'Users with this role can manage a website and give other users access to the website. They can also do everything the %s role can do.', 'PrivWrite' => 'Write', 'PrivWriteDescription' => 'Users with this role can view all content plus create, manage and delete entities such as Goals, Funnels, Heatmaps, Session Recordings and Forms for this website.', 'PrivNone' => 'No access', 'PrivView' => 'View', 'PrivViewDescription' => 'A user with this role can view all reports.', 'RemoveUserAccess' => 'Remove access for \'%1$s\' for %2$s.', 'ReportDateToLoadByDefault' => 'Report date to load by default', 'ReportToLoadByDefault' => 'Report to load by default', 'SuperUserAccessManagement' => 'Manage Super User access', 'SuperUserAccessManagementGrantMore' => 'You can grant Super User access to other users of Matomo here. Please use this feature carefully.', 'SuperUserAccessManagementMainDescription' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace.', 'TheLoginScreen' => 'The login screen', 'ThereAreCurrentlyNRegisteredUsers' => 'There are currently %s registered users.', 'TokenAuth' => 'API Authentication Token', 'TokenRegenerateConfirmSelf' => 'Changing the API authentication token will invalidate your own token. If the current token is in use, you need to update all API clients with the newly generated token. Do you really want to change your authentication token?', 'TokenRegenerateTitle' => 'Regenerate', 'TokensSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'All tokens were successfully deleted', 'TokenSuccessfullyDeleted' => 'Token was successfully deleted', 'DeleteAllTokens' => 'Delete all tokens', 'ExpiredTokensDeleteAutomatically' => 'Tokens with an expire date will be deleted automatically.', 'TokensWithExpireDateCreationBySystem' => 'Tokens with expire date can currently only be created by the system', 'TokenAuthIntro' => 'Tokens you have generated can be used to access the Matomo reporting API, Matomo tracking API, and exported Matomo widgets and have the same permissions as your regular user login. You can use these tokens also for the Matomo Mobile app.', 'TypeYourPasswordAgain' => 'Type your new password again.', 'TypeYourCurrentPassword' => 'Please type your current password to confirm the password change.', 'User' => 'User', 'UserHasPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s access for %3$s.', 'UserHasNoPermission' => '%1$s currently has %2$s to %3$s', 'UsersManagement' => 'Users Management', 'UsersManagementMainDescription' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions above.', 'WhenUsersAreNotLoggedInAndVisitPiwikTheyShouldAccess' => 'When users are not logged in and visit Matomo, they should initially see', 'YourUsernameCannotBeChanged' => 'Your username cannot be changed.', 'YourVisitsAreIgnoredOnDomain' => '%1$sYour visits are ignored by Matomo on %2$s %3$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was found in your browser).', 'YourVisitsAreNotIgnored' => '%1$sYour visits are not ignored by Matomo%2$s (the Matomo ignore cookie was not found in your browser).', 'AddUserNoInitialAccessError' => 'New users must be given access to a website, please set the \'initialIdSite\' parameter.', 'AtLeastView' => 'At least view', 'ManageUsers' => 'Manage Users', 'ManageUsersDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too.', 'ManageUsersAdminDesc' => 'Create new users or update the existing users. You can then set their permissions here too. Please note that you are logged in as an administrator. This means you only see and manage users that have access to the specific websites where you have "admin" permissions. Only a user with super user access can see and manage all users across all websites.', 'NoAccessWarning' => 'This user has not been granted access to a website. When they login, they will see an error message. To prevent this, add access to a website below.', 'BulkActions' => 'Bulk Actions', 'SetPermission' => 'Set Permission', 'RemovePermissions' => 'Remove Permissions', 'RolesHelp' => 'Roles determine what a user can do in Matomo with regard to a specific website. Learn more about the %1$sView%2$s and %3$sAdmin%4$s roles.', 'Role' => 'Role', 'TheDisplayedWebsitesAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectAll' => 'Click to select all %1$s.', 'AllWebsitesAreSelected' => 'All %1$s websites are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedWebsites' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed websites.', 'DeletePermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access to %2$s?', 'DeletePermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s\'s access the %2$s selected websites?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s to %3$s?', 'ChangePermToSiteConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to the %2$s selected websites to %3$s?', 'BasicInformation' => 'Basic Information', 'Permissions' => 'Permissions', 'SuperUserAccess' => 'Superuser Access', 'FirstSiteInlineHelp' => 'It is required to give a new user a view role for a website upon creation. If no access is given, the user will see an error when logging in. You can give more permissions after the user is created in the \'Permissions\' tab that will appear on the left.', 'SuperUsersPermissionsNotice' => 'Super users have admin access to all websites, so there\'s no need to manage their permissions per website.', 'SuperUserIntro1' => 'Super users have the highest permissions. They can perform all administrative tasks such as adding new websites to monitor, adding users, changing user permissions, activating and deactivating plugins and even installing new plugins from the Marketplace. You can grant Super User access to other users of Divezone here.', 'SuperUserIntro2' => 'Please use this feature carefully.', 'HasSuperUserAccess' => 'Has Superuser Access', 'AreYouSure' => 'Are you sure?', 'RemoveSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Removing superuser access will leave the user with no permissions (you will have to add them afterwards). Enter your password to continue.', 'AddSuperuserAccessConfirm' => 'Giving a user superuser access will allow the user to have full control over Matomo and should be done sparingly. Enter your password to continue.', 'DeleteUsers' => 'Delete Users', 'UserSearch' => 'User search', 'FilterByAccess' => 'Filter by access', 'FilterByWebsite' => 'Filter by website', 'Username' => 'Username', 'RoleFor' => 'Role for', 'TheDisplayedUsersAreSelected' => 'The %1$s displayed users are selected.', 'AllUsersAreSelected' => 'All %1$s users are selected.', 'ClickToSelectDisplayedUsers' => 'Click to select the %1$s displayed users.', 'RemoveAllAccessToThisSite' => 'Remove all access to this website', 'DeleteUserConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to delete %1$s?', 'DeleteUserConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the %1$s selected users?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmSingle' => 'Are you sure you want to change %1$s\'s role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'DeleteUserPermConfirmMultiple' => 'Are you sure you want to change the %1$s selected users\' role to %2$s for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureChangeDetails' => 'Are you sure you want to change the user information for %s?', 'AnonymousUserRoleChangeWarning' => 'Giving the %1$s user the %2$s role will make this website\'s data public and available to everyone, even if they do not have a Matomo login.', 'GiveAccessToAll' => 'Give this user access to All Websites', 'OrManageIndividually' => 'Or manage this user\'s access to each website individually', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to give the %1$s user %2$s access to every website you currently have admin access to?', 'ChangePermToAllSitesConfirm2' => 'Note: this will only affect the currently existing websites. New websites you may create will not be automatically accessible to this user.', 'CapabilitiesHelp' => 'Capabilities are individual abilities that users can be granted. Roles may, by default, grant certain capabilities. For example, the Admin role will automatically allow users to edit tags in the Tag Manager. For less powerful users, however, you can explicitly give users capabilities.', 'Capabilities' => 'Capabilities', 'AreYouSureAddCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to give %1$s the %2$s capability for %3$s?', 'AreYouSureRemoveCapability' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the %1$s capability from %2$s for %3$s?', 'IncludedInUsersRole' => 'Included in this user\'s role.', 'Capability' => 'Capability', 'EmailChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s email address has just been changed', 'EmailChangedEmail1' => 'The email address associated with your account has been changed to %1$s', 'EmailChangedEmail2' => 'This change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'IfThisWasYouIgnoreIfNot' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please login, correct your email address, change your password and contact your Matomo administrator.', 'IfThisWasYouPasswordChange' => 'If this was you, feel free to ignore this email. If this was not you, please contact your Matomo administrator immediately, as your account might have been compromised!', 'PasswordChangeNotificationSubject' => 'Your Matomo account\'s password has just been changed', 'PasswordChangedEmail' => 'Your password has just been changed. The change was initiated from the following device: %1$s (IP address = %2$s).', 'PasswordChangeTerminatesOtherSessions' => 'When you change your password, any other active session of this account will be logged out.', 'NewsletterSignupTitle' => 'Newsletter Signup', 'NewsletterSignupMessage' => 'Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular information about Matomo. You can unsubscribe from it any time. This service uses MadMimi. Learn more about it on %1$sMatomo\'s Privacy Policy page%2$s.', 'NewsletterSignupFailureMessage' => 'Whoops, something went wrong. We weren\'t able to sign you up for the newsletter.', 'NewsletterSignupSuccessMessage' => 'Super, you\'re all signed up! We\'ll be in touch soon.', 'FirstWebsitePermission' => 'First website permission', 'InviteSuccessNotification' => 'The invited user will receive an email to accept the invite. This invite is valid for %1$s days. You can also resend and delete the invite on the user management page.', 'InviteConfirmMessage' => 'You can resend the invitation by copying the invite link and sharing directly with %1$s, or resend an invite email to %2$s.', 'Status' => 'Status', 'Pending' => 'Pending', 'Active' => 'Active', 'Expired' => 'Invite expired', 'Decline' => 'Invite declined', 'AddNewUser' => 'Add new user', 'InviteSuccess' => 'Invitation sent.', 'InviteDayLeft' => 'Expires in %s days', 'FilterByStatus' => 'Filter by status', 'ExceptionResendInviteDenied' => 'Resending an invite is only allowed to the user who invited %s or any super user.', 'ExpiredInviteAutomaticallyRemoved' => 'Expired invites will be automatically deleted after %1$s days.', 'ResendInvite' => 'Resend invite', 'InvitationSent' => 'Invitation has been sent.', 'SendInvite' => 'Send invite', 'CopyLink' => 'Copy invite link', 'LinkCopied' => 'Link copied to the clipboard', 'BackToUser' => 'Back to Users', 'InviteActionNotes' => 'Please notes that resending an invite or copy invite link will extend the time limit for previous invites by %1$s days.', 'CopyDenied' => 'The request is not allowed due to your browser\'s settings.', 'CopyDeniedHints' => 'Please try again by either switching browsers or copying and sharing this link directly instead: %1$s', ), 'VisitFrequency' => array ( 'ColumnActionsByNewVisits' => 'Actions by New Visits', 'ColumnActionsByReturningVisits' => 'Actions by Returning Visits', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForNewVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a New Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAverageVisitDurationForReturningVisitors' => 'Avg. Duration of a Returning Visit (in sec)', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerNewVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per New Visit', 'ColumnAvgActionsPerReturningVisit' => 'Avg. Actions per Returning Visit', 'ColumnBounceCountForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Count for Returning Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForNewVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for New Visits', 'ColumnBounceRateForReturningVisits' => 'Bounce Rate for Returning Visits', 'ColumnMaxActionsInReturningVisit' => 'Maximum actions in one returning visit', 'ColumnNbReturningVisitsConverted' => 'Number of converted returning visits', 'ColumnNewVisits' => 'New Visits', 'ColumnReturningVisits' => 'Returning Visits', 'ColumnSumVisitLengthReturning' => 'Total time spent by returning visitors (in seconds)', 'ColumnUniqueNewVisitors' => 'Unique new visitors', 'ColumnUniqueReturningVisitors' => 'Unique returning visitors', 'ColumnNewUsers' => 'New Users', 'ColumnReturningUsers' => 'Returning Users', 'NewActions' => 'actions by the new visits', 'NewAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for new visitors', 'NewAvgActions' => 'actions per new visit', 'NewBounceRate' => 'new visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'NewVisits' => 'new visits', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports metrics about your first time new visitors and returning visitors.', 'ReturnActions' => 'actions by the returning visits', 'ReturnAverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration for returning visitors', 'ReturnAvgActions' => 'actions per returning visit', 'ReturnBounceRate' => 'returning visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'ReturningVisitDocumentation' => 'A returning visit is (as opposed to a new visit) made by someone who has visited the website at least once before.', 'ReturningVisitsDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the returning visits.', 'ReturnVisits' => 'returning visits', 'SubmenuFrequency' => 'Frequency', 'WidgetGraphReturning' => 'Returning Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverview' => 'Frequency Overview', 'VisitFrequencyReportDocumentation' => 'This report shows general metrics like visits for returning visitors side by side with the same metrics for new visitors. Learn how returning visitors perform overall compared to new visitors.', ), 'VisitTime' => array ( 'ColumnLocalTime' => 'Local time', 'ColumnLocalHour' => 'Local time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnLocalMinute' => 'Local time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnServerTime' => 'Server time', 'ColumnServerHour' => 'Server time — hour', 'ColumnSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour', 'ColumnVisitEndServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerHour' => 'Server time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartSiteHour' => 'Site time — hour (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitStartUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute (start of visit)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDate' => 'Server time — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDate' => 'Time in UTC — date (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfMonth' => 'Server time — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfMonth' => 'Time in UTC — day of month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfWeek' => 'Server time — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfWeek' => 'Time in UTC — day of week (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerDayOfYear' => 'Server time — day of year (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCDayOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — day of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerQuarter' => 'Server time — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCQuarter' => 'Time in UTC — quarter (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerSecond' => 'Server time — second (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCSecond' => 'Time in UTC — second (Time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerWeekOfYear' => 'Server time — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCWeekOfYear' => 'Time in UTC — week of year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerMonth' => 'Server time — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCMonth' => 'Time in UTC — month (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndServerYear' => 'Server time — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnVisitEndUTCYear' => 'Time in UTC — year (time of last action)', 'ColumnServerMinute' => 'Server time — minute', 'ColumnUTCMinute' => 'Time in UTC — minute', 'DayOfWeek' => 'Day of the week', 'LocalTime' => 'Visits per local time', 'NHour' => '%sh', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports the local time and the server time of when your visitors view your website or app.', 'ServerTime' => 'Visits per server time', 'SiteTime' => 'Visits per hour in the site\'s timezone', 'SubmenuTimes' => 'Times', 'VisitsByDayOfWeek' => 'Visits by day of the week', 'WidgetByDayOfWeekDocumentation' => 'This graph shows the number of visits your website received on each day of the week.', 'WidgetLocalTime' => 'Visits by local time', 'WidgetLocalTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s visitors\' time zones %2$s during their visits.', 'WidgetServerTime' => 'Visits by server time', 'WidgetServerTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s server\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'WidgetSiteTimeDocumentation' => 'This graph shows what time it was in the %1$s site\'s time zone %2$s during the visits.', 'TimesSubcategoryHelp' => 'The "Times" section shows when people visit your site. Popular local times helps you cater your site to their lives. The most popular server times reveals technical demand.', ), 'VisitorInterest' => array ( 'BetweenXYMinutes' => '%1$s–%2$s min', 'BetweenXYSeconds' => '%1$s–%2$ss', 'ColumnPagesPerVisit' => 'Pages per visit', 'ColumnVisitDuration' => 'Visit duration', 'Engagement' => 'Engagement', 'NPages' => '%s pages', 'OnePage' => '1 page', 'PluginDescription' => 'Visitor interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the website, days since last visit, and more.', 'VisitNum' => 'Visit number', 'VisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'visitsByVisitCount' => 'Visits by visit number', 'VisitsPerDuration' => 'Visits per visit duration', 'VisitsPerNbOfPages' => 'Visits per number of pages', 'WidgetLengths' => 'Length of visits', 'WidgetLengthsDocumentation' => 'How many visits had a certain total duration. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common durations have a larger font.', 'WidgetPages' => 'Pages per visit', 'WidgetPagesDocumentation' => 'How many visits involved a certain number of pageviews. Initially, the report is shown as a tag cloud, wherein more common numbers of pages have a larger font.', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Visits by days since last visit', 'WidgetVisitsByDaysSinceLastDocumentation' => 'How many visits were from returning visitors whose last visit was a certain number of days ago.', 'WidgetVisitsByNumDocumentation' => 'The number of visitors reaching their Nth visit. I.e. the total amount of visitors visiting your website a given amount of times or more.', ), 'VisitsSummary' => array ( 'AverageGenerationTime' => 'average generation time', 'AverageVisitDuration' => 'average visit duration', 'GenerateQueries' => '%s queries executed', 'GenerateTime' => '%s seconds to generate the page', 'MaxNbActions' => 'max actions in one visit', 'NbActionsDescription' => '%s actions', 'NbActionsPerVisit' => 'actions (page views, downloads, outlinks and internal site searches) per visit', 'NbDownloadsDescription' => 'downloads', 'NbKeywordsDescription' => 'unique keywords', 'NbOutlinksDescription' => 'outlinks', 'NbPageviewsDescription' => 'pageviews', 'NbSearchesDescription' => 'total searches on your website', 'NbUniqueDownloadsDescription' => 'unique downloads', 'NbUniqueOutlinksDescription' => 'unique outlinks', 'NbUniquePageviewsDescription' => 'unique pageviews', 'NbUniqueVisitors' => 'unique visitors', 'NbUsersDescription' => 'users', 'NbVisitsDescription' => 'visits', 'NbVisitsBounced' => 'visits have bounced (left the website after one page)', 'PluginDescription' => 'Reports general analytics metrics: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, bounce rate, etc.', 'VisitsSummary' => 'Visits Summary', 'VisitsSummaryDocumentation' => 'This is an overview of the visit evolution.', 'VisitsSummaryReportDocumentation' => 'This report provides a very general overview of how your visitors behave.', 'WidgetLastVisits' => 'Visits Over Time', 'WidgetOverviewGraph' => 'Visits Overview (with graph)', 'WidgetVisits' => 'Visits Overview', ), 'WebsiteMeasurable' => array ( 'Website' => 'Website', 'Websites' => 'Websites', 'WebsiteDescription' => 'A website consists of webpages, typically served from a single domain on the web.', ), 'Widgetize' => array ( 'OpenInNewWindow' => 'Open in a new window', 'PluginDescription' => 'Display any Matomo report in your website or app with a simple "embed" HTML tag.', 'ViewAccessRequired' => 'This user has at least some write access. Only tokens of users who have only view access can be used. Check %1$s for more info.', 'TopLinkTooltip' => 'Export Matomo reports as widgets and embed the dashboard in your app as an iframe.', 'TooHighAccessLevel' => 'This user has super-user access. Embedding widgets with super-user token authentication is not allowed. %1$sCheck the FAQ for more info.%2$s', 'SelectAReport' => 'Select a report, and copy paste in your page the embed code below the widget:', 'Reports' => 'Widgetize reports', 'Intro' => 'With Matomo, you can %1$sexport your Web Analytics reports%2$s on your blog, website, or intranet dashboard… in one click.', 'DisplayDashboardInIframe' => 'You can also display the full Matomo dashboard in your application or website in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s). The date parameter can be set to a specific calendar date, "today", or "yesterday". The period parameter can be set to "day", "week", "month", or "year". The language parameter can be set to the language code of a translation, such as language=fr. For example, for idSite=1 and date=yesterday, you can write:', 'DisplayDashboardInIframeAllSites' => 'You can also widgetize the all websites dashboard in an IFRAME (%1$ssee example%2$s)', 'ViewableAnonymously' => 'If you want your widgets to be viewable by everybody, you first have to set the \'view\' permissions to the anonymous user in the %1$sUsers Management section%2$s. <br />Alternatively, if you are publishing widgets on a password protected or private page, you don\'t necessarily have to allow \'anonymous\' to view your reports. In this case, you can add the secret <code>token_auth</code> parameter in the widget URL. You can manage your auth tokens on your %3$sSecurity page%4$s.', 'EmbedIframe' => '› Embed Iframe', 'DirectLink' => '› Direct Link', ), ), 'matomocache_ReportFactoryMap_2-e05f7c062d2212bb9d3cf3c7da2bb222-en' => array ( 'Live.GetLastVisits' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisits', 'MultiSites.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetAll', 'MultiSites.GetOne' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\MultiSites\\Reports\\GetOne', 'Live.GetSimpleLastVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetSimpleLastVisitCount', 'VisitsSummary.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitsSummary\\Reports\\Get', 'Live.GetLastVisitsDetails' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Live\\Reports\\GetLastVisitsDetails', 'UserCountry.GetCountry' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCountry', 'UserCountry.GetContinent' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetContinent', 'UserCountry.GetRegion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetRegion', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguage', 'UserCountry.GetCity' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserCountry\\Reports\\GetCity', 'UserLanguage.GetLanguageCode' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserLanguage\\Reports\\GetLanguageCode', 'Resolution.GetResolution' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetResolution', 'Resolution.GetConfiguration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Resolution\\Reports\\GetConfiguration', 'DevicePlugins.GetPlugin' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\DevicePlugins\\Reports\\GetPlugin', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.GetVisitInformationPerServerTime' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetVisitInformationPerServerTime', 'VisitTime.GetByDayOfWeek' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitTime\\Reports\\GetByDayOfWeek', 'UserId.GetUsers' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\UserId\\Reports\\GetUsers', 'Actions.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\Get', 'Actions.GetPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.GetEntryPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetEntryPageTitles', 'Actions.GetExitPageUrls' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageUrls', 'Actions.GetExitPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetExitPageTitles', 'Actions.GetPageTitles' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitles', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords', 'Actions.GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch', 'Actions.GetSiteSearchCategories' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetSiteSearchCategories', 'Actions.GetOutlinks' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetOutlinks', 'Actions.GetDownloads' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Actions\\Reports\\GetDownloads', 'Events.GetCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategory', 'Events.GetAction' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetAction', 'Events.GetActionFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromCategoryId', 'Events.GetActionFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetActionFromNameId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromActionId', 'Events.GetCategoryFromNameId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetCategoryFromNameId', 'Events.GetNameFromActionId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromActionId', 'Events.GetName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetName', 'Contents.GetContentNames' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentNames', 'Contents.GetContentPieces' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Contents\\Reports\\GetContentPieces', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsPerPage', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount', 'VisitorInterest.GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitorInterest\\Reports\\GetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast', 'VisitFrequency.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\VisitFrequency\\Reports\\Get', 'PagePerformance.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\PagePerformance\\Reports\\Get', 'Events.GetNameFromCategoryId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Events\\Reports\\GetNameFromCategoryId', 'Referrers.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\Get', 'Referrers.GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEnginesFromKeywordId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsFromWebsiteId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsFromWebsiteId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromSearchEngineId', 'Referrers.GetKeywordsFromCampaignId' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywordsFromCampaignId', 'Referrers.GetUrlsForSocial' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetUrlsForSocial', 'Referrers.GetReferrerType' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetReferrerType', 'Referrers.GetAll' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetAll', 'Referrers.GetKeywords' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetKeywords', 'Referrers.GetSearchEngines' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSearchEngines', 'Referrers.GetWebsites' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetWebsites', 'Referrers.GetSocials' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetSocials', 'Referrers.GetCampaigns' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Referrers\\Reports\\GetCampaigns', 'Goals.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\Get', 'Goals.GetVisitsUntilConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetVisitsUntilConversion', 'Goals.GetDaysToConversion' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetDaysToConversion', 'Goals.GetItemsName' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsName', 'Goals.GetItemsSku' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsSku', 'Goals.GetItemsCategory' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Ecommerce\\Reports\\GetItemsCategory', 'Goals.GetMetrics' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\Goals\\Reports\\GetMetrics', 'API.Get' => 'Piwik\\Plugins\\API\\Reports\\Get', ), ), )), 1 => Matomo\Cache\Backend\File::__set_state(array( 'supportsParseError' => true, 'directory' => '/var/www/piwik/tmp/cache/tracker', 'extension' => '.php', 'umask' => 2, 'directoryStringLength' => 32, 'extensionStringLength' => 4, 'isRunningOnWindows' => false, 'namespace' => '', 'namespaceVersion' => NULL, )), ), )), )), )), )), )), 'segment' => '', 'segmentPretty' => 'All visits', 'totals' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 23, 'nb_visits' => 25, 'nb_actions' => 44, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 9.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 1158, 'bounce_count' => 20, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => '0%', 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.8, 'avg_time_on_site' => 46.0, 'bounce_rate' => '80%', ), 'totalsUnformatted' => array ( 'nb_uniq_visitors' => 23, 'nb_visits' => 25, 'nb_actions' => 44, 'nb_users' => 0, 'max_actions' => 9.0, 'sum_visit_length' => 1158, 'bounce_count' => 20, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => 0.0, 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 1.8, 'avg_time_on_site' => 46.0, 'bounce_rate' => 0.8, ), 'extra_processed_metrics' => array ( 0 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ConversionRate::__set_state(array( )), 1 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\ActionsPerVisit::__set_state(array( )), 2 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\AverageTimeOnSite::__set_state(array( )), 3 => Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Columns\Metrics\BounceRate::__set_state(array( )), ), 'total_rows_before_limit' => 8, 'processed_metrics_computed' => true, 'processed_metrics_formatted' => true, ), 'maximumAllowedRows' => 0, )), ), 'keyName' => 'date', )), 'metadata' => array ( 'metrics' => array ( 'nb_visits_0' => array ( 'name' => 'United States (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/us.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 12.0, 'change' => '-33%', ), 'nb_visits_1' => array ( 'name' => 'Austria (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/at.png', 'min' => 2.0, 'max' => 10.0, 'change' => '+200%', ), 'nb_visits_2' => array ( 'name' => 'China (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/cn.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 3.0, 'change' => '+50%', ), 'nb_visits_3' => array ( 'name' => 'Russia (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/ru.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 1.0, 'change' => '+0%', ), 'nb_visits_4' => array ( 'name' => 'Spain (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/es.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 2.0, 'change' => '-100%', ), 'nb_visits_5' => array ( 'name' => 'Sweden (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/se.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 1.0, 'change' => '-100%', ), 'nb_visits_6' => array ( 'name' => 'Germany (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/de.png', 'min' => 1.0, 'max' => 6.0, ), 'nb_visits_7' => array ( 'name' => 'France (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/fr.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 2.0, ), 'nb_visits_8' => array ( 'name' => 'Finland (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/fi.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 1.0, ), 'nb_visits_9' => array ( 'name' => 'Belgium (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/be.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 1.0, ), 'nb_visits_10' => array ( 'name' => 'Estonia (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/ee.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 1.0, ), 'nb_visits_11' => array ( 'name' => 'Hong Kong SAR China (Visits)', 'logo' => 'plugins/Morpheus/icons/dist/flags/hk.png', 'min' => 0.0, 'max' => 3.0, ), 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